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Slide 1: Title

Water Storage and Flood Control, Air and Water Treatment

Slide 2: Introduction [[ Gracebell ]]

- Water storage and flood control are essential for managing water resources and mitigating the impact of

- Air and water treatment are crucial for maintaining the quality of our natural resources and ensuring
public health and safety.

Slide 3: Water Storage [[ Bea ]]

- Importance of water storage: Provides a reliable water supply during droughts and supports agriculture,
industries, and urban areas.

- Examples of water storage infrastructure: Dams, reservoirs, and groundwater aquifers.

- Benefits of effective water storage: Ensures water availability, safeguards against water scarcity, and
promotes sustainable development.

Slide 4: Flood Control [[ Liejean ]]

- Significance of flood control: Protects lives, properties, and infrastructure from water damage during
heavy rainfall or river flooding.

- Methods of flood control: Constructing levees, flood barriers, and floodways; improving drainage

- Benefits of effective flood control: Minimizes flood-related losses, enhances community resilience, and
reduces economic disruptions.

Slide 5: Air Treatment [[ Elymar ]]

- Importance of air treatment: Ensures clean and healthy air for breathing, reduces air pollution-related
health risks, and supports environmental sustainability.

- Techniques used for air treatment: Filtering particulate matter, removing pollutants through chemical
reactions, and controlling emissions from industrial sources.

- Benefits of effective air treatment: Protects public health, minimizes respiratory diseases, and improves
overall air quality.
Slide 6: Water Treatment [[ Rene ]]

- Need for water treatment: Removes contaminants from water sources, including pollutants,
microorganisms, and chemicals, to make it safe for consumption.

- Processes involved in water treatment: Coagulation, filtration, disinfection, and advanced treatment
(e.g., reverse osmosis).

- Benefits of effective water treatment: Provides safe drinking water, prevents waterborne diseases, and
promotes public health.

Slide 7: Integrated Approach [[ Christian ]]

- Importance of an integrated approach to water storage, flood control, air treatment, and water treatment.

- Synergies between these practices: Shared infrastructure resources, improved water and air quality, and
enhanced disaster preparedness and response.

- Examples of integrated approaches: Implementing green infrastructure, adopting sustainable water

management strategies.

Slide 8: Challenges [[ Mateo ]]

- Challenges in water storage and flood control: Balancing the needs of competing water users,
environmental concerns, and consideration of climate change impacts.

- Challenges in air and water treatment: Identifying and reducing sources of pollution, maintaining
infrastructure and technologies, and ensuring equitable access to clean resources.

Slide 9: Solutions and Innovations [[ Ian ]]

- Promising solutions: Efficient water storage and distribution systems, nature-based flood control
measures, advanced air and water treatment technologies.

- Innovations in technology: AI-based monitoring and management systems, predictive modeling for
flood forecasting, advanced filtration and purification methods.

Slide 10: Benefits and Future Outlook [[ Ryan -Benefits ]] & [[ Justine - Importance ]]

- Benefits of successful implementation: Sustainable water and air resources, improved public health,
resilience to climate change, and economic growth.
- Importance of ongoing research and development: Addressing emerging challenges, optimizing existing
technologies, and exploring new solutions for water storage, flood control, air, and water treatment.

Slide 11: Conclusion [[ Mecca ]]

- Water storage, flood control, air, and water treatment are vital for ensuring the availability and quality of
natural resources, safeguarding public health, and building resilient communities.

- Continued efforts towards sustainable management and innovation in these areas are crucial for a better

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