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Chapter 15

Essential Requirements for Setting Up a Stem Cell

Philip H. Schwartz and Robin L. Wesselschmidt

This chapter provides an overview and general considerations for establishing a stem cell research labo-
ratory. It provides practical information about establishing stem cell research laboratory operations with
an emphasis on quality control/quality assurance as well as an overview and considerations regarding
equipment and laboratory design. Stem cells require specialized cell culture expertise and a robust qual-
ity control system in order to maintain the identity of the stem cells within specified parameters or to
develop robust processes for their expansion and differentiation. This chapter aims to provide a starting
point for the establishment of a stem cell research laboratory with equal emphasis on the facility and

Key words Laboratory design, Stem cells, Cell culture, Quality control, Standard operating

1 Introduction

This chapter provides an overview of the critical issues that need to

be addressed when establishing a stem cell laboratory in a research
and development environment. The focus of the chapter is equally
divided on the physical space and equipment as well as the establish-
ing operations that lay the foundation for successful experimenta-
tion and reproducible results. The physical space requirements for
the research/discovery stem cell laboratory are essentially the same
as that required for other mammalian cell culture laboratories; it is
the quality control and oversight that generally set the stem cell
laboratory apart [1–3]. Stem cells require specialized cell culture
expertise and a robust quality control system. Additionally, because
these cells are derived or isolated from human tissues, there are
generally more reporting requirements and regulatory oversight.
This chapter is divided into two main sections: facility over-
view, which addresses the physical space including infrastructure
and laboratory design and equipment, and operations overview,

Amit K. Srivastava et al. (eds.), Stem Cell Technologies in Neuroscience, Neuromethods, vol. 126,
DOI 10.1007/978-1-4939-7024-7_15, © Springer Science+Business Media LLC 2017

226 Philip H. Schwartz and Robin L. Wesselschmidt

which addresses the operation of a state-of-the-art stem cell labora-

tory with suggested cell banking strategy and quality assurance/
control measures.

2 Facility Overview

Whether building a new laboratory or renovating existing labora-

tory space, facility design and upgrade issues will most likely be
undertaken by a team comprised of people with the specialized
knowledge and expertise that is required to address design and
safety guidelines, health and safety regulations, and codes and
standards for laboratory construction. At a minimum, this team
usually includes the laboratory head/principal investigator, insti-
tutional facility manager, and an architect/engineer. During the
design planning phase, the team aims to design a laboratory,
including ancillary support space, that provides maximal support
to personnel in order to safely and effectively reach the program
goals within budget constraints. Below is a list of some of the key
considerations in the infrastructure and design of a stem cell lab-
oratory. This list is by no means exhaustive and is meant to pro-
vide the laboratory head/principal investigator and their staff an
overview of the major considerations as the stem cell laboratory
is planned with the help of the engineer and architects who can
address specific health and safety regulations and construction
codes and standards. The NIH design manual is a useful refer-
ence for the design, construction, commissioning, and mainte-
nance of biomedical laboratories and gives an overview of various
design considerations as well as specific information on infra-
structure considerations [4].

2.1 Infrastructure The build-out of new laboratory space or the renovation of exist-
Considerations ing laboratory space requires careful planning and programming to
achieve the overall goals with design and safety guidelines ensuring
that there is sufficient space available to achieve the program goals.
The type of experiments (workflow), the number of people, and
the weight and size (dimensions) of the equipment provide the
detail to inform on the infrastructure requirements and laboratory
design. Infrastructure issues are often categorized as either mechan-
ical or electrical.
The mechanical engineering issues address plumbing including
water pipes, gas lines, and heating, ventilation, and air condition-
ing (HVAC). Heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC)
are vitally important to maintaining a healthy and productive work
environment. Without properly balanced airflow, the biosafety
cabinets may not work optimally, and heat and humidity can build
in the laboratory to uncomfortable levels. Furthermore, the bal-
ancing of airflow to provide positive or negative air pressures
Essential Requirements for Setting Up a Stem Cell Laboratory 227

depending on the laboratory function, such as positive pressure in

the tissue culture laboratory, can take time and should not be
The electrical engineering addresses the placement or upgrade
of electrical power including uninterrupted power outlets (emer-
gency power) as well as building management systems, which
monitor and control the HVAC, equipment and alarms, and secu-
rity systems and controlled access.
The lists below identify many of the commonly encountered
mechanical and electrical needs for establishing a stem cell labora-
tory, but they are by no means exhaustive. The architect/engineer
team will provide further guidance, and the suggested reading at
the end of this chapter provides more information.

2.1.1 Mechanical ●● Plumbing:

–– Sinks with hot and cold water supply:
Acid resistant
Faucets with wrist lever and hand-free operation
High-purity distilled, reverse osmosis (RO) water or
Milli-­Q system
–– Safety deluge shower.
–– Ice flake machines and autoclaves, which require easy
access to floor drains and water inlet points.
–– Gas line of medical grade copper tubing for CO2 is an
option depending on budget and laboratory design, useful
if space permits keeping CO2 tanks in a separate room (tank
farm) rather than inside the tissue culture laboratory.
●● Heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC):
–– Temperature and humidity control
●● Fire protection:
–– Sprinkler system, where appropriate

2.1.2 Electrical ●● Lighting

Engineering ●● Lighting—emergency and egress
●● Power—outlet type and placement to accommodate
●● Power—emergency/uninterruptible
●● Fire alarms
●● Telephone/data
●● Building management systems:
228 Philip H. Schwartz and Robin L. Wesselschmidt

–– Building automation systems (BAS)

–– Electronic security systems
–– Equipment operation and alarm system

2.2 Design The cell laboratory design will support the program goals where the
Considerations type of experiments, number of people, and budget are all consid-
ered by the design team. Three basic functional areas are required to
optimally run and manage a stem cell laboratory: office or desk space
for reading, planning, evaluating data, and reporting; cell culture
laboratory where the cells are cultured and maintained; and the
molecular biology/quality control laboratory where the quality of
the cells is evaluated. In addition to these three functional areas
within the stem cell unit or laboratory, access to other support func-
tions is highly desirable, such as a quarantine culture room, adequate
storage for supplies, and long-term cell storage in a liquid nitrogen
(LN2) freezer room. Finally, the program should have access to
shared resources having other specialized equipment and expertise.

2.2.1 Office or The office and desk space required for planning experiments,
Desk Space ordering supplies, reviewing data, and writing reports and papers is
an often overlooked but important component of a well-designed
laboratory. This space should provide both private, semiprivate,
and open collaborative meeting spaces. The amount of administra-
tive space required depends greatly upon the research program. If
the program is purely discovery, there may not be as great of a need
for administrative space; however, as cellular therapies move toward
the clinic, more oversight and more sophisticated quality assurance
programs are required and require more paperwork and record-
keeping. Again, your architect or facility planner will assist with
this, but 10–30% of overall workspace is generally allocated to
office and desk space.

2.2.2 Cell Culture The heart of the stem cell laboratory, the cell culture laboratory,
Laboratory generally requires the greatest amount of thought and planning.
The large and heavy biosafety cabinets (BSCs) and incubators are
not easily moved once in place and require specialized consider-
ation in terms of workflow and backup power supply. Additionally,
there are usually specific electric and mechanical requirements
associated with the establishment of the cell culture laboratory.
Special air handling requirements to accommodate the air
changes and heat generated by the biosafety cabinets and positive
pressure to help eliminate the inflow of airborne contaminants are
all design considerations. The placement of the BSC, especially
when multiple BSCs are to be utilized, is one of the most impor-
tant design considerations in the cell culture laboratory. The place-
ment of the BSC should allow for a work zone around the BSC, it
should not be placed near an entryway, and air supply diffusers or
exhaust vents should not be placed directly over or in front of the
Essential Requirements for Setting Up a Stem Cell Laboratory 229

BSC. An excellent description of the best practice for placement of

BSC can be found in Appendix I of the NIH’s Design Requirements
Manual [5].

2.2.3 Equipment: Cell ●● Biosafety cabinet (BSC), 1Class II, HEPA-filtered exhaust, and
Culture Laboratory downdraft air
●● CO2 incubator
●● Microscope—phase/contrast with 4, 10, 20× objectives
●● Refrigerator (4 °C)
●● Vacuum pump or in-house vacuum system protected with fil-
tration (0.3 micron hydrophobic filter or the equivalent to
minimize contamination of vacuum pumps)
●● Centrifuge
●● Water bath

2.2.4 Molecular Biology/ Ideally, the molecular biology/quality control laboratory is located
Quality Control Laboratory adjacent but outside of the cell culture laboratory and has its own
equipment, pipettors, and, perhaps, personnel. With the nature of the
assays, and especially cloning activities, that may require the culture of
bacteria, the segregation of work and equipment, large and small, is
highly recommended. If space or financial limitations do not permit
the development of a separate molecular biology laboratory, these the
molecular biology and quality control activities should be segregated
from the cell culture activities. Section 2.2.5 lists the equipment
required for the establishment of the quality control laboratory.

2.2.5 Equipment: ●● Chemical fume hood

Molecular Biology/Quality ●● Acid and corrosive vented storage cabinet, under the fume
Control Laboratory hood
●● Flammable storage cabinet
●● Storage for emergency equipment
●● Freezers −20 °C, −80 °C
●● Benchtop and floor model centrifuges
●● Water bath(s)
●● Balance(s)
●● Vacuum pump or in-house vacuum system
●● PCR thermocycler
●● Flask shaker
●● LN2 freezers
●● Liquid nitrogen supply

Three classes of BSC are available, Class II is suitable for Biosafety Level 2 work, and if higher Biosafety
Level is required, a Class III BSC may be required.
230 Philip H. Schwartz and Robin L. Wesselschmidt

2.2.6 Laboratory Laboratory finishes such as those listed below are recommended by
Finishes the US General Services Administration (GSA) [6], which is an
independent agency of the US government that helps manage and
support the basic functioning of government agencies. Other fin-
ishes may be used if impervious to common laboratory reagents,
able to withstand the cleaning solutions and not prone to harboring
contaminants such as bacteria and fungi. The design team will very
likely evaluate finishes from the risk, safety, and cost standpoint and
make recommendations to the investigator. An example of a substi-
tution material might be the use of plastic laminate for countertops
on benchtops, shelving, and other light-duty surfaces. Notably, it
must be replaced if delamination occurs, which is a consequence of
moisture seepage into the underlying wood-based substrate [7]:
●● Wall: epoxy paint, base integral with floor material, steel corner
●● Floor: monolithic seamless chemical resistant vinyl flooring
with integral coved base
●● Ceiling: Mylar finish 24″ w by 48″ ceiling tile in suspended
ceiling grid
●● Casework: pre-manufactured laboratory metal casework sys-
tem, adjustable shelving with dust cap
●● Counter: epoxy resin with integral splash
●● Sinks: stainless steel
●● Chase system with metal channel support, with horizontal dis-
tribution of utilities
●● Chairs: vinyl

2.2.7 Shared Support ●● Flow Cytometry Core

●● Microscopy Core
●● Proteomics Core
●● DNA Core
●● Autoclave
●● Glass Wash Room
●● Animal facility/vivarium

2.2.8 Storage A planned process, part of the quality management system, for
and Monitoring of Supplies receipt, storage, and the staging of materials and supplies should be
and Reagents established. This will allow for the efficient use of the resources. A
key objective of close monitoring of supplies and reagents permits
the evaluation of and release of production lots of materials such as
sera, cytokines, and antibodies that may have variable activities with
each lot and permit the evaluation of the performance of biological
reagents before they are released into the cell culture laboratory.
Essential Requirements for Setting Up a Stem Cell Laboratory 231

2.2.9 Quarantine The introduction of new cell lines or biological reagents can be a
Laboratory major source of contamination in the cell culture laboratory. New
cell lines and reagents should be carefully evaluated in a separate
quarantine laboratory having a dedicated biosafety cabinet and
incubator if possible. If an isolated quarantine laboratory is not
available, the new materials can be handled within the tissue cul-
ture laboratory by dedicated personnel, hood, and incubator.
These unproven materials should be handled at the end of the day,
and staff should wear appropriate protective gear, lab coat, gloves,
and disposable sleeves, all of which are either disposed of or laun-
dered at the end of each day, i.e., not used next morning for cultur-
ing of established cells and reagents.
If the cultures come to the laboratory in a medium containing
antibiotics, at the time of the first subculture, passage some of the
cells into growth medium that does not contain antibiotics while
maintaining the rest of the culture in antibiotic-containing medium.
Cells grown in the antibiotic-free medium should then be tested
for bacterial, fungal, and mycoplasma contamination.

3 Operations Overview

Facilities and proper equipment are necessary, but not sufficient, for
the operation of the stem cell laboratory. Skilled personnel and
established protocols and/or standard operating procedures (SOPs)
help ensure efficient and effective operations of routine activities.
Laboratory operations are greatly improved through the devel-
opment of quality assurance plan wherein the operations are
planned, reviewed, and then performed. This approach is highly
effective for routine techniques and procedures and supports high-­
quality, reproducible research activities. The extent to which a
quality system is developed and implemented depends on the stage
of the research; as the research advances to clinical applications,
more attention to quality assurance is needed, if not required.

3.1 Production A state-of-the-art stem cell laboratory will have in place a quality
and Process Controls assurance system that permits the oversight of cell line production
with established protocols or SOPs relating to the receipt or deri-
vation, culture and maintenance, and banking and storage of cell
lines as well as the associated quality control assays. Whether the
research program is aimed at the development of cellular therapies
or basic discovery, the incorporation of a quality systems approach
will greatly facilitate laboratory operations and provide a solid
foundation for future experiments as well as set the stage for qual-
ity preclinical and clinical studies [8–10].
232 Philip H. Schwartz and Robin L. Wesselschmidt

3.1.1 Cells Careful documentation of the source of the cell line, cell type, tis-
sue source, passage number, growth medium, growth conditions,
and subculture methodology should be performed for each line
brought into the laboratory. The provenance of the cell lines
should be carefully documented.
Culturing and preparing cell lines for experimentation while
maintaining cell line stability and keeping them free from cross
contamination by other cell lines and contamination by bacterial,
fungal, or mycoplasma is one of the primary goals of the stem cell
laboratory. Toward that end, the development of protocols and
SOPs that permit the consistent and reliable culture of each cell
line greatly facilitates laboratory operations.

3.1.2 Reference One of the major challenges in establishing a new stem cell labora-
Standards tory is often the acquisition of well-characterized stem cell lines
that can serve as the reference stocks for testing new equipment,
training staff, and developing new techniques. Obtaining a quali-
fied standard cell line to serve as a laboratory reference standard
will provide a solid foundation for establishing procedures and
assays [11, 12]. The use of reference materials can accelerate the
establishment of the laboratory and generate internal and external
confidence in the program.

3.1.3 Cell Banking The establishment of a stem cell bank with known passage num-
bers and/or population doublings can be critical to the overall suc-
cess of the stem-based program. Most stem cell lines have a defined
range of passages wherein they are most stable and most useful for
experimentation. Stem cells may gain mutations and lose primary
characteristics such as potency or differentiation capacity with pro-
longed culture [13]. It is critical to the development of a successful
banking system to know the stability of the cell type under the
planned culture conditions. A tiered banking system that utilizes
master cell bank from which working cell banks are produced
allows for maximum expansion and long-term experimental
The tiered banking system provides constant supply of the
starting material and detailed characterization of the cell line
decreasing the likelihood and increasing the detection of cell line
cross contamination and adventitious agent contamination [8].
The establishment of a proper cell banking and documentation
system establishes the foundation upon which experimentation can
take place ensuring long-term success of the stem cell program. At
any time, the researcher can confidently return to proven cell stocks
for use in experimentation and confirmation.
Each vial of the master cell bank (MCB) can be used to gener-
ate the working cell bank (WCB), from which each vial can be used
for a determined number of passages, based on the stability
Essential Requirements for Setting Up a Stem Cell Laboratory 233

Cell Seed Lot System ●● Seed stock/research bank <10 vials

●● Master cell bank (MCB) 20–200 vials
●● Working cell bank (WCB) 50–500 vials

3.1.4 Reagents Most of the reagents and materials used in the cell laboratory can
and Materials be obtained from commercial vendors with established manufac-
turing processes with certificates of assurance (CoA) that describe
the testing that has been performed to ensure sterility and, per-
haps, activity. For those reagents that do not come from commer-
cial sources or have lot-to-lot variability, such as sera, antibodies,
and some cytokines, it will be necessary to establish qualifying
assays with acceptable ranges of activities. These reagents, usually
biologically sourced, may require quarantine prior to release into
the laboratory for use.

3.1.5 Quality The use of quality control assays at key points during routine cul-
Control Assays ture, the time of cell banking, and as part of the routine laboratory
operations is key to the production of high-quality data and repro-
ducible experiments that can form the foundation of preclinical
studies and clinical translation of the cell product, if that is part of
the program goal.
The frequency and timing of the initiation of the quality con-
trol assay panel should be determined based on an event such as
cell banking or the identification of a contaminated culture or as
part of the routine operations of the laboratory, such as every ten
passages or every 3 months.
The exact assays which comprise the quality control panel are
cell-type specific, but fall into four major categories of sterility,
identity, purity, and potency [9]. A general overview of the consid-
erations for each is provided below.

Sterility/Microbiological Maintaining a sterile culture is the foundation upon which other

Testing activities of the cell laboratory are based. Frequent observation of
cultures for changes in medium color, medium turbidity, cell mor-
phology, and growth rate can be clues that something has gone
awry in the culture. Trying to determine the root cause of the
contamination can be a useful process where additional training
can be implemented or a contaminated reagent can be eliminated.
It is not advisable to try to “cure” the culture. Unless it is a very
valuable, unreplaceable cell line, it is best to dispose of this culture;
thoroughly clean the hood, incubator, microscope stage, etc.; and
initiate a new culture from the established working cell bank or go
all the way back to the cell source.

Fungal and Bacterial Sterility Testing

This is usually done by classical culture techniques that use
fluid thioglycollate medium (Sigma catalog no. 90404) for
234 Philip H. Schwartz and Robin L. Wesselschmidt

detection of aerobic and anaerobic bacteria and soya bean/casein

broth (Sigma catalog no. S1674) for detection of aerobes, faculta-
tive anaerobes, and fungi. Samples are inoculated into the broths
in duplicate, with one being cultured at 22 °C and the other at
32 °C for 14 days, after which they are examined for turbidity.

Mycoplasma Testing
Mycoplasma is a common contaminant in mammalian cell cul-
ture and can be very insidious. Cultures can be contaminated with
mycoplasma from the reagents or from the technician, and once
contaminated, low levels may persist undetected. Frequent testing,
monthly, and quarantine of new cell lines can help prevent myco-
plasma, should it be found, from spreading.

Adventitious Viral Agent Testing

Screening a new cell line or tissue of human origin for the fol-
lowing human viruses may be necessary: CMV, HIV-1, HIV-2,
EBV, B19, HBV, and HCV. Depending on the programmatic
goals, screening cell banks for animal viruses may be necessary as
well. Bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE), the virus that
causes “mad cow disease,” is a concern for cells that have been
cultivated in bovine serum-containing medium. Unfortunately,
there is no screen for BSE—a judicious choice of suppliers keeps
this risk to a minimum.

Identity Maintaining pure cultures free from contamination by other cell

lines is a primary function of the cell culture laboratory and of
utmost importance when performing experiments using this stem
cell line. Confirming the identity of the culture and distinguishing
it from other cells being cultured in the laboratory are goals of the
assays that determine cell line identity [9].
Short tandem repeat (STR) genetic analysis can be used to
authenticate human cell lines [14]. Short tandem repeats (STRs)
are polymorphic regions of genomic DNA that are used for human
identity testing. A core set of STRs has been developed, and the
primer sequences are available online through the National
Institute of Standards and Testing (NIST) website, STRBase
Cytogenetic techniques used to determine the number of
chromosomes and chromosomal banding patterns can help iden-
tify different species, such as the mouse, monkey, and human.

Purity In the case of stem cell cultures, purity generally refers to the
homogeneity of the culture [9]. The assays used to determine
purity should determine whether the culture is free from unwanted
extraneous cell types. Purity is often determined using flow cytom-
etry, immunohistochemistry, PCR, or multiplex PCR to determine
Essential Requirements for Setting Up a Stem Cell Laboratory 235

the number of cells expressing the desired cell-specific markers in

relation to those cells either not expressing those markers or mark-
ers indicating contaminating cell population(s) within the culture
[15, 9]. Cytogenetic analysis of the culture can also be performed
to determine the karyotype of the culture [16, 10].

Potency The development of a small panel of assays that can be used to

assess the potency of the cells is important as well. The potency
assays are usually functional assays that include in vitro and in vivo
analysis of function [9]. In vitro assays may include expression of
cytokines or in vitro differentiation. In vivo function may include
functional analysis in an animal model of disease [17, 18] or assess-
ment of potential such as general differentiation potential based on
teratoma formation [19–21].

Stability The stability of stem cell cultures is a major concern with many
reports showing changes in cells over time in culture [22, 23].
Some changes such as epigenetic or small deletions and insertions
are subtle and cannot be easily determined without costly assays
and expensive equipment [13, 24]. Others such as aneuploidy can
be identified through routine quality control assays which evaluate
the karyotype of the cell line. Careful observation of the cultures
for changes in morphology, growth rate, differentiation perfor-
mance during routine cultivation, and experimentation is often the
first indication that the cells may not be as expected.
The optimal range of passages or population doublings should
be determined experimentally for each stem cell type in use in the
program and the cells should be banked at passages that account
for this limitation.

3.1.6 Contamination It is extremely difficult to eliminate microbial contamination from

Control cell cultures; it is best to put in place controls that help to prevent
contamination from occurring and remain highly vigilant for any
changes in the cultures that could signal contamination. These
controls are in the form of properly trained staff aseptic technique
and proper use of the biosafety cabinet, cleaning and maintenance
of equipment and the laboratory, and quarantine of newly arrived
materials, especially cells and tissues.


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