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Ecological Indicators 117 (2020) 106586

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Establishing reference values for soil microbial biomass-C in agroecosystems T

in the Atlantic Forest Biome in Southern Brazil

Raphael Antoine Anzalonea, Fabiane Machado Vezzania, , Glaciela Kaschuka,
Mariangela Hungriab, Luciano Kayser Vargasc, Marco Antonio Nogueirab
Departamento de Solos e Engenharia Agrícola, Universidade Federal do Paraná, Rua dos Funcionários, 1540, 80035-050, Curitiba, Paraná, Brazil
Embrapa Soja, CP 231, 86001-970 Londrina, Paraná, Brazil
Departamento de Diagnóstico e Pesquisa Agrícola, Secretaria da Agricultura, Pecuária e Irrigação, Rua Gonçalves Dias 570, Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil


Keywords: Soil microbial biomass plays a key role in the biogeochemical cycles, degradation of organic pollutants and soil
Bioindicator aggregation, and its estimation through soil microbial biomass-C (MB-C) is often referred as a potential indicator
Soil microbial biomass of soil functioning. This study aimed to identify reference values of MB-C that would relate to crop yield.
Soil monitoring Soybean and maize grain yields and microbial biomass-C (MB-C) data were gathered from studies listed in “Web
Crop yield
of Science” performed in agroecosystems located in the Atlantic Forest Biome in Southern Brazil. Database was
composed by 78 datasets, where soil samplings for evaluation of MB-C were performed at the 0–10 cm layer at
Soybean flowering stage, and evaluated by the fumigation-extraction method. A meta-regression using the Mitscherlich
Maize model was applied to determine the MB-C reference value corresponding to 80% of maximum yield. The effects
of soil management systems and crop systems were verified by comparing the confidence intervals. Soil tillage
decreased MB-C and yield, while crop rotation increased yield but not MB-C. It was not possible to find a
reference value for soybean, because of the variability not explainable by the MB-C. The reference value related
to high maize yield (> 6,752 kg ha−1) was of 170 μg C g−1 soil, but further results must be included to decrease
the variability.

1. Introduction conditions such as soil compaction, salinity and acidity (Egamberdieva

et al., 2010; Pietri and Brookes, 2009; Šantrůčková et al., 1993) and
One agroecosystem comprises a set of biotic (plants, animals, mi- other processes like intensive tillage . The microorganisms play a key
croorganisms) and abiotic (minerals, topography, air, humidity, tem- role in nutrient cycling and degradation of pollutants, since they are the
perature, luminosity) components organized in a complex system spe- central agent of soil organic matter degradation (Dalal, 1998). As mi-
cialized and controlled to provide agricultural production (Okey, croorganisms exude organic compounds, they also contribute to the
1996). The maintenance of the agroecosystem’s functions, including formation and stabilization of soil microaggregates (Degens, 1997;
biogeochemical cycles, population regulation, among others, depends Lehmann et al., 2017; Panettieri et al., 2017; Rillig, 2004). Their eco-
on the diversity and relationship between its components (Altieri, logical interactions by symbioses, parasitism and predation contribute
1999), which in turn, are highly dependent on the soil capacity to to the regulation of populations and biological control of plant diseases.
sustain all living organisms. As both crops and microorganisms compose the same agroeco-
Soil is the habitat of a great diversity of microorganisms (fungi, system, they depend on each other to maintain mutual support. Several
bacteria, algae, archaea and protozoa) (Lankau and Keymer, 2018; studies aiming to identify soil properties indicative of agroecosystem
Porazinska et al., 2012), which compose the soil microbial biomass. Soil functioning or soil quality have proposed MB-C as a consistent micro-
microbial biomass is usually estimated on basis of its C content, and biological indicator; another advantage is its low operational costs for
referred as microbial biomass-C (MB-C) (Jenkinson and Powlson, 1976; routine analyses (Kaschuk et al., 2010, 2011; Askari and Holden, 2014;
Vance et al., 1987). The MB-C depends on the availability of plant re- Coser et al., 2016; da Freddi et al., 2017; Granatstein and Bezdicek,
sidues, that contain organic C and other nutrients, such as N, P, S and 1992; Guimarães et al., 2017; Lopes et al., 2018). In general, MB-C data
micronutrients (in ‘t Zandt et al., 2018) and is affected by adverse from agroecosystems are compared with MB-C of reference sites, either

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (F. Machado Vezzani).
Received 8 March 2019; Received in revised form 5 May 2020; Accepted 28 May 2020
1470-160X/ © 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
R.A. Anzalone, et al. Ecological Indicators 117 (2020) 106586

agricultural or natural (Barbosa et al., 2017; Kaschuk et al., 2011; yield was used as response variable as function of the MB-C, as shown in
Sattolo et al., 2017; Silva et al., 2010). However, undisturbed systems Eq. (1).
have often a lower agronomic potential and their MB-C in general is
Y = Ymax . (1 − e−b . MB − C ) (1)
considerably higher, thus such comparison is not useful to identifying a
characteristic level of a functioning soil. where, Y is the yield (kg ha ) of soybean or maize; soil microbial
Considering the limitation of using MB-C values of undisturbed biomass is represented by the MB-C (μg C g−1), Ymax represents the
areas as reference, the objective of our study was to establish MB-C maximum yield (kg ha−1); and b is the parameter that indicates the
reference values based on the relationship between BM-C and soybean quickness of the model to hang over the plateau. The model was applied
and maize yield and reference values in the Atlantic Forest biome in individually for soybean and maize, due to the difference between the
Southern Brazil. yield levels of the two crops. The values of the parameters Ymax and b
were determined using the nonlinear regression function nls of the
2. Material and methods statistical software R (R Core Team, 2016)). The weight given to each
observation was inversely proportional to the standard deviation. When
2.1. Data collection the standard deviation was not reported, it was calculated considering a
coefficient of variation two-fold higher than the average coefficient of
Data collection started by browsing the “Web of Science” for articles variation of the other datasets.
that contained the key-words “soil microbial biomass” and applying a For the MB-Cref, we considered a MB-C referring to 80% of max-
filter to select only articles related to Brazil, resulting in a list of 716 imum yield, as suggested before (Lopes et al., 2013), and the value was
articles. Every article was thoroughly checked and only those fulfilling obtained from Eq.(2):
the following criteria were maintained for further analyses: 1) contain
ln(0, 2)
information on both MB-C and crop yield; 2) report experiments per- MB − Cref =
b (2)
formed in Brazil with commonly cultivated crops; 3) report measure-
ments from agroecosystems managed for at least three years; 4) pub- where b is the parameter determined by the Eq. (1).
lished between 1996 and 2016; and, 5) the study aiming at the
evaluation of the agroecosystems, not the effects of pollutants or in- 3. Results and discussion
dustrial residues. The collection totaled 652 datasets (a dataset re-
presents a plot in a given experiment simultaneously containing data on 3.1. Are soil microbial biomass (MB-C) and soybean and maize yields
MB-C, yield, etc). sensitive to tillage in soils of the Brazilian Atlantic Forest biome?
Since the data were obtained from different studies, there was high
heterogeneity, according to geographic conditions (Fig. 1 a, b, c), soil The MB-C of agricultural areas of the Atlantic Forest biome of
types (Fig. 1 d, e), management (Fig. 1 f, g, h), plant growth stage, soil Southern Brazil assessed at soybean flowering presented lower values
sampling depth (Fig. 1 i, j) and methodology for MB-C assessment under conventional tillage (CT) and minimum tillage (MT) in compar-
(Fig. 1 k). Before the high heterogeneity observed, we decided to re- ison with no-tillage (NT) (Fig. 2a). This can be attributed to the de-
strict the datasets to those related to the conditions mostly represented crease in soil organic matter (SOM) induced by the soil disturbance,
in the collection to run the following statistical analysis such as: 1) which leads to the disruption of the aggregates and exposing the SOM
experimental areas located in the Atlantic Forest biome, all of them to microbial oxidation (Blanco-Moure et al., 2016). For the maize da-
situated in Southern Brazil (predominantly in Paraná State); 2) yields of taset, we observed no effect of tillage on MB-C (Fig. 2 a). Although
soybean (Glycine max L. Merrill) and maize (Zea mays L.); 3) soil negative effects of tillage on the MB-C have been often reported (e.g.
sampling at flowering stage in the 0–10 cm layer; 4) evaluation by the Kaschuk et al. 2010; 2011), other sources of variability, such as clay
fumigation-extraction method. The latter restriction criteria resulted in content or sampling time can mask this trend (Hungria et al., 2009;
78 datasets from agroecosystems characterized by clayly soils classified Venzke et al., 2008).
as Oxisols (421–720 g clay kg−1) [Latossolos, in Brazilian Soil Classi- Decreases in yield under CT in relation to NT system were observed
fication System (Santos et al., 2018)], located in Cfa or Cfb climates. for the soybean (9%) and maize (11%) (Fig. 2b). Although there may
have some controversy in relation to the benefits of NT on crop yields
2.2. Comparisons between management systems (e.g. Giller et al., 2009; Pittelkow et al., 2015), in South America the
improvements are well documented, resulting in impressive crop yields
The management systems studied were soil tillage systems: no-til- (Derpsch et al., 2010). Soil tillage may increase crop yield increases in
lage (planting in a narrow trench, without soil tillage); minimum tillage the short-term (Santos et al., 2007) because disking and ploughing can
(soil mobilization up to 15 cm, without plowing); conventional tillage momentarily correct soil physical conditions and lead to a rapid mi-
(soil plowing or disking and a second soil mobilization) and cropping neralization of SOM (Stone et al., 2013; Tivet et al., 2013), providing
systems: succession (sequence of more than one crop during the year, nutrients, mainly N, P and S for plant growth. However, with time, as
repeated yearly) and rotation (sequence of more than one crop on at SOM decreases, soil aggregates are disrupted, leading to unfavorable
least two years). A confidence interval (significance level of 0.05) for physical and fertility properties (e.g. Hungria et al., 2009; Kaschuk
MB-C and yield of soybean and maize was determined for each man- et al., 2010).
agement system using the meta-analysis random effects model
(Kulinskaya et al., 2008). Differences between the management systems 3.2. How sensitive are soil microbial biomass and soybean yield to cropping
were considered significant when the confidence intervals did not systems?
The relationship between MB-C and yield in different cropping
2.3. Determination of the soil microbial biomass (MB-C) reference value systems (crop rotation or succession) is shown in Fig. 3 only for soybean
because the dataset related to maize was too little for this type of
The determination of the reference value for MB-C (MB-Cref) was analysis. The MB-C in soybean-cropped soils did not differ between
performed using the Mitscherlich equation. This mathematical model is cropping systems. Cropping systems including legumes would promote
indicated to describe a phenomenon with plateau, representing the the MB-C (Hungria et al., 2009; Pereira et al., 2007; Silva et al., 2010).
mathematical relation between a response variable that tends to a However, the effects of cropping systems on MB-C are more likely to be
maximum with the increase of an input variable. In this case, the crop associated with previous crop that leave greater amounts of residues

R.A. Anzalone, et al. Ecological Indicators 117 (2020) 106586

(caption on next page)

R.A. Anzalone, et al. Ecological Indicators 117 (2020) 106586

Fig. 1. Data distribution in a) Brazilian states, b) biomes, c) climate, d) soil sub-orders according to the Brazilian Soil Classification System, e) soil textural classes, f)
soil management systems, g) crop sistems, h) crops at soil sampling time, i) crop growth stage at soil sampling, j) soil depth sampling, k) soil microbial biomass
quantification method. * PVA: Argissolo Vermelho-Amarelo (Ultisol); PV: Argissolo Vermelho (Ultisol); CX: Cambissolo Háplico (Inceptisol) LV: Latossolo Vermelho
(Oxisol); LVA: Latossolo Vermelho-Amarelo (Oxisol); n.a.: data not available. *** Cumulated yield of maize and soybean. ** Composition of mixed crop systems:
maize (Zea mays L.) + velvet bean (Mucuna spp.)/lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) (n = 18), bean (Phaselous vulgaris L.) + crotalaria (Crotalaria spp.)/maize + crotalaria
(n = 8), bean + pigeon pea (Cajanus cajan L. Millsp.)/maize + pigeon pea (n = 8), bean + velvet bean/maize + velvet bean (n = 8), bean + sorghum (Sorghum
bicolor L., Moench)/maize + sorghum (n = 8). Composition of rotations: soybean (Glycine max L. Merrill)/wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)/white lupin (Lupinus albus
L.)/maize/black oat (Avena strigosa Schreb.)/fodder raddish (Brassica rapa L.) (n = 36), maize/pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum (L.) R.Br.)/soybean/pearl millet
(n = 24), black oat/maize/black oat/soybean (n = 22), soybean/maize (n = 18), soybean/wheat/maize/black oat (n = 18), other rotations (n = 102). Composition
of succession: soybean/maize (n = 58), soybean/wheat (n = 33), bean/maize (n = 23), maize/lettuce (n = 18), soybean black oat (n = 7), other successions
(n = 10).

(i.e. maize produces more biomass than soybean) (Balota et al., 2004, 3.3. What is the reference value for MB-C in agroecosystems of the Atlantic
1998). Therefore, if we consider the soil MB-C as a biological indicator Forest biome in Southern Brazil?
of soil functioning and relate it to sustainable crop systems, we may
foresee that cropping systems should only increase species richness over Modelling evidenced that soybean yield was highly variable and
time (as in rotation system), but also increase the quantity and quality could not be explained by the MB-C (Fig. 4a) even though there were
of residues (e.g. Shahbaz et al., 2017). concomitant increases in MB-C and yields in individual experimental
The crop rotation system increased soybean yield compared with areas (Cervantes, 2012; Garbuio, 2009; Hungria et al., 2009; Silva et al.,
the crop succession system (Fig. 3b). This increase may be, among 2010). However, it should be considered that soybean yields in the
several causes, a consequence of diversified crops, which decreases the dataset remained above 3,300 kg ha−1, above the Brazilian average in
potential inoculum of pathogens (Hossard et al., 2017) and reduces the period (2,900 kg ha−1; Moreira, 2017), even at the lowest values of
phytosanitary problems (Pankhurst et al., 2002; Young et al., 1986). MB-C (below 200 μg C g−1; Fig. 4a). Under conditions of Brazilian
The yield increase under crop rotation can also be explained by a more Cerrado where MB-C generally is lower than in Atlantic Forest (Kaschuk
efficient use of nutrients due to the complementarity of root archi- et al., 2010). Figueiredo (2009) found MB-C between 150 and 250 μg C
tecture of the different crops involved in the rotation and their re- g−1 (i.e. relatively low values), in agroecosystems with soybean yield
spective absorption capacities (Agegnehu et al., 2014). above 3,000 kg ha−1, the regional average of the Brazilian Midwest in
2010 (CONAB, 2013).

NT ns n = 17

CT ns n = 9

NT a n = 25

MT b n=7

CT b n = 17

0 100 200 300 400 500 600

Soil microbial biomass (μgC g-1soil)

NT a n = 17

CT b n=9

NT a n = 25

MT ab n = 7

CT b n = 17

0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 10000
Grain yield (kg ha-1)

Fig. 2. Soil microbial biomass (a) and yield (b) relate to soil management system for soybean and maize crops. Error bars represent confidence interval (α = 5%).
Treatments followed by the same letter do not differ. ns: no significative difference. NT: no-tillage, MT: minimum tillage, CT: conventional tillage.

R.A. Anzalone, et al. Ecological Indicators 117 (2020) 106586

Rotation ns n = 18

Succession ns n = 33

0 100 200 300 400 500 600

Soil microbial biomass (μgC g-1soil)

Rotation a n = 18

Succession b n = 33

0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000

Grain yield (kg ha-1)

Fig. 3. Soil microbial biomass (a) and yield (b) relate to crop system for soybean crop. Error bars represent confidence interval (α = 5%). Treatments followed by the
same letter do not differ. ns: no significative difference.

The values of MB-C and maize yield fitted well with the Mitscherlich (Fig. 5). In this condition, the agroecosystem depends on soil correction
model (Fig. 4b; p < 0.001). The asymptote representing the predicted by soluble fertilizer inputs to maintain a stock of nutrients readily
maximum yield was 8,440 kg ha−1. If the threshold of 80% of max- available for the plants, and/or soil tillage to achieve high yield. In this
imum yield was used to consider high yield (i.e. 6,752 kg ha−1), the agroecosystem, soil organic matter and biological activity are too poor
corresponding reference value for MB-C was 170 μg C g−1 (Fig. 4b). to promote a sufficient natural functioning to maintain soil in ideal
Thus, for MB-C lower than 170 μg C g−1 yields lower than 80% of conditions for crops growth and development and, therefore, does not
maximum yield should be expected. However, in our modelling, there have a proper productive capacity to support high crop yields (Vezzani
was no observation below 200 μg C g−1 (Fig. 4b). and Mielniczuk, 2009; Kaschuk et al., 2010). High yield can be possible
By using a quadratic regression between MB-C and cumulative if correction practices are applied. Thus, this agroecosystem can be
yields of soybean and maize for 18 years, Lopes et al. (2013) estimated productive, but it is not an ideal agroecosystem, since it depends on
the reference value of MB-C in a clayey soils of the Brazilian Cerrado constant fertilization and management actions, that are unsustainable
biome as 375 μg C g−1. In that case, 55% of the treatments that had MB- in the long term, considering the limitation of fertilizer stocks and en-
C between 290 and 375 μg C g−1 were related to yields corresponding ergy sources (Cordell et al., 2009).
to 89 to 100% of maximum yields, whereas above 375 μg C g−1, 87% of Above the sustainable value, the soil functions are fulfilled by the
the treatments presented cumulative yield higher than 80% of max- edaphic biota, characterizing a “sustainable” agroecosystem, which has
imum accumulated yield. its own high productive capacity. Thus, the high yield is more likely,
since the agroecosystem does not need constant soil correction. The
productive capacity is ensured because the microbiota fulfills the eco-
3.4. Yield, agroecosystem productive capacity and soil microbial biomass
system functions necessary to naturally maintain soil attributes at ideal
levels, allowing the crop to reach high yields. This is because the mi-
From the results of this work and in others (Lopes et al., 2018,
crobial biomass works as source of nutrients temporally immobilized
2013), it was possible to propose three MB-C intervals in relation to
and easily mineralizable to release nutrients (Coppens et al., 2006; Hu
crop yield (Fig. 5). The first one should be characterized by a low MB-C
et al., 2009; Ryan et al., 2006). In addition, the microbial community
and a low crop yield, from now named “compromised yield”. The
also acts on the mineralization of pesticides (Jing et al., 2017; Lancaster
second presented a medium MB-C and a variable yield, named “high
et al., 2010), and participate to bind soil particles, forming and stabi-
yield possible”. Finally, the third was characterized by high MB-C and
lizing soil aggregates (Fokom et al., 2012; Purin and Rillig, 2007). This
high yield, named “guaranteed yield”. These three intervals correspond
state is maintained by the generation a satisfactory amount of plant
to three types of agroecosystems: “degraded”, “dependent” and “sus-
biomass and management to maintain the energy and carbon supply for
tainable” (Fig. 5).
the microbiota over time. The agroecosystem depends on an appro-
The “degraded” agroecosystem has low MB-C and low yield because
priate management that guarantees an input of organic carbon to the
the soil functionality is hardly compromised. The limitations may be
soil, the maintenance of the structure and the sufficiency of nutrients to
related to soil compaction, inadequate to root growth and movement of
remain in a favorable functioning condition.
gases and water in the soil, in addition to possible nutritional defi-
In agroecosystems, the harvest leads to the exportation of nutrients
ciencies, or any environmental factor that affects MB-C and crop yield
decreasing the agroecosystem productive capacity. Therefore, sustain-
simultaneously. As plant growth is affected, the volume of plant bio-
able agroecosystem requires replacement of exported nutrients to
mass production and its deposition to the soil is reduced. Thus, the
maintain the stock of nutrients contained in soil organic matter and
stock and flow of organic matter in the soil is low, limiting the micro-
microbial biomass that will be the source of nutrients for future crops.
bial biomass and activity responsible for the improvement of soil con-
Dependent and degraded agroecosystems, in turn, require quick-release
ditions, thus maintaining the state of degradation of the agroecosystem
fertilizers to supply the immediate demand of the crop for nutrients, but
(Fig. 5). Along these lines, we propose a critical value to separate de-
also show a higher rate of loss of nutrients because they do not contain
graded from dependent agroecosystems.
sufficient soil organic matter and microbial biomass, which are able to
Above the MB-C critical value and up to the sustainable value, the
immobilize or retain nutrients temporarily (Figueiredo et al., 2007;
agroecosystem enters a condition named as “dependent” agroecosystem

R.A. Anzalone, et al. Ecological Indicators 117 (2020) 106586



Fig. 4. Relationship between yield and soil microbial biomass in Atlantic Forest biome of in Southern Brazil. a) in soybean crop. b) in maize crop, using the
Mitscherlich relation and calculated soil microbial biomass reference value. The point diameter is inversely proportional to the standard deviation ***: p-
value < 0,001.

Varela et al., 2017). soil MB-C and a lower crop yield than long-term no-tillage systems,
In the present study, the reference value calculated from corn yield whereas agroecosystems that include crop rotations have greater crop
(Fig. 4b) in highly managed and corrected experimental agroecosys- yields despite no increase in soil MB-C.
tems was 170 μg C g−1, thus suggested as the MC-B critical value for The conceptual model proposed in this study may be applied to
soils of the Atlantic Forest biome in Southern Brazil. Losses of pro- agroecosystems worldwide, but numeral thresholds are specific for the
ductive capacity of agroecosystems were not identified and no sus- Atlantic Forest Biome.
tainable value was found due to the lack of records of less corrected
agroecosystems in this region. Credit authorship contribution statement

4. Conclusions Raphael Antoine Anzalone: Conceptualization, Methodology,

Investigation, Formal analysis, Writing - original draft, Writing - review
Considering the limitations of the model, the agroecosystems in the & editing. Fabiane Machado Vezzani: Conceptualization, Supervision,
Atlantic Forest biome in Southern Brazil (Paraná and Santa Catarina Writing - original draft, Writing - review & editing. Glaciela Kaschuk:
States) with microbial biomass above 170 μg C g−1 are capable to Conceptualization, Investigation, Writing - original draft, Writing - re-
sustain high crop yields. Agroecosystems under soil tillage have lower view & editing. Mariangela Hungria: Conceptualization, Investigation,

R.A. Anzalone, et al. Ecological Indicators 117 (2020) 106586

Adequate management of soil organic matter

Inadequate management of soil organic matter, soil erosion
SMB critical value SMB reference value
Atlantic Forest (this study): 170 g C g-1soil Not attained
Yield Cerrado (Lopes et al., 2013): 290 g C g-1soil 375 g C g-1soil

Yield attainable.
Productive capacity.
Gain/loss of productive
capacity due to management.
Yield increase achieved
because of management.

Degraded Dependent agroecosystem Sustainable Soil

agroecosystem agroecosystem Microbial
Impracticable high High yield attainable if soil Guaranteed high yield
yield condition correction
Fig. 5. Model of productive capacity, yield and the effects of soil management in agroecosystem from the point of view of soil microbial biomass. .
Adapted from Kaschuk et al. (2010)

Writing - review & editing. Luciano Kayser Vargas: Conceptualization, Coppens, F., Garnier, P., De Gryze, S., Merckx, R., Recous, S., 2006. Soil moisture, carbon
Investigation, Writing - review & editing. Marco Antonio Nogueira: and nitrogen dynamics following incorporation and surface application of labelled
crop residues in soil columns. Eur. J. Soil Sci. 57, 894–905.
Conceptualization, Investigation, Writing - review & editing. j.1365-2389.2006.00783.x.
Cordell, D., Drangert, J.O., White, S., 2009. The story of phosphorus: Global food security
Acknowledgments and food for thought. Glob. Environ. Chang. 19, 292–305.
Coser, T.R., Ramos, M.L.G., Figueiredo, C.C., Carvalho, A.M., Cavalcante, E., Moreirados,
The authors thank Jessica de Souza Pereira, Tatiana Suzin Lazeris M.K.R., Araújo, P.S.M., Oliveira, S.A., 2016. Soil microbiological properties and
and Raul Matias Cezar for fruitful discussions about soil quality in an available nitrogen for corn in monoculture and intercropped with forage. Pesq.
Agropec. Bras. 51, 1660–1667.
earlier version of the manuscript; to Denise De Conti; Raphael Anzalone 204X2016000900066.
received scholarship from the Coordination of Improvement of Higher Dalal, R.C., 1998. Soil microbial biomass—what do the numbers really mean? Aust. J.
Education Personnel (CAPES, Brazil). Exp. Agric. 38, 649–665.
Degens, D.P., 1997. Macro-aggregation of soils by biological bonding and binding me-
chanisms and the factors affecting these: a review. Aust. J. Soil Res. 35, 431–460.
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