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ECE 232

Learning Stories Journal: Weeks 8-12

Child’s Initials: R
Date: 11/19/2023
Location of Observation: Video
Time: 12:00- 12:20pm

Learning Story: What happened when you and the child were engaged? (This is in a story
format) 20 Points
This is the link I am writing about.
It was so fun watching you two having mint tea and chatting together. I love that you two
were very nice to each other and how one of you were serving the cup mat for all the fellows.
Then you served the cups to all of you and then it was time to serv the mint tea. R you were
very hospitable with your friend and told her this cup mat is for you and this is for me and
those two were for other two fellows. Then you served mint tea and start chatting with each
other. I was very engaged listening to both of you, how you two were laughing and were
chatting with each other. Then you took a spoon and started mixing the tea and your friend
asked for a spoon for herself. You stood up and grabbed a spoon and gave it to your friend. It
was very lovely watching you and having this little mint tea conversation. I am so proud of
you and cannot wait for next time!

What learning was happening: (Connect to milestone chart for that age, tell the child.)10
The learning was sharing and talking having conversation. Learning how to have gatherings
and serve your guests and be a very good host. Taking care of all your guests. Interactions
with peers and understating your turns and being calm.

What opportunities and possibilities can happen next? 10 Points

The opportunities are that the children will be very good hosts and very kind and careful. The
children will be able to share things and will understand and will know how to be a good kind
person. The possibilities are that the child will want to become a very good house owner and
a very good host. One day the child might own many restaurants and child will learn the
difference between a host and guest.
ECE 232
Learning Stories Journal: Weeks 8-12

What DAP principle does this encounter support? 10 points

Pg # 43 DAP: Fantasy play strengthens memory for both narrative information and lists of
objects. Language is embedded in play of all kinds and especially in sociodramatic play.
Children have opportunities to hear others use speech correctly and to increase their
vocabulary. In negotiating roles and disputes, children develop linguistic and conversations

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