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YABANCI DIL DENEME SINAVI iNGILIZCE. 1, Bu sinavda 80 soru vardir, 2, Bu sinav igin verilen toplam cevaplama siiresi 120 dakikadir. 3. Cevaplamaya, istediginiz sorudan baslayabil irsiniz. 4, Sayfalar izerindeki bos yerleri miisvedde icin kullanabilirsiniz. 4, ~ 15. sorularda, ctimlede bog birakilan yerlere uygun diigen sézciik ya da ifadeyi bulunuz. 4. There should be more public —- about the risks of consuming genetically modified organisms. 3. Inthe late Roman Empire the terms honestiores and humiliores were employed to --- the privileged and the humble, respectively. ‘A)_ prosecution : B) respect A) derive ‘ ©) awareness B) possess D) revolution ©) interfere E) sanitation D) sense E) denote Second-ianguage learners receive ——- ‘benefit from the audiovisual resources readily available on the Internet, A) substantial www. 4, [read the manual for installation, set up everything ~~, but still failed to work the video game console properly. A) dishonestly B) obsolete B) accordingly ©) eligibie C) significantly D) demanding D). hideously E) virtuous + E) reputedly Marvel Grade 12 ~ Practice Test 08 5. Except for the slight difference in their trademark labels, you cannot —-- this brand of trainers and the counterfeit one ~~. A) break/ up B) get / around ©). take / down D) settle / down €) tell/apart 6. During the construction of anew dam a few ~ years ago, the government --- what popular tourist destination one day. a A) had destroyed / will become B) destroyed / could become C) is destroying / would become D)_desiroys /is going to become E) has destroyed / could have become When she was a student, Annette in a TV in several TV shows and movies ever since. A) has appeared / has been acting B) appears / is acting C) appeared / has acted D) would appear / acted E) was appearing / was acting Marvel Grade 12 ~ Practice Test 08 9. | 8 3 3 $ x : : 5 20. A 2 Many people —— the importance of body language when they ---to articulate t! ideas. A). dont realize / are trying B) didn't realize / try C) haven't realized / had tried D) hadn't realized / have been trying &) won'trealize / tried The soldier -- that he would take part in a fierce battle when he carried out what he —~. A) must not have known /js instructed B) shouldn'tbe known hinstructed ——* C) can't be known / had been instructed D) couldn't have known / was instructed E) wasn't able to know / has instructed Judging —- their spelling styles, many ‘westerners confuse Chinese ---- Japanese, yet these two languages are actually different from each other. A) by/to 8) with /for ) at/ with D) for/in E)_ from/ with, 1. 12. 14. 15, Leprosy, which is a bacterial infection that affects nerves and the skin, is transmitted —— physical contact, but luckily 90% of humans are immune =~ it. with Jon from fin of / for ‘through / to out of f against ‘they are consumed raw or cooked, chicken eggs are considered to have a high nutritional value, especially for children. Whether B) Incase While D) if Unless A) provided prior to so that notwithstanding E) once ‘The Turkish National Army had to fight against internal threats —-- external ones during the struggle for indepencience. A). for fear that B) as wellas ©) whereas ) in addition E) justas Afier all, the process of going through the files proved to be —-- time-consuming -- | had feared it would be. such / as. 80/ that quite /s0 less / than very / that ‘Marvel Grade 12 ~ Practice Test 08 — 16.~ 20. sorularda, agagidaki parcada ‘numaralanmis yerlere uygun ya da ifadeyi bulunuz. igen sdzclk The term carbon neutral sounds pretty Straightforward —simply remove (16) « ‘carbon Jioxide from the atmosphere as you release. The trouble is, civiization began (17) =~ CO2 when humans burned the first lump of caal thousands of years ago. Since then, we (18) ».- COs into the atmosphere, Today, its ratio in the atmosphere is about 385 parts per milion, which is roughly 30 parts above the level considered environmentally sustainable by climate experts. And (19) =~ this rate, that number will have risen to 450 parts by 2050. (20) -—-, the planet will be at serious risk of unprecedented warming, 16. 7. such alot of more ‘as much most of too many reducing insulting : . emitting conserving thriving have been pumping pumped were pumping had pumped are pumping with However In addition to Unlike Instead As a result 24. 28. sorularda, ciimleyi uygun gekilde tamamlayan ifadeyi bulunuz. 21. If people are to be judged on a particular 22. skill against others, —. A) everybody has qualities that make them unique 8) it therefore had to be practised at least for ‘a comparably long period ©) they ought to work under the same conditions D) that there should be @ specific set of objective oriteria E) he needs to be given equal opportunities to develop it Interplanetary voyages ~~ may not become feasible even in the next couple of decades. |A) (o achieve level of technology required for it B) will be resistant enough to the severe conditions of space ©) although they are estimated to cost too much for a single country to afford D) that was ranged from a single manned mission to a large colony E) during whichthe passengers will be exposed to lethal amounts of radiation Marvel Grade 12 ~ Practice Test 08 24, ==, yet All ofswhat we enjoy as technological novation was motivated =» ‘A)_ that widely used it throughout the history of civilization 8) by the need to perform daily chores comfortably C) the majority of whom opposed the idea of. change D) which has improved dramatically since then E) wha-don't have access to such services tory seems to mostly stress the conflicts they had. A)_ Different cultures have influenced each other in very interesting ways B) While England and France fought against Germany in the world wars. ©) Although philosophy is what all sciences. and arts have derived from D) Human tanguage appears to have diversified in thousands of years E) There is hardly ever an absolute winner of awar 25. Pandas are at serious risk of losing their habitat ==. ‘A)_ because poaching has been banned in ‘most parls of the world B) what is not very popular among the indigenous people ©) because of the drop in the number of bamboo trees D) while they were running out of food supply E) which should not be confused with the bears -- before the metric system began to be used universally. A) Accuracy is the least thing you should expect to find in an ancient world map 8) People had to rely on various things like rocks or body parts as units ©) People have been measuring with much higher precision D) The Phoenicians who first used symbols for numbers E) There are stil a few countries in the world that stick to the ald tradition If minerals were equally distributed everywhere on earth, —-. ‘A)_ why only a few parts of the world have oll reserves 8) gold has always been one of the most precious metals C)_ people had left the Stone Age at about the same time ) everyone should have access to them easily E) there would have been no need for trade to startin the first place . Settle chairs, which were the type of chair most associated with the Tudor era, A) while wooden benches were the more commonly used furniture to sit on 8) had high straight backs and a panelled storage space built into the bottom of the chair C) that chairs did not become common items of furniture until the 17% century ©) importing furniture from abroad was a service only the very rich could afford E) draped heavy curtains from the posts allowing privacy Marvel Grade 12 ~ Practice Test 08 g 8 2 § 3 s 3 x s = = 5 29, ~34. sorulan, agagidaki parcaya gore cevaplayiniz, Altruism is selfless concern for the welfare of others. {tis & taditional virtue in many cultures and central ‘o many religious traditions. in English it was often described as the golden rule of ethies. Some newer philosophies such as egoism have criticized the concept, with writers such as Nietzsche arguing that there is no moral obligation to help others. Altruism is quite different from loyalty and duty since it focuses on a motivation to help others or a want to do good without reward, while duty focuses on a moral obligation towards a specific individual, such as a god, or a king, a specific organization, such as @ government, or an abstract concept, such as Patriotism. Some individuals may feel both altruism and duty, while others may not. Pure altruism is giving without regard to reward or the benefits of recognition, The conoept has a fong history in philosophical and ethical thought and has more recently become a topic for psychologists as well as sociologists. 29, According to the passage, altruism differs from the feelings of loyalty and duty in that A) _an altruist expects nothing in return . 8) itis an obligatory act an individual is supposed to do for his superiors C) itis the basic teaghihg in al the religions D) unlike others, it has only recently become a ‘opie of philosophical interest E) itis related to patriotism, a sactifice for the ‘country for nothing A) Nietasche was against the idea that individuals are not obliged to help others 8) the approach to carry out one’s duty may vary from person to person ©) altruism cannot be distinguished from some other types of feelings D) altruism has been a subject of psychological study for a long time E) lack of reward may cause individuals to 30. We can understand from the passage that ‘show less loyalty a ‘The passage is mainly concerned with A) how the concept of aliruism has changed over the centuries B)_ the different views of philosophers on altruism C) the fields in which altruism has become a topic $0 far D)_ the description of the concept of altruism E) how differently altruism is interpreted by different individuals : Zé 32, - 34, sorulan, asagidaki parcaya gore cevaplayiniz. 35, - 37. sorular, agagidaki pargaya gore cevaplayiniz. Just as there is an absolute need for sleep in all but ‘the most primitive of animals, all animals must dream because dreams are an essential part of the sleep cycle. They are as essential as sleep because they prevent regular sleep from slipping into a state ‘of deep unconsciousness. Dreams help keep our physiological perception machinery in a state of semi-alertness while remaining safe and quiet and restoring our mental resources. We can observe dreams in animats when we are watching a sleeping dog or cat. Their twitching extremities and flickering ‘eye movernents clearly indicate a periodic brain activity. The same mechanism applies to humans: While we are in a dream state, our legs may twitch, but we cannot move them. The obvious reason for this reaction can be reacily deduced from the need to lie quietly but remain semi-alert, as an animal, thrashing around in its dreams, would soon attract predators and such uncontrolled motion might result in physical injury. 32, It is clearly stated in the passage that —. A) dreams are more important for animals than sleep itself B) dreams only occur when the animal is in 2 state of alertness. ©) the most primitive organisms do not need any sleep D) the reflexes humans and animals display when dreaming are completely different E) the quality of sleep decreases as the person is alert all the time 33. It can be inferred from the passage that the reduced physical activities during sleep —-. A) help an animal to survive a surprise attack, remaining unnotioed B) might also lead to physical injuries to the extremities of the animal ©) can be observed much more rarely in animals than in humans D) inevitably causes humans and animals to ‘ake longer time to rest E) are also observed in people with brain injuries 34. According to the passage, if animals and humans did not have dreams, A) they would lose their ability to stay alert when they are awake B) they wouldn't be different from primitive organisms ©) their brains would be active even during sleep 1D) there would be too much damage to their extremities E) they might get into a state of coma during sleep Marvel Grade 12 ~ Practice Test 08 oe ytsputishing cm ‘On the spur of the moment | decided to go back. That man, wo was nearly 70 years old, reminded me of my grandpa, who had died only one year before. | missed him so much and | couldn't leave that man all alone and watch him suffer without doing anything. | went back and sat down on the bench beside him, without saying anything. He seemed desperate and after ail time began to ‘ery very hard. | could see his shoulders jerking from the sobbing, All around everything seemed Unrealisticallyxstill and | didn't know what to do, ‘when suddenly he began to talk. He told me that his beloved wife was dying; she had a terminal condition and there weren't any doctors or treatment that could save her. He felt very powerless and didn't know how to relate the sad prognosis to their children; he would lke to protect them even if they were already grown up. He said that even though he ‘was a psychologist and he had been helping people for most of his Ife, he couldn't help himself at that time. 35. Itis clear from the passage that the narrator ‘A)_used to be a psychologist once, so he ‘could diagnose the old man's mental state 8) had at first left the old man siting on the bench ©) regretted not being abe to help the old . man's dying wife * D) took some time to realize the old man was actually his grandpa E) had a grandpa who died at the age of 70 36. The old man described in the passage -=-. A) asked the narrator to sit next to him for a few minutes B) was already crying when the narrator sat next to him’ ©) learned the bad news of his wife's condition from his children 1) has children who are too young to look after themselves E) had been working as @ psychologist for along time 37, We can understand from the passage that the reason why A) the narrator did not speak at frst was that the old man’s story sounded unrealistic 8) the old man was so sad was that he couldn't prevent his children’s death ©) the old man's wife could not be saved was that it was too late when her iliness was diagnosed D)_ the narrator felt pity for the old man was his longing for his late grandfather E) the narrator missed his grandpa was that he had died of an incurable disease, too 38. - 40. sorulan, asagidaki pargaya gore 44, - 43, sorulani, agagidaki pargaya gore cevaplayiniz. cevaplayiniz. India’s caste system has been part of the Hindu With the rediscovery of classical antiqulty in society for more than 2,000 years. The word comes: Renaissance, the poetry of Ovid became a major from the 16” century Portuguese travellers who influence on the imagination of poets and artists and applied their word for cian —casta— to describe the remained a fundamental influence on the diffusion visibly separate groups in Indian society, According and perception of Greek mythology through to myth, at the time of creation, society was divided subsequent centuries, From the early years of into four classes. At the top were the Brahmin Renaissance, artists portrayed subjects from Greek priests; next came kings and warriors, followed by mythology alongside more conventional Christian farmers and merchants and, last of al the serfs. In themes. Among the best-known subjects of Italian reality the system was far more complex, with artists are Botticeli’s Birth of Venus and the Ledas thousands of castes based around occupation, by Leonardo da Vinci and Raphael's Galatea. Both From laundry people to potters and even thieves, Latin and" Greek classical texts were translated, so everyone knew their piace according to their trade. that stories of mythology became available. In ‘Anti-caste legislation has been passed three times England, Chaucer, the Glizabethans and John in India —most recently in 1986, but many aspects Milton were among those influenced by Greek ‘of caste still govern life, particularly in rural india. in myths; nearly al the major English poets from some villages, lower castes must often wait behind ‘Shakespeare to Robert Bridges tumed to Greek higher castes for a turn at the village well; are ‘mythology for inspiration. Jean Racine in France refused entry to temples; and are denied permission and Goethe in Germany revived Greek drama. fo use public roads for wedding processions. 41. Itis pointed out in the passage that —. 38. According to the passage, the caste system . A) during Renaissance, artists left conventional Christian themes altogether A} doesn't allow farmers to enter holy places = § 8) Renaissance artists did nothing other than 8) has been accepted in India without being & translate ancient texts questioned $ ©) despite being a classical period poet, Ovid ©) is quite diferent from the myth about howit = had a deep impact on Western iterature allbegan 3 during the Renaissance ) has a deeper impact on the society han S 1D) Ovid was the most popular figure of his, the priests 2 time ‘ E) has existed in every part of india without = £) Botliceli's Birth of Venus is the best-known any change for neary two millennia > work of at from the Renaissance 5 5 39. Itis clearly understood from the passage 42, According to the passage, Greek and Latin that =. ao A) thas never been possible to completely A) mostly contain stories about Christians. ban the caste system in India ah B) were the sole sources of inspiration for 8) the caste system was inially based on job Senos tiles Si ©) there have been three attempts to ban the ©) wore fret translated by Femous Halln caste system since 1986 D) before the Portuguese arrived in India, 2) had already numerous elements in there was no easte system there 5 inspired most artists and poets during E) there is significant drop in the power of the ) Inspired most atts an caste system since the legislations 49. One can conclude from the passage that ~~. 43. It can be inferred from the passage that ~ A). the Portuguese took advantage of the caste AA) ittook centuries for artists to leave system in india conventional themes for mythologicel ones 8) iit weren't forthe creation myth, there 8) before the Renaissance, mythological would be fewer castes stories were unknown to many } the castes are cistinguished by the clothes ©) Chaucer was the first to get inspired by one wears Greek myths D) the caste system today can be observed ) the stories were translated from both Greek in different parts of everyday life in India and Latin sources to eliminate errors ©) rural India was the fst place where the E)_ Renaissance artists tried to remain as loyal caste system was practised to the original works as possible Marvel Grade 12 ~ Practice Test 08 1 ‘44, — 48. sorularda, kargilikli konugmanin bos birakilan kismini tamamlayabilecek. fadeyi bulunuz. 44, Kevin: Are you planning to watch the latest film by Tony Scout? Sue Kevi would not trust them that much. They quite often turn out to be wrong. Sue: ‘Yes, but a few friends of mine who saw ithad similar views. ‘A)_ I hope to do it as soon as | have time. 8) When | read about the plot, | found it quite similar to one of the classics of that genre. C) Yes. Mike has already invited me to see it tonight. D) They say itis expected to be a blockbuster, though. E) Infact, | read a few reviews about it, and they were not very favourable at all. 45. Alex Frank : But didn’t they get divorced last month? Alex ‘That's what | thought too, but it seems they didn't. A) Although Steve seemed so happy to be with Joanne, he wasn't planning to marry her. B) Guess what? I ran into Steve and Jane at a café last Friday. ©) Itseems Chris and Chioe parted a short time before they got married. D) How long have the two known each other? E) Have you received Anne and Greg's wedding invitation yet? Marvel Grade 12 ~ Practice Test 08 co te. yt spb lishing. 60m s & Mable: ® What was that noise coming from upstairs? Kelly: ‘ it must be the noisy Wilkinsons as usual. Mable Kelly: : ‘Well, they might have decided it is more fun disturbing their neighbours than staying there. A) {didn't know they were having guests over again. B) Tobe honest, they have not been that noisy the whole week, though. ©) Shouldn't they stil be on holiday this week? D) Someone must have told them about it. E)_Itcan't have been them because they were sleeping then. Gokay + Which one do you think is better, staying at a student hostel or sharing a flat? Hakan Gokey + ‘That's actually much harder than getting someone to fet their flat to : students. Hakan: In that case, | can only advise you to go for the first option. A) Ifyou fing the right people to share the chores, a flat is more comfortable, 8) You might find it very exhausting to travel huge distances to school every morning. )_Itdepends on the number of the people sharing the fat. D) | would only say it does actually not matter that much. E) Ahostel could be a better choice if you don't mind sharing a room with six others. 48. Linda: ‘Where have you been? I expected you to arrive an hour ago. Emma Linda | could have guessed that. Itis so typical of you to be that forgetful. Emma : I don’t know how to make you forgive me for that. A) thave been waiting at that table over there for the whole time. 8) You won't believe it, but there was so much traffic. C) Ihave to take care of an urgent matter that has just arisen, Shall we meet some other day? 1D) What time suits you best, three o'clock or later? £) To be honest with you, ittotally stipped my mind that we had arranged to meet. 49. en valun céimleyi bulunuz. . = §3. sorularda, verifen ciimleye anlamca 43, Had it not been for the support of some of my friends, | might never have accomplished this hard task. ‘A) | might have failed to finish this difficult task if some of my friends hadn't backed me up. B) Thanks to the support of my friends, | was able to overcome this hard task quickly. C) Ifthis hard task were not for some of my frlends, | might never have been able to do it D) If there hadn't been such a difficult task, | would never have needed the help of some of my friends. ) The reason why I need the support of some of my friends is that | have a difficult task to do, Marvel Grade 12 ~ Practice Test 08 50, Only Stan has the qualifications to be promoted to sales manage ‘A). There are not many as qualified as Stan to be promoted to sales manager. B) “Everyone but Stan was qualified enough to be given promotion to sales manager. ©). Stan is more suitable for the position of sales manager than most of the other applicants. D) Nobody is as qualified as Stan to get promotion to sales manager. E) Stan has the best qualifications that an applicant needs to apply for the position of a gales manager. not uncommon for a boa to devour a whole sheep in one gulp. A) Boas are commonly knowin to eat a huge sheep at once. B) Eating a whole sheep in one go is uncommon even for a boa, ©) Aboais often capable of swallowing a whole sheep in one go. D) tis a common sight that a single boa consumes a huge sheep in one go. E) Asitis commonly known, a boa can easily eat a whole sheep on its own 52. It was only the next day that she could remember sho had first met him at a party two years before. 'A)_ She could only remember that the first time she had met him was at a party two years before. B) She could not remember that she had first ‘met him the day after the party two years ago. ©) She could only remember the following day after the party two years ago where she had first met him, 1D) She couldn't remember until the following day that the first time she met him was at a party two years before. ) What she could remember the following day was that she had first met him ata party once. 53, By the time I submitted the project, it was. already ten days past the deadline. ‘A)_ When | handed in the project, the deadline had expired ten days before, B) Ihave finally been able to submit my project, but itis already ten days past the deadline ©) Ittook me ten days to finish the project, which made me miss the deadline. D) When I could finally finish my project in ten days, it was close to the deadline. E) sit took me to finish my project more than ten days, I had already missed the deadline. Marvel Grade 12 ~ Practice Test 08 —— 10 54, — 58. sorularda, verilen duruma uygun, diigen ciimleyi bulunuz, 54, Someone you don't know stops you in the streot and says that he is a friend of your flatmate and urgently needs her phone number. Finding this quite suspicious, you ‘come up with a white lie in order to protect your friend from a possible trouble: A) I don't think she has a friend that | have never met before. B) The one | gave you is the only one | know. C) Wait a second, so I can fook it up in my jone book. 1D) She is not in at the moment. Call back a few hours later. E) Well, | wish | could be of some help to you, but | don’t have my phone with me and | don’t know the number by heart. 85. While talking to Samantha at a formal gathering, you are shocked at the sight of a price tag hanging from the sleeve of her blouse. To prevent anyone from noticing anything, you say to her: A) You just wait here. Ill be back in a few seconds. 8) Will you come to the lavatory with me for a second? ) I guess you have forgotten to remove something from your blouse and everyone has seen it, Sam. 1) You don't need to show everyone how much you spent for that blouse. €) Don't worry! No one has seen the price tag ‘on your blouse, 58. Shocked at the high home phone bill again although you hardly use it; yott call the ‘customer service of the phone company to inquire about the status of your prior application for a cheaper pian and say: A) Could | get some information on the new campaigns your company is offering these days? B) I wonder why | keep getting high bills although | hardly ever use the landline. C)_ | would like to know whether or not my application to change my price plan has been processed yet. D) What do I need to do to get my phone tine cancelled? E) Is It possible to cancel my application to change my price plan and restore it to the former one? 57. The flowerbed in your garden is in a mess because of the street dogs that you are sure ‘one of your neighbours feeds deliberately near it. You go up to her and let her know that you are aware of it all by saying: ‘A)_ You might be thinking no one sees it, but it is very rude of you to feed the dogs close to my flowerbed, B) Can you believe that she is stil feeding the dogs near my garden? ©) Do you happen to know by any chance who it was that fed the dogs near my garden again? D) Its high time they did something about the street dogs because they keep ruining people's gardens. E) Apparently you don't realize thet the street dogs she feeds have caused the mess in my garden. Marvel Grade 12 ~ Practice Test 08 i 88. Your friend asks you for some advice on what to do about her acne problem. Thinking that the best way to fight with them is to take measures rather than to try and cure the ‘existing ones, you say: A). Ihave heard of so many different treatment methods, but I am not sure which one really ‘works. B) tig just natural to have them at your age. CC) You can buy a concealer to vover spots or marks on the skin or dark circles under the eyes. ). You can only keep them as few as possible by, avoiding fatty foods like nuts and dried fruits. ) The only method that works for acnes is to apply herbal mixtures on them. 59, ~ 63. sorularda, bos birakilan yere parganin anlam bitiinliigting sag 59. Separating fact from fiction is difficult in the study of ancient exploration. People in these times often did not have the means to record and verify any facts about their world. Information was passed on largely by word of mouth, which inevitably led to errors. —. Therefore, they were not anxious to displace these with scientific evidence, either. A) A famous Babylonian poem, for instance, tells the story of Gilgamesh B) Egyptians, meanwhile, told a story of a merchant who was the sole survivor C)_ In addition, ancient people placed great faith in myths and legends D) The science of history, on the other hand, relies on written documents E) To establish something as a fact, they need to back their claim up with mote evidence 60. In the most basic form, a greenhouse is a structure that uses the sun fo cultivate plants. it can be made of glass or plastic. Greenhouses are used by horticulturists to cultivate exotic plants and by individuals to start a garden. Although it's a controlled environment, plants stil need to be watered and checked for pests. A) Most greenhouses also need to be heated to obtain the best temperature B) Aconservatory is just as much for showcasing plants as raising them ©) However, greenhouses come in several different shapes and sizes D) The cold house type is suitable for the transition of sprouts to young plants &) Thus, they are usually used to grow vegetables off-season 61. Just like batteries, a fuel cell is a device that uses chemical reactions to convert hydrogen and oxygen into water, producing electricity in the process. —-. In a fuel cell, on the other hand, there is a constant flow of chemicals into the cell. in addition, fuel cells are lighter and more efficient than internal combustion engines, and don't produce damaging emissions, ‘A) After this reaction, you get energy plus pure water B) However, they are currently expensive to manufacture | ©) Electrical appliances are used extensively in homes in both 230 V and 120 V system countries D) Abattery eventually goes dead when all the chemicals are used up E) Electricity is one of the cleanest ways for vehicles to run on Marvel Grade 12 Practice Test 08 12 62, Headache’s are sensed primarily in the nerves and muscles of the head and neck. +=. Itis actually a pain somewhere around your brain, being picked up by nerve endings located in your head. A) Tension headaches are dull and steady ® pains on both sides of the head 8) Your brain itself cannot sense pain, so a headache has nothing to do with your brain hurting 8 ©) Most headaches are not associated with ‘any underlying medical condition D) For example, when painkillers are taken jth coffee, there exist side effects, ©) Headaches are more common than most ‘other medical complaints 63, Most children look like their parents. This is because parents pass on their genes to thelr children, Genes are instructions for how a human body grows, maintains and repairs itself. -—. Similarly, the genetic instructions for building and running the human body are in the form of a chemical substance, called DNA. A). Genetic engineering is considered a future profession B) The features that meke each of us unique are only 1/500 of all our genes C) Some characteristics may not show up in the children, but in the next generations D) Allthese are accomplished by a special ‘molecule called DNA E) Instructions for building a machine are usually drawn as diagrams anlamea en yakin 64. Chaos theory studies the behaviour of dynamic systems that show high sensitivity {0 initial conditions. A) B) °) D) 8) 65. Played on an eight by eight squared board ith twelve pieces on either side, checkers is thought to have originated almost 6000 years ago. A) 8) °) >) =) Marvel Grade 12 ~ Practice Test 08 verilen ingilizce ciimleye rice ciimleyi bulunuz. Kaos teorisinin inceledigi dinamnik sistemierin davranisi, baslangig kosullarina yiksek hassasiyet gdsteric. Kaos teorisinde baslangig kogullarina yyksek hassasiyet gdsteren dinamik sistemlerin davranist incsteni. Baslangig kosullarina yiksek hassasiyet gésteren dinamik sistemlerin davranigi kaos teoris! ile incelenir Baglanaig kosullarina yiksek hassasiyet gésteren dinamik sistemlerin davranigini ineleyen yéntem kaos teorsidir Kaos teoris, basiangig kosullarina yiksek hassasiyet gésteren dinamik sistemlerin davranisint inceler. — Her bir tarafta on iki tas ile sekize sekiz bir kareli tehta tizerinde oynanan ve yaklagik 6000 yil dnce ortaya giktiGt disiinGilen oyun damadir ‘Yaklasik 6000 yil nce ortaya gikan damanin, her bir tarafta on iki tag ile sekize sekiz bir kareli tahta tizerinde oynandigi diiglindimektedir. Her bir tarafta on ikl tas ile sekize sekiz bir kareli tahta Gzerinde oynanan damanin yaklagik 6000 yil nce ortaya gikti disiindimektedir Her bir tarafta on iki tas ile sekize sekiz bir kare tahta tzerinde oynandigi digtndlen ama, yaklasik 6000 yil nce ortaya cakes Yakiasik 6000 yil nce ortaya giktidi diisintlen dama, her bir taratta on iki tas ile sekize sekiz bir Karel tahta tizerinde oynanmaktadir. 3 66. To build up the di family that will remain togetlier for eternity is one of a woman's primary roles in some societies. A) Sonsuza kadar bir arada kalacak kutsal alleyi kurtmak, bazi toplumtarda bir kadinin temel rolierinden birsidi. B) Bazi toplumlarda kadinin temet gérevlerinden biris| kutsal aileyi kurmak ve nu sonsuza kadar bir arada tutmak olacaktir ©) Sonsuza kadar bir arada tutacayi Kutsal bit aile kurmak, bazi toplumiarda kadinin temel rollerinden bitisidir. 1D) Bazi toplumlarda kadinin temet rollerinden birisi kuracagi kutsal alleyi sonsuza kadar bir arada tutmaktir E) Bazi toplumlarda kadinin temel gdrevi sonsuza kadar bir arada kalacak kutsal aileyi kurmaktr 67. The genetic code of the germ that caused the Black Death has been cracked by scientists for the first time. A) Bilim insanian tarafindan genetik kodu ilk kez géziilen mikrop, Kara Ollim’'e sebep olmustar. 8) Kara Oltim'e sebep olan mikrobun genetik kodu, bilim insanian terafindan ilk kez séziildt, C) Bilim insanlan, Kara Olm'e sebep olan mikrobuun genetik kodunu ik kez g&zdi, D) Kara Oltim'tin sebebi, genetik kodu bili insanlan tarafindan ilk kez g8ziilen mikroptur. £)_Bilim insanlarinin genetik Kodunu ilk kez gézdUgu mikrop, Kara Olim’e sebep olandir. 68. The increase in the number of overweight Chinese is the result of the country's remarkable economic growth over the last thirty years. A). Gin'de fazla Kilolu insan sayisindaki artis, son otuz senede dikenin ekonomisinin dikkat gekici digtde biytimesinin sonucudur. B) Fazla kilolu Ginlilerin sayisindaki artis, ilkenin son otuz senedeki dikkat gekici ekonomik biydmesinin sonucudur. ©) Gin'de son otuz senedeki dikkat cakici ekonomi biiymenin sonucunda, iilkede fazia kilolu insan saytsi artis géstermistir. D) Otkenin son otuz senedeki dikkat cekici ‘ekonomik biyémesi, fazla klolu Cinillerin sayisindaki artigin sebebidir )_Uikenin son otuz senedeki ekonomik biiyiimesi sonucunda, Cin'deki fazia kilolu inganlarin sayisi dikkat gekici élgtide artmistir. 69, The immigrants who first came to America from the four corners of the world also brought different religions together. A) Diinyanin dért bir kégesinden Amerika'ya ik gelen gégmenler, farkit dinleri de beraberlerinde getirler. 8) Diinyanin dirt bir kSgesinden Amerika'ya gelen farkii gégmenter, ilk dinleri de beraberierinde getidiler. ©) Amerika'ya ilk gelen gdgmenter, diinyanin dért bir yanindan farkit dinleri de beraberlerinde getirdiler. D) Amerika'nin ik gdgmenleri, dinlerini de beraberlerinde getirerek diinyanin d6rt bir yanindan gelmislerdi &) Farki dinleri de beraberlerinde Amerkalya ilk getiren, diinyanin dért bir késesinden gelen gogmenierdi Marvel Grade 12 ~ Practice Test 08 14 70. ~ 75. sorutarda, verilen Tiirkce ciimleye anlamca en yakin ingilizce cimleyi bulunuz. 70. Anemi birkag nedenden kaynaklanabilir ama ana sebeplerden bir tanesi, demir ve B12 vitamini bakimindan eksik bir bestenmedir. * ‘A)_ One of the main reasons for anaemia, which can result from a number of reasons, is a diet deficient in iron and vitamin B12. B) Anaemia, one of the main reasons for which is a diet deficient in iron and vitamin B12, can result from several reasons. ©). The deficiency of iron and vitamin B12 in a diet is one of the main reasons out of several ones that cause anaemia. D) Anaemia can result from a number of reasons, but one of the main reasons is @ diet that is deficient in iron and vitarnin B12. E) Among the several reasons that cause ‘anaemia, the deficiency of iron and viternin B12 In a diet is the main one, 71, Brunelleschi sik sik, Rénesans sanatina tek nokta perspektifini getirmest ile anil. A) Brunelleschi was frequently remembered ‘for one-point perspective, which he introduced into Renaissance art, 8) One-point perspective, for which Brunelleschi is frequently remembered, was introduced into Renaissance art by him. ©). Brunelleschi is frequently remembered for introducing one-point perspective into Renaissance art. D) Renaissance artist Brunetleschi was frequently remembered for having introduced one-point perspective into art. E) Brunelleschi, who introduced one-point perspective into Renaissance art, is frequently remembered for it. 72. Bitim insanlan 73. Uniti irettikleri radyasyon miktarinm sadece dicillemeyecek kadar az oldugunu degi, aym zamanda zararsiz oldugunu da bildirdiler. ‘A)_ Scientists reported that the amount of radiation they produced was not only too little to be measured, but it was also harmless, B) Scientists reported that the amount of radiation they produced was either too litle to be measured or harmless. C) That the amount of radiation produced was harmiess and too litle to be measured was reported by scientists, 1D) Scientists reported that the amount of radiation produced was measured to be too little and harmless. E) According to the report of scientists, the ‘amount of radiation produced was neither harmless nor too litle to be measured ir ig adam, Osmanli sultanlarinin imparatorluk fermantart &zel Koleksiyonunu alka act. A) The special collection of imperial orders of the Ottoman sultans will be opened up publicly by a femous businessman 8) A famous businessman has opened up his ‘special collection of imperial orders of the Ottoman sultans to the public. C) The special collection of imperial orders of the Ottoman sultans, which belongs toa famous businessman, was opened up to the public. D) tis @ businessman who has opened up his famous collection of imperial orders of the Ottoman sultans to the public. ) The special collection of the famous businessman which includes imperial orders of the Ottornan sultans has been publicly opened up. Marvel Grade 12 ~ Practice Test 08 § § 8 5 = 3 3 g : 5 3 7. Nispeten kligik bir kafatasinu 74, Istatistiklere gére diinya niifusu, 2025'e kadar yaklagik 8 milyara ylikselmig olacak. A) According to statistics, the population of the world will have increased to nearly 8 billion “py 2025. 8) Statistics have revealed that the world's population will have increased to nearly & billion til 2026. ©) By 2025, the population of the world will be statistically increased to nedirly 8 billion D) itis predicted by the statistics that in 2025, the world population will increase by nearly 8 billion, E) Agcording to statistics, the nearly eight- billion world population will have increased by 2025, ine genis bir yOzeyin sigmasina olanak sagjlayan bir ide katlanmis olan beyin korteksi, bir doku tabakasidir. si A) The cerebral cortex is a sheet of neural lissue and itis folded in a way that allows a large surface area to fit in a relatively small skull B) What is folded in a way that allows a large surface area to fit within a relatively small skull is @ sheet of neural tissue —the cerebral cortex. C) The cerebral cortex, a sheet of neural tissue, is folded in a way that allows a large surface area to fit in a relatively small skull D) The cerebral cortex is folded in such a way that it allows a large surface area to itn a relatively smal skull where a sheet of neural tissue exists. E) The cerebral cortex, folded in a way that allows a large surface area to fit within a relatively small skull, is a sheet of neural tissue. 76, — 80. sorularda, ciimleler sirasryla ‘okundugunda parcanin anlam biitiiniGgiind imleyi bulunuz. 76. (I) Mars has been the target of most missions to the planets in our solar system. (Il) Mars Pathfinder was originally designed as a technology demonstration of @ way to deliver an instrumented lander and a free-ranging robotic rover to the surface of the Red Planet. (itl) Pathfinder not only accomplished this goal but also retumed a huge amount of data and outlived its primary design life. (IV) Itused an innovative method of directly entering the Martian atmosphere. (V) The huge speed of the descent was decreased using a specially designed parachute. Al Bt Dy cy eV 77. (I) There are a few proposed origins of the military saluting, (Nl) in the medieval days of chivalry, mounted knights in mail raised their visors to friends for the purpose of identification, {iil) Another possiblity is that satuting comes from an age when assassinations by dagger were not uncommon. (IV) It became a custom in such times to approach someone with raised hand, showing that there was no concealed weapon. (V) Archaeological investigations have revealed many details of Roman camps. A)L— B)IE Opt DIV BV Marvel Grade 12 Practice Test 08 — _ 78. () Until the advent of powered flight, the only way to cross seas and oceans was by ship. ll) Early sailors travelling in wooden sailing ships were constantly at the mercy of harsh weather conditions. (Ill) in the 19% century though, technological innovations such as iron hulls and steam engines made shipping faster, safer and more reliabie. (IV) Each capital city on the east coast was connected by railway lines, (V) And in 1900, the time taken to travel tong distances had been drastically reduced with the invention of the steam ship. AL By epi Dv EY (1) Tsunamis are caused by earthquakes, volcanic eruptions or landslides that take place under the sea. (ll) When these occur, tremendous amounts of engray are set free as a result of quick upward snévements from the bottom. (Ill) The Pacific Ocean has a large amount of undersea geological activity. (IV) For ‘example, ifa volcanic eruption occurs, the ocean floor may very quickly move upwards several hundred feet. (V) When this happens, huge volumes of ocean water are pushed upwards, and a wave is formed. AyL By pint pV BV 80. (I) The age of dinosaurs reached its apex during the Cretaceous period, which ocourred 65 to 445 million years ago. (ll) During the Cretaceous, flowering plants emerged, providing another food source for dinosaurs. {Ill} More different types of dinosaurs emerged during the Cretaceous than in any other period. (IV) Beaked, plant-eating dinosaurs known as ceratopsians first appeared at this time. (V) One of the most well-known members of this group was Triceratops, which had three facial horns anda large, bony fil, Ayl By Cyl IV&V

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