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The Order of the Old Ones

You are Marked,

Dear wayfaring traveler!

It may come as a shock to read this, but we know you have Awoken from the Dream!

We, the Order of the Old Ones, acknowledge that YOU!, Yes you… that you are Awoken. Welcome to a
brand new way of seeing the world my friend! We are writing to you today to inform you that you will be
ABDUCTED at 2:13pm on Wednesday, June 21st! That happens to be the Summer Solstice!

You do NOT have a given choice in this circumstance. We apologize for any inconvenience you may
experience during your abduction. This abduction is necessary for the safety and wellbeing of a larger
society. We are not responsible for any injuries, or deaths, that may occur during your abduction. We are
not held liable and cannot be sued for any inconvenience this may cause your life or the
emotional/psychological upheaval you are experiencing or soon will be. Your sanity is our top priority, and we
will do everything in our power and authority to preserve and sustain your life.

* In an event that you may die, who should we contact:


* Please check the BOX if you have a DNR (Do Not Resuscitate)
⌧ I accept the DNR in the abduction of person(s)
We thank you for your compliance!

In the event your abduction goes array or cannot go as planned, you will not be notified of a next available
abduction but instead will be scheduled for immediate extermination. We also will hold you responsible for
any loss of life, injuries, sickness, plagues, eldritch impact, foreign contagions, alien invasions, zombie
apocalypse and anything else that may bring the world to an end.

We look forward to working with you in the future!

Lots of love,
-Sofia van Eindhoven 🜭

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