Puer Natus in Bethlehem

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Seasonal Hymns and Chants — Christmas 137


Bzzf v b z Y
G v b zhb v
. b [ v z b \ v y g
> Ä U v
O-di- e * Chri- stus na-tus est: hó-di- e
b v h
à v v b v b g zb v Y
F v z b hb v
. b { b v f b v z T
F v zì ß
g v b z [ b v g
v z g v z g b b õ
BzbzYG vbz vzhv ztfvbvfb,vzb z]zbvzbfbzvzbYG vbvbíhà vbz [zvbzhv bzvzhv zygbvb\vjzb vzàhv v bzgv zvzYF bvbvíhà vzb [bz bhb vö
appá-ru- it: hó-di- e in terra canunt Ange- li, læ-

Bbzb ygvb\vjb bz àhv vzbvgv bz YF vzvhb.vz b{bvzbhv zkbv ìKOzâ*&à^vbz[vb hz b\vy>gÄUvbz àhv v zb gbv zèYF vzv[v fvbö
tán-tur Archánge- li: hó-di- e exsúl- tant justi, di-

Bbvb hv bvéYG vzvzb{vbz éYG bvzb rdbvzbszbvb Ýdv bzfv vbYéG v zgv v zbrdv bwav b sv brdzbvbsbmvbvbsbmvz }xvvb
céntes: Gló-ri- a in excélsis De- o, alle- lú- ia.
Today Christ is born; today the Savior appears; today on earth the angels sing,
archangels rejoice; today the just exult, saying: Glory to God in the highest,


Bb zb s v zb v b f
Þ v v b f zv zv d
Ý v zb f v v z
U- er na-tus in Béthlehem, al-le-lú- ia:
b g
ß v v b f v b v b d
Ý v v zb s v z b f
Þ v zvzdb v zb s b v
m b { b v zb s v v
Unde gau-
b f
Þ v z v z g b v ö
Bzv àhbv vbgbzvzàhvzbvgvbvzfb,v z{v bfvzbvÞfbv bfbvzvÞfvbvzbhvzb zßgvbvbfv zbdbmv b}zòxxxvb
det Je-rú-sa-lem, al-le-lú- ia, al-le-lú- ia.

Bzz bsvbzvbv Þfv zbgvzbv bàhzb \vjbv zkb/v z z[zbv zb kv zbÞfv vzbv zbfbz v Þfv vzbvhbvzbvbßgbz vzbfbv zdbmv zb {zbò
In cordis jú- bi- lo Christum na- tum a-do- rémus,

Bbz bsv z bv zbÞfvzbvzfb v bzÝdv vdvzb zsbmv b}zxcvvzxxxxxx

Cum no-vo cánti-co.
A child is born in Bethlehem; wherefore Jerusalem rejoices.
R. In jubilation of heart, let us adore the newborn Christ with a new song.
138 The Parish Book of Chant

2. Assúmpsit carnem Fílius, allelúia, 2. The Son hath assumed

flesh, the Most High of
Dei Patris altíssimus,
God the Father.
allelúia, allelúia. R.
3. Per Gabriélem núntium, allelúia, 3. Through the messenger
Gabriel, the Virgin con-
Virgo concépit Fílium,
ceived a Son.
allelúia, allelúia. R.
4. Tamquam sponsus de thálamo, 4. Likea bridegroom from
his chamber, he came forth
allelúia, Procéssit Matris útero,
from his Mother’s womb.
allelúia, allelúia. R.
5. Hic jacet in præsépio, allelúia, He lies in the manger,

Qui regnat sine término, Who reigns without end.

allelúia, allelúia. R.
6. Et Angelus pastóribus, allelúia, 6. And the Angel reveals
to the shepherds that this
Revélat quod sit Dóminus, is the Lord.
allelúia, allelúia. R.
7. Reges de Saba véniunt, allelúia, 7.Kings from Saba come,
offering gold, incense, and
Aurum, thus, myrrham ófferunt, myrrh.
allelúia, allelúia. R.
8. Intrántes domum ínvicem, allelúia, 8.Entering the house, in
turn they greet the new-
Novum salútant príncipem, born Prince.
allelúia, allelúia. R.
9. De Matre natus Vírgine, allelúia: 9.Born of a virgin moth-
er, Who is Light of Light.
Qui lumen est de lúmine,
allelúia, allelúia. R.
10. Sine serpéntis vúlnere, allelúia, 10. Without the serpent’s
wound, he came of our
De nostro venit sánguine, blood.
allelúia, allelúia. R.
11. In carne nobis símilis, allelúia, 11. Like unto us in flesh,
yet unlike us as to sin.
Peccáto sed dissímilis,
allelúia, allelúia. R.
12. Ut rédderet nos hómines, allelúia, In order to render us
men like unto God and
Deo et sibi similes, Himself.
allelúia, allelúia. R.
13. In hoc natáli gáudio, allelúia, 13.On this joyous natal
day, let us bless the Lord.
Benedicámus Dómino,
allelúia, allelúia. R.
14. Laudétur sancta Trínitas, allelúia, 14. Praised be the Holy
Trinity; let us give thanks
Deo dicámus grátias, to God.
allelúia, allelúia. R.

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