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Chapter I



On-the-job training (OJT) is an effective way of

gaining practical experience and developing new

competencies and skills necessary for a job in an actual,

or work setting. On-the-job training enables individuals to

learn how to use specific tools or equipment through

practical, simulated, or training environments. It provides

a hands-on learning experience that allows individuals to

acquire knowledge, skills, and abilities required for

performing their job duties effectively1.

On-the-job training program can offer several benefits

to students. This program provides practical experience,

allowing students to apply the knowledge they have gained

in the classroom to real-world situations. This practical

experience can deepen their understanding of their field of

study and develop the necessary skills for their future

careers. Additionally, on-the-job training programs allow

Binod, A. (2023). On-the-Job Training: Importance, Types, and Methods. Retrieved Novemver 27, 2022

students to network with professionals in their field,

making valuable industry connections that can be useful for

future job opportunities. It also enhances students'

resumes, making them more competitive in the job market

upon graduation2. Overall, on-the-job training programs

provide students with valuable practical experience,

industry connections, enhanced employability, and career

exploration opportunities.

However, students may face challenges during their on-

the-job training, which can hinder their learning

experience and growth. These challenges include inadequate

knowledge about their assigned tasks, a lack of suitable

internship opportunities, and limited experience.

Furthermore, there may be a mismatch between the skills

they possess and the requirements of available jobs.

Additionally, students may lack confidence, supervision,

and sufficient feedback, making it difficult for them to

improve and excel. All of these challenges can make it

challenging for students to fully benefit from their on-

the-job training experience.

Vinay, B. (2022) The Importance of Internship: Top 5 Reasons Why Internships are critical. Retrieved
November 27, 2022

Having a strong academic foundation is important for their

success in many fields, but it is not the only factor that
determines success in the workplace. Interpersonal,
teamwork, critical thinking, and communication skills are
also crucial for success in any career. These skills can be
developed through a variety of experiences, including the
on-the-job training. Many employers value these skills
because they enable individuals to effectively collaborate,
solve problems, and communicate effectively with colleagues
or clients3. Therefore, graduates must develop these skills
in order to stand out and navigate the inevitable
challenges of shifting from school to work, as well as in
their chosen careers.
The Bachelor of Business Administration degree program

offered by Our Lady of the Pillar College-Cauayan includes

On-the-job training. In the academic year 2016-2022, 509

students completed the program and were deployed to various

On-the-Job training stations around Cauayan City, Isabela

to complete their practicum. Each student completed a total

of 600 hours of on-the-job training in their respective


This study aims to assess the impact of the On-the-Job

Training Program to the employed graduates of the Bachelor

of Science in Business Administration program at Our Lady

of the Pillar College-Cauayan. The findings of this study

can be used to contribute to the development of the

program, with the goal of providing students with a more

Mainga, W., Daniel, R. M., & Alamil, L. (2022). Perceptions of employability skills of undergraduate
business students in a developing country: An exploratory study. Higher Learning Research Communications, 12(1), 28–
63. Retrieved November 27, 2022

effective and efficient learning experience during their

on-the-job training and preparing them better for

employment after graduation.


This study is to shed light on the influence of on-

the-job training to the employed graduates, for the

academic year 2016–2022, respectively of the Our Lady of

the Pillar College–Cauayan under the Institute of Business

Administration. The on-the-job program adheres to the

guidelines set forth in CHED Memorandum Order No. 23,

Series of 2009. Any student must complete practicum or on-


the-job training, before they can graduate. On-the-job

training (OJT) application is an instruction for the

student to turn out to be accountable and be centered to

the improvement in their respective career. This is one of

the maximum interesting elements of a student’s lifestyles

due to the fact she or he undergoes education and real

publicity in instruction for real operation of a proper

workplace works upon employment. With the preference to

turn out to be greater powerful and efficient of their

future work and assignment of their respective fields of

specialization, this system affords a getting to know floor

that gives the student an avenue for a tribulation and

blunders instances in private look for outstanding and

wealthy experiences. It is typically challenging and

demanding because of all the adjustments that must be made,

but on the plus side, it helps students develop their

communication skills and expertise4.

The degree program described herein shall be called

Bachelor of Science in Business Administration (BSBA). The

degree of Bachelor of Science in Commerce (BSC) shall

STATE COLLEGE, TABUK CITY, PHILIPPINES Retrieved December 10, 2022 from

henceforth be discontinued, and Higher Education

Institutions (HEIS) that currently offer the Bachelor of

Science in Commerce (BSC) are enjoined to rename their

programs following this new nomenclature. Five distinct

majors, or specializations, may be offered under the BSBA

program: Human Resource Management, Marketing Management,

Financial Management, Operations Management and Business

Economics. Higher Education Institutions (HEIS) may offer

other majors, subject to the approval of the Commission,

provided that the minimum curricular requirements for core

business and management education courses, business

administration core courses and major and elective courses

are met.

a. Bachelor of Science in Business Administration Major

in Human Resource Management (HRM)

 The Human Resource Management Program prepares the

graduate for a career in the Human Resources

Department of any organization, handling the many

diverse human capital requirements of the

organization, including recruitment, staffing,

training and career development.


b. Bachelor of Science in Business Administration Major

in Marketing Management (MM)

 The Marketing Management program prepares the graduate

for careers in marketing, market research, advertising

and public relations. The curriculum provides the

graduate with both technical skills and competencies

required in the field, but also the flexible mindset

that is necessary to stay competitive in a constantly

changing business environment.

c. Bachelor of Science in Business Administration Major

in Financial Management (FM)

 The Financial Management program prepares the

graduates for various careers in financial management

as well as in related fields, including but not

limited to, corporate finance, investment management,

banking, credit, trust operations, insurance, foreign

currency markets, money markets, capital markets, and

other financial securities markets. The curriculum

provides the graduate with knowledge on financial

institutions and technical skills based on established


financial theories, methodologies, and various

analytical tools. It also promotes an outlook that is

based primarily on ethics, market integrity,

regulations, good governance and competitive global

perspective, necessary for effective financial

decision making.

d. Bachelor of Science in Business Administration Major

in Operations Management (OM)

 The Operations Management program prepares students to

manage the operations of manufacturing, agri-business,

as well as service enterprises, focusing on the need

to effectively and efficiently produce and deliver

products and services on time and within budget. The

program curriculum covers all aspects of operations

within the organization, including the management of

purchases, inventory, production and service quality,

logistics, supply chain and distribution.

e. Bachelor of Science in Business Administration Major

in Business Economics (BE)


 The Business Economics program prepares graduates for

careers in banking, economic and development planning,

as well as general management. The program focuses the

on relationship of business operations and the economy

as a whole. It integrates economic principles and

strategies into standard business practices so that

the student can have both the micro view of how the

business can acquire capital, generate profit and

efficiently produce goods and services, as well as the

macro view of how external economic factors such as

government regulation can affect, and should

influence, business decisions

The internship program integrates the theory and

knowledge of the course content with the application of

principles and practices in a work environment. It allows

students to apply theories learned in school to actual work

experiences where they would find a learning cohesion

between school and employment.

It also helps to expand learning options beyond

traditional classroom environment. The program also


enhances the students' knowledge that relates to specific

useful skills. Through feedback from the students, the

institution usually gets ideas for policy formulation and

for improvement of its curriculum, thus, mutually

benefitting them and the school.

The Internship focus, substance, and approach will

vary depending on the particular program or specialization

of the students and on their specific needs, interest,

goals and objectives. Decision on the nature, location, and

activities of the practicum are arrived at from discussion

and agreement made among the school administrators, faculty

advisor, Practicum site supervisor, and the students.

Office Decorum

This refers to the expected code of behavior and

manners that students should exhibit while in the

workplace. This includes dressing appropriately,

communicating professionally, respecting colleagues, and

adhering to workplace policies and procedures.


The process of assigning students to specific tasks or

roles within an organization, which allows them to gain

hands-on experience in their chosen field. This helps

students to apply their theoretical knowledge to practical

situations and develop skills relevant to their future


Training Process

The series of steps taken to ensure that students

acquire the necessary skills and knowledge to perform their

job effectively. This may involve a combination of

classroom instruction, hands-on training, and mentorship to

equip students with the necessary competencies.

Monitoring and Checking (during and after)

The process of regularly assessing students'

performance to ensure that they are meeting the expected

standards and objectives of the training program. Feedback

and evaluation during and after the program help students


to identify areas where they need to improve and allow for

continuous improvement.


This refers to the period after the training program

is completed, where students may have opportunities to

reflect on their experience, apply their newly acquired

skills, and network with professionals in their field.


The process of providing constructive feedback to

students during the training program, helping them to

identify areas for improvement and develop the necessary

skills to succeed in their future careers.


This refers to acknowledging students' accomplishments

and contributions during the training program, which can

help to build their confidence and motivation, while also

recognizing their hard work and dedication.


One well-liked approach to fusing academic learning

with practical experience is on-the-job training. These

chances are intended to improve students' academic

performance as well as their employability once they

graduate. The university, the students, and the businesses

are all involved in the on-the-job training process. The

curriculum structure, though, varies between and even

within institutions. In order to succeed overall,

undergraduate students must comprehend the ideal structures

for on-the-job training. Higher education institutions

offer student on-the-job training as a course requirement

as a successful method of giving students real-world

experience while also improving their employability after


In contrast to being employed, which simply means

having a job, being employable is having the qualities

needed to hold onto a job and advance in it. Employability,

therefore, is the process of preparing graduates to find

their first job from an institutional perspective. All

facets of university life, including academic programs and

extracurricular activities, are affected by this


requirement. Regarding the knowledge and abilities required

for future employment in general education and discipline-

specific areas, employability training is crucial for

academic programs. The learning environment of the student

must be taken into account in order to create a successful

internship program. Educators must be persuaded to include

employability skills and qualities in their teaching, not

just in terms of what we teach, but also in terms of how we

teach it, by institutional executives who must commit to

this process. A curriculum plan with goals and learning

outcomes statements should be the first step in developing

a curriculum for employability. Normal employment

responsibilities should be developed during the study

period, if the major does not need work experience. Interns

who have received academic preparation are better equipped

to apply the theoretical skills, information, and

fundamental ideas from their major or area of interest in

the workplace5.


Thiyazan Qubati & Kamal Tammim (2021) The Role of Internship Programs in Enhancing Graduates'
Employability Retrieved December 10, 2022 from'_Employabili

The experience of students who participate in OJT can

vary depending on the specific job and training program

they are participating in. However, in general, students

who participate in OJT can expect to:

1. Gain practical experience: OJT provides students with

the opportunity to apply the knowledge and skills they

have learned in the classroom to real-word situations.

This can help them understand how the concepts they

have learned can be applied in a practical setting.

2. Develop new skills: OJT allows students to learn new

skills that are specific to the job they are training

for. This can help them become more competent and

confident in their abilities.

3. Build professional relationships: OJT can provide

students with the opportunity to work closely with

experienced professionals who can act as mentors and

provide guidance as they learn the ropes. This can

help students build valuable professional

relationships and networks.

4. Enhance their resumes: OJT can help students stand out

in the job market by providing them with relevant work


experience that they can include on their resumes.

This can make them more competitive when applying for

jobs after they graduate.

Overall, OJT can be a valuable learning experience for

students as they transition from the classroom to the

workforce. It can provide them with practical

experience, new skills, professional relationships, and

a boost to their resumes.

Degree Subject Knowledge, Skills and Understanding

During OJT, students typically work under the

supervision of an experienced employee or mentor who can

guide them and provide feedback on their performance. The

goal of OJT is to give students practical, hands-on

experience that they can apply in their future careers. It

can also help students develop important soft skills such

as communication, teamwork, and problem-solving.


Some specific knowledge, skills, and understanding

that students may acquire during OJT include:

1. Technical skills: Students may learn how to operate

equipment, use software or other tools, or perform

tasks specific to their industry.

2. Practical skills: OJT can help students develop

skills such as time management, organization, and

attention to detail.

3. Professional behavior: Students can learn how to

interact with co-workers, customers, and clients in

a professional manner, and how to adhere to company

policies and procedures.

4. Problem-solving: Working on real-world problems and

tasks can help students learn how to identify and

solve problems effectively.

5. Understanding of the work environment: OJT can help

students understand the culture and expectations of

their industry and specific workplace, as well as

the role they will play within the organization.


Overall, OJT can be a valuable experience for

students, as it allows them to apply their knowledge and

skills in a practical setting and helps them develop the

skills and experience needed to succeed in their future


Generic Skills

Graduate attributes are the generic skills, abilities,

and understanding that students acquire during their higher

education. The four most common graduate attributes across

the higher education sector were identified in that

publication and a more recent analysis of 36 of 40 listed

universities on the Australian Universities website, these

were communication, global citizenship, discipline-specific

knowledge, and lifelong learning7. The following are broad

definitions of these five attributes:

1. Self-management: working independently and

accepting personal responsibility for actions such

Imed Bouchrika, P. (2022). On the Job Training: OJT Meaning, Advantages & Types Retrieved
December 17,2022 from
Precision, C. (2007). Graduate employability skills. Retrieved November 28, 2022 from T1.pdf

as organization and planning, having the confidence

and self-awareness to plan and achieving goals and

ambitions, as well as being adaptable to changing


2. Enterprise: a combination of uniqueness,

creativity, and leadership that enables a business

to thrive a culture of innovation, risk-taking, and

opportunism that fosters entrepreneurship and

growth facilitating knowledge transfer.

3. Global Citizenship: entails acting ethically and

efficiently in the workplace, as well as

understanding and engaging with diverse communities

and cultures on a global scale.

4. Information Literacy: the ability to recognize when

there is a need for information, to identify,

locate, evaluate, and effectively use that

information for the issue or problem at hand, and

to effectively communicate that information through

oral, written, or visual methods to inform,

motivate, and effect change.

5. Working as a leader: the ability to work

confidently and collaboratively with a group of

people, as well as as a leader when necessary,


including encouraging and motivating team members

toward a shared vision to achieve goals.

This project will look at how students' perceptions of

the learning outcomes from the sport management and

coaching practicum align with Massey's stated graduate


Emotional Intelligence

Students who have completed internships must apply the

knowledge and skills they have learned in the classroom to

use while interacting with others in real life situations.

However, during this process, emotions and feelings that

aren't often a part of the traditional teaching-learning

process arise; these components are linked to the students'

emotional intelligence (EI).

Andy M., M. R. (January 2018). Work Integrated Learning: More than enchaning employability and Graduate
Employability. Retrieved December 17, 2022

Goleman’s model was used in the study entitled, “The

influence of emotional intelligence on internships in

higher Education”. In his work, it came to the conclusion

that there are several essential emotional skills, which

can be divided into five categories: (1) Knowledge of one’s

own emotions (self-awareness). (2) Emotional management

skills (self-regulation). (3) Ability to urge oneself

forward (self-motivation). (4) Understanding others'

feelings (empathy), and (5) Managing relationships (social


Employee emotions must be considered in the workplace

because they frequently have the potential to be harmful

and can therefore, increase employee productivity and

satisfaction. EI therefore boosts our motivation and helps

us manage our emotions, to avoid and resolve conflicts, and

to control our moods, making it particularly interesting in

the workplace, not ignoring the importance of emotions in


Ramírez-Hurtado, J. M.; González-Zamora, M.ª M., Vázquez-Cano, E. Rev. complut. educ. 2022: 289-300

Relationship between On-the-job Training and BSBA

graduating students

On-the-Job Training (OJT) is highly valuable for the

graduating students of the Bachelor of Science in Business

Administration (BSBA), as it plays a crucial role in

enhancing their professional skills and overall career

development. By participating in OJT programs, graduates

are able to gain the practical skills and experience needed

to be successful in their chosen field. Furthermore, OJT

provides the opportunity for graduates to build

relationships with mentors and employers, as well as to

network with potential employers. This can be especially

beneficial for graduates who may not have access to

traditional career resources or who are looking to break

into a new field. Ultimately, OJT can help BSBA graduates

become more employable by increasing their skills and

knowledge, providing them with valuable experience, and

giving them access to valuable contacts.10

Chan, J. M., Yeap, J. M., Taahir, A. B., & Remie, M. J. M. (2020). Internship program effectiveness: A
job opportunity. International Journal of Information, Business and Management, 12(3), 94-108.

Paradigm of the Study


1. What is the profile
of the respondents
in terms of;
a. Age
b. Sex
c. Specialization
d. Year Graduated
e. Field of On-the-
Job Training
f. Current Job Title
g. Employment

2. What are the career

experiences of the
3. What are the
aspects of the On- Statistical data
Improved the on-
the-Job Training analysis treatment
Program that helped the-job training
you in your program for the
previous and BSBA graduating
present job?  Frequency count
 Percentage
 Mean
4. What are the
impacts of the OJT


Statement of the Problem

This study aims to determine the perceived impact of

OJT Program of the College of Business Administration of

Our Lady of the Pillar College- Cauayan to the employed

Bachelor of Science in Business Administration graduates.

Specifically, this study aims to answer the following


1. What is the profile of the respondents in terms of;

a. Age

b. Sex

c. Specialization

d. Year Graduated

e. Field of On-the-Job Training Station

f. Current Job Title

g. Employment Category

2. What are the career experience of the respondents in

terms of:

2.1 Contributory factors that helped getting the present


2.2 Duration for finding the first job after college.

3. What are the aspects of the On-the-Job Training

Program that helped you in your previous and present


4. What are the impacts of the OJT program on the

elements of employability of the BSBA graduates? The

elements are:

A. Experience

B. Degree Subject Knowledge, Skills and Understanding


C. Generic Skills

D. Emotional Intelligence

5. What problems did the respondents encounter during

their on-the-job training that could potentially

affect their ability to find employment after



1. The on-the-job training program offered by the

Bachelor of Science in Business Administration in Our

Lady of the Pillar College- Cauayan provides the

necessary knowledge, skills, and values needed by the

graduates in seeking employment.


2. The respondents are gainfully employed whether or not

related to the field of on-the-job training station they

have undergone.

3. The on-the-job training program can increase

students’ engagement with the professionals in the

workplace and help them learn from their experiences.

4. By offering high-quality on-the-job training (OJT)

programs, Our Lady of the Pillar College- Cauayan can

enhance its reputation and attract future students who

are interested in gaining practical experiences in their

chosen specializations. This can help the school stay

competitive and ensure that its graduates are well-

prepared to succeed in the workforce.

Significance of the Study

This research is made with the aim to provide valuable

information and knowledge regarding the chosen topic from

the respondents, recent studies or theses, and related

sites needed for the expected importance to the individuals

as follows:

School Administration. The results of this study can

help the school administration gain a better understanding

of the impact of the on-the-job training program to the

Bachelor of Science in Business Administration graduates.

The findings can serve as a basis for enhancing the on-the-

job training program to ensure that the students are

equipped with the necessary skills and knowledge they

acquired during their on-the-job training.

Students. The findings of this study can serve as an

eye-opener for students who may not be fully aware of the

skills they need to excel in their chosen fields. Through

this study, students can gain a deeper understanding of the

importance of being deployed in the right on-the-job

training field or station that aligns with their chosen


Researchers. This study can serve as a valuable source

of information for researchers, providing them with

relevant data and studies related to work immersion. It can

enhance their knowledge and aid in making more informed

decisions about their chosen fields.


Future Researchers. This study can assist future

researchers in conducting their own research related to

this topic. It can serve as a reference for researchers who

intend to conduct a similar study.

Employers. The findings of this study can be valuable

to employers as they provide information into the areas

where Bachelor of Science in Business Administration

graduates may need additional support and training. This

can help employers to organize training programs that

address the challenges faced by graduates during their on-

the-job training and develop strategies to support their

professional development.

Parents. This study can be helpful to parents by

providing information about the On-the-job training program

and how it can assist their child in enhancing their skills

and knowledge about their course and future career. It can

also provide them with ideas and advice to support their

child's decision-making process.


Scope and Delimitation

This study will focus on the impact of on-the-tob

training program of the College of Business Administration

to the employed Bachelor of Science in Business

Administration graduates of Our Lady of the Pillar College-

Cauayan. To be able to come up with the information needed

for the study, 80 employed graduates of Our Lady of the

Pillar College-Cauayan from the academic years 2016 to 2022

will be the major source of information. The accuracy of

the data gathered depends on the response of the

respondents through the use of standardized questionnaires.

Definition of terms

Abilities. It refers to the specific skills and

competencies that an employee should possess to perform

their job effectively.


Career. It refers to somebody’s progress in a chosen

profession ordering that person working life.

Education. It refers to something successfully attained by

specially skill or courage. It is the acquisition of

knowledge through learning especially at a school or

similar institution.

Emotional Intelligence. It refers to a person's ability to

recognize, understand, and manage their own feelings and

emotions, as well as the feelings and emotions of others.

Employability. Employability refers to the ability of an

individual to gain and maintain employment. It encompasses

a range of skills, knowledge, personal attributes, and

attitudes that make a person more attractive to potential

employers. Employability is not just about having a job,

but it is also about being able to adapt to changing work

environments, being able to learn and apply new skills, and

having the flexibility to work in different roles or


Employment. Based from the study, this refers to a

particular work of an individual.


Environment. It refers to the external factors that affect

the attitude of student trainees in the workplace.

Experience. Based from the study, this will let you learn

about your strengths and weaknesses, areas of improvement

and gives you an insight about where your passion lies.

Generic Skills. Generic skills refer to a set of

transferable skills that can be applied across different

jobs and industries. Examples of generic skills include

communication, teamwork, problem-solving, critical

thinking, time management, adaptability, and leadership.

They also play a critical role in career development and

lifelong learning, as they can be continually developed and

refined over time.

Graduates. Based from the study, this means the alumnae of

the school.

Knowledge. Based from the study, it is the condition of

knowing something with familiarity gained through

experience or association.

Opportunity. It refers to a chance given by the school to

the student-trainees to discover the real world of business

especially one that offers some kind of advantage.


Training. It is a type of training that occurs in the

workplace, where the students are being exposed to the

world of reality that is being helpful for work purposes.

Understanding. As used in study, it is the knowledge of

somebody about a subject, situation and about how something


Chapter II

Review of Related Literature

Foreign Literature

Internships are a way for students to bridge the gap

between the classroom and the workplace, and can be a

valuable tool for developing important skills such as

communication, teamwork, and problem-solving. Internships

can also provide students with valuable experience and

compensation. However, there are also potential

disadvantages to internships, including difficulty

adjusting back to academic life or experiencing problems

with a particular placement11.

In addition to benefiting students, internships can

also be beneficial to universities and employers.

Universities can strengthen the relevance of their

curriculum to contemporary industries and future students

through internships, while employers can gain valuable

insights into the skills and abilities of potential hires.

A lack of expertise or employability skills can

contribute to unemployment. This can be due to a variety of

factors, including a mismatch between the skills that job

Maelah, R., Muhammaddun Mohamed, Z., Ramli, R. and Aman, A. (2014), "Internship for accounting
undergraduates: comparative insights from stakeholders", Education + Training, Vol. 56 No. 6, pp. 482-502. Retrieved
November 27, 2022 from

seekers possess and the skills that are in demand in the

job market, or a lack of access to education and training

opportunities that can help individuals to develop the

skills that are needed for success in their chosen careers.

One of the root causes of this issue is a failure in

the education system to produce graduates who are well-

prepared for the job market and who possess the necessary

employability skills to be competitive in the job market12.

The development of human capital and the economy are

both dependent on employability skills, and that education

is a critical factor in developing these skills. Higher

education is often a requirement for employment in many

countries, but there has been increasing questioning of the

value of higher education and its ability to produce

graduates who are prepared for the workforce. Governments,

educational institutions, and companies are all seeking

ways to improve the quality and relevance of higher

education to ensure that graduates have the skills and

knowledge they need to succeed in the modern economy. This

R. Franita, “Analisa pengangguran di indonesia,” Nusant. (J. Ilmu Pengetah. Sos.) vol. 1, p. 6, 2016.
Retrieved November 27, 2022 from

has led to a focus on employability skills and the

development of curricula and programs that are designed to

help students build these skills and prepare for the job


The internships can help students to gain confidence

in their ability to find a suitable job and establish a

fulfilling career, which in turn can reduce their career-

entry concerns, such as the fear of not being able to find

a job. Furthermore, internships can have a favorable impact

on students' self-perceived employability by providing

practical experience and helping students to develop

important skills and knowledge that are valuable in the job

market. This can make them more competitive and increase

their chances of success in the job search process14.

Internships are short-term practical work experiences

that provide students with training and experience in a


Griffin, M. and Coelhoso, P. (2019), "Business students’ perspectives on employability skills post
internship experience: Lessons from the UAE", Higher Education, Skills and Work-Based Learning, Vol. 9 No. 1, pp. 60-
75. Retrieved on November 27, 2022 from'_perspectives_on_employability_skills_post_intern

Ebner, K., Soucek, R. and Selenko, E. (2021), "Perceived quality of internships and employability
perceptions: the mediating role of career-entry worries", Education + Training, Vol. 63 No. 4, pp. 579-596. Retrieved
on November 27, 2022 from

chosen subject or career area. They are often included as

credit-based courses in academic curricula in order to

provide students with the opportunity to gain practical

experience in a real work environment, in addition to

classroom-based learning. By combining theoretical and

practical learning, universities aim to prepare students

for success in the workforce by helping them develop the

skills and knowledge they need to succeed in their chosen


Indeed, businesses are essential to consider both

academic accomplishments and skills and attitudes when

assessing job candidates. This is because academic

credentials alone may not be enough to guarantee

employability in today's dynamic and competitive job

market. Employers are looking for workers who can

contribute to the workplace and create value, and they

often seek candidates with specialized skills and knowledge

that are in demand. The increasing number of bachelor's in

business graduates has made it more difficult for them to

Kapareliotis, I., Voutsina, K. and Patsiotis, A. (2019), "Internship and employability prospects: assessing
student’s work readiness", Higher Education, Skills and Work-Based Learning, Vol. 9 No. 4, pp. 538-549. Retrieved on
November 29, 2022

secure employment, as many companies are seeking workers

with more specialized skills and knowledge. The authors

define employability as the ability to enter the national

and international workplace and note that it is important

for graduates to gain the information, abilities, and

understandings that will enable them to be employable16.

It is important for business students to face

difficulties when they start working, as they must apply

their conceptual understanding to a new professional

setting. This can be especially challenging if they have

not had the opportunity to gain practical experience

through internships or other hands-on learning experiences.

However, it is important for business students to remember

that they are still learning and that it is natural to

encounter challenges and make mistakes as they adapt to the

professional world17.

Al-Shehab, N., AL-Hashimi, M., Madbouly, A., Reyad, S. and Hamdan, A. (2021), "Do employability skills
for business graduates meet the employers’ expectations? The case of retail Islamic banks of Bahrain", Higher
Education, Skills and Work-Based Learning, Vol. 11 No. 2, pp. 349-366. Retrieved on November 29, 2022 from'_

Anjum, S. (2020) “Impact of internship programs on professional and personal
development of business students: A Case study from Pakistan”. Retrieved on November 29, 2022 from

One way to help students more effectively apply their

concepts in the workplace is through academic internship

programs, which provide the opportunity for students to

gain practical experience and apply their knowledge in a

real-world setting. These programs can also help students

develop important professional skills such as problem-

solving, teamwork, and communication, which are essential

for success in the business world.

Employability skills are often highly valued by

employers when they are hiring candidates for professional

positions. These skills, which include things like critical

thinking, problem-solving, communication, and teamwork, can

be important indicators of an individual's ability to

succeed in the job market18.

Internships can provide a number of benefits for both

the intern and the host organization. For the intern, an

internship can provide an opportunity to learn new skills

Yang, H., Cheung, C., & Song, H. (2016). Enhancing the learning and employability of hospitality
graduates in China. Journal of Hospitality, Leisure, Sport & Tourism Education, 19(2016), 85-96 Retrieved November 29,
2022 from

and gain practical experience in a real-world setting. It

can also provide an opportunity to make connections and

network with professionals in the field, which can be

helpful in finding future employment19.


The sources discussed the importance of employability

skills and the role of internships to the students in

preparation for their employment. The researches agreed

that universities should prepare students for the job

market by providing practical experiences such as

internships, which can help students bridge the gap between

the classroom and the workplace, develop important skills,

gain valuable experience, and increase their self-perceived

employability. Employers value candidates with both

academic credentials and specialized skills, and

internships can provide an opportunity for students to gain

these skills and make connections in their chosen field.

Overall, the sources emphasized the importance of higher

education and practical experience in preparing students

for success in the job market.

Elgar E. et al (2021) "Internships, employability and the search for decent work ex perience" Retrieved

Local Literature

Few local literatures were found which are related to

the subject of the study. One of them was written by

Bawica, who stated that internships are a valuable

opportunity for students to gain practical experience in

their field of study and develop their employability

skills. They provide students with the chance to learn

about the nature of work in their chosen industry, and to

gain hands-on experience with real-life scenarios and

problems. This can help to increase their knowledge and

skills, and prepare them for success in a competitive job


The host agency, or the organization where the

internship takes place, plays a critical role in the

success of an on-the-job training (OJT) program. The host

agency is responsible for providing the necessary support

and guidance to students, and helping them to achieve the

goals and objectives of the OJT program. This may include

Bawica, I.M. (2021). The Effects of Internship Program on the Employability Readiness. International
Journal of Academe and Industry Research, Volume 2 Issue 4, pp. 90 - 106. Retrieve November 30,2022 from DOI:

providing students with appropriate tasks and

responsibilities, offering mentorship and guidance, and

helping students to develop the skills and knowledge they

need to succeed in their future careers. By working closely

with the host agency, students can gain valuable insights

into the working world and develop the skills and knowledge

they need to succeed in their chosen profession.

On-the-job training, or internship, is a common

technique used by higher education institutions to help

their graduates build the skills and knowledge they will

need to succeed in the workforce. Internships can provide

students with the opportunity to gain practical experience

and develop important professional skills, such as problem-

solving, communication, and teamwork.

In the Philippines, the Commission on Higher Education

(CHED) has implemented an Outcomes-Based Education (OBE)

program across all higher education institutions in order

to ensure that students are acquiring the necessary

competencies to succeed in their future careers. As part of

this program, higher education institutions have revised

their curricula and syllabi to focus on developing


students' skills and knowledge. These changes have been

designed to improve student performance and prepare them

for success in their careers21.

Internship training is a valuable opportunity for

students to gain real-world experience in their field of

study and develop their skills and knowledge. Through

internships, students can learn about the nature of work in

their chosen industry and gain hands-on experience with

real-life scenarios and problems. This can help to improve

their personal characteristics, attitudes towards work, and

job performance and competence22.

One way to enhance the communication skills of

students during internships is to provide them with verbal

exercises and case studies to analyze and simulate. This

can help students to better understand and apply their

knowledge in practical settings, and develop their ability

to communicate effectively with colleagues and clients. It

Tormis, J. et al(2016) “Scholastic and Work Performance of Business Administration Student Practicumers”.
Retrieved November 29, 2022 from or
Bernardo A., et all (2014) On-the-Job Training Performance of Students from AB Paralegal Studies for SY
2013-2014 Retrieved on November 30, 2022 from

is also important to provide ongoing support and guidance

to students during their internships to help them get the

most out of the experience.

On-the-job training (OJT) is a form of training that

occurs in the workplace, and is designed to provide

individuals with the practical skills and knowledge needed

to perform their job effectively. It is often a component

of a college or university curriculum, and is intended to

help students transition from academic to professional

settings by giving them hands-on experience in their chosen


On-the-job training program is important because it

allows individuals to apply the theories and concepts they

have learned in school to real-world situations, and to

gain a deeper understanding of their chosen profession. It

also helps to prepare individuals for the realities of the

working world, including the importance of productivity,

knowledge, and respect in the workplace.

Sira. K., Araque G (2014) “ On-The-Job Training Performance of Technology Students in One of the State
Universities in the Philippines”Retrieved on November 30,2022 from

The Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE) in the

Philippines has recognized the value of OJT, and has

established guidelines for the implementation of OJT

programs in the country. These guidelines aim to ensure

that OJT programs provide students with relevant,

meaningful experiences that will help them succeed in their

future careers.

The on-the-job training (OJT) program plays a critical

role in helping higher education institutions develop the

necessary competencies in their graduates. OJT programs

provide students with the opportunity to gain hands-on

experience and develop skills that are specific to a

particular job or industry. By serving as a guide for

developing the needed competencies for a particular job,

OJT programs can help translate the training into a

meaningful and productive working experience24.

The goals and objectives of OJT programs can vary

depending on the specific institution and the nature of the

Ylagan, A.P. (2013). Intensifying the OJT Program of the College of Business Administration, Lyceum of
the Philippines University – Batangas, E-International Scientific Research Journal, 5 (1): 220. Retrieved December 18,
2022 from

work exposure and area of specialization. However, in

general, these programs aim to ensure that students are

able to acquire the necessary skills and knowledge to be

successful in their chosen careers. By focusing on

developing the competencies needed to excel in a specific

field, OJT programs can help students become more

competitive in the job market and better prepared for the

demands of the modern workplace.

Academe-industry partnerships, such as internships,

can be beneficial for both educational institutions and

industries. For educational institutions, partnerships with

industry can help to minimize their dependence on physical

resources, provide opportunities for students to gain

practical experience and develop workplace skills, and

align their curricular offerings with the needs of

industry. These partnerships can also help to maintain a

reputable image for the institution25.

De Guzman. J (2020) ”Academe-Industry Partnership: Basis for Enhanced Learning of BSBA Students in One State
University” Retrieved on December 18,2022 Link:

For industries, partnering with educational

institutions can provide a way to train and develop

potential employees, and ensure that their workforce has

the skills and knowledge needed to succeed in their field.

Internships also provide industries with an opportunity to

assess the potential of potential employees and identify

those who may be a good fit for their organization.

Employability of graduates is an important measure of

the effectiveness of academic curricula offered by schools.

Employers of business administration graduates are

interested in the efficiency and performance of their

prospective employees, and often prefer to hire individuals

who have relevant education and training in their field.26

One way to improve the employability of business

administration graduates is to provide more training and

experiential learning opportunities. This can help students

to develop the skills and knowledge needed to succeed in

their careers and make them more attractive to potential

Salazar. M et al(2015) “Employability of Business Administration Graduates in a University” Retrieved on
December 18, 2022 from

employers. Additionally, it is important for educational

institutions to work closely with industry partners to

ensure that their curricula are relevant and up-to-date,

and to provide opportunities for students to gain practical

experience through internships or other types of academe-

industry partnerships.

Higher education plays a critical role in the

development of knowledge, skills, and values in students.

Academic institutions of higher learning are responsible

for producing graduates who are capable of applying

technology and knowledge-based information to the nature

and demands of their work environments. The purpose of

these institutions is to provide quality human resources

that are acceptable to employers and society27.

Graduate schools, in particular, provide an

environment for professionals to take advanced degree

programs and intensify their chosen career paths. The

Master in Business Administration (MBA) is one example of a

Laguador J.(2016)”Employment Status of Graduates in Post Baccalaureate Degree in Business Administration of
one Higher Education Institution in the Philippines ”Retrieved on December 18, 2022 Link:

professional degree that prepares students to enter the

world of business and seek employment or professional

advancement. The MBA program is designed to provide

students with the knowledge and skills needed to succeed in

the business world and to be competitive in the job market.


Based on the local literature found, it is clear that

on-the-job training (OJT) or internships play a vital role

in helping students gain practical experience and develop

the skills and competencies needed to succeed in their

future careers. The organization where the internship takes

placed, is also critical in ensuring the success of the OJT

program by providing the necessary support and guidance to

students. The Commission on Higher Education (CHED) in the

Philippines has implemented an Outcomes-Based Education

(OBE) program to ensure that students acquire the necessary

competencies to succeed in their future careers. As part of

this program, higher education institutions have revised

their curricula and syllabi to focus on developing

students' skills and knowledge. Internships also provide

academe-industry partnerships that are beneficial for both


educational institutions and industries. These partnerships

can help educational institutions align their curricular

offerings with the needs of the industry and provide

opportunities for students to gain practical experience and

develop workplace skills. For industries, partnering with

educational institutions can provide a way to train and

develop potential employees and assess their potential fit

for the organization. Improving the employability of

graduates is essential, and providing more training and

experiential learning opportunities, such as internships,

can enhance their skills and competencies. Verbal exercises

and case studies during internships can also help to

enhance students' communication skills. Overall, OJT

programs and internships can help students become more

competitive in the job market and better prepared for the

demands of the modern workplace.

Foreign Study

The perceptions of internship providers in relation to

the employability skills of foreign accounting graduates

who participated in a 12-week (240-hour) internship as part

of a Professional Year Program (PYP) in Australia. The PYP


is a program for international accounting graduates seeking

professional recognition in order to increase their

employability. By studying the perceptions of internship

providers, the researchers aimed to gain insight into the

employability skills of international graduates. The

findings of this study are relevant given the increasing

importance of meaningful job experience in helping

international students improve their employability around

the world28.

It is widely recognized that internships are an

important part of a student's education and professional

development. By providing real-world experience and the

opportunity to apply theoretical concepts to practical

situations, internships can help students gain valuable

skills and knowledge that are essential for success in

their future careers.

Internships can provide students with firsthand

exposure to the workplace and the opportunity to learn from

experienced professionals. This can be especially valuable

Jackling, B. and Natoli, R. (2015), "Employability skills of international accounting graduates:
Internship providers’ perspectives", Education + Training, Vol. 57 No. 7, pp. 757-773. Retrieved on November 30, 2022

for business students, as it allows them to gain practical

experience and develop important professional skills such

as problem-solving, teamwork, and communication.

In addition, the supervision and support provided by

internship programs, as well as the working atmosphere and

the level of responsibility given to interns, can all have

an impact on the overall internship experience. Therefore,

it is important for students to carefully consider these

factors when choosing an internship program, as they can

have a significant impact on the learning and professional

development opportunities available to them.

Internship programs can provide numerous benefits for

both students and the organizations that support them. The

benefits that marketing departments can gain from funding

internship programs, based on the perceptions of 180 deans,

associate deans, and faculty members from colleges of


Weible R. & McClure R. (2014) “An Exploration of the Benefits of Student Internships to Marketing
Departments” Retrieved on November 30, 2022. Link:

The findings of the study, marketing departments can

gain a number of benefits from internship programs,

including improved class discussions, increased enrolment,

and improved department reputation. These benefits can be

especially valuable for marketing departments, as they can

help to attract top-quality students and enhance the

department's reputation within the academic and

professional communities.

In addition, the study found that students who

successfully complete internships are often hired earlier

by the best organizations into better positions with higher

earnings than those who do not complete internships. This

highlights the importance of internship programs in helping

students to gain valuable skills and experiences that can

set them apart from their peers in the job market.

The study aims to assess the impact of internship

programs on Pakistani business students' professional and

personal growth and skills. The study included a sample of

800 business students enrolled in 4-year degree programs

who were not yet graduates from 15 universities in


Pakistan. The results of the study suggest that internship

programs have a positive effect on Pakistani business

students' professional development and skills, as well as

their personal growth, competencies, and capabilities. It

is not clear from the information provided what specific

methods or tools were used in the study, such as a

questionnaire or interviews, to gather data from the

participants. It would be helpful to know more about the

specific research methods and findings of the study in

order to better understand the results30.

The study examined the factors that influence

internship experiences and the impact of these experiences

on students' career prospects and skills. The researcher

found that a number of factors, including supervisory

support, working environment, level of tasks, and learning

gained from the internship, had a positive impact on

internship experience. The study also found that satisfied

students had more positive and enthusiastic expectations

for their future job prospects and were more prepared to

Sadia A. (2020) Impact of internship programs on professional and personal development of business students: A Case study from
Pakistan. Retrieved November 30, 2022 from

enter the workforce and more confident in finding jobs upon


Another study that is being conducted is about the

impact of internship experiences on employment success

among Korean university graduates. The study included a

sample of 1184 respondents who graduated from high school

in 2005 and went on to work in any industry after

completing a junior college or university. The study

analyzed the data of 961 respondents and found that having

an internship experience enhanced job performance, reduced

the time it took to secure employment, and increased pay

and job happiness. However, the effects on work performance

varied depending on the type of internship, academic field,

institutional traits, and working environment32.

The study aims to investigate the effect of

internships on career preparation from the perspective of

graduates, with a focus on determining whether

participation in an internship increased their level of

Jawabri A., (2017) “Exploration of Internship Experience and Satisfaction Leading to Better Career Prospects among Business Students in
UAE.” Retrieved November 30, 2022.

Jung J., et al., (2017) “Impact of Internship on Job performance among University Graduates in South
Korea”. Retrieved December 1, 2022 from

career readiness in fields related to human services. The

findings showed a statistically significant difference in

perceptions between before and after the internship,

suggesting that internships may have a positive effect on

career advancement and finding lucrative work after

graduation. The study recommends that policymakers and

university administrators include internship opportunities

in academic programs in order to improve overall student

achievement and future employability33.

The comprehensive model of graduate employability that

focuses on the influence of perceived employability on

employment success, taking into account graduates' human

capital (such as skills and knowledge), social capital

(such as networks and relationships), and individual

behavior and characteristics are being studied. The model

also recognizes that labor market factors, including skill

training as an important part of higher education, can

shape graduates' human capital and impact perceived


Barnwell S. (2016) Relationship between internship and Employment Competencies of Degree Professionals
who completed a college Internship. Retrieve December 1, 2022 from
Clarke, M. (2018). Rethinking graduate employability: the role of capital, individual attributes and context. Stud.
High. Educ. Retrieved December 2, 2022 from ›

The empirical research on factors that affect the

employability of business graduates and found that both

soft skills (such as communication, teamwork, and problem-

solving) and technical skills (such as expertise in

specific areas of business) are positively related to

employability. The research also suggests that social

mobility factors, such as networks and relationships, may

also play a significant role in employability35.

It is often the case that academic programs that

incorporate hands-on, experiential learning opportunities

are more effective in attracting, engaging, and retaining

students. This is particularly true for programs that focus

on providing employment-related knowledge and skills, as

these types of programs can provide students with a clear

sense of the practical applications of their studies and

can help them to develop the skills that are in high demand

in the job market36.

Hossain, M. d. M, Alam, M., Alamgir, M., and Salat, A. (2020). Factors affecting business graduates'
employability – empirical evidence using partial least squares (PLS).
Senior, C., Reddy, P., and Senior, R. (2014). The relationship between student employability and student engagement:
working toward a more unified theory. Retrieved December 2, 2022 from

Flipped learning is an educational approach in which

traditional classroom time is used for active, hands-on

learning activities, while lectures and other passive forms

of learning are moved outside of the classroom and are

often delivered through online videos or other digital

resources. This approach allows students to engage with

course material on their own time and at their own pace,

and then come to class ready to apply what they have

learned through collaborative and problem-based


One of the key benefits of flipped learning is that it

can help students to develop a range of employability

skills, including critical thinking, problem-solving,

collaboration, and communication. By giving students more

control over their own learning and by providing them with

opportunities to apply what they have learned in real-world

contexts, flipped learning can help students to develop the

skills that are in high demand in the job market.

Peng, M. Y.-P., Wang, L., Yue, X., Xu, Y., and Feng, Y. (2021). A study on the influence of multi-teaching
strategy intervention program on college students' absorptive capacity and employability. Retrieved December 2, 2022


These studies provide evidence of the benefits of

internship programs for students' professional and personal

development and their employability. Internships offer

students the opportunity to gain practical experience,

develop important professional skills, and build networks

and relationships that can enhance their job prospects.

Additionally, internship programs can benefit organizations

by improving class discussions, increasing enrollment, and

enhancing department reputation. Furthermore, internships

can have a positive impact on students' career prospects,

job performance, and earning potential. The studies also

emphasize the importance of factors such as supervisory

support, working environment, level of tasks, and learning

gained from the internship in shaping students' internship

experience and overall professional development.

Local Study

Employability of an academic institution's graduates

is used as a measure of the institution's effectiveness.

This is because the ability of graduates to secure


employment in their chosen fields is often seen as an

indicator of the quality of education and training that the

institution provides.

The quality of graduates is also influenced by the

quality of instruction and facilities that a higher

education institution offers to its students. This can

include things like the quality of the faculty, the

availability of resources and technology, and the overall

learning environment. By investing in high-quality

instruction and facilities, academic institutions can help

to ensure that their students are well-prepared for success

in the job market and that they have the skills and

knowledge needed to thrive in their careers.

The study examined the perception of business students

on the effectiveness of the on-the-job training (OJT)

program at Kalinga State University in the Philippines. The

study looked at four specific areas: the support provided

by the university, the pre-placement activities, the

support provided by the host agency, and the effectiveness


of the OJT program in terms of academic, personal, and

entrepreneurial skills38.

The findings of the study, the common problems

encountered by trainees included a mismatch between the

tasks they were assigned and their course program, a lack

of supervision by their advisors and supervisors, limited

time for OJT, and a lack of proper orientation about the

work they were expected to do.

Based on these findings, the study suggests that the

university needs to strengthen its support to student

trainees, improve pre-placement activities, and enhance

host agencies' support in order to develop trainees'

academic, personal, and entrepreneurial skills. These

recommendations highlight the importance of providing

comprehensive and supportive OJT programs in order to

ensure that students are able to gain valuable skills and

experiences that will help them succeed in their future

Maglaque, J. I., & Calma, R. R. (2015). A Tracer Study of the Bachelor of Science in Accountancy
Graduates of the Baliuag University (SY 2009- 2010 to SY 2011-2012). Harvest, 11(1), 1-1. Retrieved December 2, 2022

The implementation of the on-the-job training (OJT)

program in the Business Administration and Accountancy

Departments at the University of Saint Louis in the

Philippines was studied. Wherein the findings of the study

was found to be effective and well-implemented, with both

institutional and company provisions in place from pre-

orientation to post-OJT activities39.

The study also found that OJT programs were able to

train students to be more equipped and ready for their

future careers, and that students had a positive experience

with the program, noting that it provided valuable exposure

to real-life workplace environments and practices.

A college student's experience in a higher education

institution can serve not only to hone and improve their

abilities, but also to train them to become productive

citizens and dignified members of society. By providing

students with access to high-quality education and

Catacutan K. ,Tuliao A. (2019) “ On-the-Job Training Program Evaluation of Business Administration and
Accountancy Departments of University of Saint Louis” Retrieved December 17, 2022 from

training, institutions can help to equip them with the

skills and knowledge they need to be successful in their

careers and to make meaningful contributions to their

communities and to the broader society40.

The on-the-job training program is an educational

experience that provides students with work experiences in

the field where they are interested as they enhance their

career decision. During this training, the students are

expected to gain deeper understanding on the area they are

assigned, and develop their skills and talents as they

prepare to become professionals in the near future41.

“In the 21st century, employability skill is the most

required skill besides technical knowledge in an attempt to

compete for employment and sustain job at the industrial

global market”. Schools have an important role to play in

providing students with the training and education they

need to meet the standards that employers set for their

workforce. This may involve aligning the curriculum with

Rojas, T., & Rojas, R. (2016). College of education Graduate Tracer Study (GTS): boon or bane?. European
Scientific Journal, 12(16). Retrieved December 17, 2022 from
Yu, M. & Mercado, J. (2016). Assessment of on the job training of bachelor of science in business
administration program of Surigao Del Sur State university- Cantilan campus. Journal of Scientific Research and
Development. Retrieved December 6, 2022 from

the needs of the job market and providing students with

access to experiential learning opportunities that can help

them to develop the skills and knowledge that are in


Employers may have different standards when it comes

to the skills and characteristics they are looking for in

applicants, but they will always look for a certain set of

characteristics that they believe will help to support the

achievement of their institutional objectives. Whether they

are seeking graduates whose skills are related to or

unrelated to their field of specialization, they will

always have a set of standards that they expect applicants

to meet.

The aim of the study was to evaluate the progress of

students up to the point when they get a job. The study

sought to assess the availability and quality of graduates,

and to determine the marketability of the educational

program in the context of work seeking. The researchers

Ismail, S .and Mohammed, D.S. 2015. Employability skills in TVET curriculum in Nigeria Federal Universities of
Technology. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Science. Retrieved December 6, 2022

conducted a graduate tracer study to update the

employability of the Bachelor of Science in Business

Administration program and to assess how well the program

was preparing students for success in the job market43.

The study found that the employability of graduates

was distinct from their previous employment, and that

highly marketable job seekers had more employment options

to consider rather than being restricted to a single career

path. The researchers concluded that it is important for

higher education institutions to integrate with the labor

market and to ensure that their programs are highly

marketable in order to support the success of their

graduates in the job market.

The graduate tracer studies are inspired by a desire

to understand how graduates view their experiences during

their degree program and their adjustment to the job

market, and they include the identification and follow-up

of graduates from higher education institutions (HEIs)

around the world44.

Tutor, M., Orbeta Jr, A., & Miraflor, J. (2019). The 4th Philippine Graduate Tracer Study: Examining
Higher Education As Pathway To Employment, Citizenship, and Life Satisfaction from the Learner’s Perspective (No. DP
2019-26). Retrieved December 15, 2022 from
Omar, E., & Wahome, M. (2016). Conducting graduate tracer studies for quality assurance in east african
universities: A focus on graduate students voices on quality culture. Retrieved December 15, 2022 from

Recognizing the realities of today’s academic world,

higher education institutions should play a role in not

only imparting expertise but also in contributing to the

maintenance of a competitive economy and, most

significantly, in ensuring graduates’ hopes of having

employment and being socially accepted and successful in

their fields of endeavor45.

The economy of a country is based on the knowledge and

skills of its people. Skills need change as a result of

outside funding, technical advancements, and globalization.

People must learn skills to be effective and earn a living

to keep up with changes, and all of this can be

accomplished through education. Education is the most

significant tool for people’s empowerment in terms of

socioeconomic, political, and technical advancement46.

Meñez, N. L. (2014). Tracer study of the Masters in Business Administration (MBA) graduates from 2008-
2012. Asia Pacific Journal of Education, Arts and Sciences, 1(1), 14-18. Retrieved December 15, 2022 from
Ramirez, T., Cruz, L., & Alcantara, N. (2014). Tracer study of RTU graduates: an analysis. Researchers World, 5(1),
66. Retrieved December 17, 2022 from

The findings of the study showed that there is a

significant difference in the perception of the problems

encountered in the implementation of the on-the-job

training program among the informants. The hypothesis

stating that OJT problems negatively affect the intention

to enhance the on-the-job-training program cannot be

supported. Most student-trainees were willing to share

their on-the-job training experience and exposure with

their schoolmates.

The study also revealed that on-the-job training did

not contribute to a large extent in enhancing the

confidence, competency, and commitment of the student-


However, they gained practical knowledge, improved

their skills, and increased their job prospects. College

deans and OJT advisers experienced common problems in the

implementation of on-the-job training program, such as lack

of involvement of a team of experts and practitioners in


preparing the content, unusual design of training goals and

objectives, and inconsistent delivery methodology47.

The results show that the on-the-job training program

is effective, and trainees are satisfied with the program,

particularly with regard to personality and appearance. The

main problem encountered was time conflicts between classes

and OJT schedules. The study recommends reinforcing the

current OJT deployment process for better and faster

deployment to finish the required number of hours on time

before the regular school year starts48.


The studies found that trainees in on-the-job training

(OJT) programs often encounter problems such as a mismatch

between assigned tasks and course programs, a lack of

supervision, limited time for OJT, and inadequate

orientation. Employers have certain standards they expect

PHILIPPINES: AN ASSESSMENT Retrieved December 15, 2022


applicants to meet, regardless of their field of

specialization. Overall, trainees were satisfied with the

OJT program, but time conflicts between classes and OJT

schedules were a significant issue. The study suggests

reinforcing the OJT deployment process to complete required

hours on time. While OJT did not significantly enhance

trainees' confidence, competency, or commitment, it did

provide practical knowledge and skill improvement,

increasing job prospects. Common problems faced by college

deans and OJT advisers included inadequate involvement of

experts, unusual design of training goals and objectives,

and inconsistent delivery methodology.


Chapter III

Methods and Procedures

This chapter presents a description of the research

method that will be used, the research instrument and

techniques utilized, the respondents of the study, the data

gathering procedure, the validation of the instrument and

the statistical treatment of data.

Methods of Research

The researchers took the following steps in conducting


1. The researchers asked a copy of list of BSBA Graduates

for academic year 2016-2022 from the office of the


2. The researchers constructed a research-based

questionnaire based on the undertaking.

3. The researchers floated the questionnaires to the


4. The researchers reclaimed the questionnaires from the


5. The statistician tabulated the collected data.

6. The researchers interpreted and analyzed the data.

Respondents of the Study

This study aimed to determine the perceived impact of

on-the-job training programs to the employed Bachelor of

Science in Business Administration graduates of Our Lady of

the Pillar College-Cauayan School Year 2016-2022. The

researchers involved eighty (80) randomly selected BSBA


Research Instrument and Technique

In order to gather relevant information from the

respondents, the researchers made use of set of

questionnaires as its main instrument in assessing the

perceived impact of On-The-Job Training Program of the

College of Business Administration of Our Lady of the

Pillar College-Cauayan to the employed Bachelor of Science

in Business Administration graduates. The informal

interview was complemented with a questionnaire to verify

and extract answers, which are relevant to the study.


Questionnaire. The questionnaire is used particularly in

gathering data needed in assessing the perceived impact of

On-The-Job Training of the college of Business

Administration to the employed graduates of the Our Lady of

the Pillar College-Cauayan. This method is commonly used in

descriptive survey studies.

Data Gathering Procedure

All the information gathered through the questionnaire

will be kept confidential, as promised to the respondents.

All data obtained will be carefully studied for reliability

and consistency. The researchers followed the following

steps and procedures in gathering data:

1. The researchers asked a copy of list of BSBA Graduates

for academic year 2016-2022 from the office of the


2. The researchers constructed a research-based

questionnaire based on the undertaking.

3. The researchers floated the questionnaires to the


4. The researchers reclaimed the questionnaires from the


5. The statistician tabulated the collected data.

6. The researchers interpreted and analyzed the data.

Statistical Treatment of the Data

To analyse and interpret the data, the researcher

employed the following statistical procedure:

Frequency and Percentage. This tool was used to easily

tally the data gathered. This percentage and ranking was a

big help in the researchers to analyze the data.


Weighted Mean. This tool was used to provide answer to

the questions. The formula is:


WM = weighted mean

X= number of respondents

F = weight given to each respondents

N = number of cases

4-Point Likert Scale. This is used to determine and

evaluate the perceived impact of the OJT program on the

elements of employability of the BSBA graduates.

Scale Intervals Interpretation

4 3.25-4.00 Strongly Agree

3 2.50-3.24 Agree

2 2.75-2.49 Disagree

1 1.00-1.75 Strongly Disagree


Chapter IV


This chapter presents the data gathered, the analysis done

and interpretation made from the collected data through the

use of the questionnaire.

Table 1

Frequency and Percentage Distribution of the

Respondents According to Age


Age Frequenc Percentage

21-24 y/o 46 57.5%
25-29 y/o 33 41.25%
30 and above y/o 1 1.25%
Total 80 100%

As shown by the table, the employed respondents

graduated between the ages of 21-24. This indicates that the

highest number of graduates occurred in 2019.

Table 2

Frequency and Percentage Distribution of the

Respondents According to Sex

Sex Frequency Percentage

Female 53 66.25%
Male 27 33.75%
Total 80 100%

Based on the data presented, it can be observed that

the majority of the respondents identified as female. This


indicates that females made up the majority of the overall

graduate population during the years 2016–2022.

Table 3

Frequency and Percentage Distribution of the

Respondents According to Specialization

Specialization Frequenc Percentag

y e
BSBA Major in Financial Management 52 65%
BSBA Major in Marketing Management 19 23.75
BSBA Major in Human Resource
9 11.25%
Total 80 100%

Based on the data gathered, financial management had the

highest number of graduates. This is because the Labor and

Employment Secretary, Rosalinda Baldoz, further supports the

idea that there is a need for skills and knowledge related to

banking and finance due to the fact that it is in-demand job

and offers highly compensation49. Thus, it is reasonable to

conclude why majority of the respondents chose this


Table 4

Frequency and Percentage Distribution of the

Respondents According to Year Graduated

Year Graduated Frequency Percentage

2016 13 16.25%
2017 12 15%
2018 7 8.75%
2019 30 37.5%
2022 18 22.5%
Rosalinda, B. (2012) DOLE: Banking and finance courses lead to high-paying jobs. Retrieved April 23, 2023

Total 80 100%

The table shows that the year 2019 had the highest

number of respondents. This means that the data gathered was

appropriate because most of the respondents graduated in 2019.

Table 5

Frequency and Percentage Distribution of the

Respondents According to Field of On-The-Job Training Station

Field of On-The-Job Training Frequenc Percentag

Station y e
Banks 19 23.75%
School 1 1.25%
Appliance Center 2 2.5%

Government Institutions 34 42.5%

Others 24 30%
Total 80 100%

Based on the data gathered, the majority of the

respondents had their on-the-job training in government

institutions. This means that other organizations, such as

some banks, may have limited spots for the interns.

Other respondents specified the fields of on-the-job

training stations where they are being deployed. These

fields include insurance companies, private companies,

motorcycle dealers, audit departments, cooperatives,

leasing institutions, lending corporations, providers

cooperatives, construction companies, financing, healthcare

institutions, ACT machineries, BPOs, motorcycle companies,

food and beverage companies, manufacturing, private

employees, hotels, corporate offices, private institutions,

and machineries.

Table 6

Frequency and Percentage Distribution of the

Respondents According to Current Job


Current Job Frequency Percentag

Cashier 7 8.75%
Auditor 2 2.5%
Collector 2 2.5%
Bookkeeper 7 8.75%
Bank Teller 2 2.5%
HR Assistant 3 3.75%
Credit Analyst 1 1.25%
Collections Agent 2 2.5%
Assistant Manager 5 6.25%
Billing Specialist 1 1.25%
Executive Assistant 2 2.5%
Accounting Assistant 2 2.5%
Assistant Administrator 2 2.5%
Human Resource Management 1 1.25%
Financial Service Representative 1 1.25%
Marketing Assistant Coordinator or Specialist 2 2.5%
Others 38 47.5%
Total 80 100%

The majority of the respondents are currently working

as cashiers and bookkeepers. The results of the survey

align with the statistics from the Public Employment

Service Office50, which show that cashiers had the highest

number of employed workers in 2019. This indicates that the

data collected is reliable and appropriate, and the same

applies to the result in bookkeeping since the majority of

the respondents graduated with a specialization in

financial management.

Asec T., Grace B., Myka T. (2019), Labor Market Profile The Issue 2019 September 2020 Retrieved April 23,

Other respondents specified their current job, such as

Clerk, Real Estate Assistant, Office Staff, Communication

Personnel, Customer Service Representative, Accounting

Analyst, Administration Staff, Reservation Officer, Stock

Clerk, Liaison, Reservation Sales Specialist, Agrarian

Reform Program Technologist, Admin/Finance Officer,

Administration Officer, Manager, CIBI/Appraiser, Banking-

Branch Office Assistant, Administrative Staff, Sales

Executive, Admin Aide 2, Motor Car Claims Evaluator,

Administrative Aide, Sourcing Associate, Talent

Acquisition, Loans Account Assistant, Counter Staff in

Exchange, Disbursement Clerk Teaching, Sorting Supervisor,

Sales Administrative Officer, Service Desk Associate,

Customer Service Associate, Branch Secretary, and Food and

Beverage Services.

Table 7

Frequency and Percentage Distribution of the

Respondents According to Employment Category

Employment Frequency Percentage


Full-Time 72 90%
Part-Time 2 2.5%
Contractual 4 5%
Self-Employed 2 2.5%
Total 80 100%

The table shows that the majority of the respondents are

currently employed in a full-time capacity. This indicates

that most graduates from the Business Administration program

are able to secure stable and consistent employment after


Table 8

Frequency and Percentage Distribution of the

Respondents According to Contributory factors that help me
find my present job/work

Frequency Percentage
Communication Skills 65 22.41%
Human Relation Skills 42 14.48%
Work Experience 48 16.55%
Entrepreneurial Skills 15 5.17%
Problem Solving Skills 29 10%
Critical Thinking Skills 33 11.38%
Certificate of Training and 25 8.62%

Technical Skills Learned from my 33 11.38%


According to this table, 22.41% of respondents attributed

their success in finding a job to their communication

skills. This is because during the interview process, those

who are able to express themselves clearly and effectively

are more likely to be hired51.

Table 9

Frequency and Percentage Distribution of the

Respondents According to how long it takes for them to land
in their first job after college

Frequency Percentage
1-3 Months 53 66.25%
4-7 Months 15 18.75%
8-11 Months 8 10%
1 Year and Above 4 5%
Total 80 100%

Jamie, B. (2023) Communication Skills Interview Questions with Example Answers Retrieved April 24, 2023

The data shows that the majority of the respondents

were able to land their first job within 1-3 months after

college graduation. This suggests that there are good

employment opportunities for graduates of business

administration, particularly those who have completed an

on-the-job training program.

On the other hand, a small percentage took a year or

more to find their first job, indicating that the job

market may be more challenging for some graduates. This

could be due to factors such as competition for jobs, lack

of relevant work experience, or limited job opportunities

in certain industries or locations52.

Table 9

Frequency and Percentage Distribution of the

Respondents According to the Aspects of the On-the-Job
Training Program that helped them in their previous and
present job

Statements Frequency Percentage

Office Decorum 35 16.51%

Rolando C., Mario C., A Tracer Study of the Bachelor of Science in Business Administration (BSBA)
Graduates of an Academic Institution from 2016 to 2018
n_BSBA_Graduates_of_an_Academic_Institution_from_2016_to_2018 Retrieved April 24, 2023

Deployment 23 10.85%
Training Process 66 31.13%
Monitoring and Checking (during and 36 16.98%
Post-conference 7 3.3%
Feed Backing 17 8.02%
Recognition 28 13.21%

The training process comprises a series of steps

that need to be followed systematically to have an

efficient training program. It is a systematic activity

performed to modify the skills, attitudes, and behavior of

an employee to perform a particular job, and that's the

reason why the training process was cited by most

respondents as one of the on-the-job training program's

most helpful aspects.

Table 10

Weighted mean category of the impact of the On-The-Job

program on the elements of employability of the BSBA

Experience Mea Descriptio

n n
I become more competent and confident in 3.4 Strongly
my abilities. 0 agree
The teamwork and collaboration skills I 3.3 Strongly

gained during my OJT program have been

essential to my success in my current 1 agree
The problem-solving and critical
thinking skills I developed during my
3.3 Strongly
OJT program have allowed me to approach
6 agree
complex business challenges with
I was able to develop my communication
and interpersonal skills through 3.4 Strongly
interactions with co-workers, customers, 8 agree
and other stakeholders.
I learned how to work under pressure and
3.4 Strongly
manage tight deadlines, which helped me
9 agree
become more resilient and adaptable.
I was able to apply my understanding of
3.5 Strongly
workplace norms and culture to navigate
0 agree
my current workplace successfully.
3.4 Strongly
Category Mean
2 agree

The overall category mean of 3.42 indicates that the

impact of the OJT program on the experience of the BSBA

graduates is strongly positive. This result indicates that

the on-the-job training program provided the graduates with

essential experience that have helped them succeed in their

current workplace.

Table 11

Weighted mean category of the impact of the On-The-Job

training program on the elements of employability of the
BSBA graduates

Degree Subject Knowledge, Skills and Mean Description

I was able to apply my knowledge in
Microsoft office, and other modern
technologies which helped me become 3.49
more efficient in my current
I was able to develop my business 3.30 Strongly
management skills, including agree
leadership, decision-making, and

problem-solving, through my OJT

program, and I have been able to apply
these skills in my current workplace.
I was able to develop essential
professional skills such as effective
time management, strong organization 3.38
skills, and attention to detail, which
I applied in my current workplace.
I was able to learn how to interact
with co-workers, customers, and 3.60
clients in a professional manner.
I was able to work on real-world
problems and tasks that helped me Strongly
learn how to identify and solve agree
problems effectively.
I was able to develop a strong sense
of professionalism and work ethic by
adhering to workplace policies,
exhibiting punctuality and 3.53
reliability, and demonstrating a
positive attitude which i applied in
my current workplace.
Category Mean 3.46

The table shows the weighted mean of the impact of the

on-the-job training program on graduates’ degree subject

knowledge, skills and understanding. Six statements make up

the table. This reveals that Degree subject knowledge,

understanding, and skills are important factors that lead to

graduates’ employability. Pool noted that the major motives

for many students to pursue higher education are often to

study a specific subject in depth and to obtain the degree


certificate, which are expected to ultimately lead to

improved employment prospects.

Brown also claimed that all graduates’ employability

is intimately tied to the discipline-specific skills and

knowledge they gain during their university years. This

construct has direct pertinence to a student’s degree, and

thus, it is critical to identify the key importance of this

construct of graduate employability53.

Table 12

Weighted mean category of the impact of the On-The-Job

program on the elements of employability of the BSBA

Generic Skills Mean Description

I was able to become more unique and Strongly
creative. agree
I learned to be flexible and 3.46 Strongly
adaptable in my work style, by being agree
open to new ideas, approaches, and

Baba, W. Roziah, R. Zeinab, Z. Seyedali, A. (2022) The Role of Self-Efficacy as a Mediating Variable in
Career EDGE Employability Model: The Context of Undergraduate Employability in the North-East Region of Nigeria
Retrieved April 24, 2023

technologies, and adjusting my work

habits as needed to meet changing
I developed my leadership skills by
taking initiative, communicating
effectively, and motivating and 3.35
inspiring others to achieve common
I was able to learn the ability to
recognize when there is a need for
information, to identify, locate, 3.33
evaluate, and effectively use that
I was able to work confidently and
collaboratively with a group of 3.39
I was able to develop my
communication skills, both written
and verbal, which helped me to Strongly
articulate my ideas, opinions, and agree
findings more clearly and
Category Mean 3.35

The result indicates that the on-the-job training

program has helped the graduates develop the generic skills

of creativity, adaptability, leadership, information

literacy, teamwork, and communication. Graduates who have

undergone on-the-job training and developed these skills are

more competitive in the job market and are better equipped

to excel in their chosen careers.


Table 13

Weighted mean category of the impact of the On-The-Job

program on the elements of employability of the BSBA

Emotional Intelligence Mean Description

I was able to manage my emotions in Strongly
the workplace. agree
I was able to develop my behavior,
emotions, and thoughts in the 3.38
I was able to respond to difficult
situations or conflicts in the 3.29
I became more emphatic. 3.18 Agree
I became more sociable. Strongly
I became more disciplined. Strongly
Category Mean 3.37

The data shows that the on-the-job training program

positively impacted the emotional intelligence of the

graduates. Emotional intelligence is essential for

workplace success, as it allows individuals to manage their

own emotions and navigate interpersonal relationships

effectively. Employers value employees with strong

emotional intelligence because they are often better able


to work in teams, communicate effectively, and handle

stress and challenges in the workplace.

Table 14

Weighted mean category of the problems encountered by the

respondents during their internships that could potentially
affect their ability to find employment after graduation.

Statements Mean Descriptio

Inadequate knowledge regarding the
2.55 Agree
task assigned to me.

Lack of suitable internship places. 2.51 Agree

Lack of experiences. 2.56 Agree
The time duration of the internship
2.34 Disagree
was limited.
Mismatch between the skills and the
2.45 Disagree
requirements of available jobs.
Lack of confidence. 2.28 Disagree
Lack of supervisions. 2.28 Disagree
Insufficient Feedback. 2.28 Disagree
Poor communication. 2.24 Disagree
Lack of moral support within the
2.26 Disagree
training field.
Category Mean 2.37 Disagree

The problems that respondents encountered during their

internships that could potentially affect their ability to

find employment after graduation are inadequate knowledge

regarding the task assigned to me, Lack of suitable internship

places, and Lack of experiences. Inadequate knowledge of the

task handed to me, which means they did not obtain the

necessary information because the tasks were not provided.

Lack of suitable internship places since the interns are only

stationed in and around Cauayan City, and there are only a few

establishments here that are truly suited for them. And a lack

of experiences, which means that even if you go through an on-

the-job training program, if they don't make you do anything

and don't pay attention to you in your internship location,

you won't really acquire any experience.


Chapter V


This chapter provides the summary of finding, conclusion

and recommendation of the study based on the analysis of

data gathered and presented in the previous chapter.


Summary of findings

This study was conducted to determine the impact of

On-the-Job Training Program to the employed graduates of

the College of Business Administration of Our Lady of The

Pillar College- Cauayan.

1. The majority of respondents are 21 to 24 years old.

2. Majority of the respondents are female.

3. The majority of respondents are BSBA Financial

Management Major.

4. Majority of respondents graduated in 2019.

5. The majority of respondents took their On-the-Job

Training Stations in government institutions.

6. The majority of respondents are currently employed as

bookkeepers and cashiers.

7. The majority of respondents are currently working full-

time jobs.

8. According to contributing factors, communication skills

are the most beneficial that graduates could use to get

their current job.

9. The majority of respondents were successful in getting

their first job within one to three months after


10. The training process is the aspect of the on-the-job

training program that has helped respondents the most in

their previous and current jobs.

11. The on-the-job training program gave them valuable

experience that has enabled them to succeed in their

current workplace.

12. Based on degree subject knowledge, skills and

understanding under elements of employability, the on-the-

job training program helped them develop skills that makes

them experts in a their particular field.

13. Based on generic skills under elements of

employability, the on-the-job training program helps them

develop new abilities that can help them thrive, adapt to

change, and flourish by creating what matters, even in the

face of hardships.

14. Based on emotional intelligence under elements of

employability, the on-the-job training program supports

them in connecting with their emotions, putting their

intentions into action, and making wise judgements about

what matters most.

15. The problems encountered by the respondents are

inadequate knowledge regarding the task assigned to them,

lack of suitable internship places, and lack of

experiences. This indicates that there is still a problem

with the on-the-job training that the school administration



Based on the data gathered, it can be concluded that

graduates of the BSBA program from OLPC-C were deployed to

on-the-job training (OJT) stations that were not relevant

to their specialization. This suggests a possible mismatch

between the skills and knowledge acquired in the program

and the practical experience gained during the OJT.

Additionally, the school administration was unable to


examine the problems encountered by the students during the

program, which may have contributed to these results. It is

important for the school administration to ensure that

their students are equipped with the necessary skills and

experience relevant to their chosen field, and that the OJT

program provides opportunities for students to apply their

knowledge in a meaningful way. Regular assessment and

evaluation of the OJT program can help identify and address

issues that may arise, leading to a more effective learning

experience for students.


1. The college of business administration should ensure

that the BSBA graduating students are placed in appropriate

training stations that are relevant to their chosen


2. That the college of business administration must

continue looking for a way to improve its on-the-job

training program to help graduating students be equipped


with the necessary training and competencies that could

help them find a better and higher-paying job upon


3. The BSBA graduating students of OLPC-C need to

carefully consider and choose their training stations that

are relevant to their chosen specialization. This can help

to ensure that students are able to apply the knowledge and

skills they have acquired throughout their studies.

4. The College of Business Administration should conduct

regular assessments and evaluations of their OJT program.

This will allow them to identify any problems or challenges

that students may be encountering during their internship

experience, and make necessary adjustments to the program

to ensure that students are better equipped with the

necessary skills and knowledge to succeed in their chosen

field. This can be done through regular meetings, feedback

forms, and surveys, which will allow students to express

their concerns and provide valuable feedback on how to

improve the OJT program.



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