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1. How do you celebrate festivals in your country?

Well, in all fairness, I would have to say that it really depends. Like more
specifically, for some festivals such as Lunar new year, it’s always a great
opportunity to throw parties and have family get-togethers. We usually cook
traditional dishes and dig into sumptuous meals. Whereas for some festivals like
music festivals, I just hang out with my buddies and enjoy ourselves.
2. What special food and activities do you have for these festivals?
I suppose you may be aware of the fact that Vietnam has no shortage of food
and activities. And, in fact, we have a rich variety of special food and activities
especially during these special times. When it comes to the Spring Festival, it’s
impossible not to talk about Chung cake- a traditional cake in vietnam only
eaten during these days . We are used to watching fireworks and going to the
pagoda to wish for health and wealth.
3. How do you celebrate Spring Festivals?
Well, to be totally up front, in these special times my parents and I often
celebrate by doing over my house, buying peach blossoms and kumquat trees to
embellish our house as a wish for prosperity. We tend to throw up parties for
family and friends and go out for slap up meals.
Part 2
Describe a public holiday celebrated in your country.

When it is celebrated
Why it is celebrated
What people do on that day
What you do on that day

Tet Nguyen Dan, or Tet for short, is considered the biggest and most popular
festival of the year in Vietnam and plays a crucial role in our culture .
Celebrated on the first day of the first month according to the Lunar Calendar,
Tet’s celebration is the longest holiday which may last up to seven to nine days.
Tet is the occasion for Vietnamese to express their respect and remembrance for
their ancestors as well as welcoming the New Year with their beloved family
members. Tet has a very special attached meaning to all Vietnamese. It is the
time for everybody to come back to their hometown, gather with family, visit
relatives and have a good relaxing time after a hard-working year. Another key
part of the celebrations of Tet is that it is a chance to begin again, to forget about
the problems of the previous year and make a fresh start. In addition to cleaning
homes, people will buy more new clothes at this time of year and it is also a
popular time for people to change jobs. On top of the new start, Tet also sets the
tone for the upcoming year. So popular customs include family reunions, giving
money to children and the elderly, ancestor worship, and wiping our debts.
Like other Vietnamese, I also have a ball being with my family. We do over our
house with a kumquat tree, branches of peach blossom, and many other colorful
flowers.The ancestral altar is especially taken care of, with careful decoration of
five kinds of fruits and votive papers, along with many religious rituals. Besides,
we make Chung cake- an essential culinary beauty of the vietnamese spring
festival. As for me, the process of making chung cake is an occasion for my
family members to get together. Sitting around the warm fire, talking and telling
each other past stories, we get ready for a New Year with lots of good wishes
and love. Tet holidays are always etched on my memory because they are the
moments of happiness and family enjoy

LUYỆN phát âm
It sounds easy to say let’s just start a plan, let’s, you know, write down exactly
what you should do and then maybe you’ll follow through on it, but of course,
we all know that there are challenges that arise, it’s not quite that easy. So here’s
a little strategy that I like to use to make sure you can come up with a better plan
of action. And it’s called a failure pre-mortem, so the way that it works is you
think about the habit, the project, the goal, whatever the most important thing is
that you want to work on and I want you to imagine fast forward six months
from now and you failed and then tell the story of why you failed, what
happened, what challenges did you encounter what was it that took you off

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