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Name: ………………………………………. 4 Complete the sentences with the words in the box.

are two extra words.
Test 1 / 2
am are aren’t do does doesn’t
don’t is
1 Complete the sentences with the Present continuous form 1 I like waiting. Hurry up!
of the verbs in the box.
2 Which you prefer – sitting in the
go make not enjoy not feel paint
sleep wear garden or in the park?
3 Why you reading in the dark?
1 Where (you)? It’s time for dinner. 4 Helen feeling tired so she
2 ‘Is she OK?’ ‘No, she well mind going to bed early.
5 My sister sometimes her homework in bed!
3 I this music. Let’s listen to
Exam Vocabulary
something different. 5 Complete the text with words for furniture and
4 Why (she) a coat? It’s hot today! household objects.
1 My bedroom w has a nice view of the garden.
5 Great! Mum my favourite
2 I put a warm d on my bed.
soup for lunch.
3 Hang your new dress in the w .
6 Carlos in his brother’s room this
4 Jenny has a photograph of her family on top of her c
week because his dad his bedroom.
of d .

2 Make sentences using the Present simple or Present 5 Leave the c open. I like looking outside.
continuous. 6 Joe was late because he didn’t hear his a
1 Martha / sometimes / do / her homework / on the balcony.
c this morning.
6 Complete the sentences with ONE word.
2 British people / eat / a lot of curry 1 In the summer Peter puts his snowboard and skis in the
a .
3 They/ learn/ about the River Nile/ in Geography/ this week. 2 Some old houses have a f in the bedroom to
keep you warm in winter.
4 We / never / play / tennis / in the morning. 3 I’m going outside. It’s too hot to sit in the r .
4 Please don’t leave your shoes on the l !
5 George / often / walk / to the supermarket. Someone may fall over them when going down!
5 There’s no one in the b , so you can have
6 You / use / the computer / at the moment? a shower now.
6 Our house hasn’t got a d , so we park the
car in the street.
3 Tick (✓) the correct sentences. Cross (✗) the incorrect
sentences and correct them. 7 The grass on the l is getting very long, we
1 Does she enjoy to live in a flat? have to cut it.
8 Look up! There’s a spider walking on the c………………..!
2 We like having breakfast on the patio. Can you take it down? I hate spiders.
9 We must repair the r………………… on our house. There
3 I don’t to mind walking to school. are holes and rain goes down inside our house.

4 Matt can’t standing being late. 7 Write the furniture and household objects.
1 My house hasn’t got a garden or patio, so we sit outside on
this. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
5 Amy loves shopping at the weekend.
2 The light hangs from this part of a room. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
3 You can hang pictures on this. _ _ _ _
6 I hate flying – I prefers travelling by train.
4 You stand on this part of the room. _____
5 When your house has got these, you can walk up them.
______ Betty Well, I fell when I was going downstairs. It hurt a lot
but it was also 6 .......... funny. And then I saw it when I
6 Lots of people have one of these next to their beds. They
was lying on the floor! It was on the 7 .........., under the
stand on them. _ _ _ sofa. My dad was so happy that he promised to take
me to the CD shop and buy me 8 .......... I want, even if
7 You put your head on this in bed. ______
it’s really 9 ..........! I want to go shopping tomorrow in
8 Answer the questions with words for parts of the house. the morning. I must set my 10.......... for 7 o’clock to
1 A What chair do you sit on when you want to be wake me up!
B An 1 a boring b exciting c tasty
2 a watch b laptop c wallet
2 A What do you look in to see your face?
3 a patio b bookcase c duvet
BA 4 a chest of drawers b cushion c ceiling
3 A What do you keep your car in? 5 a drive b attic c landing
B The 6 a a quite b bit c a bit
4 A When you walk into your house, what part of the house 7 a rug b vase c lawn
do you see first? 8 a nothing b everything c everywhere
B The 9 a expensive b scary c cheap
10 a alarm clock b blinds c mirror
5 A What do you put flowers in? / 10
2 Complete the gaps with the correct forms of the words in
Speaking brackets.
9 Match the beginnings of sentences 1–5 with the endings 1 A: How often........................................................................
a–g. There are two extra endings.
(your sister/go) on holidays?
1 Do you
2 It’s not B: Not very often. She ………………….............................
3 What’s her office
(travel/usually) to France once a year.
4 It’s got
5 It’s nice, but it’s 2 Mum: Maybe you don’t mind ……………………………..
(sit) in a messy room but I can’t
a green curtains.
b a bit small. stand .................................. .................. (look) at all the
c lovely colour.
chaos you have there!
d very tidy.
e like? 3 A:.................................................... (have got/your brother)
f very large?
any hobbies?
g like my new lamp?
B: Yes, Pete.............................................. (be) interested in
10 Complete the dialogue with the phrases in the box.
martial art. Look at this photo. He..........................................
There are two extra phrases.
a bit got it’s quite there’s what (practice) karate in the gym here.
what’s 4 A: I can’t hear him. What ………………………………….
Betty Guess what? My dad painted my bedroom yesterday.
(he/say) right now?
Pablo 1 it like?
Betty It’s 2
nice. The walls are blue now. B: I’m not sure. I ………………………..…………………
Pablo 3 colour is the ceiling? (not/understand) him at all!
Betty 4 white, and 5 a brown
5 On holiday, I hate................................................ (stay) at
blind on the window.
Pablo It sounds lovely. campsites. They’re less comfortable than hotels.

Exam Vocabulary
1 Choose the correct answers.
Betty You won’t believe what happened to me! Yesterday I
had the most 1 .......... day ever!
John Really? What happened?
Betty Well, my dad couldn’t find his 2 .......... in the morning.
He had all his documents and credit cards in it. At first
we thought he put it on the 3 .......... in the hall but it
wasn’t there.
John So what did you do?
Betty I helped him look for it. We looked everywhere, even
in the 4 .......... where he keeps his socks and in the
.......... where we keep old furniture. We couldn’t find
John And then what?

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