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Part 1: The Different Models of Communication

1. Aristotle’s Model of Communication

Aristotle(384-322 B.C) was a Greek philosopher and
writer born in Stagira, Northern Greece. He was also the
teacher of Alexander the Great. He studied physics, logic,
mathematics, etc.

While exploring the human nature scientifically,

Aristotle developed a linear model of communication for
oral communication known as Aristotle’s Model of
Communication. This is considered as the first model of
communication and was proposed before 300 B.C. It is
also the is most widely accepted among all communication

Aristotle's Model is mainly focused on speaker and speech. It can be broadly divided into 5
primary elements: Speaker, Speech, Occasion, Audience and Effect.

The Aristotle’s communication model is a speaker centered model as the speaker

has the most important role in it and is the only one active. It is the speaker’s role to deliver
a speech to the audience. The role of the audience is passive, influenced by the speech.
This makes the communication process one way, from speaker to receiver.

The speaker must organize the speech beforehand, according to the target
audience and situation (occasion). The speech must be prepared so that the audience be
persuaded or influenced from the speech.

He believed “Rhetoric” is the study of communication and persuasion and different

message or speech should be made for different audiences at different situations to get
desired effects or to establish a propaganda. This model was highly used to develop public
speaking skills and create a propaganda at that time so, it is less focused on intrapersonal
or interpersonal communication.

Even if the model is speaker oriented and focuses on audience interaction in

communication, there is no concept of feedbacks.

For instance, a politician (speaker) gives a speech to get votes from the civilians
(audience) at the time of election (occasion). The civilians only vote if they are influenced by
the things the politician says in his speech so the content must be very impressive to
influence the mass and the speaker must design the message very carefully.

The speech must be clear as well as the speaker must have a very good non-verbal
communication with the audience like eye contact. This example is a classic case of
Aristotle Model of Communication depicting all the elements in the model.

Critical Elements of a Good Communicator

Aristotle has given 3 elements that must be present in a good communicator or public
speaker. These elements are related to each other and they reinforce the other elements.


Ethos is the characteristic which makes you credible in front of the audience. If there is no
credibility, the audience will not believe in you and will not be persuaded by you. Expertise
and positions also give credibility to a person.

For instance, the mass will not listen to the promises of a corrupt politician, but if a politician
is known for his good deeds, there’s a high change his speech will be heard.


If what you say matters to them and they can connect with it, then they will be more
interested and they will think you are more credible. Emotional bonds will make the
audience captivated and they feel the speaker is one of their own people.

For instance, if people of a village needs water and the politician tells them that he will help
in building roads, the people will not get influenced but might be more influenced if he says
he’ll build a dam for drinking water and irrigation.


Logos is logic. People believe in you only if they understand what you are trying to say.
People find logic in everything. If there is no logic behind the speaker’s work or time, they
do not want to get involved. Everybody has a sense of reason. You must present facts to
the audience for them to believe in you.
For example, a presenter using factual data in an awareness program will attract the
audience’s attention and will make them believe in the need of awareness in the particular

Criticisms of Aristotle’s Model of Communication

There are few criticisms around this model. Some of them are

 There is no concept of feedback; it is one way from speaker to audience.

 There is no concept of communication failure like noise and barriers.
 This model can only be used in public speaking.

2. Shannon and Weaver Model of Communication

In 1948, Shannon was an American
mathematician, Electronic engineer and
Weaver was an American scientist both
of them join together to write an article in
“Bell System Technical Journal” called “A
Mathematical Theory of Communication”
and also called as “Shannon-Weaver
model of communication”.

This model is specially designed to

develop the effective communication
between sender and receiver. Also they find factors which affecting the communication
process called “Noise”. At first the model was developed to improve the Technical
communication. Later it’s widely applied in the field of Communication.

The model deals with various concepts like Information source, transmitter, Noise,
channel, message, receiver, channel, information destination, encode and decode.
Sender : The originator of message or the information source selects desire message

Encoder : The transmitter which converts the message into signals

Note: The sender’s messages converted into signals like waves or Binary data which is
compactable to transmit the messages through cables or satellites. For example: In
telephone the voice is converted into wave signals and it transmits through cables

Decoder : The reception place of the signal which converts signals into message. A reverse
process of encode

Note : The receiver converts those binary data or waves into message which is comfortable
and understandable for receiver. Otherwise receiver can’t receive the exact message and it
will affect the effective communication between sender and receiver

Receiver : The destination of the message from sender

Note : Based on the decoded message the receiver gives their feed back to sender. If the
message distracted by noise it will affect the communication flow between sender and

Noise: The messages are transferred from encoder to decoder through channel. During
this process the messages may distracted or affected by physical noise like horn sounds,
thunder and crowd noise or encoded signals may distract in the channel during the
transmission process which affect the communication flow or the receiver may not receive
the correct message

Note : The model is clearly deals with external noises only which affect the messages or
signals from external sources. For example: If there is any problems occur in network which
directly affect the mobile phone communication or distract the messages
Practical Example of Shannon-Weaver model of communication :

Thomson made call to his assistant “come here I want to see you”. During his call,
noise appeared (transmission error) and his assistant received “I want” only. Again
Assistant asked Thomson (feedback) “what do you want Thomson”.

Sender : Thomson

Encoder : Telephone (Thomson)

Channel : Cable

Noise : Distraction in voice

Reception : Telephone (Assistant)

Receiver : Assistant.

Due to transmission error or noise, Assistant can’t able to understand Thomson’s


*The noise which affect the communication flow between them.

3. David Berlo’s SMCR Model of Communication

In 1960, David Berlo postulated Berlo’s Sender-

Message-Channel-Receiver (SMCR) model of
communication from Shannon Weaver’s Model of
Communication (1949). He described factors
affecting the individual components in the
communication making the communication more
The model also focuses on encoding and decoding which happens before sender sends the
message and before receiver receives the message respectively.

Berlo’s Model has mainly, four components to describe the communication

process. They are sender, message, channel and receiver. Each of the component is
affected by many factors.

Components of Berlo’s Model of Communication

S -Sender

Sender is the source of the message or the person who originates the message. The
person or source sends the message to the receiver. The following are the factor related to
sender and is also the same in the case of receiver.

Communication Skills

Communication skills of a person is a factor that affects the communication process. If the
sender has good communication skills, the message will be communicated better than if the
sender’s communication skills are not good. Similarly, if the receiver cannot grasp the
message, then the communication will not be effective. Communication skills include the
skills to speak, present, read, write, listening, etc.


The attitude of the sender and the receiver creates the effect of the message. The person’s
attitude towards self, the receiver and the environment changes the meaning and effect of
the message.

Familiarity with the subject of the message makes the communicated message have its
effect more. Knowledge on the subject matter makes the communicator send the message

Social Systems

Values, beliefs, laws, rules, religion and many other social factors affect the sender’s way of
communicating the message. It creates difference in the generation of message. Place and
situation also fall under social systems.


Cultural differences make messages different. A person from one culture might find
something offensive which is very much accepted in another culture.


A message is the substance that is being sent by the sender to the receiver. It might be in
the form of voice, audio, text, video or other media. The key factors affecting the message


Content is the thing that is in the message. The whole message from beginning to end is
the content.


Elements are the non-verbal things that tag along with the content like gestures, signs,
language, etc.


Treatment is the way in which the message is conveyed to the receiver. Treatment also
effects the feedback of the receiver.


The structure of the message or the way it has been structured or arranged, affects the
effectiveness of the message.


Code is the form in which the message is sent. It might be in the form of language, text,
video, etc.

Channel is the medium used to send the message. In mass communication and other
forms of communication, technical machines might be used as a channel like telephone,
internet, etc. But in general communication, the five senses of a human being is the channel
for the communication flow and it affects the effectiveness of the channel.

Hearing – We receive the message through hearing.

Seeing – We perceive through seeing. We also get non-verbal messages by seeing.

Touching – Many of the non-verbal communication happens from touching like holding

Smelling – We collect information from smelling.

Tasting – Taste also provides the information to be sent as a message.

R- Receiver

Receiver is the person who gets the message sent in the process. This model believes
that the thinking pattern and all other factors mentioned above must be in sync to that of the
sender for the communication to be effective. The message might not have the same effect
as intended if the receiver and sender are not similar. The receiver must also have a very
good listening skill. Other factors are similar to that of the sender.

Communication skills



Social Systems

1.8. Part 2: The Different Models of Communication

4. Lasswell’s Comunication Model

Lasswell’s communication model has 5 components which is used as an analysis tool

for evaluating the communication process and components. The components are the
questions to be asked to get the answers and keep communication going.

Components Meaning Analysis

the communicator or sender or source of
Who message Control Analysis
Says What the content of the message Content Analysis
In Which
Channel the medium or media Media Analysis
To Whom the receiver of the message or an audience Analysis
With What Effect the feedback of the receiver to the sender Effect Analysis

Explanation of different Components of Lasswell’s Model

Control analysis helps the sender to have all the power.

Content analysis is associated to stereotyping and representation of different groups

politically. It is also related to the purpose or the ulterior motives of the message.

Media analysis represents which medium should be used to exercise maximum power
against the receivers.

Audience analysis shows who are the target population to be manipulated or brain-washed.

Effect analysis is done before the process starts. It is used to predict the effect of message
over the target population to be exploited.

Explanation of Lasswell’s Communication Model

Though Lasswell’s model was developed to analyze mass communication, this model is
used for interpersonal communication or group communication to be disseminated message
to various groups in various situations.

Lasswell’s model was developed to study the media propaganda of countries and
businesses at that time. Only rich people used to have communication mediums such as
televisions and radios back them. It was made to show the mass media culture.
Lasswell also brought the concept of Effective Communication Process. He talked about
the relation between presentation of facts and how it generates different effects. The use of
the concept of effect makes Lasswell’s model non-linear unlike it’s name. It’s because effect
can also be taken as feedback.

Though, generally, the component of effect was made to be more about outcome of
the message, the model is applied in different medias and fields despite being developed
specifically for mass communication.

This model is similar to the communication model proposed by Claude Shannon and
Warren Weaver. Their model is more graphical than Lasswell’s. Geo rge Gerbner who is the
founder of the cultivation theory, expanded Lasswell’s model and included the concept of
reaction of the receiver.

Disadvantages and Criticisms of Lasswell’s Model

The major criticism of Lasswell’s Model is that it does not include feedback and it
ignores the possibility of noise. Without feedback, a communication process cannot be
fruitful. Lasswell’s model is very linear and does not consider barriers in the communication

The model is also criticized for being very general and only including very traditional
topics. The model is very simplistic. The model is said to be propaganda based as it is more
focused on the resulting outcome and generally used for media persuasion.

Source: https://www.businesstopia.net/communication/lasswell-communication-model

6. Helical Model of Communication

“If you’re born today, you’ve limited expressions”- Frank Dance

Frank Dance proposed a communication model inspired by a helix in 1967, known
as Helical Model of Communication. A helix is a three dimensional spring like curve in the
shape of a cylinder or a cone.

Helix is compared with evolution of communication of a human since birth to

existence or existing moment. Helical model gives geometrical testimony of communication.
The model is linear as well as circular combined and disagrees the concept of linearity and
circularity individually.

Concept of Helical Model of Communication

Helical model of communication introduces the concept of time where

continuousness of the communication process and relational interactions are very
important. Communication is taken as a dynamic process in helical model of communication
and it progresses with age as our experience and vocabulary increases.

At first, helical spring is small at the bottom

and grows bigger as the communication
progresses. The same effect can be seen
with communication of humans, where you
know nothing about a person at first and the
knowledge grows steadily as you know the
person better. It considers all the activities of
the person, from the past and present.

Communication is affected by the

curve from which it emerges which denotes
past behavior and experiences. Slowly, the
helix leaves its lower levels of behavior and grows upward in a new way. It always depends
on the lowest level to form the message. Thus, the communicative relationship reaches to
the next level in which people share more information.

Communication is supposed to be continuous and non-repetitive. It is always

growing and accumulative.

Example of Helical Model of Communication

A child crying at birth signifies the communication of the child to its parents that he/she is
alive. After some years, the child cries whenever the child needs anything like food or
attention. He/she learns words and starts communicating with words.

The child learns specific languages and communicates with the people who know the
language that he/she knows. Communication becomes more complex as the child grows
into adult and to the existing moment. The adult uses the same pronunciations and use of
words or facial expressions that he/she learned when he/she was a child. Communication is
directly dependent on his/her past behavior as a child but can also modify as the person
In this example, communication evolves with the child crying. This is where the
helix is small at the bottom. And he continues communication, the helix gradually grows.
When the communication becomes more complex, the spiral grows wider. From then on, it
grows steadily as his life goes on.

Advantages of Helical Model of Communication

1. The model assumes sender and receiver to be interchangeable and makes

communication process to be two way.

2. The model takes the communication process speculative and intellectual.

Disadvantages of Helical Model of Communication

1. The model is taken as more simple than it should be.

2. Some critics don’t take it to be a model as it has very few variables.
3. It is not testable because it is abstract.
4. It is not represent in a systematic and orderly way.
5. Variables cannot be differentiated in this model.
6. Continuity may not always be true for communication. There might be breaks in
situations as well as events can be meaningless, forced or unproductive.
7. The purpose of communication is not always growth.

7. Schramm's model of communication

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