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Total marks-40
Class- 8th

Q1.Tick the correct options( 10 marks)

Q1.Under whose leadership “Non-cooperation movement started”?

a.Mahatma Gandhi b.Ali Brothers c.Muhmmed Ali Jinnah d.Dr.Rajendra Prasad

Q2.Who was called” The father of indian unrest” by the british authorities?
a.Bal gangadhar Tilak b.Bhagat Singh c.Subhash chandra bose d.J.l Nehru

Q3.Who started “Home Rule Movement”?

a.Mahatma Ghandhi b.Annie besant c.Muhammad Ali jinnah d.none of these

Q4.From which of these plants is the medicine for Malaria derived?

a.Neem b.Cinchona c.Water cabbage d.None of these

Q5.In which article of indian constitution does the Election Commission of India
a.345 b.315 c.324 d.148

Q6.In which article of indian constitution dose the Finanace Commission of India
a.280 b.76 c.280 d.315

Q7.Which of these is not the name of a plant?

a.Frittilaria b.Pheasant c.Butterwort d. None of these

Q8.Which mughal ruler was known as Alamgir?

a.Akbar b.Babur c.Aurangzeb d. Shahajahn

Q9.Who is the Governor of Uttar Pradesh?

a.Rajendra Arlekar b.Smt.Anandiben patel c.Shri Raughbar Das
d.DR.C.V.Ananda Bose
Q10.Who is the third ruler of Mughal?
a.Akbar b.Humayun c.Shahjahan d.Babur

Q2.One word answer( 10 marks)

Q1.Who was the first governor general of india?

Q2.Who was the first speaker of Lok Sabha?
Q3.Who was the first prime minister of India?
Q4.Who was the first governor general of independent india?
Q5.Who was last British governor general of Bengal?
Q6.Who was the first female prime minister of India?
Q7.Who was the first chief election commissioner of India?
Q8.Who was the first Indian Governor General of independent India?
Q9.Who was the first vice president of India?
Q10.Who was the first deputy prime minister of India?

Q3.Complete in a sentence(20marks)

Q1. When was UNESCO founded?

Q2.Tenure of vice president Radhakrishnan was?
Q3.Name the five permanent members of United Nation?
Q4.Where and when did 19th Asian Games occur?
Q5.Who is the architect of the new parliament building ?
Q6.Who is appointed as the new chairman of Mastercard?
Q7.What are the languages spoken in United Natoions?
Q8.Who is the chief minister of Kerela?
Q9.Who is the current director of CBI?
Q10.Who has been appointed as the new deputy inspector general of the CBI?
Q11.Who is director general of UNESCO?
Q12.Name the rivers that passes through Himachal Pradesh are?
Q13.Name the five existing species of Rhinos are?
Q14.What is the full form of UNESCO?
Q15.Who is the president of Mastercard?
Q16.When is the Earth Day is celebrated ?
Q17.Name three sessions of indian parliament with months?
Q18.How many fundamental rights are there in Indian constitution are?
Q19.National Engineer’s Day is celebrated on whose birth anniversary?
Q20.In which month the Ozone Day is celebrated?

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