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Three-Dimensional Cephalometric Study of

Upper Airway Space in Skeletal Class II and

III Healthy Patients
Patrı́cia Valéria Milanezi Alves, DDS, MS,*1 Linping Zhao, PhD,24 Mary O’Gara, MA, CCC-SLP,kL
Pravin K. Patel, MD,24L** Ana M. Bolognese, DDS, MS, PhD*
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil and Chicago, Illinois, USA

Because the pharynx and the dentofacial structures diagnosis and treatment planning to achieve func-
have close relationship, a mutual interaction can be tional balance and stability of the results.
expected to occur between them. The literature
presents skeletal malocclusion as etiology for air-
Key Words: Upper airway space, malocclusion, three-
way morphology changes and/or vice versa. The dimensional study, computed tomography scans
present three-dimensional cephalometric study

from computed tomography scans was carried out mong the predisposing factors for obstruc-
to investigate upper airway space in normal nasal tion of the pharyngeal airways, there
breathing patients presenting skeletal pattern of are hypertrophied adenoids and tonsils,
classes II and III. In addition, the statistical analysis chronic and allergic rhinitis, environmental
was done according to gender criterion. The results irritants, infections, congenital nasal deformities, nasal
revealed that the majority of the airway measure- traumas, polyps, and tumors that can result of
ments have not been affected by type of malocclu- narrower airway passages.1 Malocclusion is also
sion. The three-dimensional technology used in this presented in the literature as a natural anatomic
study also allowed the volume and surface area predisposing factor for airway morphology changes
calculations, and no statistical significance was and respiratory problems.2,3
found. The retroglossal width and posterior nasal The influences of airway obstruction on the
cavity height mean were larger in males than development of the stomatognathic system have
females in the class II group, but volume and also been studied.4Y9 The functional matrix theory
proposed by Van der Klaauw and elaborated on by
cross-section area were not statistically significant.
Moss10 further supports environmental effects on
However, in class III group, although the differ-
craniofacial development by suggesting that the
ences in linear and angular measures means were
skeletal system responds to the influences of the
not significant, the retropalatal volume and retro- adjoining soft tissues.11 In accordance, Ricketts12 pos-
glossal volume and cross-section area were larger in tulated that the oral and nasal structures are inter-
males. The authors highlight that the evaluation of dependent, and normal nasal function is conductive
upper airway space should be an integral part of to normal growth of the maxilla and occlusion.
Developmental pattern of the face and airway
obstruction influence is presented in the literature as
controversial. Martin et al13 assess nasopharyngeal
From the *Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro,
Brazil; 1The Craniofacial Center, University of Illinois at Chicago; soft-tissue patterns in patients with ideal occlusion.
2Plastic and Craniomaxillofacial Surgery, Shriners Hospitals for They found differences on lower pharynx dimension
Children; 4The Craniofacial Center at University of Illinois at in the sample and suggested new lines of investiga-
Chicago; kShriners Hospitals for Children; LNorthwestern Univer-
sity Feinberg School of Medicine, Chicago, Illinois; **Department of
tion into the relationship between skeletal and dental
Bioengineering, Marquette University, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. anomalies and airway obstruction and possible spe-
Support: Brazilian government agency, CAPES Foundation cific respiratory patterns for each type of malocclu-
(Foundation for the Coordination of Higher Education and sion. The authors highlight an important limitation
Graduate Training), process number BEX 3638-05/7 (Dr Patricia of airway studies that is the use of two-dimensional
Alves), and Shriners Hospitals for Children (grant number 8510).
(2-D) technique. This does not represent exactly the
Address correspondence and reprint requests to Patrı́cia Valéria
Milanezi Alves, DDS, MS, 2018 West Adams, Chicago, IL 60612; nasopharyngeal space and the difficulty in identify-
E-mail: or ing the exact soft-tissue contours on traditional


Copyright @ 2008 Mutaz B. Habal, MD. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

Table 1. Sample Size and Mean T SD for Sex, Age, finding in patients with obstructive sleep apnea
and ANB (Anteroposterior Relation Between Maxilla syndrome, none of the subjects in their study had
and Mandible) this diagnosis.
Because of the close relationship between the
Class II Class III
pharynx and the dentofacial structures, a mutual
(n = 30) Mean T SD (n = 30) Mean T SD interaction can be expected to occur between
them.7,18Y21 Thus, it might be considered to be useful
Female Male Female Male
that the assessment of the pharyngeal structures be
Variable (n = 15) (n = 15) (n = 15) (n = 15)
included with the orthodontic/orthognathic surgery
Age 18.0 T 1.8 17.3 T 2.0 17.5 T 2.0 18.2 T 1.2 diagnosis and treatment planning.8
ANB 6.0 T 2.0 5.5 T 2.5 j3.2 T 2.1 j3.5 T 1.2
Despite extensive number of researches about
airway anatomic factors, craniofacial morphology,
and sleep-disordered breathing, there are no articles
cephalograms. Sharing the same purpose and results, in the literature about three-dimensional (3-D) cepha-
Samman et al14 evaluate patients with normal lometric comparison of airway space in normal nasal
skeletal pattern without the ideal occlusion criterion. breathing patients presenting skeletal pattern of class
Several 2-D studies aimed to evaluate the cor- II and class III. Therefore, this study was carried out to
relations of malocclusions and airway dimensions. investigate upper airway space in patients presenting
Freitas et al15 investigated the association of class I or the above-referred conditions.
class II malocclusions and pharyngeal airways. One
of the conclusions was that malocclusion type does
not influence upper and lower pharyngeal airway
width. However, Kirjavainen and Kirjavainen16 stated
that class II malocclusion is associated with a nar-
rower upper airway structure even without retro-
T he study population comprised 60 adult subjects
presenting skeletal anteroposterior malocclusion,
no vertical discrepancies, no genetic syndromes or
gnathia. Trenouth and Timms17 concluded that congenital deformities, any history of sleep disorder,
oropharyngeal airway was positively correlated snoring, upper airway disease, adenoidectomy, or
with length of the mandible. They affirmed that pathology in the pharynx, and seeking orthodontic
although short mandibular length is a characteristic and orthognathic surgery treatment. All of them

Fig 1 Three-dimensional model of skeletal class II (AVlateral view right, BVquarter view right, and CVfrontal view) and
class III (DVlateral view right, EVquarter view right, and FVfrontal view).


Copyright @ 2008 Mutaz B. Habal, MD. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

provided consent for research publications. The institutional review board approval. Spiral CT-based
sample was divided into 2 groups based on skeletal 3-D used standard scanning protocols and has the
deformities and molar relation of class II or class III advantage in which details of hard- and soft-tissue
(Table 1; Fig 1). Despite the authors wish, a third anatomy not otherwise discernible can be detected
group representing skeletal class I malocclusion, due and all measurements are real size (1:1), which al-
to ethic reasons, it could not be possible because the lowed cross-sectional area of the airway at any po-
examination would expose the subjects to radiation sition along its length, comparison of 3-D distances,
without treatment reasons. In addition, each group accurate volume measurement, linear projective, and
was divided into 2 subgroups according to sex. orthogonal airway assessment.
To obtain a standardized position of the oropha-
ryngeal structures, the examinations were taken at the
Three-Dimensional Computed Tomography
end of expiration, without swallowing, natural head
Archived three-dimensional computed tomography posture, and in centric occlusion. According to
(3-D CT) scans were used in this study with a local Pracharktam et al,22 centric occlusion minimizes

Table 2. Definitions of Anatomic Landmarks Used in This Study

Landmarks Definition

Hard tissues
S The center of the hypophyseal fossa
N The midpoint of the frontonasal suture
A The midline point of the maximum concavity of the maxillary alveolar process
B The midline point of the maximum concavity of the mandibular alveolar process
ANS The most anterior midpoint of the anterior nasal spine of the maxilla
PNS The most posterior midpoint of the posterior nasal spine of the palatine bone
EnmL Distocervico point of the left first molar
EmnR Distocervico point of the right first molar
CoL The most posterosuperior point of the left mandibular condyle in the sagittal plane
CoR The most posterosuperior point of the right mandibular condyle in the sagittal plane
GoL The most posteroinferior point of the left mandibular angle, where the body and ramus join in the region of the attachment of the
masseter muscle
GoR The most posteroinferior point of the right mandibular angle, where the body and ramus join in the region of the attachment of the
masseter muscle
D6L Distocervico point of the left second molar
D6R Distocervico point of the right second molar
Pog The most anterior point on the chin
SPAwRP2 The most anterior point on the spine in the same horizontal plane of the AwRP2 point
SPAwRP3 The most anterior point on the spine in the same horizontal plane of the AwRP3 point
SPAwRG1 The most anterior point on the spine in the same horizontal plane of the AwRG1 point
C3 The most anteroinferior limit of the third cervical vertebra
Upper airway
AwRP1 The point on the retropalatal anterior pharyngeal wall, just behind the PNS point
AwRP2 The point on the retropalatal posterior pharyngeal wall, in the same horizontal plane of the AwRP1 point. It will build the upper plane of the
retropalatal region (RP), which is determined from the level of hard palate to the caudal margin of the soft palate.
AwRP3 The point on the retropalatal posterior pharyngeal wall, in the same horizontal plane of the SoftPal point. It will build the plane that divides
the RP and retroglossal region (RG).
AwRG1 The point on the retroglossal posterior pharyngeal wall, in the same horizontal plane of the Epg point. It will build the lower plane of the
RG, which is determined from the caudal margin of the soft palate to the base of the epiglottis.
AwRG2 The point on the retroglossal anterior pharyngeal wall, just behind the hyoid bone
AwRG3 The point on the retroglossal posterior pharyngeal wall, in the same horizontal plane of the AwRG2 point
SoftPal The midpoint of the caudal margin of the soft palate
SoftPalTL Left pharyngeal wall on the same plane of the SoftPal point
SoftPalTR Right pharyngeal wall on the same plane of the SoftPal point
Epg The midpoint of the base of the epiglottis
EpgTL Left pharyngeal wall on the same plane of Epg point
EpgTR Right pharyngeal wall on the same plane of Epg point
AwNL The most lateral point of the nasal cavity left side
AwNR The most lateral point of the nasal cavity right side
RtN The most superior point of the nasal cavity in the same vertical plane of the ANS point
RtNP The most superior point of the nasal cavity in the same vertical plane of the PNS point
AwAg1 Angle between AwRP1, AwRP2, and AwRP3 points
AwAg2 Angle between AwRP1, AwRP2, and AwRG1 points


Copyright @ 2008 Mutaz B. Habal, MD. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

variability in mandibular and soft-tissue measure- Determination of Landmarks and

ments often associated with rest position. Cephalometric Analysis
Producing accurate 3-D anatomic virtual models
The landmark system has been developed in this
is important for the analysis. This previous procedure
study. Landmarks, cross-section planes, and cephalo-
is necessary to segment the structures, also to remove
metric measures used in this present study are
artifacts that need to be cleaned. From a set of axial
presented in Tables 2 and 3 and Figures 2 and 3.
cross-sectional slices, specific software then builds 3-
D virtual models that allow virtual navigation. The
software used in this study to build the 3-D virtual Reliability Study
models and to perform the 3-D analysis was Materi- Investigation of the reliability of the measurements
alise Mimics ver 10.11 (Materialise, Inc, Belgium) and was performed. Measurement error was established
was operated by the same investigator. by repetition of 6 randomly selected cases at 3
The next step was the segmentation, which is different times.23,24 The Pearson correlation mean
the process of outlining the shape of anatomic struc- observed was 0.998, with a statistical significance of
tures visible in the cross-sections of a volumetric data P G 0.05. This result suggests reliability of the
set. After this procedure, a 3-D graphic rendering of measurements.
the volumetric object allows navigation between
voxels in the volumetric image and the 3-D graphics
Statistical Analysis
with zooming, rotating, and planning. (Voxels is a
volume element representing a value on a regular grid Descriptive statistics including means and standard
in 3-D space. This is analogous to a pixel, which rep- deviation for each group was performed by analysis
resents 2-D image data.) using SPSS 12.0.1 for Windows (SPSS Inc, Chicago,

Table 3. Three-Dimensional Cephalometric Measurements Used in This Study

Variables Interpretation

Hard tissues
ANB, deg Angle between maxilla and mandible
SNA, deg Angle between maxilla and cranial base
ANS-PNS, mm Maxillary length
EnmL-EmnR, mm Maxillary width
SNB, deg Angle between mandible and cranial base
CoL-GoL, mm Left mandibular ramus height
CoR-GoR, mm Right mandibular ramus height
D6L-D6R, mm Mandibular width
GoL-Pog, mm Left mandibular body length
GoR-Pog, mm Right mandibular body length
Upper airway
AwRP1-AwRP2, mm Upper retropalatal region length
SoftPal-AwRP3, mm Retropalatal and retroglossal intersection region length
SoftPalTR-SoftPalTL, mm Retropalatal region width
Epg-AwRG1, mm Lower RG length
EpgTR-EpgTL, mm Retroglossal region width
AwRG2-AwRG3, mm Laryngopharyngeal region length
AwNR-AwNL, mm Nasal cavity width
AwAg1, deg Retropalatal region angulation, sagittal view
AwAg2, deg Retroglossal region angulation, sagittal view
AwAg1-AwAg2, deg Difference between retropalatal and retrogossal region angulation
Hard tissues/airway distance
RtN-ANS, mm Anterior nasal cavity height
RtNP-PNS, mm Posterior nasal cavity height
PNS-AwRP1, mm Distance between maxilla and retropalatal anterior pharyngeal wall
AwRP2-SPAwRP2, mm Distance between retropalatal posterior pharyngeal wall and spine, in the upper retropalatal region
AwRP3-SPAwRP3, mm Distance between retropalatal posterior pharyngeal wall and spine, in the lower retropalatal region
AwRG1-SPAwRG1, mm Distance between retroglossal posterior pharyngeal wall and spine, in the retropalatal and retroglossal intersection region
AwRG3-C3, mm Distance between retroglossal posterior pharyngeal wall and spine, in the laryngopharyngeal region.


Copyright @ 2008 Mutaz B. Habal, MD. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

Fig 2 Software window showing the combination of 2-D cephalograms and 3-D virtual model used in this study.

IL). Differences between skeletal class II and class III and Figure 4. As can be seen from the tables, the
malocclusion, as well as between males and females, consistency from all of statistical tests indicated that
were tested using paired t-test considering a signifi- the maxillary mean values were not statistically
cance of P G 0.05. Because the distribution of these significant. Despite means representing mandibular
variables is unknown, Mann-Whitney, Wilcoxon, and dimensions that show difference statistically signifi-
Kolmogorov-Smirnov statistical tests have also been cant between skeletal class II and class III malocclu-
conducted to compare the variable means in 2 sions, the airway measures did not, except transversal
groups. The P G 0.05 level of significance was chosen measure of the nasopharynx.
for all tests. The linear distance between the pharyngeal
posterior wall and spine was performed, as well the
RESULTS nasal cavity height. The retroglossal area and spine
distance were the only significant mean found,

P retreatment 3-D measures for hard tissue and

upper airway space are shown in Tables 4 and 5
showing larger values in class III group. During the
study development, the investigator observed a

Fig 3 Three-dimensional landmark system (defined in Tables 2 and 3) and cross-section planes used for the cephalometric
measures (AVlateral view right, BVquarter view right, and CVfrontal view).


Copyright @ 2008 Mutaz B. Habal, MD. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

Table 4. Means T SD for Angular and Linear Measurements of Skeletal Classes II and III
Class II Class III Class II/III Difference

Mann-Whitney/ 2-Sample
Wilcoxon Asymp. Kolmogorov-Smirnov
(n = 30) (n = 30) Pared t-Test Sig. (2-tailed) Test

Variable* Mean T SD Mean T SD Mean T SD P P P

Hard tissues
ANB, deg 6.1 T 2.0 j3.3 T 1.8 6.3 T 2.3 0.0004 0.0004 0.0004
SNA, deg 80.3 T 4.2 80.0 T 4.7 0.5 T 6.8 0.659 0.842 0.952
ANS-PNS, mm 52.0 T 4.1 50.8 T 3.1 1.2 T 5.2 0.186 0.280 0.134
EnmL-EmnR, mm 32.4 T 3.2 32.5 T 3.5 j0.1 T 5.5 0.944 0.871 0.952
SNB, deg 75.1 T 5.1 82.3 T 5.0 j7.2 T 7.0 0.0004 0.0004 0.0004
CoL-GoL, mm 55.8 T 7.0 61.2 T 4.4 j5.3 T 7.4 0.0004 0.0022 0.0072
CoR-GoR, mm 57.0 T 7.4 61.5 T 4.2 j4.5 T 7.9 0.0042 0.0131 0.0161
D6L-D6R, mm 53.3 T 4.0 57.0 T 4.5 j3.7 T 6.3 0.0032 0.0042 0.0351
GoL-Pog, mm 83.1 T 6.5 90.0 T 5.8 j6.2 T 10.0 0.0022 0.0004 0.0032
GoR-Pog, mm 83.0 T 5.8 90.0 T 6.1 j6.3 T 9.3 0.0012 0.0004 0.0072
Upper airway
AwRP1-AwRP2, mm 18.3 T 5.0 17.0 T 4.2 1.2 T 7.2 0.353 0.412 0.388
SoftPal-AwRP3, mm 33.1 T 6.5 31.5 T 7.2 1.5 T 9.4 0.389 0.535 0.799
SoftPalTR-SoftPalTL, mm 18.3 T 6.4 17.7 T 4.8 0.6 T 8.7 0.707 0.824 0.586
Epg-AwRG1, mm 14.0 T 3.7 14.0 T 5.5 0.0 T 7.4 0.981 0.712 0.799
EpgTR-EpgTL, mm 28.5 T 4.1 26.7 T 6.1 1.7 T 8.7 0.278 0.132 0.135
AwRG2-AwRG3, mm 15.3 T 2.8 14.5 T 2.4 0.8 T 3.7 0.250 0.391 0.952
AwNR-AwNL, mm 28.0 T 2.5 30.0 T 3.5 j1.9 T 4.1 0.0151 0.0331 0.071
AwAg1, deg 101.5 T 10.0 103.2 T 11.1 j1.7 T 14.4 0.513 0.690 0.952
AwAg2, deg 99.0 T 9.6 100.0 T 10.1 j1.0 T 12.8 0.671 0.894 0.998
AwAg1-AwAg2, deg 2.5 T 5.4 3.3 T 4.2 j0.7 T 6.8 0.558 0.767 0.855
Hard tissues/airway distance
RtN-ANS, mm 38.0 T 4.1 37.8 T 3.5 0.1 T 4.5 0.828 0.842 0.586
RtNP-PNS, mm 25.6 T 2.8 26.1 T 4.0 j0.5 T 5.0 0.561 0.906 0.952
PNS-AwRP1, mm 5.1 T 2.2 4.7 T 2.0 0.4 T 2.9 0.461 0.668 0.952
AwRP2-SPAwRP2, mm 11.3 T 5.2 10.4 T 5.3 0.8 T 7.9 0.547 0.399 0.388
AwRP3-SPAwRP3, mm 6.0 T 3.0 6.5 T 3.0 j0.5 T 3.5 0.400 0.311 0.586
AwRG1-SPAwRG1, mm 3.7 T 0.9 5.1 T 2.4 j1.3 T 2.9 0.0201 0.0531 0.134
AwRG3-C3, mm 8.8 T 3.7 10.1 T 3.8 j1.3 T 5.3 0.197 0.162 0.586

P values and significance level of the difference between them.

*Definition indicated in Table 3.
1P G 0.05.
2P G 0.01.
P G 0.001.

dimensional variability of the cervical vertebrae, what As can be seen in Table 7, more statistical
could explain the above results. significance was found between class III females
The 3-D technology used in this study also and males concerning volume and area than in class
allowed the volume and cross-section area calcula- II. As a consequence of retroglossal width differences,
tions. The results of the comparisons between the 2 the retroglossal cross-section area mean in retro-
groups are presented in Table 5. No statistical gnathic cases was found larger in male than in female
significance was found. subgroup. On the other hand, retropalatal volume,
In addition, each group was divided into 2 retroglossal volume and area, and, in consequence,
subgroups according to sex, and the statistical total volume and area means were larger in male
analysis was performed (Tables 6 and 7). According subgroup in prognathic cases.
to airway variables results, retroglossal width in class
II and nasal cavity posterior region height in both DISCUSSION
groups were statistically significant between females
and males. In general, the mean values for males were
larger than for females. I n this 3-D study, the SNA (angle between maxilla
and cranial base), SNB (angle between mandible


Copyright @ 2008 Mutaz B. Habal, MD. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

Table 5. Means T SD for Volume and Area Measurements of Skeletal Classes II and III
Class II Class III Class II/III Difference

Mann-Whitney/Wilcoxon 2-Sample
Asymp. Kolmogorov-Smirnov
(n = 30) (n = 30) Pared t-Test Sig. (2-tailed) Test

Variable Mean T SD Mean T SD Mean T SD P P P

RP, mm3 5453.7 T 1744.0 5809.5 T 2302.0 j355.7 T 2942.5 0.513 0.657 0.799
RP, mm2 2440.6 T 524.0 2348.0 T 560.1 92.5 T 815.1 0.539 0.584 0.952
RG, mm3 6140.0 T 2498.8 6423.7 T 2709.7 j283.7 T 3718.4 0.679 0.712 0.799
RG, mm2 2639.0 T 812.5 2585.0 T 919.0 54.0 T 1341.2 0.827 0.605 0.799
NC, mm3 25,328.2 T 5222.0 23,343.5 T 6591.4 1984.7 T 9631.4 0.268 0.095 0.071
NC, mm2 17,470.6 T 2315.7 16,706.4 T 2792.4 764.2 T 4354.7 0.344 0.160 0.388
CP1 X, mm2 838.8 T 247.6 773.8 T 256.5 65.0 T 389.4 0.368 0.535 0.799
CP2 X, mm2 381.1 T 183.6 393.3 T 186.5 j12.2 T 268.6 0.804 0.894 0.799
CP3 X, mm2 530.4 T 208.2 460.9 T 209.6 69.4 T 336.4 0.267 0.209 0.236
Total 1, mm3 11,593.7 T 3711.8 12,233.2 T 4569.5 j639.5 T 5969.4 0.562 0.522 0.522
Total, mm3 36,922.0 T 7890.6 35,576.7 T 7992.4 1345.2 T 12,302.5 0.554 0.550 0.532
Total 1, mm2 4317.3 T 966.8 4146.1 T 1114.3 171.1 T 1642.2 0.572 0.540 0.540
Total, mm2 20,110.3 T 2722.5 19,305.0 T 3000.4 805.4 T 4833.7 0.369 0.323 0.321

P values and significance level of the difference between them.

RP indicates retropalatal region; RG, retroglossal region; NC, nasal cavity; CP1 X, the first cross-section plane, correspondent to upper retropalatal plane; CP2 X,
the second cross-section plane, correspondent to retropalatal and retroglossal division plane; CP3 X, the third cross-section plane, correspondent to lower
retroglossal plane; Total 1, RP plus RG regions; Total, RP plus RG plus NC regions; mm3, volume measures; mm2, area.

and cranial base), and ANB (angle between maxilla with maximum and minimum values of ANB. The
and mandible) angles from Steiner 2-D cephalometric maxillary anteroposterior and transversal measures
analysis were adopted to classify the subjects accord- suggest that all subjects did not present statistically
ing to their anteroposterior dentofacial discrepancy. significant differences of the middle face. However,
These angles were selected because they are the most skeletal class II malocclusion group had smaller
commonly used, facilitating the scientific communi- means of values relative to the mandible than class
cation. Ishikawa et al25 reported that ANB angle is one III malocclusion group, and the SNB can suggest
of the most reliable and accurate measurements of either micrognathia or retrognathia.
the anteroposterior jaw relationship. The comparison Relative growth and size of the soft tissue
of class II and class III means of the present evalua- surrounding the skeletal structures mainly determine
tion shows that the SNB angle was responsible for pharyngeal space size. Tourne2 has stated that
the statistical difference of the ANB angle. The sam- nasopharyngeal depth is formed at the early ages
ple was carefully selected according to malocclusion of life, and then it usually remains the same. The
severity, and then both groups presented low range width and height increments of the nasopharynx

Fig 4 Three-dimensional virtual model of upper airway space. AYC, Lateral view right, quarter right view, and frontal view
of skeletal class II. DYF, The correspondent views of skeletal class III.


Copyright @ 2008 Mutaz B. Habal, MD. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

Table 6. Means T SD, P Values, and Significance Level of Female and Male Subgroups Measures
Class II Class III

Female (n = 15) Male (n = 15) Female/male Female (n = 15) Male (n = 15) Female/male

Variable* Mean T SD Mean T SD P Mean T SD Mean T SD P

Hard tissues
ANB, deg 6.0 T 2.0 5.5 T 2.5 0.130 j3.2 T 2.1 j3.5 T 1.2 0.413
SNA, deg 80.0 T 3.1 81.0 T 4.7 0.302 80.0 T 4.3 78.6 T 5.3 0.828
ANS-PNS, mm 51.5 T 4.7 52.8 T 3.8 0.549 50.0 T 2.6 52.7 T 3.1 0.0062
EnmL-EmnR, mm 32.0 T 3.0 33.4 T 3.3 0.234 33.2 T 3.6 32.2 T 3.4
SNB, deg 73.4 T 4.8 76.4 T 5.0 0.120 81.5 T 4.3 81.0 T 6.0 0.749
CoL-GoL, mm 53.0 T 8.0 60.0 T 4.3 0.0221 60.0 T 3.1 62.5 T 6.0 0.197
CoR-GoR, mm 55.2 T 9.6 60.0 T 4.2 0.083 60.0 T 2.4 63.7 T 5.5 0.0431
D6L-D6R, mm 53.0 T 4.2 54.0 T 4.2 0.424 56.6 T 4.0 58.7 T 4.7 0.276
GoL-Pog, mm 80.0 T 6.2 86.3 T 5.8 0.0092 86.7 T 4.3 93.5 T 6.3 0.0072
GoR-Pog, mm 81.0 T 5.6 85.6 T 5.4 0.0201 86.8 T 4.3 94.5 T 6.0 0.0032
Upper airway
AwRP1-AwRP2, mm 17.0 T 4.8 19.1 T 5.2 0.221 15.7 T 4.0 17.1 T 3.6 0.300
SoftPal-AwRP3, mm 32.3 T 5.5 35.2 T 6.7 0.113 30.0 T 6.1 33.2 T 9.7 0.299
SoftPalTR-SoftPalTL, mm 19.5 T 6.2 17.2 T 6.4 0.363 16.4 T 5.6 18.3 T 4.0 0.352
Epg-AwRG1, mm 13.4 T 2.5 15.4 T 4.0 0.082 11.7 T 3.8 15.0 T 7.7 0.301
EpgTR-EpgTL, mm 27.5 T 3.4 30.5 T 3.5 0.0171 24.1 T 4.4 28.2 T 8.3 0.168
AwRG2-AwRG3, mm 15.2 T 2.2 16.0 T 3.0 0.397 14.1 T 2.0 14.5 T 2.8 0.738
AwNR-AwNL, mm 28.0 T 3.1 28.2 T 1.9 0.689 28.8 T 2.3 30.4 T 4.0 0.092
AwAg1, deg 102.8 T 8.3 101.0 T 12.0 0.602 106.4 T 11.2 101.4 T 12.1 0.410
AwAg2, deg 99.0 T 9.5 99.4 T 10.3 0.887 104.2 T 10.3 97.0 T 10.0 0.189
AwAg1-AwAg2, deg 3.8 T 5.3 2.6 T 5.3 0.867 2.2 T 4.7 4.4 T 5.1 0.785
Hard tissues/airway distance
RtN-ANS, mm 37.2 T 4.5 40.0 T 3.3 0.104 38.0 T 3.2 40.0 T 3.1 0.176
RtNP-PNS, mm 24.5 T 3.0 27.1 T 2.0 0.0131 24.5 T 1.5 30.0 T 4.4 0.0111
PNS-AwRP1, mm 5.2 T 2.2 5.2 T 2.5 0.967 4.8 T 1.4 5.3 T 2.8 0.591
AwRP2-SPAwRP2, mm 12.4 T 5.1 11.0 T 5.5 0.497 10.1 T 6.0 11.1 T 5.6 0.572
AwRP3-SPAwRP3, mm 5.4 T 1.6 6.6 T 4.0 0.278 6.7 T 2.8 6.6 T 3.7 0.962
AwRG1-SPAwRG1, mm 4.0 T 1.0 3.5 T 1.0 0.198 4.4 T 1.8 6.0 T 3.3 0.243
AwRG3-C3, mm 9.3 T 3.4 8.6 T 4.3 0.596 14.1 T 2.0 14.5 T 2.8 0.738

*Definition indicated in Table 3.

1P G 0.05.
2P G 0.01.

continue until adulthood, as well as the total area. mandible in this sample in terms of asymmetry and
However, other studies suggested that from 20 to to correlate statistical significance.
50 years of age, the nasopharyngeal skeleton hardly The subjects that establish the present sample
changes, increasing the posterior nasopharyngeal consist of normal breathing, and the results showed
depth and the posterior pharyngeal wall becoming that most airway measurements have not been
thinner.13,26 The age average in this present study was affected by type of malocclusion. Supported by
18 years, when the skeletal growth expressed major several 2-D studies, those have found that the soft
increase. To avoid interferences from different ages tissue of the pharynx is a relatively independent
on the airway measures, as suggested by the above variable in its relation to other dimensions of the facial
authors, the sample was selected with subjects of complex. Ceylan and Oktay8 developed a study on
approximate ages. the pharynx in healthy patients with different skeletal
The 3-D cephalometry allows asymmetry assess- patterns and claimed that pharyngeal structures were
ment and the differentiation of left and right side not affected by the changes of the ANB angle. Their
values. All bilateral cephalometric points are studied findings are similar to those of Freitas et al,15 Solow
separately, and this is one of the advantages of 2-D et al,19 and Mergen and Jacobs.20
cephalometry that projects both to a sagittal plane. In Cephalometric radiographs alone may not give
a future project, the authors purpose to assess the a completely accurate representation of 3-D airway
hyoid bone positioning and morphology of the size in 2 dimensions. Airway information over the


Copyright @ 2008 Mutaz B. Habal, MD. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

Table 7. Means T SD for Volume and Area Measurements of Female and Male Subgroups
Class II Class III

Female (n = 15) Male (n = 15) Female/Male Female (n = 15) Male (n = 15) Female/Male

Variable* Mean T SD Mean T SD P Mean T SD Mean T SD P

RP, mm 5496.0 T 2104.1 5643.7 T 1340.6 0.794 4593.6 T 1475.2 5846.2 T 1825.1 0.051*
RP, mm2 2507.2 T 604.0 2441.5 T 453.0 0.737 2091.3 T 392.6 2368.1 T 494.4 0.139
RG, mm3 5613.4 T 1670.3 7219.2 T 2697.0 0.081 4712.3 T 2166.0 6920.0 T 2332.5 0.054*
RG, mm2 2529.0 T 495.8 2951.4 T 891.7 0.158 2010.5 T 618.5 2913.8 T 1028.8 0.035*
NC, mm3 24,227.2 T 6092.7 26,657.0 T 4386.2 0.189 21,136.7 T 3755.4 26,748.1 T 8255.7 0.066
NC, mm2 17,419.1 T 2730.0 17,708.3 T 1993.3 0.716 16,527.1 T 1764.4 17,783.2 T 3025.0 0.107
CP1 X, mm2 786.8 T 244.5 888.2 T 264.2 0.271 734.6 T 254.0 755.7 T 237.7 0.802
CP2 X, mm2 406.3 T 198.6 373.6 T 169.8 0.682 328.5 T 106.2 354.0 T 1340.0 0.628
CP3 X, mm2 455.6 T 147.2 649.3 T 197.1 0.0071 365.0 T 196.3 454.5 T 220.1 0.372
Total 1, mm3 11,109.4 T 3202.7 12,863.0 T 3695.1 0.192 9306.0 T 2791.3 12,766.2 T 3602.8 0.033*
Total, mm3 35,336.7 T 8209.4 39,520.0 T 7317.3 0.135 30,442.7 T 5305.4 39,514.3 T 7556.4 0.0071
Total 1, mm2 4223.5 T 766.4 4645.7 T 978.6 0.225 3444.6 T 650.8 4573.8 T 1241.5 0.033*
Total, mm2 20,069.1 T 2952.0 20,577.5 T 2464.2 0.559 18,502.5 T 1963.8 20,845.6 T 2912.0 0.011*

*P G 0.05.
1P G 0.01.
***P G 0.001.
P values and significance level of the difference between them in each malocclusion type.
RP indicates retropalatal region; RG, retroglossal region; NC, nasal cavity; CP1 X, the first cross-section plane, correspondent to upper retropalatal plane; CP2
X, the second cross-section plane, correspondent to retropalatal and retroglossal division plane; CP3 X, the third cross-section plane, correspondent to lower
retroglossal plane; Total 1, RP plus RG regions; Total, RP plus RG plus NC regions; mm3, volume measures; mm2, area.

same anatomic area in the nasopharynx was com- accuracy with less than 3% measurement errors using
pared between lateral cephalometric headfilms and a prototype of 3-D helical CT scans. Other studies for
cone beam CT scans. Computed tomography airway cephalometric measurements have yielded equivalent
volume showed more variability than corresponding accuracy.30,31 To obtain more accuracy in the current
headfilm airway area.27 Magnetic resonance imaging study, when a point was indicated by the investigator
shows superior quality for tissues contrast and air- on the cephalogram image generated from the CT
way analysis; however, in the current clinical rea- scan, the 3-D point should be positioned on the bone
lity of several countries, it is still far away. Therefore, surface and vice versa. Therefore, the geometrical re-
the authors of the present 3-D study performed the lationship between cephalograms and CT image
measures using 3-D CT scans, believing that the meth- volume is a prerequisite if one is to benefit from the
odology could be reliable and possible to be repro- combination of CT and virtual cephalograms. This
duced in another clinical experiment. combination of 2-D and 3-D information (Fig 2) is the
Computed tomography and magnetic resonance key to accurate indication of landmarks in a repea-
imaging are routinely obtained in the supine posi- table way. The reliability study conducted in the
tion. Cone beam CT scan is taken in upright position, current study suggested a high repeatability of this
but its indication for airway soft-tissue assessment method. However, the investigator needs a specific
is questionable, needing more related researches. training in both anatomy and software applications.
Pracharktam et al22 assessed upper airway passage Interinvestigator reliability needs to be studied in the
in the upright seated and in lying down posture, and future.
the conclusion was that upright 2-D cephalometric According to the findings of the performed stu-
evaluation was found to provide the same discrimi- dy, some 2-D cephalometric studies are inconsistent
nant information as supine position. The presented with the results and also with those studies that re-
study was based on CT scans taken in supine position, ported no relationship between pharyngeal structures
which is required by the equipment. and ANB angle.16,17,32 These authors observed that
Miles et al28 studied the reliability of upper air- most measurements used to assess the pharyngeal
way landmarks identification on 2-D records, and the structures have been affected by the ANB angle. They
results suggested that future airway-related research reported that a normal nasal airway is dependent
should consider the potential inaccuracies when at- on sufficient anatomic dimensions of the airway. In
tempting to identify these dynamic 3-D structures on addition, the size of nasopharynx is of particular
static 2-D images. However, Ono et al29 reported high importance in determining whether the mode of


Copyright @ 2008 Mutaz B. Habal, MD. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

breathing is nasal or oral.21 Lopatiene and Babarskas9 different facial architectures was correlated. Kerr7
correlated patients who pronounced difficulty in studied patients with skeletal class II and stated that
breathing through the nose with class II, increased when the nasal functions were normal, the relation-
overjet, and posterior cross-bite. ship between changes in pharyngeal area and
The relevance of airway obstruction changes in dentofacial dimensions are weak. On the other
function and its assumed effect on facial growth hand, Ceylan and Oktay8 reported that the oropha-
continues to be debated. As mentioned, 2-D studies ryngeal airway area became smaller with the
failed to prove the existence of the relation between increase of the ANB angle. In this performed
upper airway space problems and the frequency of investigation, the nasal cavity width showed statis-
malocclusion.15,19,20 Leech33 determined that these tical significance between the 2 groups, whereas the
problems do not have any influence on dentofacial anterior and posterior nasal cavity height did not.
morphology. Gwynne-Evans and Ballard34 noticed The correlation of these findings with volume and
that they induce neither changes in jaw growth nor area means, which did not show statistical signifi-
malocclusion and anomalies of dental position. cance, suggested that total nasal capacity is inde-
However, Joseph et al3 affirmed that skeletal features pendent of ANB patterns. Similarly, retropalatal and
such as retrusion of the maxilla and mandible may retroglossal volume and area were not correlated
lead to narrower anteroposterior dimensions of the with malocclusion type.
airway. Despite the present evaluation found the Pharyngeal dimensions were affected by sex. In
mandible positioned backward according to Steiner the retrognathic group, retroglossal width mean and
cephalometric analysis any subject presented with posterior nasal cavity height mean were larger in
respiratory or sleep problems. Also, this study did not males than in female subgroup. In prognathic group,
compare the airway measures in terms of normal, although linear and angular measures means were
enlarged, or reduced size but in terms of differences not significant, the retropalatal volume and retro-
between 2 facial architectures. Therefore, it is not glossal volume and area were larger in males. These
possible to infer about airway size changes or etio- findings are in disagreement with Ceylan and Oktay,8
logic factors. Solow et al,19 Linder-Aronson and Woodside21 which
Interest has also been focused on uvuloglosso- suggest that sex differences in the pharyngeal dimen-
pharyngeal dimensions because of a potential rela- sions are not present.
tionship between size and structure of upper airway According to all aspects observed and discussed
and sleep-induced breathing disturbances.32 Shelton in this present study, the authors concluded that the
et al35 stated that although several researchers comparison of upper airway space in normal nasal
affirmed that malocclusion can produce obstructive breathing patients suggested no statistical difference
sleep apnea, most subjects with sleep problems have between skeletal pattern of classes II and III. Because
no recognizable anatomic malformation. This study it was not possible to identify in the literature similar
hypothesized that the occurrence of sleep problems is methodology, the authors believe that more resear-
related to the size of the region enclosed by the ches need to be done exploring 3-D craniofacial
mandible. Zucconi et al36 showed a significant dec- analyses of patients without pharyngeal problems.
rease in sagittal dimensions of the mandibular bone
in habitual snorer subjects. As mentioned before, the
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Copyright @ 2008 Mutaz B. Habal, MD. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

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