Ronal Saputra-042809868-T3-ADBI4201-285

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NIM : 042809868

KELAS : 285


The study of development economic theory explains that to create and increase economic activity,
adequate infrastructure is needed. With the increasing need for infrastructure development to support
economic growth, the plans made by the government will increase to attract investment and private
participation in infrastructure development.

Infrastructure is the driving wheel of economic growth. From the allocation of public and private
financing, infrastructure is seen as a locomotive for national and regional development. Infrastructure also
has an important influence on improving the quality of life and human welfare, including increasing the
value of consumption, increasing labor productivity and access to employment opportunities, as well as
increasing real prosperity. Infrastructure also has an important influence in increasing consumption value,
increasing labor productivity and access to employment opportunities.

The nature and type of infrastructure needed in an area is influenced by the natural characteristics
and population distribution patterns that are unique to that area. Infrastructure is not only needed to
increase competitiveness to encourage more investment, production and trade activities, but also to
accelerate equitable development so that poverty and unemployment levels can be reduced.

Economic infrastructure has an important role in driving a country's economic growth performance.
The differentiation of infrastructure is also often based on the investment made in that infrastructure.
Discussions about infrastructure tend to lead to discussions of public goods. By understanding the nature
of infrastructure as a public good, based on theory infrastructure has the character of externalities. This
condition is in accordance with its nature where the infrastructure is provided by the government and each
party who uses the infrastructure does not pay directly.

The role of infrastructure is important in connecting various centers of economic activity with their
buffer areas. In remote areas that are difficult to reach, such as on mountain slopes or valleys, the
population usually lives in poverty and is isolated from the progress of development in even the nearest
growth centers. Due to such geographical conditions, farmers in remote areas find it difficult to market
their agricultural products. Even if they could, farmers whose incomes were not much had to pay
expensive fees. These obstacles prevent the poor from participating in the development process, either to
get better jobs or increase their work productivity. This is where infrastructure development can play a
role in alleviating poverty, namely by increasing access for the poor and access for government
intervention to be more effective in alleviating poverty. Better access will reduce the cost of living,
increase income and open up opportunities for the poor to benefit from economic growth.

The type of infrastructure project that greatly influences economic growth is physical
infrastructure. Some examples of physical infrastructure are toll road construction, high-speed
train construction, bridge construction, and so on.

Adequate infrastructure is a necessary foundation for sustainable economic growth. Good

roads, efficient transportation networks, modern ports, reliable airports, sophisticated
telecommunications, and widespread access to electricity are some examples of the infrastructure
needed to facilitate economic growth. Adequate infrastructure enables faster and more efficient
mobility of goods and people, and supports regional and international connectivity.

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