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The diagram shows the steps involved in recycling plastic bottles.

Try to make it simple:

The diagram/image shows how plastic bottles are recycled.
The diagram/image shows the process of recycling plastic bottles.
The diagram/image shows the recycling process of plastic bottles.

Overall, the entire process comprises a total of 9 steps, with 2 main stages being the
reclamation of (meaning: the treatment of waste materials to get useful materials from
them) plastic, and the processing of it (its processing) to produce raw material and
eventually new plastic products.
Mistake: parallel structure and word choice.

Overall, the process comprises a total of 9 steps, with 2 main stages being the
recovery of plastic (meaning: collection, sorting and aggregation of materials) and the
processing to produce raw material and eventually new plastic products.
In the first stage, used plastic bottles are disposed of (even though the meaning is
correct, I don’t like this world) into special (specially) designed bins. Next, these
bottles are loaded on (onto) a garbage truck and delivered them to a recycling centre,
where they are sorted manually. The ones that are suitable for recycling are
compressed into blocks, which, subsequently, are crushed by crushing wheels. Once
the plastic bottles have been crushed, they are washed and can be directed to the
special machine that produces plastic pellets. (Try to read this sentence aloud).

In the first stage, used plastic bottles are thrown away into specially designed bins.
Next, these bottles are loaded onto a garbage truck and delivered to a recycling centre,
where they are sorted manually. The ones that are suitable for recycling are
compressed into cube-shaped blocks, which, subsequently, are crushed by wheels into
smaller pieces. These pieces are then washed and directed to a special machine that
produces plastic pellets.

In the second stage, after plastic pellets have been produced (repetition of ideas), they
are heated to form a raw material. Finally, the raw material is then can be used to
produce multiple products such as plastic bottles, plastic containers, plastic bags, and
even pencils and T-shirts. When these products have been worn out, they will be
discarded into bins designed plastic (no need to repeat the idea that mentioned above),
and the process will start again.

In the second main stage, plastic pellets are heated to form a raw material, that can be
further used to produce multiple products such as plastic bottles, containers, bags, and
even stationery and T-shirts. When these products have reached the end of their useful
time (or simply utilized), the lifecycle of the process repeats again.

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