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WORKSHEET TOPIC: Chapter 2 – Self and personality
Date: _____________ Name: ______________________________ Class XII Sec _____

Q1. Write short notes on the following:

a. Self-esteem
b. Self-efficacy
c. Personal identity
d. Naturalistic observation
e. Type-C personality
f. Libido

Q2. Answer the following questions in one word:

a. What emerges in relation with others and emphasizes aspects of life such as unity, sacrifices,
affiliation, etc.
b. Hippocrates proposed a typology of personality based on what?
c. What term is described as dismissing anxiety provoking behaviours or thoughts from the
d. What theory was developed by Carl Jung?
e. Denial, projection, repression are all form of what?
Q3. What is the major developmental achievement of anal stage and phallic stage?
Q4. What are structure and unstructured interviews?
Q5. Differentiate between personal self and social self.
Q6. Describe the theory of Karen Horney.
Q7. What did Carl Jung mean by collective unconscious?
Q8. Discuss type approaches to the study of personality.
Q9. Describe in detail, Allports Trait Approach.
Q10. Read the following case and answer the question:

Preeta is a school going child. Due to lockdown, she is at home. One day she has an instinct to eat ice-cream,
however there is only one ice-cream bar in the house. She wants to eat it, however, she also realizes that if she
takes it without permission, she may be punished. Therefore the best way for her to achieve gratification is to
ask for permission. This ensure that her behaviour is morally correct and this way it won’t create any guilt,
anxiety or fear.

Present this incidence with respect to the different elements of personality (Id, ego and super-ego).

**ACTIVITY: Show your understanding of the Ego Defense Mechanism by relating it to your own life.

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