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Một đề khác:

Yêu cầu:

Các bạn bắt đầu với:

Well, to be honest, many people have had an impact on me.

However, if I had to choose one to talk about, then that person would
definitely have to be a friend of mine whose name is ….., whom I very
much adore. To give you a picture of what he looks like, I’d say các bạn
tiếp tục tả về ngoại hình của người này.

Các bạn tả về tính cách của người này sử dụng những tính từ đã chọn
từ trước, bắt đầu với:

Next, I want to move this conversation over to why I chose this person, I
have to say that one of the reasons is (that) … Also, I shouldn’t forget to
mention that …

Các bạn hãy thêm một chút dữ kiện để nói về đề này:

-Now, turning to how this person has influenced my life, I’d say ….

-Taught me a huge amount about something

-He/ she gave me constructive comments, sometimes even criticism when

I needed them.

-He/ she was really instrumental in teaching me (the craft of something)

-He/ she really motivated me

-Without him, I wouldn’t have made so much progress with it as I have

-I have a lot of respect and admiration for him

Cuối cùng nếu vẫn còn thời gian, các bạn có thể nói về cue cuối:

My next point is how long I have known him, as far as I remember, we

met at [school/ university] during recess, around X years ago. I came
across her on the [school/ university] grounds, and she was wearing a
shirt with my favorite band printed on it so I asked her about it and we
became friends from then on, so I believe we’ve been friends for Y years

She resembles me to a certain degree

Các cách để nói là tôi đang nhớ:

Phrases to say that I’m remembering

If I remember correctly, If my memory serves me right,

I’d have to go back a few years, As far as I [recall/ remember],

but if I’m not mistaken,

Một đề khác:

Câu mở đầu:
Well, to be fair, there are a host of attractive people. However, if I had to
choose one to talk about, then that person would definitely have to be a
friend of mine whose name is ….., whom I very much adore.
Các bạn tả về tính cách của người này sử dụng những tính từ đã chọn
từ trước, bắt đầu với:
Regarding his/ her personality, I’d say …. Also, I shouldn’t forget to
mention that …

Các bạn hãy tả về ngoại hình của cô ấy, bên cạnh những thứ đã chuẩn
bị trước, vì đề hỏi cụ thể, các bạn có thể nói thêm:
-He/ she has lots of lovely and fashionable garments.
-He/ she dresses impeccably
-She’s/ he’s always very well put together
-Match her/ his outfit with her/ his accessories, paying attention to every
single detail.

Các bạn hãy thêm một chút dữ kiện để nói về đề này:

-I want to move this conversation over to how I feel about her/ him,
-She’s/ he’s beautiful on the outside and on the inside because she has
done lots of charity work.
-I have a lot of respect and admiration for her/ him because …
-I bet she/ he spends lots of time getting ready in the morning
-Her warmth really suits her appearance

Các bạn nói về lúc mình gặp mặt nếu còn thời gian:
My next point is the first time I met him/ her, as far as I remember, we
met at [school/ university] during recess, around X years ago. I came
across her on the [school/ university] grounds, and she was wearing a
shirt with my favorite band printed on it so I asked her about it and we
became friends from then on.

Useful phrases from the reading:

1. A leading figure in the 20th Một nhân vật dẫn đầu trong thế
century [art/ music/ technology/ giới hội hoạ, âm nhạc, khoa học,
business] world kinh doanh

2. The reviews in the press were Những bài reviews ở trong báo
extremely negative and turned chí đã cực kỳ tiêu cực và biến
Moore into a notorious figure. Moore thành một nhân vật mang
tiếng xấu (notorious/ infamous)

3. He did not show any inclination Không thể hiện bất cứ khuynh
to please the British public. hướng nào về việc làm chiều lòng
cộng động người anh.

4. Its/ his/ her reputation for Cái danh tiếng cho việc dạy tạc
teaching sculpture was excellent tượng của anh ý rất tuyệt vời.

Chọn một người nổi tiếng mà các bạn thích, lấy làm hình mẫu miêu tả.

Recall the missing words, then listen and check.


I think if I (1) __was__ to meet him I would probably be quite (2)

_starstruck___ because I get quite shy around famous people, not that I
meet famous people on a (3) __regular__ basis. I think I admire his skill
with animals so much, so, you know, I would have lots of questions for
him, but I feel like they would all (4) __go__ out of my head the moment
that I actually (5) __met__ him. So yes, but I think it (6) __would__ be a
fantastic opportunity and I would have to probably write down some
bullet points of the things that I want to ask, so that I (7) __didn’t__forget
when I (8) __was__ there in front of him.

Be to do something: Cấu trúc thể

hiện một kế hoạch, một mệnh lệnh,
một việc chắc chắn:

You are to listen to my orders: Thể

hiện một mệnh lệnh.

This plan is to solve the pressing

environmental problems facing
humanity: Thể hiện mục đích.


Match the phrases/ words written in blue with their corresponding


Hãy xác định một người nổi tiếng (ca sĩ, diễn viên) để tập trung vào và
hãy chọn 2 cách diễn đạt để mang đi.

1. The story of his rise to stardom is a. Thu hút sự chú ý

inspirational to many youngsters
2. He has to live his life in the public b. Trở nên nổi tiếng

3. He rose to fame in the 90s as a TV c. Trong mắt công chúng


4. He first garnered attention as an d. Truyền sự đam mê của mình

ingenious song writer.

5. He came to my attention a couple e. Sự thành danh

of years ago.

6. He’s passed his passion for music f. Nhận được sự chú ý của tôi
onto millions of people around the

Fill in the blanks

1. 2. came 3. followers 4. through 5. appears 6. fame

reputation across

1. I first _came across__ him on Instagram.

2. He’s famous largely __through__ social media.

3. He has several millions __followers__ on Facebook.

4. When she was a kid, she gained a __reputation__ for academic
excellence and learning.

5. He is an intellectual who __appears__ frequently in the media to talk

about highly charged issues.

6. Even though he isn’t the best actor in the industry, his claim to
__fame__ is a combination of his charming looks and his ability to convey
emotions through his eyes.


Somebody has an air of + noun + about him/ her = Ai đó có một dáng

điệu của sự gì đó.
He has an air of [confidence/ mystery/ romance/ humility] about him.

Choose one of the adjectives above and then try to extend the idea.

He has an air of humility about him. I mean, he rarely talks about

himself and his achievements, and he always commends other people

1. She is a seasoned/ experienced actress…. By brushing up on her

acting every day. [her facial expressions, coupled

-She has become a seasoned/ experienced actress…. By improving her

acting every day. with the way she uses her b—-She is a seasoned
actress, so she always touches her audience’s heart through every
movie of hers.

, can convey….]

2. He’s frequently haunted by paparazzi …. [,which has caused him …]

-He’s frequently haunted by paparazzi. However, he’s constantly shown

positive aspects of his life.

-He’s frequently haunted by paparazzi because of his wealth and

experience in acting.

-He’s frequently haunted by paparazzi, which has caused him to adopt

a reclusive lifestyle.

3. This is the movie that really put him on the map…. [He rose to fame
just overnight]
-This is the movie that really put him on the map, which enabled him
to rise to fame overnight.


1. Nổi tiếng

1. Acclaimed 2. Esteemed 3. Prominent 4. Renowned 5. Respected

2. Giỏi giang

1. Competent 2. Seasoned 3. Accomplished 4. Skilled 5. Talented

Put everything we’ve learned so far into practice.

Describe an actor/actress you

You should say

Who this person is

When you knew about this person?

How you knew about this person?

And explain why you admire this


Yêu cầu:

Các bạn bắt đầu với:

Well, needless to say, there are a host of actors and actresses out there.
However, if I had to choose one to talk about, then it would definitely
have to be a guy/ girl whose name is ….., whom I very much adore. To
give you a picture of what he looks like, I’d say Các bạn tiếp tục tả nhanh
về ngoại hình của người này.

Các bạn hãy nói thời gian và cách các bạn gặp nhân vật này:

Now, turning to when and how I knew about this person, I suppose it was
one summer night a few years back, and it had been pouring down for
hours on end, so I was stuck indoors. At a loose end, I hopped onto
YouTube, and started scrolling down the feed, and finally I came across a
video featuring a montage of his best scenes in a recently released
blockbuster movie, and so I was really drawn in and wanted to find out
more about the guy, and that was sort of the start of my interest in him.
Các bạn tả về tính cách/ sự thành công của người này khiến bạn
ngưỡng mộ anh ý

Next, I want to move this conversation over to why I admire him/ her, it is
partly because [các bạn sử dụng các cụm từ đã chọn và phát triển ra
thành 2 ý ở đây]. Another thing of interest that makes me want to have a
conversation with this person in real life is (that) ….

Nếu còn thời gian, các bạn nói nguyên câu đã được học thuộc ở đây
để sử dụng câu điều kiện loại 2:

To be honest, I have so much respect for him that I think if I was to meet
him, I would probably be quite starstruck because I get quite shy around
famous people, not that I meet famous people on a regular basis. I would
have lots of questions for him, but I feel like they would all go out of my
head the moment that I actually met him.
Chúng ta cũng có thể sử dụng cấu trúc “trời mưa ở nhà” với nhiều
người khác:

Với ca sĩ

Next, I want to move this conversation over to when and how I knew
about this person, I suppose it was one summer night a few years back,
and it had been pouring down for hours on end, so I was stuck indoors.
At a loose end, I hopped onto YouTube, and started scrolling down the
feed, and finally I came across a video featuring a compilation of his
best songs, and so I was really drawn in and wanted to find out more
about the guy, and that was sort of the start of my interest in him.

Describe a famous person you

would like to meet

You should say

Who he/ she is

Why you want to meet him/ her

Why he is famous

What you would do if you met him/


Yêu cầu:
Các bạn bắt đầu với:
Well, needless to say, there are a host of celebrities out there. However, if
I had to choose one to talk about, then it would definitely have to be a
guy/ girl whose name is ….., whom I very much adore. To give you a
picture of what he looks like, I’d say Các bạn tiếp tục tả nhanh về ngoại
hình của người này .

Các bạn tả về tính cách/ sự thành công của người này khiến bạn muốn
Next, I want to move this conversation over to why I want to meet him/
her, it is partly because các bạn sử dụng các cụm từ đã chọn và phát
triển ra thành 2 ý ở đây. Another thing of interest that makes me want to
have a conversation with this person in person is that ….

Các bạn hãy nói về lý do họ thành công:

-Now, turning to why he is famous, I have to say that one of the reasons is
(that) các bạn sử dụng các cụm từ đã chọn và phát triển ra thành 2 ý ở
đây. Also, I shouldn’t forget to mention that ….

Nếu còn thời gian, các bạn hãy nói về việc mình sẽ làm nếu được gặp
người này:
My next point is about what I would do if I met him/ her, to be honest, I
have so much respect for him that I think if I was to meet him, I would
probably be quite starstruck because I get quite shy around famous
people, not that I meet famous people on a regular basis. I would have
lots of questions for him, but I feel like they would all go out of my head
the moment that I actually met him. But you know, generally, I would ask
him a few questions about his life and his work and the upcoming projects
of his.


Với bất cứ đề nào, các bạn đều có thể miêu tả diện mạo của người
được tả, vì luôn có cue “who that person is”. Vì vậy, việc học một vài
từ vựng để nói về việc này trong vòng từ 5-10 giây là quan trọng.

Có các đề yêu cầu ta tả ngoại hình, lúc này ta có thể nói nhiều hơn.


Hãy chọn từ vựng hợp để mô tả người trong bạn đã chọn. Hãy chọn
cho mình một cách diễn đạt và ghi nhớ nó.


He/ she is …

Tall [He is] Of medium Short

He’s [slightly/ We’re about the He’s [marginally/
considerably/ much] same height somewhat/ much]
taller than me shorter than me


Hãy chọn cho mình một cách diễn đạt và ghi nhớ nó.

He/ she is … He/ she is … He/ she is …

Fat = chubby/ plump/ fit/ healthy/ in good Thin = underweight/

overweight/ shape/ of average slim
generously build.
(Nữ) nhỏ nhắn xinh
xắn = petite

(Nữ) mảnh mai =


Nạc = [lean and fit]/

[wiry/ nam]


Hãy chọn cho mình một cách diễn đạt và ghi nhớ nó.

He/ she is … He/ she is … He/ she is …

Good-looking Quite good-looking Average-looking

Pleasant looking Quite pleasant looking


1. You are good company A. Bạn là một người thẳng

thắn, có gì nói nấy

2. You set high standards for yourself B. Bạn đặt tiêu chuẩn cao cho
mình, rất nghiêm khắc với bản

3. You’re an outspoken person C. Bạn có một đầu óc sắc bén

4. You have a razor-sharp mind D. Mọi người thích chơi và ở

cùng bạn
1-D | 2-B | 3-A | 4-C


5. You have a good sense of humor E. Bạn không bao giờ để bụng và
mang cục tức

6. You never bear a grudge F. Bạn có khiếu hài hước tốt

7. You have a strong sense of G. Bạn thường đưa ra quyết

responsibility định vội vàng

8. You often make snap decisions H. Bạn có tinh thần trách nhiệm
(vội vàng) cao

You are capable of making quick

decisions (đưa ra quyết định nhanh

9. You tend to lose your temper I. Bạn giỏi giữ bí mật

10. You’re good at keeping secrets J. Bạn thường không kiểm soát
được cơn nóng giận

5-F | 6-E | 7-H | 8-G | 9-J | 10-E

Hãy chọn ra từ 2-3 cách diễn đạt để mang đi.


Pick 1 adjective from each category. You can only pick 5 adjectives, so
choose wisely, and if there are adjectives that you’ve already known in
certain categories, use those.

1. Nhiều sức sống

1. Lively 2. Animated 3. Vibrant 4. Energetic 5. Vivacious


6. Sprightly 7. Youthful 8. Playful 9. Frisky

(già) (trẻ trung) (ham chơi) (ham chơi).

2. Hướng ngoại

1. Outgoing 2. Gregarious 3. Extrovert 4. Sociable


3. Hướng nội

1. Introvert 2. Reserved 3. Shy (hay 4. Timid

(introverted) xấu hổ) (nhát)
4. Cố gắng, chăm chỉ, quyết tâm

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Industrious
Committed Dedicated Motivated Hard-working

6. Diligent 7. 8. 9.
Self-discipl Determined Conscientious
ined (kỷ (có tâm)

5. Hay động viên, lắng nghe mình

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Encouraging Supportive Motivation Accommodati Understandi
al ng ng

6. 7. 8. Helpful 9. Forgiving (vị 10.

Compassiona Sympathet tha) Inspirational
te ic (truyền cảm
6. Khiêm tốn

1. Humble 2. Modest 3. Unassuming (ít

nói + khiêm tốn)

7. Tự tin quyết đoán

Confident Self-assured Decisive Assertive

(quyết đoán) (quyết đoán)

8. Thông minh

1. Witty = dí 2. Intellectual 3. Cerebral 4. Clever 5. Smart

dỏm (thích nghĩ) (thích nghĩ)

6. Intelligent 7. Sharp 8. Observant 9. Perceptive

(tinh mắt) (nhạy bén)
(vật chất) (trừu tượng
+ vật chất).

9. Đáng yêu

1. Lovely 2. Endearing 3. Adorable 4. Cute 5. Sweet

10. Thân thiện

1. Hospitable 2. Friendly 3. 4. Welcoming 5. Warm

g (dễ

Garrulous = nói nhiều (hay nói nhiều chuyện phiếm)


What adjectives can you use to describe these people:

1. He always calms me down by lending me a sympathetic ear.

Encouraging, supportive, understanding, sympathetic, compassionate,


2. She often offers me her advice.

Inspirational, motivational, encouraging, helpful, knowledgeable about

a topic/ subject, wise, intelligent…

3. I have a lot of respect for her because she is always sure of what she
Confident, decisive, self-assured, assertive

4. It’s very easy to make friends with her

Sociable, extrovert, friendly, easy-going, outgoing, welcoming,


5. She went to great lengths (tried very hard) to win the prize. This is a
testament to her trait of being …

Hard-working, determined, dedicated, committed, self-disciplined,

conscientious, industrious, …

6. He has discovered many precious opportunities for his company.


Listen to a speaker talking about her friend, what does she do to boost
her band score?

The speaker makes sure to develop her ideas fully by giving

explanations after she’s outlined her thoughts.

He is motivational -> he prompted me to make videos for YouTube.

I’m introverted -> I wouldn’t have done that by myself.

To prompt somebody to do something -> to encourage somebody to do

It goes against the grain for me -> It’s not something that I would naturally
do -> It’s uncharacteristic of me.

It’s not something that I would’ve done by myself.

Hãy nhìn nhận mỗi “cue” như là một ý cho một đoạn văn trong bài
nói. Điều này sẽ có ảnh hưởng rất tích cực lên band điểm. Như vậy,
mỗi đoạn nên có các phần mở đoạn. Ta tạo ra các câu này bằng cách
sử dụng những từ như:

1. In terms of 2. Regarding 3. Now, let’s move

on to talk about

4. Next, I want to move 5. My next point is 6. Now, turning to

this conversation over about

Ví dụ:
Describe an interesting neighbor Với 4 cues được cho ta có thể nói:

You should say: In terms of who he/ she is

1. Who he/she is Now, let’s move on to talk about

how I knew him/ her.
2. How you knew him/her
Next, I want to move this
3. What you do together
conversation over to what we do
4. And explain why he/she is together
Now, turning to why he/ she is

Các bạn có thể làm việc này cho cả 4 cues hoặc có thể chỉ những cues
bạn cảm thấy thoải mái.

Các bạn hãy thực hành những gì đã học với đề bài sau:

Yêu cầu:

Các bạn bắt đầu với:

Well, to be honest, I have quite many friends. However, if I had to pick the
one that is closest to me to talk about, I would have to go for a person
(named) (whose name is) ….., whom I very much adore.
Các bạn tả về ngoại hình của người này, bắt đầu với:

Regarding what this person looks like, I’d say ….

Các bạn tả về tính cách của người này sử dụng những tính từ đã chọn
từ trước, bắt đầu với (2 tính từ):

Next, I want to move this conversation over to why she/ he is my best

friend. I have to say that one of the reasons is (that) …

Các bạn hãy thêm một chút dữ kiện để nói về đề này:

Now, turning to what we do when we’re together, I’d say ….

Go to a coffee shop and catch up on everything we’ve been up to

Our conversations often revolve around ….

We have many things in common so there is quite a lot to chat about

I always enjoy her company

Cuối cùng nếu vẫn còn thời gian, các bạn có thể nói về cue cuối:

My next point is where and when we met, as far as I remember, we met

at [school/ university] during recess, around X years ago. I came across
her on the [school/ university] grounds, and she was wearing a shirt with
my favorite band printed on it so I asked her about it and we became
friends from then on.

She is the person who encouraged me to build a very good habit of

Một đề khác:

Các bạn bắt đầu với:

Well, to be honest, many people have had an impact on me. However, if I

had to choose one to talk about, then it would definitely have to be a
friend of mine named ….., whom I very much adore. Các bạn tiếp tục tả
về ngoại hình của người này.

Các bạn tả về tính cách của người này sử dụng những tính từ đã chọn
từ trước, bắt đầu với:

Next, I want to move this conversation over to why I chose this person, I
have to say that one of the reasons is (that) …

Các bạn hãy thêm một chút dữ kiện để nói về đề này:

Now, turning to how this person has influenced my life, I’d say ….

Taught me a huge amount about something

He/ she gave me constructive comments, sometimes even criticism when

I needed them.

He/ she was really instrumental in teaching me the craft of something

He/ she really motivated me

Without him, I wouldn’t have made so much progress with it as I have


I have a lot of respect and admiration for him

Cuối cùng nếu vẫn còn thời gian, các bạn có thể nói về cue cuối:
My next point is how long I have known him, as far as I remember, we
met at [school/ university] during recess, around X years ago. I came
across her on the [school/ university] grounds, and she was wearing a
shirt with my favorite band printed on it so I asked her about it and we
became friends from then on, so I believe we’ve been friends for Y years

It was a This really I was really I was at a I felt really

complete [bugged concerned/ loss upset/
disaster me/ confused without worried/
irritated about my anxious about
me] something laptop. something

My hands
were tied

My laptop wouldn’t turn on, and it was stuck on the loading screen. I
tried rebooting multiple times, but the same thing happened every
single time. It was a complete disaster.

Describe a time when your computer had problems.

Well, there have been a handful of times when my technological devices
malfunctioned. However, if I had to talk about one, then it would
definitely have to be the occasion when I had to bring my laptop in for

You should say:

[in terms of] When it happened

-So a couple of [years/ months/ weeks] ago, I had an absolute

nightmare with my computer. This was when ….

+My computer was essential to my work.

+Was working/ studying in the comfort of my home.

-> Nói về việc bạn bận như thế nào và máy tính cần thiết như thế

[regarding] What problem it was

-I was going to have a bit of a difficult decision.

-The minor crisis I was having was (that) …. All of a sudden, my

[next, let’s talk about] How you solved the problem

-My first job was to ….

-What I did was (that) + clause.

-By happy coincidence, I discovered that I was able to ….

-Relief washed over me

-Put my mind at rest

[Now, I want to move this conversation over to] How long it took you

-I received a phone call with some really good news

-I almost missed the call because I was + v-ing when they rang me

-In total, it took me around [X] to fix it, which was relatively quick if
you ask me.

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