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S+++ - All the analysis report MCI1…..

, Info set tables of sap pm

NRIV- Number range table

Create Permit Key

1. Create permit at IPMD. We can create it without Class assignment

Assignment Permit key with maintenance order

2. Assign this permit key with maintenance order then WCM status will be show and work approval
and work application option will also show on the maintenance order
Profile Configuration of WCM

If I will not maintain the profile then I cannot activate the architure

If I will select do not create option in the wcm object then I need to create WCA manually we cannot
create WCA through system automatically . if I will click it the below marked option it will not move
to the creation page of WCA.

In user specific setting I can set whether I want to show a pop up after click set prepared option it
will show whether I want to set it .So if indicate this indicator then It will show and it is applicable for
all similarly can I reset the set prepared .

By the help of automatic setting I can set automatic status

When the work will start /release what will be the traffic light colour

If I will select do not create option in the wcm object then I need to create WCA manually we cannot
create WCA through system automatically it will if I will click it the below marked option it will not
move to the creation page of WCA.

If I want to change the application name to work permit and I can change the description for all
through this configuration

It has changed
4. Architecture selection

After execution

If I will press yes (do you work with work permit option) then work approval and work application
option will not show on the maintenance order screen but if I will choose no then both of the
options will comes in the picture.

But despite of choosing yes if I want show the work application then need to do some configuration
Then when I will press work application option on the maintenance order screen this message will be
trigger if I will press the green tick

Suppose I have a permit and it contain two WCD and when I am coping from this permit that time
either system automatically copy all the WCD or before copy it will show pop up which WCD want to
copy or copy never happen .

Below error will be comes again

Here three errors will be come

1. Print setting have to do

2. Data cannot be copied

3. Number range assignment with work approval, wca, wcd etc.

Press yes

Create number range for all the object then assign all those

Then this screen will be appear and we can successfully create our WCA
Without Usage type maintain we can move forward we have to maintain at least one

Maintain usage for work approval and work application and wcd because after press create
application option

Enter then our WCA screen will be appear

So configure usage for all such as work approval, application, WCD

Suppose we want to create hot permit, cold permit, any some other permit types we I will press the
work permit option then

Maintain all permit names in usage like

Then we can see

So we have to configure all the usage types for all such as work approval, wca,wcd .Here we can
assign the validity of permit and assign some other fields inside it .
Usage for work approval

Usage for WCA

Suppose I have configured two usage types for WCA and I want to set one for default then

Usage for WCD: If I want to create different types of isolation then like electrical, hydraulic, gas then
maintain all those in the usage
After successful configure usage then press enter after choosing a usage type the below pop up will
be show
If I do not want data transfer data then remove the tick option in the display fields .Basically those
fields coping from maintenance order .Those fields are available in order only those will copy to wca
and we can also copy some specific fields from the maintenance order as well.

This is for define fields configuration like which fields I want to copy

If I don’t want it permanently then

Use of Define direct Processing mode

Suppose I want to create my WCA through maintenance order only and nobody can create through
the help transaction code which is using for WCA creation (WCTK) then do the below
setting .Similarly I can applicable for others .

Suppose I can create through transaction code but I want to restrict the change through transaction
code .For WCA the code is WCTL then also we can set this setting

Define Relationships

This relationship will automatically built up .The main purpose of this relationship is

How many WCD can be created from a single WCA

Define Processing Mode for Relations

The main purpose of this configuration is whether I can create the WCD from WCA or not similarly it
will be applicable for all which has been configured in the below screen shot.

If I will remove the choose and create indicator for WCA to WCD then when I will create WCD from
WCA if am following through order. Similarly from Work approval to WCA
But I will indicate it then below two options will be show

Define Processing Mode for Navigation

Suppose I created a WCD from WCA and when I wanted to change something inside that WCD and I
choosed the path order-WCA-WCD that time system will not allow me change anything in the WCD it
means Display mode but I can change the WCD in WCT7 tcode.

But if I indicated change possible indicator then in the path of OR-WCA-WCD also I can change the
data of WCD.

Effect will be
If will double click on it then it will show in display mode

Do Not Display Dialog Box for Assignments

Define Work

The main propose of this configuration is to show the job details on the screen.

Reflect on the screen .Similarly as much as work I can configure those will show on the screen

Define Requirements

Reflect on the screen .Similarly as much as work I can configure those will show on the screen

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