Pathophysiology of Oxygen Delivery in Respiratory Failure : Mitchell M. Levy, MD, FCCP

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Pathophysiology of Oxygen Delivery in

Respiratory Failure*
Mitchell M. Levy, MD, FCCP

Complex physiologic interactions exist between oxygenation, hemoglobin, and cardiac output
(Qt) in critically ill patients with respiratory failure. When any or all of these three critical factors
fail, clinicians are challenged to support oxygen delivery (DO2) in order to avoid tissue hypoxia,
end-organ damage, and high mortality rates. Many of the interventions performed to improve
DO2, including mechanical ventilation, blood transfusions, fluid management, and invasive
monitoring of cardiac function, are accompanied by serious risks that can exacerbate the
pathology of DO2. This article provides an overview of oxygenation, hemoglobin, and Qt in
patients with respiratory failure and highlights some of the current research that seeks safe and
effective ways to improve DO2 in these patients. (CHEST 2005; 128:547S–553S)

Key words: organ damage; oxygen delivery; oxygenation; respiratory failure; tissue hypoxia

Abbreviations: Cao2 ⫽ arterial oxygen content; CVP ⫽ central venous pressure; Do2 ⫽ oxygen delivery;
Fio2 ⫽ fraction of inspired oxygen; NO ⫽ nitric oxide; PEEP ⫽ positive end-expiratory pressure; Pio2 ⫽ inspired Po2;
Qt ⫽ cardiac output; Sao2 ⫽ arterial oxygen saturation; Svo2 ⫽ venous oxygen saturation; V̇o2 ⫽ oxygen consumption;
V̇/Q̇ ⫽ ventilation/perfusion

Learning Objectives: 1. To review important considerations for managing patients in respiratory failure, ie,
oxygenation, hemoglobin, and cardiac output. 2. To discuss several strategies for each aspect of care, with attention to
controversies and/or new trends in treatment of respiratory failure.

R espiratory failure is a condition that leads to

inadequate oxygen delivery (Do ) and requires 2
when tissue oxygen extraction falls short of demand
over a wide range of Do2—is now believed to be an
immediate clinical intervention to avoid tissue hyp- artifact of mathematical coupling, which occurs be-
oxia and subsequent organ damage. Global Do2 is cause Do2 and V̇o2 are calculated with equations
the product of cardiac output (Qt) and arterial that share common variables.3,4 The critical Do2
oxygen content (Cao2). Cao2 is, in turn, the product threshold, known as the point at which Do2 fails to
of arterial oxygen saturation (Sao2), hemoglobin meet the metabolic demand and anaerobic metabo-
concentration, and a constant, reflecting the hemo- lism begins, is currently a more clinically relevant
globin-oxygen binding capacity.1 A concise review of and widely accepted concept. In humans, healthy or
these basic equations appears elsewhere in this otherwise, the critical Do2 value remains unknown,5
Supplement (see Huang YCT; Monitoring Oxygen and determination of “adequate” tissue oxygenation
Delivery in the Critically Ill). has long been an elusive goal for clinicians.6 Al-
Despite years of study, the relationship between though identification of oxygen utilization at the
Do2 and oxygen consumption (V̇o2) is still incom- tissue level would help clinicians decide how much
pletely understood.2,3 The theory of pathologic oxy- oxygen is enough, the options are limited for assess-
gen supply dependency in critically ill patients— ing changes in global or individual organ oxygen
requirements (usually as a change in V̇o2) and tissue
*From the Division of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine, perfusion.7 Of the relationships that are known,
Rhode Island Hospital Brown University School of Medicine, three major, interdependent components must be
Providence, RI.
Dr. Levy has disclosed financial relationships with a commercial monitored and supported in the critically ill patient
party. Grant information and company names appear as provided with respiratory failure in order to preserve Do2:
by the author. Grant monies (from industry-related sources): oxygenation, hemoglobin-related parameters, and Qt.
Involved in EPO II trial, as principal investigator at Rhode Island
This publication was supported by an educational grant from
Ortho Biotech Products, L.P.
Reproduction of this article is prohibited without written permission Determinants of Oxygen Exchange
from the American College of Chest Physicians (www.chestjournal.
org/misc/reprints.shtml). Respiration is a process that involves the exchange
Correspondence to: Mitchell M. Levy, MD, Division of Pulmo- of oxygen and carbon dioxide between a living
nary and Critical Care Medicine, Rhode Island Hospital Brown
University School of Medicine, 593 Eddy St, Main 7, Providence, organism and its environment. Figure 1 contains a
RI 02903; e-mail: schematic diagram of normal gas transport in a CHEST / 128 / 5 / NOVEMBER, 2005 SUPPLEMENT 547S

Figure 1. Gas transport in a healthy 70-kg adult breathing room air (Fio2 of 0.21) at standard
barometric pressure (101 kPa).1 Values in parentheses are for the normal 70-kg adult. The oxygen
partial pressures of dry, humidified, and alveolar air are assumed to be 21.3 kPa, 20 kPa, and 14.7 kPa,
respectively. Hb ⫽ hemoglobin; Cvo2 ⫽ mixed venous oxygen content; Peco2 ⫽ mixed expired Pco2;
Peo2 ⫽ mixed inspired Po2; Pio2 ⫽ inspired Po2; P50 ⫽ Po2 at which 50% of the hemoglobin is
saturated. Used with permission from Treacher et al.1

healthy adult, demonstrating the interplay of lung muscle weakness, or obstructive airway disease) but
alveoli, heart, blood, capillaries, and intracellular also can result from development of a diffusion
mitochondria in the respiratory process.1 Following barrier such as occurs in pulmonary edema or from
oxygen uptake in the lung via inspiration and then ventilation-perfusion (V̇/Q̇) mismatch.1 This results
passive oxygen diffusion into arterial blood, Do2 next either from inadequate ventilation of perfused alve-
depends on the oxygen-carrying capacity of blood, ie, oli or reduced perfusion of well-ventilated alveoli,10
its hemoglobin content and dissociation kinetics. and is the most frequent contributor to clinically
Global and regional Do2 to tissues also relies on important oxygen desaturation.11
adequate Qt and local control of blood flow to end Pao2 and Sao2 are the main determinants of
organs. Oxygen diffuses from capillaries to cells, arterial hypoxemia; in addition, clinical assessment,
where it is utilized at the tissue level. Simultaneous pH, lactate, Do2/V̇o2, changes in Pco2, gastric mu-
exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide is followed by
cosal pH, and Svo2 have all been used to monitor
removal of carbon dioxide from the blood into the
tissue oxygen status.12 There are, however, examples
alveoli, where this waste gas is ultimately exhaled,
in which these measures are inadequate. Although
completing the normal respiratory cycle. Respiratory
failure and inadequate Do2 can result from malfunc- frequently used to monitor oxygen exchange, Pao2
tion of any aspect of the “ventilatory apparatus.” A may not provide sufficient information about the
decrease in convective oxygen transport and in- adequacy of Do2. A below-normal Pao2 generally
creased oxygen extraction by tissues can lead to indicates V̇/Q̇ mismatch, but a normal Pao2 does not
progressive decreases in venous oxygen saturation necessarily mean that there is V̇/Q̇ homogeneity in
(Svo2), rapid arterial desaturation, and an insuffi- the lung. The alveolar Po2/Pao2 gradient reflects the
cient oxygen supply to the tissues.8 efficiency of oxygen uptake from the alveoli to
blood11 and may be a more sensitive indicator of V̇/Q̇
abnormalities. When severe V̇/Q̇ mismatch is sus-
Oxygenation pected as the cause of hypoxemia, the Pao2/fraction
Under normal conditions, alveolar oxygen pres- of inspired oxygen (Fio2) ratio is a good index of
sure drives the diffusion of oxygen into arterial oxygenation that is easily calculated.13 Values of Pao2
blood, measured clinically as Pao2. The transfer of and Sao2 can also be normal in a critically ill patient
inspired oxygen and removal of waste carbon dioxide who is anemic or has low Qt, and thus these param-
will be limited if there is alveolar damage or injury to eters will fail to detect the presence of tissue hypoxia.
respiratory muscles, carotid bodies, or the central In these situations, mixed Svo2, when very low, may
respiratory center. Acute lung injury and ARDS be a better indicator of tissue oxygenation than Pao2
commonly lead to hypoxemic respiratory failure.9 or Sao2.6 The measurement of Svo2 requires the
Arterial hypoxemia may be initiated by alveolar presence of a pulmonary arterial catheter, which is
hypoventilation (respiratory depression, respiratory not without risk.14,15

548S Improving Outcomes in Respiratory Failure: Ventilation, Blood Use, and Anemia Management
Strategies for Improving Oxygenation increased shunt in patients with ARDS. This occurs
for several reasons, including a qualitative and quan-
Oxygen may be supplemented directly with inva- titative surfactant defect as well as the increased
sive or noninvasive ventilatory support. While at- weight on dependent lung regions due to increased
tempting to improve oxygenation by mechanical lung density.18 There is also evidence that repetitive
means, the potential for oxygen toxicity should be recruitment and derecruitment during tidal ventila-
considered. In the critically ill patient, excess Fio2 tion may result in shear stress injury, which may
has the potential to decrease vital capacity and contribute to ventilator-associated lung injury. The
increase alveolar-capillary permeability.16 The least exact method for determining “optimal PEEP” in
amount of Fio2 to achieve effective oxygenation ARDS remains uncertain.
should be used, typically ⬍ 0.60.17 If V̇/Q̇ mismatch
is present, there will be a positive response of Pao2
to administered oxygen, but if there is a “true Other Lung Protective Strategies for Improving
shunt”—if the amount of mixed venous blood that Oxygenation
completely bypasses the pulmonary capillaries ex- Inhaled nitric oxide (NO) has the potential to
ceeds 30%—increasing the Fio2 will not improve improve V̇/Q̇ matching by dilating the pulmonary
the Pao2.1 vasculature and has been suggested as a means to
Ventilatory management is shifting from a strategy augment arterial and tissue oxygenation in patients
that prioritized oxygen exchange and Do2 optimiza- receiving mechanical ventilation, with an added ben-
tion to a new strategy that attempts to ensure that efit of reduced inflammatory mediators and platelet
the lung is protected.17 The goals of the old vs new aggregation.9 Although improved oxygenation with
strategies are not mutually exclusive, since functional NO has been observed, outcomes in large multi-
lung density and oxygen exchange efficiency are center studies have not improved,22 except in a small
correlated.18 Mainstream lung protective approaches subgroup of patients who inhaled low doses (5 ppm)
to mechanical ventilation include the use of lower of NO.23
tidal volumes and optimized pressure settings for Prone positioning in patients with ARDS has been
positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP). Noninva- reported to improve oxygenation in 70 to 80% of
sive ventilation may be appropriate in some patients. patients.24 The mechanisms involved relate to in-
Less conventional but potentially promising strate- creased V̇/Q̇ matching due to increased lung volume,
gies involve prone positioning, permissive hypercap- redistribution of perfusion, and dorsal lung recruit-
nia, and high-frequency ventilation that allows lower ment. The positive effects of prone positioning on
tidal volumes while maintaining minute ventilation. oxygenation diminish after approximately 1 week of
mechanical ventilation and are incompletely under-
Reduced Tidal Volumes and PEEP
stood.24 In one study25 of patients with pulmonary
Conclusive evidence that a lung protective strategy aspiration, oxygenation was significantly improved in
improves mortality was provided by the ARDS Net- the patients who were subjected to prone position-
work.19 In a study of 861 patients with ARDS, ing. The authors24 concluded that early prone posi-
ventilation with low tidal volumes (6 mL/kg) com- tioning favorably altered V̇/Q̇ relationships, aided
bined with an airway plateau pressure of ⱕ 30 cm drainage of secretions, opened up alveoli, and pre-
H2O reduced the relative risk of mortality by 22% vented progression of pneumonitis. In a large, pro-
compared to traditional ventilation volume (12 mL/ spective, randomized, controlled study of prone po-
kg) with ⱕ 50 cm H2O. The number of ventilator- sitioning conducted by Gattinoni and colleagues,26
free days and percentage of patients breathing with- survival was unaffected despite improved oxygen-
out assistance by day 28 were also significantly ation. However, a survival benefit was suggested in
higher in the group with low tidal volumes the subset of patients with the lowest Pao2/Fio2
(p ⫽ 0.007 and p ⬍ 0.001, respectively). Largely be- ratio.
cause of the ARDS Network study and another Largely investigated in pediatrics, permissive hy-
investigation by Amato et al,20 which coupled higher percapnia combined with high ventilation rates is
PEEP settings with low tidal volumes and achieved a another potentially beneficial lung protective strat-
47% reduction in mortality, there is general agree- egy in patients receiving ventilation.27 The oxygen-
ment that low tidal volume ventilation should be the hemoglobin dissociation curve shifts to the right
standard of care against which other interventions when Paco2 is elevated and favors peripheral tissue
and supportive techniques are measured.21 oxygen unloading.28 Hypocapnic alkalosis alters the
The primary rationale for using PEEP in patients balance between global Do2 and V̇o2, decreasing
with ARDS is to prevent end-expiratory alveolar supply and increasing demand for oxygen.29 In con-
collapse and the hypoxemia that results from this trast, at the cellular level, lower Paco2 increases the CHEST / 128 / 5 / NOVEMBER, 2005 SUPPLEMENT 549S

metabolic requirement for oxygen through increases moglobin concentration is a key factor for adequate
in cell excitation or contraction, and contributes to tissue oxygenation, but the bulk of evidence seems to
cell death, the pathogenesis of acute lung injury, indicate that the Do2, V̇o2, or survival benefits of
systemic inflammation, and the risk of permanent using RBC transfusions as a vehicle to deliver hemo-
brain damage.28,29 Data reporting a lower incidence globin do not outweigh their risks. Perhaps the most
of barotrauma during mechanical ventilation for frequently cited evidence questioning the effective-
near-fatal asthma30 and the ability of permissive ness of RBC transfusions was provided by Hebert et
hypercapnia to ameliorate stretch-induced lung in- al,39 who demonstrated, in a well-designed, random-
jury in neonates31 have contributed to a growing ized clinical trial, that a liberal transfusion policy
acceptance of permissive hypercapnia in the ventila- conferred no survival benefit over a restrictive trans-
tion strategy of adult patients with ARDS.32 fusion policy, with the exception of a subset of
patients with advanced cardiac disease. Spahn44 has
recently acknowledged that there is no “magic num-
Hemoglobin ber of hemoglobin” at which transfusions should be
administered. The College of American Pathologists
The second component of Do2 apt to malfunction recommends RBC transfusions based on an oxygen
in the patient with respiratory failure is the oxygen- extraction rate ⬎ 50%, Pvo2 ⬍ 25 mm Hg (⬍ 3.3
carrying capacity of blood. The concentration of kPa), and a reduction in V̇o2 to ⬍ 50% of baseline.45
circulating hemoglobin is the primary determinant of An important consideration with regard to the
Cao2;33 therefore, all things being equal, an ade- oxygen-delivering capability of RBC transfusions is
quate hemoglobin concentration should delay the that allogeneic blood typically administered to ICU
onset of anaerobic metabolism. For numerous rea- patients has been stored an average of 21 days.37
sons, including phlebotomy, hemorrhage secondary Older stored blood lacks 2,3-diphosphoglycerate,
to trauma and/or surgery, inflammation, nutritional which increases the hemoglobin-oxygen binding af-
deficiencies, and decreased erythropoietin produc- finity, as noted above, and impairs its ability to
tion,34 –36 anemia is prevalent in critically ill patients. unload oxygen.6 The RBC membranes of older blood
During the course of an ICU stay, hemoglobin may may also be less deformable and lead to microthrom-
fall from a baseline average of 11 g/dL to 8 to 10 boses that could exacerbate tissue hypoxia.46 Despite
g/dL.37 these clinical and physiologic observations that ought
Optimal hemoglobin levels in critically ill patients to discourage the liberal transfusion of RBCs, a
and how they should be achieved has been a topic of recent study of critically ill patients by Corwin et al37
interest and debate since the landmark work of (of whom 32% had a primary diagnosis of respiratory
Freudenberger and Carson38 and Hebert et al.39 failure) showed that transfusions were still very
One factor that complicates prediction of “optimal commonly administered.
hemoglobin” is the dissociation profile of oxygen Transfusion practices were recently evaluated in a
from hemoglobin, which is likely to be altered and/or retrospective study47 of patients receiving mechani-
changing throughout the course of critical illness. cal ventilation from the study by Corwin et al.37 In
The kinetics of oxygen binding to hemoglobin are that study,37 it was observed that patients receiving
affected by temperature, pH, and inorganic phos- mechanical ventilation tended to receive transfusions
phates in RBCs (eg, 2,3-diphosphoglycerate).6 Aci- more often than patients not receiving mechanical
dosis and increased temperature decrease the hemo- ventilation (49% vs 33%, p ⬍ 0.0001) [mean ⫾ SD],
globin affinity for oxygen and tend to improve tissue and patients receiving mechanical ventilation had
oxygenation; however, the effects of hypophos- significantly higher pretransfusion hemoglobin levels
phatemia on 2,3-diphosphoglycerate are opposing (8.7 ⫾ 1.7 g/dL) than patients not receiving mechan-
and tend to shift the hemoglobin dissociation curve ical ventilation (8.2 ⫾ 1.7 g/dL, p ⬍ 0.0001). These
back to the left.6 data suggest an a priori assumption on the part of
intensivists that maintaining hemoglobin at a higher
level in patients receiving mechanical ventilation is
Strategies for Improving Hemoglobin beneficial. Among these patients, however, transfu-
Parameters sions were not associated with better outcomes.
A few reports48 –50 have supported the notion that
Theoretically, administration of RBC transfusions successful attempts to wean from mechanical venti-
should supply hemoglobin and improve Do2 in lation are associated with higher hemoglobin levels.
critically ill patients, although studies40 – 43 have However, a post hoc analysis of the mechanical
failed to show improvement in tissue oxygenation or ventilation subset from the population investigated
outcomes following RBC transfusions. Raising he- by Hebert et al51 revealed no difference between

550S Improving Outcomes in Respiratory Failure: Ventilation, Blood Use, and Anemia Management
liberal and restrictive RBC transfusion groups with recently published results from a large, randomized
respect to the duration of mechanical ventilation or study in which mortality and other outcomes were
number of ventilator-free days. Given the present similar in patients administered 4% albumin or 0.9%
evidence, transfusing patients receiving mechanical saline solution, both overall and in the subgroup of
ventilation with RBCs aggressively and at a higher patients with acute respiratory failure.
hemoglobin threshold than in patients not receiving Ventricular end-diastolic pressure, measured indi-
mechanical ventilation does not appear to be justi- rectly as pulmonary artery occlusion pressure with a
fied. pulmonary artery catheter, can provide information
Administration of epoetin alfa (40,000 U/wk) sig- about progressive increases in Qt resulting from fluid
nificantly increased hemoglobin levels and reduced challenges. However, the benefit of the pulmonary
transfusion requirements in a randomized study of artery catheter is somewhat controversial. Because
1,302 critically ill patients, although no significant permeability of the pulmonary capillary endothelium
effects on ventilator outcomes, hospital or ICU may be increased due to inflammation, the pressure
length of stay, or 28-day mortality were detected.52 corresponding to edema formation may be more
Further studies are necessary to investigate whether accurately determined by bedside pulmonary capil-
raising hemoglobin with epoetin alfa can improve lary pressure measurements than by pulmonary ar-
Do2 and outcomes in the specific population of tery occlusion pressure.56 Measurement of arterial
patients receiving mechanical ventilation. pulse pressure or arterial pulse contour analysis has
also been suggested as a means to predict which
patients will respond favorably to a fluid challenge by
Qt increasing Qt.59
The inotropic agents dopamine and dobutamine
Beyond optimizing oxygenation and hemoglobin, (primarily ␤1-agonists) are frequently employed in
achieving adequate Do2 in the patient with respira- patients with respiratory failure when the response
tory failure also requires that Qt be maintained. For to fluid challenge is inadequate.60 Rivers et al61
the heart to function properly, a constant replenish- examined the effects of early goal-directed therapy
ment of oxygen is needed, since the coronary circu- in patients with severe sepsis and shock, combining
lation has limited oxygen reserve and extracts 60 to sequential protocol-driven (Fig 2) administration of a
75% of what is delivered.38 Cardiac dysfunction in
the ICU population is one of the primary predictors
of mortality,53 and in studies37,54 of the critically ill,
approximately 40% have significant cardiac disease
as a comorbidity. Cardiac dysfunction may result
from underlying organic heart disease; insufficient
Do2 to the coronary circulation, which can be pre-
cipitated/exacerbated by anemia, subendocardial
ischemia from left ventricular hypertrophy, compro-
mised myocardial contractility from the effects of
inflammatory cytokines, inappropriate intravascular
fluid status, or a combination of factors.38,55

Strategies for Improving Qt

During resuscitation maneuvers in shock patients,
fluids, vasopressors, vasodilators, and inotropes are
administered, often in combination, to augment Qt
and overall Do2.56 Patients in respiratory failure
supported with mechanical ventilation are frequently
hemodynamically unstable, with low BP, tachycar-
dia, and decreased Qt and urinary output.57 Clinical
decisions must take into account the benefits vs risks
of the type (colloid vs crystalloid) and volume of fluid
chosen to increase circulating blood volume and
Figure 2. Protocol for early goal-directed therapy for patients in
venous return. With regard to fluid choice, the Saline shock.61 MAP ⫽ mean arterial pressure; Scvo2 ⫽ central venous
vs Albumin Fluid Evaluation study investigators58 oxygen saturation; Used with permission from Rivers et al.61 CHEST / 128 / 5 / NOVEMBER, 2005 SUPPLEMENT 551S

crystalloid fluid bolus, vasopressors, and dobutamine evaluate the appropriate levels of Do2 during respi-
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sure (CVP) and central Svo2 to achieve hemody- adequate tissue perfusion.
namic goals, which included a CVP of 8 to 12 mm
Hg, mean arterial pressure of 65 to 90 mm Hg, and
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