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ay (@ Expeniment No 102 ; | |& Expentment Nome: | ame? 5 deleremine of the diameder of a given sample by using @ Screw gauge. sted gues 3 a Paint) EB OK] \ paar Cireulor seale Fig. 4: A Serew Gouge U & Theory: The. least count of the serew gauge (s the pitch divided by the number of divisiong 'n the. chreulan scale. “The diameter of the. pen just {Med between the. stand i's equal +o the readin Pn the. linear scale, plus the value of the. circular sealo reading. |e Apparatus : : ee | (1. A Senew gue: 2. A pen. a, f, o. di : | | roeedune_ he ake ae the smallest diisins | |of AS en eocle es ead tn nefenenceto | lo amelen scala. and the. number of divistons in the cfteulan seala. was read. The. least count wes caleuleded b ditding. the piteh beg the number of division fm the cirealan scale The pemwes placed breath wise fn the gop belween the studs. The studs wene made "just touch the. Speacimen by slowly urening At each placed of the pen feo perpendreular readin was taken. Reading wene taken at severcol places of the pen r | Gh Expentmental dada. abla: oof] Least or “BE | Soe ere ae te Eada Fee ed vaten| scam] APE [SRO | 'Ston [CO R= F Reading | tending, Read a Mviston)| (mm) | c.s.d Cexesn) TR (wa) es on | eae 72 [19 Jow | ses | zea [pase loo I ~2 [45 Ié Ol’ 766 | %69 lez 49 | [ou [Fee Tye9 y |e ® Caleule-tisn : Least count : Puch Namber oF dito in the leak seal - am ia loo = ool mm Fon delat : Tolal read ‘ng o MSR+(cspxL-c) = FoF CS K-01) mm > $65 mm Ennen connected total scale readtog = = ¥:65-(601x(-3)) mm TR- (Lex ME) = F638 mm r for data 02 and 03. Total needing = MSR+ CCSRxL-0) = F5 + ( 16x 6-01) mm = 766mm Ennon connected -fofal rrending - TR-(L-CXMB) = ¥66- (001 x(-3)) mm > % 69 mm F684 7694769 eget EeePC ™m Average readtag = = F 68% mm- @ Resuls: The avercage. dtameterr of- the gien samp was 7: 687 mm 4 Precoutton : L. To avoid under pressune the serew should allay be rotated by, ratchet R and nof by. ep k. o-The. serew should move rely without Srichton >. The zero connection , with proper stan should be noted ver, ee and added i eae th Discussion: J. Back- lash ennor was be avoided by. durning_the| ° sereW In one direction 2. Conve. should be. daken 4o see that the studs just touch the. pen > Heal penpendiculan the treading should be. taken to each postion of the pen +e avoid ermon due. to the. pen mot betne tnfo tng tn remot round.

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