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Delfina D'abate

Cristina Barrera
Manuel Balbin
Diego Dijkstra.
Jack's Story
1. What you think was in the briefcase?
We thought that There was a significant amount of
dollars in the briefcase.
2. Who the man in the Kitchen was?
In the kitchen there was a man posing as an
accountant but in reality it was the woman who was
in the kitchen.
3. What had happened before the story began?
Jack was leaving his study for an important meeting
whith some architects whith the briefcase with the
false dollars, when he gets into the car he sees that
there is a car that is chasing him, he drive fast and
that is when he loses night of them.
4. How the story ended?
Jack when he Heard who was talking to him was a
woman. He steps back an leaves the briefcase and
runs out of the house. He get un his car and starts
driving fast until he leaves that house, when he sees
that he is driving away an alarm sounds and he
realices that what had happened to him a Dream.
Jack was leaving his study for an important meeting
with some architects With the briefcase with the
false dollars. When he gets into the car he sees that
there is a car that is chasing him, he drives fast and
that is when he loses sight of them. Jack Turner off
the main road and drove down a narrow lane. 20
minutes later, he parked in front of an old wooden
house by a river. After he got out of the car and
looked around. Then he Opened the boot of the car,
Jack walked into the kitchen to male some coffee.
“Hello Jack” said the accountant, “ what is in the
briefcase”. He put the briefcase on the table and
pushed it towards him. “ I have amount of dollars in
the briefcase” said Jack. “Good” said the accountant,
when Jack heard who was talking to him was a
woman, he steps back and ran out of the house. He
got in his car an start drove fast until he leave that
house. When sees that, he is driving away an alarm
sounds and he realizes that what had happened to
him a dream.

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