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Short Story On Bully

"Have a great day Zoe!" says my bus driver, the nicest person that I know, as I get up from my seat
on the bus.
"I'll try," I say gloomily. I know today will be a day just like all the other 45 days (yes I am
counting) that I have been at this school. Not great.
My family and I moved to California from New York a couple of months ago for my dad's job. My
whole family loves it here, except for me. I would love it here if it wasn't for Jess Mitchel. She is
your typical high school bully that wants to make every girl's life miserable. Being the new girl of
the school makes me her next victim. Jess usually does most of her tormenting at the courtyard in
front of our school, where everyone hangs out and all of the buses unload. As soon as I step off of
the bus, the taunting begins.
"Oh my gosh! What is she wearing!" Jess yells loudly, causing everyone's attention to be drawn to
me. "Where does she get her clothes from? Goodwill?" Jess's partner in crime stood beside Jess,
laughing at me. I try to walk as quickly as I can into the school, without making a fool of myself.
But, I should have known that wouldn't be possible with Jess Mitchel around.
I had almost made it into the school, when my worst nightmare happened. The partner in crime
stuck her shoe, a cheetah printed Louboutin high heel, out and tripped me. I was so humiliated that I
had no idea how to react. I glance up to see everyone staring at me.
"Don't cry. Stay strong," I repeat in my head. I stand up and finish the few steps that it takes for me
to get into the school.
Thankfully, I do not have any classes with Jess, so I do not see her often during the day. But sadly, I
do have lunch with her. I was able to go through my morning classes without anyone mocking me,
just some slight stares from everyone.
Today's lunch is no different than any other day. I sit by myself at a table in the back corner. Jess sits
near the front of the lunchroom with the cheer team and of course, her partner in crime. Jess tells
jokes about me to her lunch table, the girls laughing at the jokes whether they are funny or not.
Then, Jess stands up, holding her lunch. She starts walking to a place that she would never have
been caught dead in before today. The back

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The Positive Consequences Of School Lunch Shaming?

School Lunch Shaming

School lunch rooms have been evolving over the last decade. Healthier food choices and better–
quality food are just two of many improvements happening inside school cafeterias. Although
school lunch rooms are making various positive changes, there are still negative consequences for
some students. Most students can go through the lunch line and not have to worry about the cost of
the meal and whether they have enough money to buy a hot lunch. On the other hand, some students
are constantly worrying about not being able to eat lunch due to the price. According to a CNN
article titled "School Lunch Shaming" by Heather Long, " alarming number of American
youngsters still can't afford a $2.35 lunch, despite the dramatic expansion of free and reduced lunch
programs" (paragraph 1), which demonstrates the struggles that these low–income families face
when it comes to buying their student school lunches. Staff working in cafeterias have started to
"shame" those students by taking away the student's food and giving them a bag containing a cheese
sandwich and milk. States such as New Mexico are taking a stand against school lunch shaming and
have banned lunch shaming completely. Long also explained that, "The USDA is urging districts to
stop "embarrassing" and "singling out" students who don't have enough money for lunch"
(paragraph 9), which further demonstrates the lengths people are going to solve the lunch shaming
issues. Privilege and class stratification

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Littering In High School Research

Timed Write In High School, there are many different problems with many different solutions. But
one major problem with High School is littering. Littering may not seem like a major problem, but if
you go to say a restroom and there is trash on the floor and in the toilets you wouldn't want to use
the restroom. It is completely disgusting when I walk into a bathroom to see candy wrappers on the
floor and in the toilets. If you're at lunch and you're about to sit at a table and there is old food and
dirty cups, you would go find another table. It is the same with a school, if you're a visiting team
playing against that school and you go there to play them, you wouldn't want to go and play them at
their High School because there campus is littered

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My Favorite Class

I wake up at 7:35 a.m. everyday. I take a shower, after that I get dressed; then I go downstairs and
make myself breakfast. I eat and then go back upstairs and brush my teeth. Finally, I leave for
school, and I get to my first block, which is seminar at around 8:20. I wait for my friend Erik to get
there and then we walk in together. Seminar is easily my favorite class of the day because I have a
couple of my friends in that class. My best friend in that class is Cameron, but I am also friends with
Darius and Emma. Me and Cameron have been friends since middle school, and we used to hang
out almost everyday. Now, Cameron has a girlfriend so he doesn't hang out with me anymore and it
makes me sad. Cameron is funny, but he is terrible at making plans. Therefore, half of the time when
we want to hang out we end up just sitting at home bored because he can't decide what he wants to
do. Darius and I have been friends since elementary school. He goes to James River High School
now, and I go to Lord Botetourt High School (LB), so we hardly see each other. Me and Darius grew
up playing basketball together which made us very close as kids. I miss hanging out with Darius.
Darius is shy, so many people don't know how funny darius actually is. I miss seeing him outside of
school a lot like I used to. Emma is a good friend, but we don't talk that much outside of school and
work like we used to. She is nice and funny, but one time she got her dog to lick a m&m and then
said, "Ryan

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Literature Review Literature On Cafeteria Food

Literature Review
Several studies have shown that food quality, variety of food, atmosphere, service quality, and price
that have a effect on dining satisfaction and return intention as it has been related to increase sales,
revenue, and customer loyalty. (Qu, 1997; Kivela, Reece & Inbakaran, 1999; Pettijohn, Pettijohn &
Luke, 1997; Lee, 2004). However, according to Lee (2004), dining environment, price and nutrition
information, and employee competency are considered the most influential factors in determining
college student's satisfaction level. The customer satisfaction is not only influenced by service
quality perceptions but also by personal preferences, situational factors and price (Aldridg &
Rowley, 1998; Patterson & ... Show more content on ...
Price fairness means the judgment of whether an outcome and the process to reach an outcome are
reasonable or acceptable (Bolton Shankar, 2003). The price to be paid for a services and foods
determines the level of quality to be demanded (Soriano, 2003). He also stressed out that the price
(value) of the meal and service are equally important when compared to other service dimensions.
The recent studies by Ng (2005) and Xi and Shuai (2009) did consider price and value in assessing
students' service quality in dining hall services. Martin–Consuegra, D., Molina, A. and Esteban, A.
(2007) found that perceived price fairness positively influences customer

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Cheez At The Cafeteria

Cheez–its are no longer allowed in the cafeteria because kids always step on them and crush them.
The last time I went to the cafeteria, the floors were covered in the little orange crumbs. There was a
giant cloud of orange dust floating around the room. The cafeteria ladies were very tired of cleaning
up the crumbs, so they decided to just ban them all together. The kids have put this punishment upon
themselves. I personally don't blame the lunch ladies. I'd get tired of cleaning up all that mess
everyday if I were them too. I don't understand why these kids can't just keep their food either on
their plates or in their mouths. The whole thing got started when a 6th grader, yes you heard me
right it was a sixth grader, decided he didn't wanted

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School Cafeteria Food Essay

Have you ever tasted school cafeteria food? I don't think you would want to. In school story books,
do you have characters saying that the food tasted good at school cafeterias? Nope. Why is this?
Cafeteria food is often cheap, bought in bulk, high in calories, malnutritious, and microwaved.
Student polls and opinions prove this. Therefore, this leads to a suggestion: Healthier, tastier foods
and a better, advanced lunch system should be implemented. First of all, students aren't motivated to
eat unhealthy, not–tasty food. If you observed students buying lunch in the cafeteria, you don't often
see them buying these kinds, but not limited to, foodstuffs: burritos (which are just beans wrapped in
tortillas), "burgers" (meat slapped on two ... Show more content on ...
A simple salad bar and healthier, tastier foods (such as soup, sandwiches, pasta, etc.) would be the
key to flourishing and happy or happier students. On the other hand, you may be thinking, "$3.75–
$4.75 is cheap for a school lunch", "Who would pay for it?", or "If it's good enough for school
standards, then it MUST be healthy". $3.75–$4.75 is not cheap with the economy failing and
families having to stretch their dollars. About a year ago, the lunch was $2.50. If a student bought a
$4.75 lunch every day for a month, about thirty days, the total would be $142.50. Multiply that by
twelve months and it is $1,710 a YEAR. Compared to the $900 a year with the $2.50 meal, lunch
prices ARE pretty darn expensive. Secondly, if enhanced foods and lunch system were implemented,
some might say it would take a huge amount of money to actually start the project. However, if tax
dollars are enough to pay for billion dollar roads, then it's enough to start a respectable lunch
system. A portion of the tax dollars could be used instead of it all going to highway and road
construction. Finally, the food may fit school standards, but it may not be such a good choice. Most
people eat 2,000 to 2,500 calories a day, depending on their needs. How healthy could a tortilla with
beans, or a piece of meat slapped between two slices of bread, be? Not to mention the amounts of
saturated fat, trans fat, and salt! If you checked the

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The Benefits Of School Lunches

Do you think that school lunch are not that good or maybe the school charges to much for not
enough food. School lunches should be gone and we should get to go home for lunch or get to go to
some restaurants with are friends. Most people want to go home for lunch because the schools food
taste weird. When people eat the schools food they're afraid of the fact that the food has no color and
the food is not cooked all the way sometimes. Also the food has no good feel or taste in it because
they are not allowed to put seasoning in the food at school. The schools food is also boiled not fried.
If we got out of school lunches would be better food in general but there's plenty more to tell about
it. When students eat out of school lunches you have a smaller chance of getting food poisoning. All
the food at different restaurants taste way better than school food like the worst thing on the menu
taste better then the school's food. "Over the years law providers have created laws so schools need
to eat healthy" (Noah Berger). When students go out to eat at lunch they can go home and get a
home cooked meal by their moms or grandmas. The students can go to restaurants and can get more
choices. At the restaurant's students have a bigger choice to pick from then at school. There are
plenty of restaurants to go to if the students go to school in a town. There are more towns to go to if
the students feel like a different meal than what they are used to."Paying for the students' food

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Persuasive Speech On School Lunches

A healthy, delicious, lunch is what many schools strive for, however many don't follow suit in the
best way possible. I am writing to you, Mr. Dawson, to address the fact that Ronald E. McNair High
School fails to provide their students with wholesome meals. As you may know, the Lodi Unified
School District has food services that "promotes and brings attention to our freshly prepared school
meals made from California grown products" (School Nutrition And Fitness). To promote even
"healthier" eating, McNair actively participates in the USDA case study, inviting mobile carts to
bring lunch closer to the students (School Nutrition And Fitness). Even with additional efforts put
forth, students still find the lunches unappetizing (due to low–grade food quality) and prefer to eat
other alternatives.

According to Alice Waters and Katrina Heron, authors of "No lunch left behind" an article published
in The New York Times on February 19, 2009, the National School Lunch Program is a poor
investment. The authors informed the public that of $9 billion, very little actually goes into the food.
They demand fresh alternatives provided by local farmers and refine school equipment, to instead
prepare fresh nutritious meals for the school. Although we may produce some meals at the school,
there are still ways to improve the equipment to better serve the students. Education about sensible
eating is also recommended, as it will teach students a nourishing lifestyle outside of school. With a
well–constructed plan that upgrades the quality of the food and food education, it will surely make
our school healthier!

Waters and Heron do have a point. Creating our own fresh lunches at the school have perks, but
what about food options? A better idea would be to advance on vegetarian options that cater more
vegetables, fruits, whole grains, soy foods, and more dairy products. Creating new and exciting
options will attract more students to lunch and they may even start to find the lunch appetizing. On
September 14, 2017, an ERWC class taught by Edward Cruz conducted an eleven question survey
about eating habits and preferences at McNair. The survey questioned the appeal of school lunches
and found that only 31% of students found the

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Short Story : A Wish For Hope

"A Wish for Hope" With my bags packed and my phone charged, I set off for Memphis, Tennessee
with my cousin and her parents. It was time for Kaylie's annual checkup at St. Jude. As a baby,
eighteen years ago, Kaylie was diagnosed with leukemia–a cancer of blood and bone marrow. She
overcame the disease after a hard battle, but it left scars. However, she doesn't let anything hold her
back from being the kindest and the most genuine person I know. When she asked if I wanted to go
with her to Memphis, I thought, "Sure. It'll be a fun road trip with my family and it would be neat to
see the hospital." I had no idea what was waiting for me when I arrived. We checked into our hotel
and went to a family favorite spot–the Bass Pro Shop at the Pyramid. This place was amazing. It is
much bigger than any of the stores around here, and it was in a large mirrored glass pyramid. It was
the true "sportsman's paradise". It was also very family–centered, which you could easily tell from
the restaurant and bowling alley located inside. So we shopped, ate, and bowled (I had a final score
of 26, but I had fun getting there). It's in times like those that Kaylie seems to be what we might
refer to as "normal". She was in her element, laughing and being around people she loves. That was
completely different from the events of the next day. We woke up early and headed down the street
to the St. Jude Children's Research Hospital. I cannot put into words my initial reactions. As I

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Essay on Home Lunches Are Better Than Cafeteria Food

When your looking into weather you want your child should eat food from home or the cafeteria, or
whether they should pack lunches from home, there are lots of things to consider. While considering
these options, I learned those lunches that are packed from home are much better for the child.
School lunches are expensive, and home lunches are healthier. Also, home lunches teach children
about being responsible and it teaches them how to take care of themselves. Thse thing are
important because they have long lasting effects.

The first thing that parents look at when they buy lunches for their children is how much lunches
cost. One thing that most parents have noticed, is that school lunches are not as cheap as lunches
that you would ... Show more content on ...
Foods bought from a school cafeteria also cause a lot of weight problems. These foods are not well
balanced, and often include unhealthy deserts, and snack. Obesity is the number one cause for heart
problems in America, so we should try to encourage the children to make healthy choices, and pack
lunches from home.

Another reason to pack lunches from home, is that children these days tend to be picky eaters. If a
child doesn't like what is served, then they wont eat it. Student who don't eat full lunches are shown
to do poorly on test, and have trouble studying. Food is a very important part of a person's day, and
if they don't get enough of it, it can affect their mood, and behaviors. Children are more likely to eat
foods that they have picked out by themselves, as long as they approved by the parents as healthy
foods. Many children today go home and have 'snacks'. Most of the time, this can pretty much turn
out to be an entire bag of potato chips, or two or three glasses of milk. Although these foods can be
good for you, they aren't supposed to be eaten like that. If children eat a full meal for lunch that day,
they won't feel the need to eat so much for a snack.

Another way that home lunches can be better for children is that they teach children the importance
of self responsibility. Packing them alone can teach kids what kind of foods are good for there
bodies. This is something that all kids need to learn to do , because sooner

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The Government Should Not Control What Children Eat Essay

Childhood obesity is an epidemic in the United States, nearly twenty percent of children between the
ages of 6 and 11 are clinically obese; however the government has no place trying to control this.
(CDC, 2008) The current administration over steps its authority moving beyond the control of
federally funded school lunches and into oversight of privately owned vending machines in public
schools. Major corporations are being bullied into censoring their advertisement exposure to
younger children so that the government won't impose their own regulations. It is a parent's
responsibility and right to educate their children and control what they eat. The Federal government
should not try to control what children eat by imposing regulations ... Show more content on ...
Snack machines are big business in the public school system. They are privately owned and
serviced, in order to be placed in schools the vending companies enter into contracts where a portion
of profits are provided back to the school. These profits often play a big role in an already tight
school budget; they pay for necessities such as copies of student handouts and other teaching aids.
Where the problem begins is that the Let's Move program authorizes the United States Department
of Agriculture to set standards for all foods regularly sold in schools including vending machines
and al la cart lunch lines. Neither of the affected receives funding from the program, making this a
controversial issue of the federal government setting controls on state funded schools. The federal
government needs to stay out of state run programs, especially when it can affect funding which
directly relates to our children's education.
Aside from federal restrictions on food in public schools some states have allowed their
administration to create and enforce rules that are not their place to be making. At Little Village
Academy, a public school in Chicago the principal Elsa Carmona established a rule that banned
lunches made at home and drinks from home at school, the only acceptation is for children with
allergies. This ruling is an attempt to force the children to eat the

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Psychology Paper on My Mother´s Student

Not everyone has the luxury of good health and a good home life. When someone has either bad
health, or a bad home life, there is plenty of pity to be felt; but when those two factors are combined,
it paints a whole new picture. It is important to do everything in one's power to help them through
the tough time and make it as painless as possible. That is exactly what I did in the case of one of
my mother's students. She was having back surgery due to severe scoliosis, while also dealing with a
mother who was addicted to pain medication. This girl was very worried that after the surgery was
over and she was sent home, she would not be able to take her medication, fearing that her mother
would take it for herself. When I heard that this student had asked my mother to accompany her for
her procedure in Kansas City, I saw this as a golden opportunity. I could finally find out who this
girl was that my mother was so caught up with, staying up at night worrying about. I could finally
understand who I was sharing my mother with, and why. When I walked into the hospital room after
her procedure, my mother's student was on a myriad of powerful painkillers, much to her dismay.
This girl was terrified of taking the medication, because she did not want to end up like her mother.
The girl's mother also had Scoliosis, and had developed a dependency for her pain medication,
leading up to her developing a tolerance for it and taking her daughter's pills as well. My mother's

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Sustainable Food Program

Destiny Mendoza
Kaitlyn Langley
Priscilla Fernandez
AP Environmental Science
Creating a Sustainable Food Program For Hughson High School If campuses over forty–two years
old are not considered a "green campus," then what does that make Hughson High School at one
hundred and four years old? For the three years that we have been at Hughson High School, we have
witnessed resources from the school's cafeteria being wasted and pollution increasing daily.
Hughson High School has the opportunity to become a sustainable campus by having the dining
services and school farm promote more sustainable food, yet resources are squandered and the
expenses are rising. Taking root over the last decade, campus farms are becoming virtually
traditional by ... Show more content on ...
The students surveyed were asked "Do you ever realize that the school's cafeteria serves frozen and
not fresh food?" All one hundred and ninety–nine students said yes. The students were then asked
"Well if the school were to serve freshly grown fruits and vegetables from the school's ag.
department and from farms located in hughson in the cafeteria, would you be more open and willing
to eat in the school's cafeteria?" One hundred and ninety students answered "Yes" while nine
students answered "No." The students who answered yes were, without a doubt, in agreement and
happily welcomed the idea of fresh food served in our school's cafeteria. The students who answered
no were the ones who will always bring a lunch from home regardless. Being that the majority of
students were open to the new idea, bringing in our freshly grown crops into the cafeteria would

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Serving Lunch For School Children Essay

Serving lunch to school children began with private organizations making donations to a handful of
schools. In the peak of the 20th century, concern over children's nutrition caused balanced meals to
be provided to students during their lunch hour. Philadelphia began to serve lunches for one cent in
1894. Eventually their penny lunch program was extended to eight other schools throughout the city.
In January 1910, schools in Boston began serving lunch to elementary school students three days a
week. On the other days, a simple meal of milk and sandwiches was served. Since there was no
lunchroom in the building, students would eat at their desks (Avey, 2015).
At long last, the school lunch program was made official in 1946 when President Harry Truman
signed the National School Lunch Act. The National School Lunch Act of 1946 states: "It is hereby
declared to be the policy of Congress, as a measure of national security, to safeguard the health and
well–being of the Nation's children and to encourage the domestic consumption of nutritious
agricultural commodities and other food, by assisting the States, through grants–in aid and other
means, in providing an adequate supply of food and other facilities for the establishment,
maintenance, operation and expansion of nonprofit school lunch programs" (Avey, 2015).
Unfortunately, the school lunch program made little progress after that. Without any sort of
guarantee of the success of the school lunch program in the years ahead,

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Personal Statement: Why I Like The NFL Channel

Hey! Are you tired of the same old thing in the school lunchroom? What changes would you make?
I would change a couple things,and this is what they would be, I would like to have the NFL channel
to watch, having a buffet of meats and a share of desserts, the last thing would be true restaurant
style including booths and tables. The first thing I would like to have would be flat screen Tvs with
two of my favorite Tv channels, the NFL channel and the PBR channel. The reason why i like the
NFL channel is because it is about football. And the reason why i like the PBR channel is because it
is about bull riding. I think that we should be able to watch tv while we eat our lunch. Eating lunch
with no tv would be boring. Lunch would be better

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The Food And The Dining Program

"Food, in the end, in our own tradition, is something holy. It 's not about nutrients and calories. It 's
about sharing. It 's about honesty. It 's about identity (Louise Fresco)." Most humans, including
myself, enjoy eating good food. When food is less than satisfactory and people have to eat that same
food on a regular basis, they tend to get sick of it. That is the problem I am currently facing in my
second semester at MNU. The food was decent for a while, but the dining program lacks variety and
quality. Though the dining program is below average now, I believe that it can be greatly improved
by adding new items to the menu, serving the fan favorites more often, and increasing the quality of
the food.
By far, food is one of the most important things in this world. Most living things cannot survive
without it. Not only is it necessary for life, but it something that is universally loved by everyone
and everything. Some animals kill for food and some humans are even willing to fight and kill for it.
All that being said, it's clear that food is important to people and it should be treated accordingly. At
the moment, the dining program at MNU is not getting the job done, and it could definitely use
some changes.
One change that the dining hall could benefit from is adding new items to the menu. Currently,
MNU serves the same things for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Breakfast consists of either pancakes
or french toast, hash browns or potato wedges, and eggs. Then lunch comes

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Case Study On Pullman Hotel

Cafe Chat ,Pullman Hotel & Cafe Cino Hilton Hotel in Kuching
1.0 Background of Hotels
Pullman Kuching is centrally placed within the Kuching Golden Triangle, enjoying pride of place on
Jalan Mathies hill, with wide town and watercourse views. the primary passenger car building
during this spirited town, passenger car Kuching options 389 spacious, modern rooms and offers
easy accessibility to notable Kalimantan national parks. The building is good for business guests,
giving Associate in nursing abundance of conferencing area, state of the art facilities and
technology, and a spread of stylish restaurants and bars, and a high–end spa.
Hilton Kuching building creates a refreshing sense of comfort and cordial reception. All of the
building guest ... Show more content on ...
Point of Sale systems are used in many hotel and restaurant businesses such as in Pullman hotel.
Hilton hotel is using touchscreen display of POS System in their coffee shop which helps the cashier
speed up the order–taking process. The accuracy of this POS system have aided them to reduce the
time taken to serve and rise the efficiency of the order progression. POS system severely cut down
total operating outlays and blunders due to human

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Milligan's Cafeterias

Cafeterias are the main source of food for college students who live on campus. They have different
food options provided for the college students. However, not all of the food choices are healthy. For
example, food in Milligan's cafeteria is cooked in fats and served greasy to the students. There are
not a lot of healthy options in the cafeteria to choose from. Every day the salad bar is set out for
students as a healthy side or meal, however the ingredients are not always fresh. Sometimes the
lettuce provided is wilted, the vegetable toppers are brown and stale, and overall do not appear
appetizing. Sometimes they have special healthy choices like a make your own tossed salad, or even
a sizzling salad, but those options are only offered for one day every other week. ... Show more
content on ...
This a serious problem for many people. For instance, what if a person is allergic to a certain food
item or a diabetic person is attempting to give themselves the right amount of insulin. The lack of
labels for the food can be problematic. The abundant amount of starch filled food in the cafeteria is
not healthy whatsoever. This can lead to health issues in the future and will cause a great deal of
weight gain which can lead to weight gain. Despite a lack of healthy cafeteria options and a lack of
money, can Milligan College students avoid gaining weight? Yes Milligan students can avoid
gaining weight by choosing healthy and affordable snacks, by their cafeteria food choices, and by
reducing stress

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Food Issues At Stetson University

There are many devastating food issues in society; the same is true on college campuses. Problems
such as food waste, nutrition problems, and affordability are only a few of the troubles intertwined
with food. A college campus is much like a small city, it's residents, the students produce a lot of
food waste like anyone else, and if the university does not actively seek to combat the problem of
food waste, it will run ramped. Every day, on the campus of Stetson University, roughly 3,000
students eat on campus. Thus, it can be a massive and complicated problem to solve; however,
making small changes to become proactive in the problem will make a sizeable impact.
Stetson University may not have vast food options, yet for a small campus, it has a decently large
quantity. The school contains the standard school cafeteria, but it also offers a couple of chain
restaurants such as Johnny Rockets, Einstein's Bagels, a Food Truck, and a partially licensed
Starbucks. I live on campus; as a result, I eat on campus nearly every day so what types of food and
the health choices the school makes directly affects me, as I am not able to eat off campus too often.
The food truck is always interesting as it has a different regional food theme each week, so it is
always fun to see what is the theme of the week. The other restaurants have a set menu as they are
not a university–owned chain, but they still offer a wide list of options. Unfortunately, some of the
options on campus are not too healthy. The cafeteria serves about half healthy and has unhealthy
foods, so sometimes it can be very tempting to make unhealthy nutrition choices. Although they do
attempt to display the healthy homemade style foods at the front and the unhealthy pizza and desert–
like foods towards the back. It is important for the university to take an active approach in assisting
students who strive to eat healthily.
Typically, I eat breakfast every day at Einstein's Bagels, and my other two meals at the cafeteria or
the food truck. It is rare for me to purchase anything from Starbucks or Johnny Rockets. In the
cafeteria I generally eat healthy, nutritious options, I eat quite a bit of vegetables and meat only a
couple of times a week. However, others

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The Strike Of Foodservice Workers At Unc Chapel Hill

The 1969 strike of foodservice workers at UNC Chapel Hill was a labor dispute involving lunch
ladies, less than 20 women of color, working in a college cafeteria serving the large student
population. This unlikely group of women and their labor dispute had a much more important effect
on the larger perspective of not only work conditions and wages for women and African Americans,
but the macro level of civil rights on college campuses in the south during the civil rights
movement. The efforts of the women and Black Student Movement to fight for fair pay, We will also
look at the impact this labor dispute had for not only the college campus but also the entire state of
North Carolina and the nation at large. Not only geographically, we will also examine the effect this
foodservice strike has had on the fast food industry presently and labor relations for the "Fight for
15" movement. The Lenoir Dining Hall at UNC Chapel Hill served food to some 1700 students and
faculty a day. The lunch ladies managing the cafeteria worked through long hours, short wages and
degrading work conditions. Food service was tough enough for college lunch ladies because
students and faculty did not typically regard the non–faculty employees with much respect or
recognition. This lack of respect or recognition was amplified by high racial tensions of the civil
rights era and the reality that most non–faculty employees were African American.
Not only were the work conditions underappreciated by the

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College Cafeteria

College Cafeteria and health Eating Behavior of College Students and The Use of Cafeteria The
interlocked relationship between cafeteria, emotional snacking and prevention of eating disorder
symptoms may seem impractical. Despite coming from a different scope of study, these topics are
indirectly related. Cafeterias, in colleges and universities, not only offer different types of foods,
snacks, and beverages, but they play a major role in the molding healthy lifestyle of students.
University students are at a critical phase in their lives to decide about their health and eating
behavior (Mann and Blotnicky). Health complications resulting from poor eating behavior such as
obesity, diabetes and eating disorder along with academic and finical ... Show more content on ...
This will be illustrated by focusing on their common ground; Bing eating. Bing eating, a symptom
of an eating disorder, is category an emotional eating factor which is driven by stress and other
influencers. Eating disorder symptoms can arise from academic stress, depression, feelings of
ineffectiveness and social insecurity (Berg, Frazier, and Sherr (2009). With this mind, it will be
practical to discuss the importance of cafeteria to minimize the damages of emotional eating or
snacking and symptoms of eating

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Overview of the Healthy Food for Healthy School Act Essay

It was lunch time and students walked into the cafeteria to purchase lunch. A wide variety of food
was placed in front of them to choose from ranging from pizza to burgers to bags of chips and
chocolate bars. Their choices were endless up until a new reform took over and enlisted new
changes. The Healthy Food for Healthy School Act was placed on September 1st, 2008. Its policy
entailed schools to practice healthy eating where they would be "dropping trans fat from food and
beverages sold in schools and establishing mandatory nutrition standards for food and beverages
sold in schools" (Ontario Ministry of Education). While this reform plays a significant role in the
health of students, it also has a great impact on other sectors. ... Show more content on ...
As stated in Food: How School Food Affects Student Health, "where there is a lack of creativity and
motivation to cultivate a healthy and sustainable menu, fast–food chains, junk–food vendors, and
soda companies rush in to fill the void, offering partnerships with schools that allow them to market
their products in schools" (2008). With the new reform in place, schools have been instructed to
follow new guidelines and nutrition programmes to meet the standards of a healthy school. This
required the removal of vending machine sodas, and the reconfiguration of the foods in all school
cafeterias. With this new reform in place, schools have seen various outcomes from this change.
Having the Healthy Food for Healthy School Act means that any links with corporations would
result in minimal interactions and weaken the links they have. This can be seen as both a positive
and negative development. The positive outlook on it is that students will benefit greatly from the
healthy act as they will be encouraged to eat healthy foods and take part in an active and healthy
lifestyle. The downside is that implementing the healthy school act means putting more money
towards this section as healthier foods cost more than "non–healthy" foods. As expenses are taken
out from other accounts, an ongoing increase of educational inequalities continues. Schools have
found themselves caught between the need to promote healthy choices and the need for

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Reflection Paper

Being a student that attends Zenith Academy, I have seen quite a number of faults in the way
students conduct themselves while at school. Although it may be okay to spend time with your
friends while at school, what's not okay is having so much fun that you end up shoving other
students who are trying to shift to their other class periods down the hall. What's more disturbing,
however, is that almost half of the students don't pick up after themselves once lunchtime is over,
obviously expecting others to do it for them. I am fully aware of the fact that the school has hired
janitors, but it isn't completely impossible that some day a visitor may decide to pop up into the
school cafeteria and have a heart attack once they see the bedlam occurring in a HIGH SCHOOL
cafeteria ( That is, if the said visitor has heart problems). I'm most certainly sure I'm not the only
student who feels uncomfortable with many students' immaturity, nor am I the only one who wants
to take action against it. I have always had the desire to make a positive change to the world, but as
the proverb states, charity begins at home. It is required of me to first try to improve the
environment around me, then once I succeed, move on to a higher level. I want to leave the school,
knowing that I have done something for the greater good for myself and others. The student council,
at the moment, seems to be the right place for such persons who want to represent the students
whose voices aren't often heard.

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Why School Should Be Searched

firstly, I think that school should be searched because it would make the school safe. It will make the
school safer because it will get rid of drug and weapon in the school. BY searching the school for
drugs it will send the drugs to jail and or to drug abuse place to help them. Also by arrested the kid
that have drug on them it will teaches them a lesson to not do drug and not to bring them to school.
Also you can find there deal and send him to jail for traffic . Over all it would make the city and the
school 's better as there is one more drug dealer off the street to sell to kids. with one of the effect of
most drug is that impact your learning, so if there were no people that do drug in the school the
school avenge will go up and less of a chance of doing stupid thing like starting a fight or bring a
weapon to school. Also by getting rid of weapon at school it will make them safe. there have been
many shooting in Canada and around the world. Most notably in the USA. But Canada still has it
fair share of shooting such as 2013: Les Racines de vie Montessori were two men died during the
shooting. 2006: Dawson College, Montreal one woman was killed and Another 19 people were
injured and the most recent and the worst Canadian school shooting in a decade the La Loche, Sask.,
shooting left four people dead. If there were police office in school 's at all time. If there were a
shooting and police office were station in the school they could help prevent the loss of life and

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Descriptive Essay : ' Oh So Phony Friends '

Oh–so Phony Friends

The loud hum of children 's voices fills my ears as I travel into the lunchroom. "Hey, girl, what's
up?" my friend, Karma, enthusiastically belches from our normal lunch table.
I giggle in response, "Nothin much, girly. Hey you goin' to Dorothy 's house tonight?".
Karma shakes her head, "Nah, girl! I'm just gonna take a nap when I get home. I'm beat today."
After leaving lunch, the rest of the day flies by. A bit after I arrive home, I decide to go for a stroll in
my neighborhood. When I turn onto the road Dorothy lives on, I notice several people in the yard.
From my perspective, I see Karma and a few other people having a some sort of pool party jamming
out to their speakers. My eyes glaze over, my chest gets ... Show more content on ...
Crossing my arms over my chest I ask, "Um. Hey, what's up?"
"We're bored," they said in unison. "Come hang out."
My lips press into a firm line as a negative thought crossed my mind, "Haha. Why didn't you come
earlier? You know my dad gets mad when people come over too late." They just shrug it off and
really say nothing. They beg me to ask my mom if I could come over. After a minute or two, I give
in and ask.
"Please mommmmm I love youu!" I pleaded.
Huffing, " I don't like them girls. They have been treating you like garbage. I really wish you'd find
new ones."
I grumble before whining again, " Maa! Pleasee let me go. Remember that I'm the good child! I get
good grades and don 't get in trouble with the law!" Eventually, after begging enough, she caves and
lets me go.
Next week flies by, and it 's finally the weekend again. This weekend, my family had plans to go out
and get ice cream. As the whole family packs into Dairy Queen, I spot my friends and some other
kids from school crowded around a booth. They all seem to be enjoying themselves, laughing and
eating. How I wish I was happy like that, with them even. Against my better judgment, I slip away
from my family to go say hi.
Waving and presenting a big toothy grin, I approach my friends. But all I received were cold,
distance stares and half–hearted smiles. Oh no, it 's begun. I 've been cast away as the weird friend

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Why Should Junk Food Be Banned?

As society develops, people try to do exercise and eat healthy food for self–management. However,
many countries government prohibit selling the junk food vending machine at schools and prohibit
advertisement junk food after seven pm because of increase obesity. To prevent junk food, the
governments should not be banned because the students have right to choose through eating junk
food, ambiguous consume junk food, and students can feel happy and save their time. Firstly, the
most important advantages of the prohibit junk food at school is reduce child obesity rates. Junk
food have been development various kind of foods such as various kind of hamburgers, pizza and
soda. Therefore, many people buy and eat easy to junk food. However, one of ... Show more content
on ...
Today, students have tight schedules and do not have enough their money. Therefore, they cannot
have enough time and money to eat at restaurants' food. Therefore, students consume junk food on a
daily basis because students can buy and eat junk food easily. For example, when I was 16years old,
I was very busy because I had three private educational academy. Therefore, I did not have enough
time to eat dinner at restaurants or my home. Furthermore, I cannot have dinner with my family
until I was 18 years old because I returned home at 11:30 pm. I usually ate junk food with my
friends on daily dinner. It was one of my favorite schedules because I had a lot of stress from study.
However, I released my stress through talked and ate junk food with my friends. Therefore, I could
stand last three

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First Day Of High School Essay

September 6th, the day we return back to school and sit within the walls of York High School. As I
walk through the door, I see all the familiar faces whom I have not seen since the day school got out.
I walk by the seniors, who are older but not too intimidating, and remember my days as a freshman
where I was scared to even walk by an upperclassmen. On the other side of the lunchroom is the
freshman. All huddled up and quiet, they are anxious yet scared for their new high school
experience. Chatter started in every which way as more and more students entered the cafeteria to
gather before the school day officially started. "Oh my gosh, hi! I missed you, how was your
summer?" This was the friendly and half fake phrase many of the girls said to each other as they
entered the room. The first bell rang at 7:45 AM, and every student stood up and one big cluster
emerged. One by one students entered the quiet classroom, where everyone sat silently trying to
make a good first impression on their new teacher. I picked out a seat, in the front, where I know I
will be able to see the board, and not get too distracted. The teacher stands up and does the typical
first day of school introduction along with the syllabus speech. Although going back to school is
horrible, the first day is always the easiest. The first day consists of teacher's standing and talking
the whole block, and our only homework is gathering supplies or getting papers signed. I'd say that
it is a pretty easy first

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Common Area Observation : Lacy Elementary School

Common Area Observation

Kasie Turner
July 20, 2016
American College of Education

To set the demographics, Lacy Elementary School is a 60–year–old neighborhood school. Originally
built to accommodate 500 students, the school is now over capacity, reaching a high enrollment of
650 students. Located in an urban school district, a majority of the students qualify for the federal
breakfast and lunch program. The district has recently experienced a new rezoning, and in result
there are buses now bringing 200 students from the surrounding neighborhoods to the school. Lacy
Elementary opens its' doors at 7:30 a.m., although school doesn't begin until 8:30 a.m. Teachers are
not required to report to school until 15 minutes prior to school beginning, however, teacher
assistants or paraprofessionals are paid a stipend to supervise students before and after school.
Although they have this opportunity, there are only two individuals who have chosen to supervise in
the breakfast program. To provide additional assistance, PTA volunteers and administration are
currently helping supervise when able.
Through a written Profile of Lacy Elementary School, Special Situations Analysis of the School
Cafeteria I was able to analyze their current situation. Through my observations, I will explain
issues and factors of student, teacher/staff, and environmental characteristics. Continuing, I will
assess the current incentives and consequences, along with the

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The Article ' Why Students Hate School Lunch ' By Kate Murphy

Every weekday in America millions of kids and teens line up in their schools to buy a lunch. Many
of those students buying lunch typically do not even enjoy what they are given. The article "Why
Students Hate School Lunch" by Kate Murphy argues about why students are wasting much if their
meals due to recent health changes whereas the article "Why Some Schools Are Saying 'No Thanks'
to the School–Lunch Program" by Alexandra Sifferlin argues on why schools are dropping the new
health programs because students are wasting food or not buying at all. Looking at both articles they
both question and argue why schools and students are not satisfied with the Healthy Hunger–Free
Act of 2012. This act is causing students to not eat school lunches and money to be wasted. Both
articles argue against the Healthy Hunger–Free Kids Act but the difference between the two articles
explain is that one argues a student's opinion versus the other that explains the economic effect it
takes on schools.
In Murphy's article she argues how students are not satisfied with these changes over the past few
years. She argues how students are wasting their food and money due to the Health, Hunger Free
Act. "Food and nutrition directors at school districts nationwide say that their trash cans are
overflowing while their cash register receipts are diminishing as children either toss out the healthier
meals or opt to brown–bag it."( Murphy, She argues how this act causes students waste most of their

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Should Schools Keep Junk Food

Keep junk foods in school cafeterias The controversial topic of childhood obesity has been going on
for a long time and because of it, many schools are debating if they should ban junk food from
school cafeterias or not. There are many opinions on what step should be taken to solve this
problem. Some say too ban junk food and some say it should not be banned. It should be up to the
kids and the parents as too what kids eat and not the government. By banning junk food in one place
doesn't mean it's going to stop them from eating sugary foods they can get it from another place.
One of the reasons why junk food should not be banned from school cafeteria is because the
cafeteria isn't the only source kids have too unhealthy foods. Kids in school can go just around the
block to the gas station or minimart and buy all sorts of junk foods, probably even more than what
they can buy in school from vending machines and the lunch lines combined. Like Rosenthal said,
"at some open–campus schools have made it a practice to walk to nearby mini–marts and gas
stations to buy the same products they used to purchase in the vending machines" (9). This quote
tells us that campuses have made it easier for students to go out during school and or afterschool to
purchase the junk food they want. A school administration recently did an experiment to see if
students could purchase individual food and beverage items, either from vending machines, school
store, canteen, snack bar or a la carte

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How To Quit Crutcher

Based on my experience with facing difficult decisions, I recommend Crutcher's Running Loose for
young readers who are dealing with similar issues. Running Loose is a novel that deals with Louie
having to face big decisions that is hard for him especially since he is having to face them at such a
stressful time in his life. The novel is relevant for today's young readers because in teenagers
everyday lives they struggle with facing big decisions all around them whether they know it or not.
An example from my personal experience would be one day when I was sitting in the bland walled,
loud, dirty cafeteria eating lunch, as any normal teenager seems to do in high school, my friends and
I were laughing and cutting jokes at one another. We were having such a wonderful time that we
neglected to notice that a student who happened to be one of our peers seemed to be looking down
at his food, sad, lonely, and needing comfort. By the time we saw the student sitting all alone it felt
it might have been all too late to ask if we should go sit with him. With the heart that I have, I felt so
sorry for the boy sitting alone, knowing that he was probably getting picked ... Show more content
on ...
They all stood up and came to join me and him as we sat there cracking jokes, talking about how our
day was, and listening to why he was sitting alone in the lunchroom. Facing the big decision
between choosing a person I didn't even know and going against my friends made a difference in not
only the boy's life we impacted but mine as well. Facing a big decision just as Louie did, is
horrifying and may not always turn out as you expect, but gets you further than I would have ever
thought. This challenges all students to face a big decision because most of the time there is a
positive outcome but most every teenager can relate to what not only Louie but I also went

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My First Day In America Research Paper

Everyone has to experience an important stage, which create significant changes in his life. I am not
an exception. When I am 16 years old, I made one of the most important decision of my life, when I
decided to take part in an exchange program and live far away from my family for nearly a year.
Although the program have not finished yet, I had a lot of memorable moments in America, and the
first day at my school is one of them.
The first day at American High school is the first time in many years, I experience such exciting
feeling. My host mother took me to the school, right then, a strange feeling and many appeared in
my head. This mixture of excitement and nervous would be the most memorable feeling that I have
never experience since I ... Show more content on ...
I knew it was not the time to think about my feeling or my memory. I come here to experience, that's
why I have to face it. I spent months to get used to life in America when I am at home, including
studying environment, but I could not predict that I have to face a lot of changes like this. I was
shocked for hours. I had to move between classes, and had to study many subjects that I have never
study before, or even know its existence. I could not listen to all of my teacher's instruction, and I
did not understand some of them at all. Language barrier was still an obstacle for me to conquer the
subjects. However, that was all difficulties that I have faced. Beside, there are a lot of interesting
things that I can explore at my school. School cafeteria offer a wide variety of not only delicious but
also nutritious food. I could also sit with my new friends and chat with them for half an hour. More
interestingly, I found a bottle of spicy ketchup at my first lunch, made by a Vietnamese company. It
was also my favourite sauce, so I felt really exciting to taste my country's flavour while studying
abroad. Lunch time has always been a great time until now and I hope my time in the cafeteria each
day could be longer. The beautiful smell and taste of food of my first lunch at CCA were so
wonderful that in the next days, they are the only things in my mind at the first four hours. However,
it is not the most interesting time of the first day. For the first time in my life, I can play a real soccer
match, and that drove me crazy. Although the cold air in Michigan almost made my lung freeze
everytime I breathe, I had a lot of fun with a good game with my nice teammates, and we have been
good friends since

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South River Middle School: A Short Story

As Trinity walked through the hall of South River Middle School, she realized some of the the
trouble–some eighth graders were already causing a commotion. Middle school is a tough transition
for everyone, especially at South River Middle school. Teenagers suffocated the halls, pushed those
passing by, and shoved each other. There were bullies at any corner and someone was always
lurking near to shout out an insult at their victim. All the kids there practically begged their parents
to let them switch schools. Unfortunately, that was not an option. Just one of the many, Trinity Jones
was a small ordinary girl in the seventh grade with long, jagged brown hair and watchful eyes. She
was bashful, sweet, selfless, and obedient. She was an ... Show more content on ...
Trinity said, "I'm so sorry about your lunch." He replied, "You really shouldn't be sorry; it's not even
your fault. You gave up everything to help me. No one has ever done such a nice thing for me in my
life." Trinity replied, "I'm just glad that we defeated the bully." The warning bell rang and they
began to walk back to class together. They shared a candy bar that the boy just happened to have in
his backpack. As Trinity walked past the same flowerpot as the one earlier that morning, she could
have almost sworn the violet that she saw earlier had turned into an edelweiss flower. Trinity was
finally happy. Even better, Trinity wasn't really defeated after all; she had won the gift of

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Life : My Life Challenges

Life Challenges I am a 19 year old female, I come from a family of 5. My family and I came to the
United States of America from Mexico to improve our future. At first having to get into the routine
of adapting to a different environment was difficult, but with time we have adapted. My brother is
21 and has not yet received a diploma instead he works, and my sister is in 8th grade doing decent in
school. I am the first one from my family to graduate, receive a high school diploma, and the first
one to attend college. I am currently enrolled in San Bernardino Valley college, and I plan on
transferring to Cal State San Bernardino to obtain a nursing degree. Throughout my journey I have
faced three major challenges which are in education, health and fitness life, and personal growth.
Education is very important, but it is one of the most difficult challenges I face today. First of all,
having to figure out how to get to school was a hassle. Both of my parents work therefore, aren't
able to take me to school, and I do not own a license or a car. For example, the night before the first
day of school, my mother had told me she was going to take me to school, but in the morning there
was a change of plans and couldn't take me. I then had to take matters on my own hands and drove
myself to school with no driving experience. Another main challenge that I have is procrastination.
For example, my sociology teacher gave a seven page essay with lots of spare time. I always

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A Good Day In High School

It was an extremely normal day at school, almost so normal i knew something was going to happen
later that day. So the story starts with me , Kyle, sleeping in bed. Now every morning is very hard
for me because i stay up late doing homework. So as you can guess im pretty tired in the morning.
So the night before i set my alarm to wake me up at 6:27, my mom leaves at 6:40 and she has to see
me brush my teeth or else she doesn't give me my phone. So i get up, brush my teeth, and then she
gives me my phone and my brother and I walk down to the bus. Now the walk to the bus is acually
pretty far and it usually takes us 5–10 minutes depending on how we are feeling. I usually dont want
to go to school but i know i must go to get an education. Finally we are at the bus stop sitting on the
wet bench waiting for thr bus. The bus finally comes and when i get on i just close my eyes and daze
off unitl i have to transfer to a shuddle bus that will take me to high school.

The bus pulls up to the front of the high school, I stand up, get off, but as I get off the bus driver
does his routine "Have a good day". Today I was feeling a little nicer so I said "Have a good day"
back. So I walk in the school and I do my normal routine. I go to my locker, grab my stuff that I
need for my first period, and then go to math class which is my first period. So after I did pretty
good on a math test I went to all my other classes and then went to advisory forth period. Advisory
isn't that

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Persuasive Essay On Why Schools Should Have School Lunches

Schools should offer fast food options during lunch. This action would keep students on campus,
give the school profit, and create a variety within the cafeteria. Although fast food can also be very
unhealthy on a day to day basis, it would make schools a better place.
Depending on how one may look at the situation, serving fast food in schools have several
advantages and disadvantages. From a nutritional standpoint, "fast–food" isn't given this a name for
no reason. Many items from this chain are considered highly processed. Some items, like diet soda,
have no nutritional value. Children who eat fast–food items rather than fresh grown food, lean
meats, and whole grains don't have the balance one needs for a healthy diet. However, many
companies in this industry give a variety of healthy meals on their menu. Also, many companies
such as Subway are considerably healthy, yet considered a fast–food. They even provide a variety of
vegan–friendly foods in the majority of restaurants that are in the fast food chain. With that
following statement, saying that all fast food is bad for you in false information. As a matter of fact,
a lot of homemade food could be just as or worse than food. Especially cafeteria food.
In a study for the site Public School Review, the article exposes how some of the ... Show more
content on ...
However, this is definitely not correct. For example, when ordering something from McDonald's, it's
not in an oddly proportioned meal. You don't get a Hefty bag of fries, a bucket of soda, and the
whole cow. The meal you buy is proportioned by a specific diet plan. Although this may not be the
greatest route for nutrition or healthiness, it is not where one should point their finger at to blame for
obesity. Perhaps excessiveness of these foods could cause weight gain, but not necessarily the food
itself. However, Any food eaten excessively without daily exercise will cause you to gain

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Decreasing the Wait Time for Cafeteria Food at Howard...

In my proposal plan I recommend that the average wait time at each food station in the café be
decreased, especially during high rush hour time for example during the lunch and dinner rushes.
We can help reduce the time by having servers make up pre portioned plates that way students can
grab and go instead of wait in a line for upwards of thirty minutes for cold food. We can also have
different food options added that serve different options because as of now the food lines operate on
a schedule with the same food options every week. Another recommendation would to be expanded
the cafeteria as a whole. As of now Howard University as roughly 10,000 undergraduate students,
the cafeteria can barely hold 800 students comfortably. This will ... Show more content on ...
I also learned that during peak hours of operation at both cafeterias the same amounts of workers are
on duty, to deal with the mass volumes of students. Students find that when they receive their meals
the food is often cold which is a health concern when food is not properly heated. This can cause
other concerns for student health for example food poisoning, which I reluctantly got from eating
food from the Howard university cafeteria. Some of the alternatives that I propose are to increase
the amount of workers during rush hour times to decrease the wait time. Also increase food options
in what is Howard's food court "Punch Out," Determining what changes to the current system that
will be most effective above will have to be analyzed in a most cost effective way.

To asses the current situation at the annex and Blackburn cafeteria, I would like to use a simulation
or decision–making model to see if my proposal would be a particle plan. The simulations will what
we do not know as opposed to the information we already know. The simulations will allow us to
test what effect a change will have on the current system of reaching out in the community around
Howard University while also fixing the problem internally. The model relies on the strength of the
opinions of the student body and faculty members on the practicality of the situation. It will
replicate the

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Analysis: The Greek Myth Of Dionysus

The Greek myth of Dionysus, known as Bacchus in Roman mythology, can be seen in components
of colleges, cities, and towns all over the world. From dessert bars being bigger than salad bars, the
party and overall atmosphere that embodies the "college experience," and in the unequal distribution
of wealth throughout the world; Dionysus can be found almost anywhere. Being god of the vine,
theater or entertainment, and self–liberation, Dionysus stands for what many people strive for.
The lifestyle that Dionysus lived was very carefree and self–indulgent. He constantly influenced
people to try to better themselves before worrying about others, and that is something we see even
today. Throughout this myth, the high points and low points of this lifestyle are brought to life. It
teaches society that, while you do need to take care of yourself and splurge occasionally, living
boisterously and always doing whatever you want to do can cause your life to spiral out of control.
Over– indulgence in any one thing can be bad or harmful. In both the East College Cafeteria and the
Student Center Cafeteria here on the SFA campus, the healthier food options that are available are
greatly outnumbered by the unhealthy ones. Dionysus himself would find the amount of grease ...
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Through personal experiences, I have found that a more selfless lifestyle would be better for all
people, and that if every country were to find a way to better distribute their wealth, there would be
fewer people living the Dionysus lifestyle. From looking deeper into this myth, I have discovered
aspects of the carefree lifestyle at not only parties, but also as prominent as the on–campus
cafeterias. The ways of Dionysus are very exposed and are often looked over or taken for granted.
From people merely not being informed, to people who enjoy living said lifestyle, there is no end in
sight for

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