Reflection On Retreat.

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An Encounter, Joy and Perseverance in embracing the Cross and Mission.

At first, there are distractions occurred as I get into proper disposition to meditate,
contemplate and reflect. And to help myself get rid of the distractions, I prayed. I prayed for the
necessary graces such docility, tranquility, openness, courage, wisdom and understanding.With
a ready heart and great desire to encounter the Lord, I was able to experience and meditate on
the dialogue between Jesus and the man born blind. — Jesus Said, “ As long as I am in the
world, I am the light of the world. When Jesus had said this, He spat on The ground and made
mud with his saliva and spread the mud on the man’s eyes, saying to him, “Go, wash in the pool
of Siloam (which means sent). Then he went and wash and came back able to see”.— I
resonated with the man born blind. For there were times in my life for the past couple of years
that I seemed to be blinded with so many things. Have carried unexpressed emotions and
feelings such as self- hatred and being overwhelmed with the weight of self introspections.
With this I took heart and seek out for God’s abiding presence to enable myself recuperate
from my woundedness.

During the retreat, I made sure to masticate every opportunity of encountering Jesus. To
live in constant encounter with Him. I was able to look deeper into myself and my relationship
with Him and deepen it. Each prayer period was indeed of great help for me to renew my bond
with Him. I have also discovered that there were so many transitions that took place in my life
previously. Transitions that I was not aware of. Transitions that made me feel uncomfortable,
made my feet ache or sometimes dragging, or worse, made my heart aches due to frustrations
and disappointments. — yes, I’ve been there. However, on the other hand, these transitions
also made me to freely choose willingly what is good. These transitions brought changes in my
life as a person and human; as seminarian following the path of configuration to that of Christ,
the Good Shepherd.

Moreover, I was able to see also the importance of being of great help for others. I
believe that every thought that I have been gripped by will suddenly go to pieces if I will keep
them myself. — I strongly believe that a shared joy, experiences, talents and understanding to
all things will result to the betterment of the community.

In my discernment, I have seen the importance of living my life by, with and for the
people. And have seen myself living in a community. A community that is Discerning and
journeying together. With my renewed heart, desire and perseverance , and by living in a
constant encounter with Jesus I will be able to share joy and embrace the cross and mission.

Everything that had took place in the processes of my transitions, are all part of the
formation. — that in order for me to be held ready for the challenges of the life that I have
chosen, is by submitting myself to that of the holistic seminary formation and by remaining
humble to move forward.

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