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Name: Janel Pauline S.

Dela rama
Section: 1MICRO2

Recollection reflection

Regardless of whether we can experience or sense God, He is always present with us in our
trials. Even when we can't feel Him, His presence is objective. This is why we pray, stay in the
Word, and seek the Holy Spirit. This reality encourages and empowers us to continue.
When we have a dilemma, we sometimes encounter God, and he is there testing, guiding and
leading us through the problem. Praying initiates an encounter with God When we take the time
to pray, we choose to set aside time and opportunity to have an encounter with God in our daily
life.Praying on a private spot where we can talk to him can be one of the encounter to lord also
visiting churches and throughout the journey we are having.All of them are opportunities for
encounters with the Lord. As we live with Christ, every moment of each day is an opportunity to
experience the Lord.

One of the best ways to initiate discussion with God is to ask Him questions. It's not the only
option, You can converse with God in the same manners and on the same subjects as you
would with a person, but on a far deeper and more profound level. Having a talk to god and
telling things we want to open up to him, will make us also understand ourselves and we will feel
closer to go, Talking to him like he's your best friend. God, desires that we speak with Him
through prayer. When we pray, he always listens to us. Daily prayer can benefit us, our family,
and people whom you love that you pray for. It can also bring more serenity and peace into your
life and help you learn more about God's purpose for us.

God will guide us throughout the path, and we will eventually find the answer that we seek while
God is guiding us. We also get unexpected answers as we encounter the problem with god, But
we don't really know ourselves, or the depth or pervasiveness of our sin, or what it takes to
receive what we prayed for. We can't help but have unrealistic, romantic expectations about
God's responses to our prayers. His responses frequently do not appear to be answers at first
glance and sometimes they are not what we expect, and we sometimes fail to understand how
they relate to our prayers. But as time goes on or as we proceed on our journey we eventually
understand how God gave us the answer to the problem and how we overcome and also
encounter the problem itself.

Lastly, God's love letter to us and God's love for us, he's love for us was so huge and wide that
just being ourselves he will love us even we are imperfect and yet sinners, as he is our father
and we are his son and daughter/children. Christ loves us so much that He died for us while we
were still sinners. He love us unconditionally and he love us enough to provide a way to
abundant of eternal life for us.this is so far what i have learned in the recollection that i
encounter in the program/event, it also help me realize things in life and to myself also.

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