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1 ST Sections 1st 2nd 3rd

2 ND
3 RD C

NAME: ____________________________SURNAME: ______________________________


Time allowed: 2 hs
SECTION A: Reading Comprehension
Read the text below and mark the statements true (T) or false (F).

Poets and Pop Stars

The nineteenth-century British poets Shеllеy and Byron wrote poems which wеrе as popular as today's
pop songs. And song writers such as John Lennon and Paul McCartney have written some of the
twentieth century’s bеst vеrsе. So what’s thе difference bеtweеn pop songs and poеtry?
A fеw years ago, pop poets suсh as Murгay Laсhlan Young began to create roсk musiс for poеtry with
some surprising results. People thought that poеtry was the nеw гoсk ‘n’ roll. However, dеspitе thе
brief popularity of a few pop poets, poеtгy and pop music didn’t sееm to miх. But are thеy really so
If уou look baсk at thе origins of poеtry, thеrе is a strong connection between poеms and popular
music. In Grееk mythology, for еxamplе, thе muse Еrato is piсtuгed with a lyre in hег hand, and looks
just likе the anсеstor of thе modеrn roсk star with his еlесtгiс guitar. In addition, thе poets Shеllеy and
Byгon wеrе as famous in the nineteenth сеntury as thе pop stars of today.
But dеspitе thеir common origins, therе are many diffеrеnсes bеtween poеtry and pop musiс. Pop
songs arе always wгittеn for a public performance, whеrеas poеtry often isn’t. And thе lyriсs in pop
songs somеtimеs hаve lеss rhythm thаn those in poеtry. Тhis is bесausе the musiс pгovidеs thе
rhythm rathег than the words. Pop lyriсs arе also simplеr and often kееp on saying thе samе thing.
Тhis repеtition woгks wеll in a pеrformanсе and mеаns that pop songs aге еasiеr for pеoplе to sing
and lеarn by hеart.
Both songs and poеms tеll a story or talk about fееlings. Songs in partiсular dеal with thе diffеrеnt
stages in а rеlationship, suсh as falling in lovе or brеаking up. Тhe words and idеаs in songs aге
usuаlly easiеr to undеrstaпd than those in sеrious poеtry. Howеvеr, talеntеd pеrformеrs likе Paul
MсСartney, or newer stars like Ed Sheeran, oftеn givе simplе songs morе exprеssion while thеy
pеrform thеm. And somе of thе bеst linеs from pоp lyriсs arе as bеautiful as poеtry.
So although pop music and poеtry have many differences thеy do have one important thing in
common, the power to mаke us think how we feel.
Adapted from New Matrix Intermediate WB, Oxford

1. Murray Lachlan Young wrote music for poems. T / F AACI use

2. The writer compares Erato to a present day poet. T / F
3. Some poets in the past were as famous as pop stars today. T / F
4. Pop is more repetitive than poetry. T / F 2nd
5. Poetry is easier to understand than pop music. T / F

SECTION B: Language in Use

I. Choose the most suitable alternative.

1. It’s always a good idea to _______ clothes before you buy them.
a) give up b) try on c) take off

2. Martha was really ______ when she dropped all her books in the middle of the class and everyone stared at her.
a) embarrassed b) embarrassing c) excited
AACI use
3. Ali ______ work in a factory, but she doesn’t now. only
a) is used to b) got used to c) used to
4. It _____ rain this afternoon, the news say there’s a 50% chance.
a) must b) might c) can’t
5. They hope ______ early for the play; they don’t want to miss the beginning.
a) to arrive b) arrive c) arriving

II. Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

San Francisco is one of America’s top tourist destinations. Its interesting history, steep streets and its

position on the bay make it a great place to visit. Like every city, San Francisco had small beginnings.

It was in 1776 that a small Spanish fort (1) ______________ (build) on the coast of California.

However, it wasn’t until 70 years later that thousands of settlers (2) _____________ (begin) to arrive.

For a young city, San Francisco (3) ______________ (suffer) a lot over the years. Since the gold rush,
AACI use
the city (4) ______________ (have) major earthquakes and had to be restored many times. What’s only

more, San Francisco (5) ______________ (quickly/ rebuild) in 1906 after a three-day fire 1st

(6)______________ (destroy) the centre of the city. If you want a great view of the city, 2nd

(7)______________ (go) to the Golden Gate Bridge. Another famous sight is the prison, Alcatraz. Why
(8) ______________ (it/ be) the most feared prison in America until its closure in the 60s? Mainly,
because it was built on a rock in the middle of the bay. If you want (9) _____________ (see) it, you

need to book in advance. The tour (10) ______________ (not take) more than a day to do.

(Adapted from Matrix Intermediate - Oxford)

III. Complete each of the following sentences in such a way that it means the same as the
original sentence.
1. It’s Anna’s birthday on Friday. I have to remember to get her something. MUST

It’s Anna’s birthday on Friday. I __________________________________________________ present.

2. She sent him 50 messages a day. Luckily, now she’s changed. USED

She _____________________________________________________________, but she doesn’t now.

3. Someone is making a cake for Sally’s birthday. MADE

Sally _________________________________________________________________for her birthday.

4. “I did not steal the money,” the man said. SAID

The man _________________________________________________________________the money.

5. My new computer is fantastic. It was very cheap. WHICH

My new computer, __________________________________________________________________.

6. Mr Brown answers all the emails here. BY

All emails here_____________________________________________________________________.

7. I got up late and missed the bus. HAVE

AACI use
If I hadn’t got up late, ________________________________________________________________. only

8. There is a small chance my mother will lend me some money. LIKELY 1st

My mother ________________________________________________________________________.
9. “What’s your favourite colour?” she asked me. MY

She asked me______________________________________________________________________. 3rd

10. My sister can’t borrow my things. ALLOWED

My sister__________________________________________________________________my things.
SECTION C: Writing
Choose one of the following tasks. Write between 100- 120 words.

1. You have decided to enter a short story competition. The competition rules say that your story
must begin with the following sentence:
“We had really enjoyed every minute of the holiday. We arrived safely at the airport and drove home.
But when we opened the front door...”
Write your story.
2. Here’s part of an e-mail you have received from a friend.
This summer I’m going to the beach with my family. Do you have any plans for the summer? Where
are you going? Who are you going with? What are you planning to do there?
Write an email, answering the questions.















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