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WORKSHEET (2023-24)
Date: 06/05/23 Marks: 20

1. Name the additional rights that are provided for by the Constitution of South
Africa. [1]
a. Right to smuggling. c. Right to protest.
b. Right to adequate housing. d. Right to child labour.
2. Name the right provided by the Africa Constitution but is implied under a
right in the Constitution of India [1]
a. None of these c. Right to no labour
b. Right to forced labour practice
practices d. Right to fair labour
3. The state's failure to provide individuals with basic necessities of life such as
food and housing is an example of: [1]
a. Gender inequality c. Social discrimination
b. Economic injustice d. Political injustice
4. The Sixth Five Year Plan gave the status of partners in development to [1]

a. Urban youth c. Tribal

b. Dalits d. Women
5. Why is Political Science stated as Science of Power? [2]
6. Vigilant citizens are a must for the successful working of a democracy. Comment
7. Indian Constitution contains some provisions for social justice. Examine [2]
8. How is Political Equality different from Social Equality? [2]
9. Political liberty is meaningless without economic equality. Comment. [2]
10. "Political liberty cannot be imagined without economic liberty."
Analyse. [3]
11. Which of the Fundamental Rights is in your opinion the most important right?
Summarise its provisions and give arguments to show why it is most important.

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