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Project #4 – Electrical (Electric Vehicle Charging) – University of Calgary Operational Services


Background: The University prioritizes sustainability in new construction and renovations through
various LEED, Zero-carbon, and UofC specific design standards that aim to create a safe, inclusive, and
environmentally friendly campus. As Canada transitions away from fossil fuels and embraces renewable
technologies like wind, hydroelectric, and solar power, high-resource-intensity institutions such as
universities must also consider how to align with this transition. In the near future, electric vehicles are
expected to become increasingly popular and mainstream. It is essential for institutions to proactively
support this shift by providing adequate charging stations and priority parking spaces, thus incentivizing
individuals to switch to electric vehicles.

To support the growing demand for electric vehicles on campus, your newly created Consulting Firm was
tasked with writing a Project Execution Plan for implementing electric vehicle charging stations on a
campus lot of your choosing. For this purpose, your group is required to:

- Project Summary (1/2 page)

- Identify the requirements for this type of project (Project Scope and success criteria) (1/2 to 1
- Develop the project schedule and cost estimate for the engineering design phase (2 pages).
- Identify risks that should be addressed during the design phase and properly identify mitigation
strategies (1 page).
- Define criteria to select the engineering firm that will be responsible for the implementation
phase (1 page).
- Identify and define the procedures for the communication between different stakeholders in
the project (1 page).
- Define how the project progress will be communicated between project stakeholders (1 page).
- Define a Lessons Learned Management Plan and procedures in case of change orders (1 page).
- Interview a project practitioner and ask their opinion on your project plan (1 page).

Description: The purpose of this development is to give incentives for students and staff to start moving
away from combustion engines that utilize fossil fuels and lean towards more future proof systems like
electric vehicles. Consider your choice of location, if the charging systems will be linked to the
University’s electrical grid, a separate system, or solar panels. Additionally, you should consider how you
can help the project align with the University’s Institutional Sustainability Strategy no. 3. Framework on
Sustainability in Administration and Operations.. To write the “schedule of the project, assume the time
it takes to complete the engineering design is 6 months (not even close, but it is a class project). For all
other project knowledge areas (integration, cost, quality, resource, communications, risk, procurement,
and stakeholder) you need to perform some research online for the requirements to perform to Zero-
carbon standards or achieve relevant LEED credits. The knowledge of project management will come
from the lectures.

Team Composition: Your group work is shared, of course, but not your project roles will help organize
the work. Let your project manager host the project meetings and monitor that your work meets

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