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Session 1: 2023/2024

Name : ________________________ Reg. No : __________________

Code/Course Name Programme : DKA / DGU /DSB

Lecturer : ________________________ Week (Date) : W6 (02-06/10/2023)

Product Pitching: CLO1

Propose the value proposition of entrepreneurial idea using Business Model Canvas. (A3,CLS 3b)

Product Pitching Assessment:

Elements Explanation
Value Proposition represents (product or service) unique solution for a problem faced by a
customer segment, or that creates value for the customer segment.

Customer Segments the groups of people or companies that you are trying to target and sell your
product or service to.

Channels describe how your company will communicate with and reach out to your
customers. Channels are the touchpoints that let your customers connect
with your company.

Customer relationships establish the type of relationship you will have with each of your customer
segments or how you will interact with them throughout their journey with
your company.

Revenue Streams the sources from which a company generates money by selling their
product or service to the customers. And how you will earn revenue from
your value propositions.

Key Partners the external companies or suppliers that will help you carry out your key
activities. These partnerships are forged in order to reduce risks and
acquire resources.

Key Activities list down all the key activities you need to do to make your business
model work.

Key Resources list down which key resources or the main inputs you need to carry out your
key activities in order to create your value proposition.

Cost Structure identify all the costs associated with operating your business model.
Methods of Assignment:

Prepared by:

Course Coordinator/ Course Lecturer

Date: 02/10/2023

Checked and verified by:

Head of Programme/ Head of Programme Assistant / PRIP


Date: 3/10/2023
Session 1 : 2023/2024

Rubric for Product Pitching Assessment: CLO1

Propose the value proposition of entrepreneurial idea using Business Model Canvas. (A3,CLS 3b)

Cluster 3b Rubric : Interpersonal & Communication Skills


E ATTRIBUTE (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) MARKS

Content 2 • Hardly presents • Fairly presents • Presents • Presents and • Presents and /10
and elaborates and and elaborate the ideas elaborate the ideas
any ideas. elaborates elaborate the ideas clearly. clearly.
• Explanation any ideas. moderately. • Explanations • Explanations
without any • Explanation • Explanations followed by 5 to 6 supported with
example. supported with followed by 3 to 4 relevant more than 6
• Poor introduction 1 to 2 relevant relevant examples. relevant
and conclusion. examples. examples. • Good examples.
• Unable to follow • Fair • Satisfactory • Excellent

introduction and
presentation due introduction introduction conclusion. introduction
to no sequence of and and • Able to follow and
information. conclusion. conclusion. presentation with conclusion.
• Jumps around • Able to follow logical • Able to follow
Presentation 2 • Uses • aOccasionally
bit, making it • Satisfactorily • sequence.
Visual aids relate • presentation
Visual aids explain /10
hard to follow with somehow
uses to with
tools superfluous uses visual aids and logical
visual aids or no presentation.
that rarely logical
visual aids that the and
visual aids. support the sequence.
somehow presentation. interesting
• Poor, distracts presentation. support the • Thoughts • sequence.
Visual aid
audience and is • Adds nothing presentation. articulated enhances
hard to read. to • Thoughts clearly, but not presentation, all
presentation. articulated quite engaging. thoughts
clearly, but not articulated and
engaging. keep interest.
Delivery 3 • Difficult in • Organize ideas • Organize ideas • Organize ideas • Organize ideas and /15
organizing any and and and communicate
ideas and communicate communicate communicate appropriately to
appropriately to appropriately audience and in
communicating appropriately different situations;
appropriately to to audience and audience and in to audience participate actively
audience and in in different different and in in conversations,
situations; hardly different discussions and
different situations; group presentations.
situations; have hardly participate in situations;
• Always maintain eye
difficulty in participate in conversations, participate
participating in conversations, discussions and moderately in
• Good intonation.
conversations, group presentations conversations,
discussions and • Appropriate
discussions and group with less discussions and gestures.
group presentations with significant errors group
• Very confident.
presentations. some significant (equal to and less presentations.
• Presentation
• No eye contact. errors (more than 5 errors). • Mostly maintain
completed within
• Monotonous. than 5 errors). • Occasionally eye contact.
the assign time.
• No gestures. • Minimal eye maintain eye • Suitable intonation.
• No confidence. contact. contact. • Good gestures.
• Presentation • Inappropriate • Appropriate • Confident.
significantly too intonation. intonation. • Presentation
long or too • Limited gestures. • Suitable gestures. slightly over or
short. • Fairly confident. • Somehow under assign time.
• Presentation confident.
not meet time • Presentation over
expectation. or under assign
Understanding 1 Difficult to Able to understand Able to understand Able to understand Able to understand /5
and answering understand and questions however, questions however, questions and give questions and give
of questions unable to answer give inappropriate give satisfactorily better answers. precise answers.
questions. answers. answers.

Interaction 2 Unable to Able to demonstrate Able to demonstrate Able to demonstrate Able to demonstrate /10
Capability demonstrate social social skills, social skills, good social skills, excellent social skills,
skills, communication communication ethics communication ethics communication ethics
communication ethics and empathy and empathy in social and empathy in social and empathy in social
ethics and empathy in social interactions interactions interactions. interactions.
in social but need further satisfactorily.
interactions. improvement.


Prepared by:

Course Coordinator/ Course Lecturer

Date: 02/10/2023

Checked and verified by:

Head of Programme/ Head of Programme Assistant / PRIP


Date: 3/10/2023
ATTRIBUTE (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) MARKS
Content 4 Explanation of Explanation of Explanation of Explanation followed Explanation supported /20
Development findings without findings supported findings supported by 5 to 6 examples with above 6 entirely
any examples and with 1 to 2 with 3 to 4 examples with most relevant relevant examples and
answers. examples and and relevant answers. answers. answers.
relevant answers.

Knowledge 2 Misunderstanding Some Satisfactory Good understanding Excellent /10

Application of subject matters understanding of understanding of of subject matters understanding of
demonstrated in subject matters subject matters presented in most subject matters
completing the shown in several presented in some parts of the BMC. applied throughout the
BMC. parts of the BMC. parts of the BMC. BMC.

Organization 1.5 • Poor organization • Some • Satisfactory • Good organization • Excellent /7.5

of points. organization of organization of of points. organization of

• Hardly presents points. points. • Presents and points.
and elaborates • Fairly presents • Presents and elaborate the points • Presents and
any points. and elaborates elaborate the points moderately. elaborate the points
• Unable to write any points. satisfactorily. • Good writing of clearly.
any ideas. • Fairly able to • Satisfactorily able ideas with less • Excellent writing of
write ideas with to write ideas with improvements. ideas without any
significant some significant improvements.
improvements. improvements.

Language 1.5 • Many spelling • Most spelling and • Some spelling and • Few spelling and • No spelling and /7.5
Mechanics and grammatical grammatical grammatical errors grammatical errors grammatical errors.
errors of more errors between 5 between 3 to 4. between 1 to 2. • Virtually flawless
than 6. to 6. • Some carelessness • Few wording is writing.
• Carelessness • Most in writing. careless.
throughout. carelessness in
Format 1 • Writes in a • Writes in a partly • Writes clearly and • Writes clearly and • Writes fluidly and /5
notably awkward correct manner by correctly by coherently by concisely by
manner without following format. following format. following format. following format.
format. • Limited use of • Average use • Uses technical terms • Uses above 6
• No attempt to use technical terms of technical terms of of the subject quite technical terms of
technical terms of regularly between 5
the subject the subject the subject
the subject. to 6.
bertween 1 to 2. bertween 3 to 4. • Some copies case appropriately and
• Entirely copies
case wording (not • Mostly copies • Partly copies case wording (an own work correctly.
an own
case wording wording (an own partially). • Few copies case
(generally not an work partially). wording (an own
own work). work relatively).


Prepared by:

Course Coordinator/ Course Lecturer

Date: 02/10/2023

Checked and verified by:

Head of Programme/ Head of Programme Assistant / PRIP


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