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Personal Development: Personal Relationships Quarter 2

- A state of being connected or related
- Association by blood or marriage; kinship
- The mutual dealings, connections, or feelings that exist between two parties, countries,
people, etc. (Collins Dictionary)
- Essential in everyone’s life
- This is also true for you as teenagers who are more likely to seek out new connections and
love relationships
- Although this increasing interest in peers and separation from family is typical during
adolescence, it may be upsetting for your parents or guardians who are not used to letting
their adolescents to decide on their own
- As an adolescent, your learn how to form healthy relationships with friends, parents, family
members, teachers, and authority figures
- You are also likely to experiment with different identities and roles

● Relationship with your parents or guardians

- First positive relationship
- Source of love
- Forms the foundations of how you will behave in relationships outside your home
● Outside of your family
- You build friendships and enter into romantic relationships

Personal Relationships
- The kinds of relationships we have with our families, friends, and partners
- This definition also applies to our relationships with those who are significant to us
- Every kind of relationship is said to be a two-way street, which means that all parties must
learn to give and take
- Involve connecting with other people, and interacting and relating with them

● Types:

1. Family Relationship
2. Friendship
3. Romantic

Relationship Spectrum

● Healthy
- Open communication
- Mutual respect
- Trust and believe in each other
- Capable of making decisions together
- Support each other
- You enjoy your personal time

● Unhealthy
- Disagreements are often
- Frequently fought about or avoided entirely
- Trust is a struggle
- Boundaries are often crossed
- Only spending time with your partner

● Abusive
- Insulting, demeaning, verbal, and physical abuse
- Controls partner’s friendships, clothing, thoughts, and activities
- Sexually forceful and non-consensual
- Gaslighting
- One partner fears the other

Effective Ways to Deal With Relationship Stress

1. Keep in mind that relationships are teamwork

2. Learn to be super flexible
3. Use your rational thinking skills
4. Make an effort to connect every day
5. Have a game plan
6. Utilize your support system
7. Master the art of tolerance and compassion

Dynamics of Attraction, Love, and Commitment


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