Chapter 4 Edited Thesis

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Chapter 4


This chapter discusses the data collected from the participants of the study. The

participants the three hundred four (304) out of the four hundred eighteen (418) students

of the department of college of business management and accountancy of Colegio de la

Purisima Concepcion (CPC), Roxas City, Capiz for the school year 2023-2024. This

chapter provides tables and charts to summarize the collective reaction of the participants

and also answered the specific problems given in the previous chapter.

Profile of the Participants. This refers to the personal information of the

participants such as age, sex and educational level.

Table 2. Distribution of respondents in terms of socio-demographic profile

Socio-Demographic Profile Frequency Percent (%)

19-20 years old 178 58.6
21-25 years old 126 42.4
Total 304 100.0
Male 50 16.4
Female 254 83.6
Total 304 100.0
Year Level
1st Year 100 32.9
2nd Year 56 18.4
3rd Year 74 24.3
4th Year 74 24.3
Total 304 100.0
The respondents were identified by age bracket whether they were 19-20 years

old and 21-25 years old. They identified themselves as male or female and their year

The majority of the students from College of Business Management and

Accountancy of Colegio de la Purisima Concepcion who were the respondents tended to

be at the age of 19-20 years old. Female student dominates the number of respondents

with a total two hundred fifty-four (254), and the remaining fifty (50) were men. In terms

of year level, respondents who were in 1 st year had the greatest number while in the 2 nd

year, it appeared that it had the smaller number of responses. Therefore, the 1 st year

students from College of Business Management and Accountancy of Colegio de la

Purisima Concepcion dominated the number of respondents.

The Characteristics of The Coffee Product Served

The characteristics of the coffee product served of the respondents is shown in

Table 3. The characteristics of the coffee product served based of the following

parameters, namely Brand Name and Consistency.

Table 3. The characteristics of the Coffee product served based on the following
Indicators Mean Verbal Interpretation
Brand Name 4.59 Very High
Consistency 4.58 Very High
Grand Mean 4.58 Very High

When all the three hundred four (304) respondents were taken as a group, Table 3

disclosed that the grand mean of eight (8) statements on the characteristics of the Coffee

product served based on the following parameters was 4.58. This grand mean which was

verbally interpreted as “very high”. These results implied that the respondents covered in

this study perceived the characteristics of the Coffee product served based on the

following parameters among the students from College of Business Management and

Accountancy from Colegio de la Purisima Concepcion as a whole was above excellent.

The results validate to the conclusion of Naidoo (2015) the relationships with

reference to the consumer's advertising personality. This may imply that individuals

should be more receptive to Facebook advertises promoted by well-known figures.

In summary, the results from Table 3 suggest that the characteristics of the Coffee

product served, based on the parameters of Brand Name and Consistency, are perceived

as above excellent by the respondents as a whole. This implies a robust and positive

overall assessment of the Coffee product among the student population, highlighting a

shared perception of high quality across the evaluated parameters.

Table 3.1. The characteristics of the Coffee product served based on Brand Name.

Statements Mean Verbal Interpretation

Statement 1 4.73 Very High
Statement 2 4.52 Very High
Statement 3 4.58 Very High
Statement 4 4.53 Very High
Grand Mean 4.59 Very High

Brand Name. Results in the Table 3.1 showed that the characteristics of the

Coffee product served based on Brand Name had an overall mean of 4.59 with the verbal

interpretation of “very high” which indicated that the students from College of Business

Management and Accountancy of Colegio de la Purisima Concepcion believe the

characteristics of the Coffee product served, specifically concerning Brand Name, are of

exceptional quality.

Result reveals that each specific aspect of the Coffee product, as represented by

Statements 1 through 4, received consistently high mean scores ranging from 4.52 to

4.73. These values, along with their corresponding verbal interpretations of "Very High,"

collectively contribute to the Grand Mean of 4.59, reinforcing the overall positive
perception of the Coffee product's characteristics based on Brand Name among the


The result validated to the conclusion of Aaker (1996) highlights the importance

of a strong brand identity in building customer loyalty. In the context of coffee shops, a

distinctive and memorable brand, encompassing elements such as logo, ambiance, and

overall aesthetics, fosters recognition. This recognition, in turn, creates a sense of

familiarity and comfort for customers, encouraging repeat visits.

Reference: Aaker, D. A. (1996). Building Strong Brands. Free Press.

In summary, the data in Table 3.1 signifies a strong consensus among students

regarding the excellence of the Coffee product in terms of Brand Name, with the

provided mean scores and verbal interpretations reflecting a uniformly positive sentiment

toward the product's characteristics.

Table 3.2. The characteristics of the Coffee product served based on Consistency
Statements Mean Verbal Interpretation
Statement 1 4.71 Very High
Statement 2 4.61 Very High
Statement 3 4.59 Very High
Statement 4 4.40 Very High
Grand Mean 4.58 Very High

Consistency. Results in the Table 3.2 showed that the characteristics of the

Coffee product served based on Consistency had an overall mean of 4.58 with the verbal

interpretation of “very high” which indicated that the students from College of Business

Management and Accountancy of Colegio de la Purisima Concepcion believe the

characteristics of the Coffee product served, specifically concerning Consistency, are of

exceptional quality.
Result reveals that each specific aspect of the Coffee product, as represented by

Statements 1 through 4, received consistently high mean scores ranging from 4.40 to

4.71. These scores, coupled with their corresponding verbal interpretations of "Very

High," collectively contribute to the Grand Mean of 4.58. This reinforces the overall

positive perception of the Coffee product's characteristics based on Consistency among

the students.

The result validated to the conclusion of Spence (2015) emphasizes that

consistent quality in coffee products is paramount for positive consumer perception.

When customers can rely on a consistent taste and aroma, it creates a sense of reliability

and trust in the brand.

References: Spence, C. (2015). On the psychological impact of food colour. Flavor, 4(1),


In summary, the data in Table 3.2 signifies a strong consensus among students

regarding the excellence of the Coffee product in terms of Consistency, with the provided

mean scores and verbal interpretations reflecting a uniformly positive sentiment toward

the product's characteristics.

The Extent of Customer Patronage and Revisits

The extent of customer patronage and revisits as a whole by assessing key factors

of the respondents is show in Table 4 The extent of Customer Patronage and revisits as a

whole by assessing key factors, namely Customer Service, Place Ambiance and

Amenities, and Pricing.

Table 4. The extent of customer patronage and revisits as a whole by assessing key
Indicators Mean Verbal Interpretation
Customer Service 4.55 Very High
Place Ambiance and Amenities 4.62 Very High
Pricing 4.66 Very High
Grand Mean 4.61 Very High

When all the three hundred four (304) respondents were taken as a group, Table

2.1 disclosed that the grand mean of eight (8) statements on the extent of customer

patronage and revisits as a whole by assessing key factors was 4.61. This grand mean

which was verbally interpreted as “very high”. These results implied that the respondents

covered in this study perceived the extent of customer patronage and revisits as a whole

by assessing key factors among the students from College of Business Management and

Accountancy from Colegio de la Purisima Concepcion as a whole was above excellent.

The result validated to the conclusion of Ryu and Han (2011) incorporates various

factors influencing customer satisfaction and loyalty, including service quality,

environment, and value. The model underscores the interconnectedness of these factors in

shaping customer perceptions and fostering repeat patronage.

Reference: Ryu, K., & Han, H. (2011). Influence of the quality of physical environment,

food, and service on restaurant image, customer perceived value, customer satisfaction,

and behavioral intentions. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality

Management, 23(2), 200-223.

In summary, the results from Table 4 imply that the students from the College of

Business Management and Accountancy at Colegio de la Purisima Concepcion share a

strong consensus in perceiving the customer experience positively, considering various

critical factors. The findings suggest a remarkable level of satisfaction and a positive

overall impression of the extent of customer patronage and revisits among the student

Table 4.1 The extent of customer’s patronage and revisits as a whole when assessed in
terms of Customer Service
Statements Mean Verbal Interpretation
Statement 1 4.66 Very High
Statement 2 4.49 Very High
Statement 3 4.58 Very High
Statement 4 4.38 Very High
Statement 5 4.56 Very High
Statement 6 4.56 Very High
Statement 7 4.65 Very High
Grand Mean 4.55 Very High

Customer Service. Results in the Table 4.1 showed The extent of customer’s

patronage and revisits as a whole when assessed in terms of Customer Service had an

overall mean of 4.55 with the verbal interpretation of “very high” which indicated that

the students from College of Business Management and Accountancy of Colegio de la

Purisima Concepcion believe that the extent of customer patronage and revisits,

particularly with regards to Customer Service, is of outstanding quality.

Result reveals that it is evident that each specific aspect of Customer Service, as

represented ranging from 4.38 to 4.66 for Statements 1 through 7. These scores, along

with their corresponding verbal interpretations of "Very High," collectively contribute to

the Grand Mean of 4.55. This reinforces the overall positive perception of the extent of

customer patronage and revisits, as evaluated in terms of Customer Service, among the


The result validated to the conclusion of Parasuraman, Zeithaml, and Berry's

SERVQUAL model (1988) has been foundational in understanding the relationship

between service quality and customer satisfaction. Their work emphasizes the importance

of tangibles, reliability, responsiveness, assurance, and empathy in service delivery. A

positive evaluation of these dimensions correlates with heightened customer satisfaction,

fostering loyalty and repeat patronage.

Reference (Parasuraman, A., Zeithaml, V. A., & Berry, L. L. (1988). SERVQUAL: A

Multiple-Item Scale for Measuring Consumer Perceptions of Service Quality. Journal of

Retailing, 64(1), 12-40)

In summary, the data in Table 4.1 indicates a strong consensus among students

regarding the excellence of Customer Service in influencing the extent of customer

patronage and revisits. The provided mean scores and verbal interpretations convey a

uniformly positive sentiment toward the customer service aspects, highlighting the

perceived high quality of these attributes among the student from the College of Business

Management and Accountancy of Colegio de la Purisima Concepcion.

Table 4.2. The extent of customer’s patronage and revisits as a whole when assessed in
terms of Place ambiance and amenities
Statements Mean Verbal Interpretation
Statement 1 4.61 Very High
Statement 2 4.68 Very High
Statement 3 4.64 Very High
Statement 4 4.71 Very High
Statement 5 4.57 Very High
Statement 6 4.58 Very High
Statement 7 4.63 Very High
Statement 8 4.48 Very High
Statement 9 4.63 Very High
Grand Mean 4.62 Very High

Place ambiance and amenities. Results in the Table 4.2 showed the extent of

customer’s patronage and revisits as a whole when assessed in terms of Place ambiance

and amenities had an overall mean of 4.62 with the verbal interpretation of “very high”

which indicated that the students from College of Business Management and
Accountancy of Colegio de la Purisima Concepcion believe the extent of customer

patronage and revisits, specifically concerning Place ambiance and amenities, is of

exceptional quality.

Result reveals that each specific aspect of the Coffee product, as represented

ranging from 4.48 to 4.71 for Statements 1 through 9. These scores, along with their

corresponding verbal interpretations of "Very High," collectively contribute to the Grand

Mean of 4.62. This reinforces the overall positive perception of the extent of customer

patronage and revisits, as evaluated in terms of Place ambiance and amenities, among the


The result validated to the conclusion of Ryu and Han's (2011) research on the

impact of the physical environment on restaurant image is applicable to various

establishments. The ambiance and amenities contribute to the overall environment,

shaping the brand image. A positive brand image, associated with a pleasant atmosphere

and quality amenities, fosters customer loyalty.

Reference: Ryu, K., & Han, H. (2011). Influence of the quality of physical environment,

food, and service on restaurant image, customer perceived value, customer satisfaction,

and behavioral intentions. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality

Management, 23(2), 200-223.

In summary, the data in Table 4.2 indicates a strong consensus among students

regarding the excellence of Place ambiance and amenities in influencing the extent of

customer patronage and revisits. The provided mean scores and verbal interpretations

convey a uniformly positive sentiment toward the ambiance and amenities aspects,

highlighting the perceived high quality of these attributes among the student from the
College of Business Management and Accountancy of Colegio de la Purisima


Table 4.3. The extent of customer’s patronage and revisits as a whole when assessed in
terms of Pricing
Statements Mean Verbal Interpretation
Statement 1 4.73 Very High
Statement 2 4.71 Very High
Statement 3 4.66 Very High
Statement 4 4.59 Very High
Statement 5 4.66 Very High
Statement 6 4.62 Very High
Grand Mean 4.66 Very High

Pricing. Results in the Table 4.3 showed the extent of customer’s patronage and

revisits as a whole when assessed in terms of Pricing, had an overall mean of 4.66 with

the verbal interpretation of “very high” which indicated that the students from College of

Business Management and Accountancy of Colegio de la Purisima Concepcion believe

the extent of customer patronage and revisits, specifically concerning Pricing, is of

exceptional quality.

Result reveals that each specific aspect of the Coffee product, as represented

ranging from 4.59 to 4.73 for Statements 1 through 6. These scores, along with their

corresponding verbal interpretations of "Very High," collectively contribute to the Grand

Mean of 4.66. This reinforces the overall positive perception of the extent of customer

patronage and revisits, as evaluated in terms of Pricing, among the students.

The result validated to the conclusion of Kim and Zhang (2016) discuss the

impact of dynamic pricing strategies on consumer behavior. Dynamic pricing, when

implemented effectively, can contribute to customer satisfaction by aligning prices with

perceived value. Adaptive pricing models can attract price-sensitive customers and

encourage revisits.

Reference: Kim, J., & Zhang, S. (2016). Impact of price presentation timing on consumer

responses: Implications for dynamic pricing strategies. Journal of Business Research,

69(10), 3987-3994.

In summary, the data in Table 4.3 indicates a strong consensus among students

regarding the excellence of Pricing in influencing the extent of customer patronage and

revisits. The provided mean scores and verbal interpretations convey a uniformly positive

sentiment toward the pricing aspects, highlighting the perceived high quality of these

attributes among the student from the College of Business Management and Accountancy

of Colegio de la Purisima Concepcion.

Table 5. Significant relationship between coffee branding and customer loyalty among
the respondents
Variable N Pearson’s Significance Probability
r Value

Coffee Branding
304 0.734 0.000 s.
Customer Loyalty

The results presented in Table 5 indicate a significant relationship between coffee

branding and customer loyalty among the respondents. The statistical analysis involved

Pearson's correlation coefficient (r) to measure the strength and direction of the

relationship. The table also provides the number of respondents (N), the calculated

Pearson's r value, and the associated significance level (Probability).

The Pearson's correlation coefficient (r) of 0.734 indicates a strong positive

relationship between coffee branding and customer loyalty. The significance probability
of 0.000 (p < 0.05) suggests that this relationship is statistically significant. In other

words, the observed correlation between coffee branding and customer loyalty is unlikely

to have occurred by chance.

Therefore, based on the results, it can be concluded that there is a significant

difference between the perception of coffee branding and the level of customer loyalty

among the respondents. This finding implies that the null hypothesis, suggesting no

relationship between coffee branding and customer loyalty, is rejected. In essence, the

results underscore that the higher the coffee branding, the higher the extent of customer

loyalty. These interpretations collectively highlight a compelling and statistically

significant positive relationship between coffee branding and customer loyalty among the

surveyed individuals, affirming the importance of brand perception in fostering customer


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