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General knowledge Dt-29.11.2023 (WEDNESDAY)

Key points:-
Current affairs:-
 First team to Qualify for T20 2024 world cup – Namibia
 Which country Abandons landmark smoking Ban for Generation to
fund Tax cuts – Newzealand
 President of Newzealand – Christopher Luxon
 Who appointed first female commanding officer at Armed forces
transfusion center – Colonel BS Sunita
 Who to host ultimate Kho kho season 2 from December 24,2023
to January 13,2024 – Odisha
 Who clinches 6-red snooker world title – Vidya Pillai
 Who appointed as Director of HDFC bank – Harsh Kumar Bhanawal
(former NABARD chairman)
 Chairman of Fino payment bank – Rajat Kumar Jain
 CK Gopinathan – passes away – Director of Dhanalakshmi bank
(major shareholder)
 “Pranab , my father : A Daughter remembers” –biography –
Sharmishtha Mukharjee
 Operation Sesha – aims to curb the illegal trade of – Timber
 International day of Care and Support – 29 October
 Which Institution was tasked with the preparation of “Vision india
@ 2047” plan – NITI AYOG
 World Television day 2023 – November 21 (Theme 2023 –
 Investor Risk reduction Access (IRRA) platform has been
developed by – Stock exchange

GURUKUL Academy,Bargarh Mob-7327086777 ,7978448037 Email-

 Which state inaugurated the Vidya Samiksha Kendra – Himachal
 As of 2023 , which country is world’s biggest polluter – China
 Which ministry released the “Basic Animal Husbandry statistics
2023 on National milk day – Ministry of fisheries Animal
Husbandry & Dairying (Parshottam Rupala)
 All 41 workers trapped inside silk yara tunnel successfully rescued
– Uttarakhand
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 Panchayati raj is Included in = State List
 Highest Law officer of a State = Advocate General
 DPSP From = Ireland
 Objective Resolution moved by = Jawaharlal Nehru
 1st Vice-President of India = S. Radhakrishna
 Bicameral Legislative = Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Andhra Pradesh,
Karnataka, Maharashtra, Telengana
 Total UTs = 8
 Unit of measuring force = Newton
 Everybody continues its state of rest of Uniform motion until an
external force is applied = Newton 1st Law
 Who Postulated that “Mass can be Converted into Energy and
Vice-Versa “= Einstein
 Value of “G” at surface of Earth = 9.8 m/s2
 Negatively charged Particle = Electron
 X-Rays were discovered by = Rontgen
 Which is used to measure Humidity in Air = Hygrometer
 How many elements are there in Nature as per latest Periodic
table = 118

GURUKUL Academy,Bargarh Mob-7327086777 ,7978448037 Email-

 Aluminium Ore = Bauxite, Kryolite, Corundum
 Pangolins are = Scaly Anteaters
 Tissue Involved in transport of flood material in Plant = Phloem
 The Percentage of Oxygen in the exhaled Air in = 16%
 Ebola diseases caused by = Virus
 Noble Prize for discovering Covid Vaccine = Drew Weissman
 National Science Day = 28 Feb
 A sliced apple ,when exposed to Air , Turns brown after sometime
as it contains = Iron
 If Mother’s blood Group is B and Father’s is AB. Which Can not
be theirs Childs Bloods Group = O
 1st Metal used by Metal = Copper
 The Inscription which Proves Asoka’s Sway aver western India is
= Shahabaz Gadhia Rock Edict of Ashoka
 1st and Last Women roller of Delhi = Razia Sulatan
 Hampi is Situated on the Northern bank of = Tungabhadra
 The Mansabdari System Introduced by Akbar was borrowed from
= Mongolia
 Sikh Guru Arjun Dev was killed during the reign of = Jahangir
 The Distribution of Powers between the Centre and States at the
Indian Constitution = Govt of India Act 1935
 In Bengal , the HQ of East India Company were located at = Fort
 The beginning of the British Political Sway over India can be
traced to battle of = Plassey
 Swaraj as a National Demand was 1st made by = Dadabhai Naraoji
 The Only annual session of the Congress Presided Over by
Mahatma Gandhi Belgium = 1925

GURUKUL Academy,Bargarh Mob-7327086777 ,7978448037 Email-

 The Peasants of Champaran were bound by law to grow indigo on
how much part of their land = 3/20
 Who Proved that the reason for Lunar Eclipse is the shade of the
Earth = Aryabhatta
 Holy book of Buddhist religion = Tripitaka
 The Yogini temple of Odisha has beautiful Yogini Images carved
from = Black Chlorite

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GURUKUL Academy,Bargarh Mob-7327086777 ,7978448037 Email-

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