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J. Merriman & J.

Winters (eds), Europe, 1789-1914: Encyclopdedia of the Age of Industry and Empire, 2006

See also Morris, William; Ruskin, John; Symbolism. when the London Times used the König steam press Early steam press
for the first time on 29 November 1814, it began a
BIBLIOGRAPHY printing revolution. Friedrich König’s machine could
Primary Sources print 1,100 impressions per hour, but by 1830
Bryden, Inga, ed. The Pre-Raphaelites: Writings and improved machines could produce up to 4,000.
Sources. 4 vols. London, 1998. Early steam presses made impressions onto a
Hunt, William Holman, Pre-Raphaelitism and the flat bed and had significant limitations. They were
Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood. 2nd rev. ed. London, costly to maintain and power, and quality of output rotary press &
1913. stereotype
was uneven. These problems were overcome by
Secondary Sources Richard Hoe’s rotary press, first employed by the
Barringer, Tim. Reading the Pre-Raphaelites. New Haven, Parisian newspaper La Patrie in 1846. Shortly
Conn., 1999. thereafter, the stereotype process, introduced by
La Presse in 1852 and The Times in 1858, allowed
Marsh, Jan, and Pamela Gerrish Nunn. Pre-Raphaelite
Women Artists. New York, 1997. multiple copies of the same page to be cast. This
made it possible to imagine a single newspaper
Parris, Leslie, ed. The Pre-Raphaelites. London, 1984.
serving audiences of hundreds of thousands or even
Prettejohn, Elizabeth. Art of the Pre-Raphaelites. Princeton, millions.
N.J., 2000.
The realization of this dream depended on
further developments. Web sheet feeders, pio- technological
neered in the United States, were introduced to developments
Europe by The Times in 1868; cheap paper made
from woodpulp rather than rags followed in the
PRESS AND NEWSPAPERS. News- 1880s. The cost and speed of compositing were
papers, although vital to Europe’s commercial and revolutionized in the 1860s by keyboard-based
political culture well before 1789, underwent pro- Hattersley machines, and again from the 1880s by
found changes in the long nineteenth century. ‘‘Linotype’’ machines—which cast new type at each
Technological, political, social, and communica- use. However, the take-up of new printing tech-
tions revolutions transformed their audiences, nologies was slow, since local markets were often
appearance, content, journalistic style, and political insufficient to justify purchasing them. In Sweden
significance. Once a preserve of elites, they were by and other underpopulated countries, national dai-
1914 a ubiquitous feature of working-class life, and lies were produced on hand-presses several decades
played an important—if intangible—role in shaping after 1814. From the 1830s and 1840s, investment
the political destiny of Europe. A shift in the eco- in steam presses became more attractive. Newly
nomics of newspaper production was central to built railways allowed metropolitan dailies to reach
these transformations, as newspapers—that is, reg- national audiences, and from the 1840s telegraph
ular, uniformly titled, dated, printed publications networks revolutionized the speed of news-gathering.
containing miscellaneous recent informational Thereafter national newspapers could compete
reports—evolved from small-scale enterprises into with regional rivals for stories from the provinces.
massive capital-intensive industries.
THE INDUSTRIALIZATION OF NEWSPAPERS The appearance of newspapers changed dramatically
From 1500 to 1814, printing technology changed across the century. Eighteenth-century newspapers
little. Press output depended on physical strength, were not visually appealing. A page of newsprint
employed in pulling a lever to press paper onto a usually comprised two or more columns of tightly
page of set type. The process was labor-intensive, cramped text, without headlines or illustrations,
time consuming, and offered little opportunity for except, very occasionally, woodblock prints sup-
economies of scale. To increase production above plied by advertisers. Most newspapers were only
250 pages per hour required a new press, a new four or eight pages long, and although many British
compositor to set the type, and new print-men. Thus papers appeared in folio-size editions, Continental

1866 E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4

papers often adopted smaller quarto or octavo for- ADVERTISING AND TAXES ON KNOWLEDGE that made
mats. Before 1789, most serious Continental news- Two further developments made late-nineteenth- affordable
papers appeared in the traditional ‘‘gazette’’ format, century newspapers more affordable. The first was
reproducing stories verbatim from other sources the demise of ‘‘taxes on knowledge’’ and other (1) stamp duties
under their dateline and place of origin, without provisions designed to prevent the lower orders reduced & finally
abolished in
editorial comment or gloss. This was true even of from acquiring newspapers. In early-nineteenth-
the Gazette de Leyde, Europe’s most celebrated century Britain, where stamp duty and paper taxes
paper of the 1770s and 1780s, or the Hamburgische were most burdensome, they inflated newspaper
Unpartheyische Correspondent (Hamburg impartial prices three or fourfold. At their height, The Times
correspondent), the continent’s best-selling daily cost 7 pence per edition, perhaps a sixth of a
in the decade after 1800. London artisan’s daily wage, and half that of a
By 1900, newspapers were much more eye- worker in the provinces. In addition, stamp duty
introduction of catching, not least due to innovations pioneered on advertisements increased advertising costs by
headlines & clearer by John Walter (1739–1812), founder of The about 50 percent. High prices promoted the devel-
typeface opment of a vigorous, illegal, unstamped radical
Times. Realizing that newspaper readers wished
to inform themselves quickly without wading working-class press, and a vociferous campaign for
through entire blocks of text, he introduced head- the stamp duty’s abolition, until it was substantially
lines so they could pick out stories that interested reduced in 1837, and finally scrapped in 1855.
them. This innovation spread rapidly, and soon The paper tax survived until 1860.
became universal. Walter also experimented with An alternative method of pricing papers beyond
print sizes and fonts to develop a clearer typeface, (2) newspapers in
working-class pockets—favored in France and France & Russia
‘‘Times Roman,’’ to enable readers to scan pages Russia—was to insist that subscribers pay in illegally hired out
more rapidly. advance. This was kinder on the pockets of the by booksellers,
made available in
Illustrations also began to appear. In the wealthy, while still preventing those without surplus coffeehouses,
1830s, the Penny Magazine pioneered the com- cash from buying newspapers. Such measures were libraries, public
mercial use of Thomas Bewick’s wood engraving never fully effective, as entrepreneurial booksellers reading
by joint
rooms &

process, and with the foundation of the weekly hired out newspapers by the hour, often illegally, subscriptions
Illustrations: wood
engraving process London Illustrated News in 1842, the technology and newspapers were available in coffee-houses,
for producing spread to newspapers. Illustrated newspapers proli- libraries, public reading rooms, and by joint sub-
woodblock prints &
halftone process for ferated rapidly across Europe: Germany’s Leipziger scriptions. Thus, by 1850, most governments had
reproducing Illustrierte Zeitung and France’s L’Illustration were bowed to the inevitable and tolerated ‘‘boulevard
photographs founded as early as 1843. However, in the 1880s, sales’’ of individual copies of popular newspapers.
the development of the halftone process for Newspaper prices also fell because growing
reproducing photographs sounded the death-knell (3) increase in
commercialization, mass production, and expand- advertising
for these papers. Cheaper and better adapted than ing popular markets boosted advertising revenues. revenues due to
woodblock prints to the demands of daily publi- Eighteenth-century newspaper advertising targeted commercializatio
cation, halftone technology could illustrate stories n, mass
a small, wealthy elite, but late-nineteenth-century production &
in the quotidian press. By 1900, news photographs
papers marketed cheap, branded goods to the expanding
were a vital aspect of news reporting. As editors
lower bourgeoisie and wealthier urban workers, markets
realized the emotional power of printed images,
who increasingly depended on a market eco-
photographs increasingly determined both an item’s
nomy—rather than household manufacture—for
newsworthiness and public reactions to stories.
products like soap, candles, clothes, and foodstuffs.
Not all technical developments improved As prices of manufactured goods fell, newspaper
the look of newspapers. In particular, the introduc- advertising helped to create a democratized com-
tion of wood pulp made for a poorer appearance mercial culture based on aspiration and emulation.
and reduced durability. However, the low cost of Even in the underdeveloped economy of Russia,
wood pulp paper allowed for larger newspapers at a the major St. Petersburg and Moscow dailies dedi-
lesser price, and thereby pleased advertisers and cated around 30 percent of available space to adver-
readers alike. tising by 1900. By the mid-1840s, newspaper

E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4 1867

advertising was extensive enough to support spe- of over 213,000. A German imitator and name-
advertising agents
& agencies cialized advertising agents in Britain, France, and sake, the Pfennigmagazin, launched in 1833,
the United States. Originally they sold column reached over 100,000 subscribers. Within decades,
space, but from the 1870s American agencies popularly oriented, cheaply priced newspapers were
began writing copy and planning advertising cam- achieving similar success: by the 1860s, the Petit
paigns, and these practices quickly spread. By 1878 Journal, with sales of 250,000, was the most suc-
even Russia had an advertising agency, L. and M. cessful paper yet seen. By 1900 it had become
Mettsl and Company. The scale of advertising Europe’s first million-seller, narrowly outselling
varied between countries. Britain and France London’s Daily Mail. A decade later, London’s
respectively boasted Europe’s most and least com- quotidian press was printing over 4,500,000 copies
mercialized presses. The Parisian daily Petit Jour- daily. Elsewhere in Europe, sales figures for best-
nal, Europe’s best-selling paper between the 1860s sellers were lower, but still impressive. In 1900,
and 1900, derived only about 20 percent of its Italy’s daily La Tribuna sold around 200,000,
revenues from advertising. Hence French news- while Russia’s Novoe Vremya sold about 60,000.
papers were dependent on other forms of finance. Russian newspaper audiences expanded exponenti-
ally after the 1905 revolution, and in 1917, stimulated
CIRCULATION: THE COMING OF MASS by war and further revolution, the Moscow-based
READERSHIPS Russkoe Slovo achieved sales of 1,000,000.
Mass reading literacy was a further precondition
for a mass-circulation press. While this was largely The extent of sales growth becomes apparent
increase in mass a nineteenth-century development, eighteenth- when these figures are compared with eighteenth-
reading literacy century circulations. Before 1800, individual editions
century literacy rates should not be underestimated.
In much of England, Scotland, north-eastern seldom sold over 5,000 copies. At its most popular,
France, the Netherlands, Germany, and Scandinavia, during the American Revolution, the Gazette de
the majority of bridegrooms could sign a marriage Leyde’s sales peaked at 4,200 subscribers, while in
register by 1800. In urban areas male signature- the early 1800s, the Hamburgische Unpartheyische
literacy rates often exceeded 80 percent. In con- Correspondent’s print-run of 40,000 was unprece-
trast, signature-literacy was rare in Ireland, the dented. Local weeklies with single editor-proprietors
Mediterranean basin, the Iberian peninsula, and survived on circulations of two to three hundred well
central and eastern Europe. Moreover, the 1780s into the nineteenth century.
witnessed attempts to establish universal primary The rise in readership of individual titles cannot
education in Baden, the Habsburg lands, and revo- be attributed to press consolidation, since the
lutionary France. The success of these projects was number of periodicals of all sorts proliferated acrossmassive increase
limited. Although in France, as in Britain, educa- the century, while total readerships grew total
tional provision rose sharply from the 1830s, uni- For example, in France in the early 1780s news-readership: case
versal primary education was only secured in France of France
paper subscriptions totaled just 45,000, of which
by Jules Ferry’s legislation in the 1880s, and in 15,000 were for foreign-produced international
Britain by the Education Act of 1870. By the late gazettes. During the Revolution the market for
nineteenth century even Russia had achieved wide- political news exploded: between 1789 and 1792
spread literacy, primarily by educating military Parisian papers sold perhaps 300,000 copies daily.
conscripts. Thus significant increases in both basic Contemporary sources and historians alike estimate
literacy rates and the quality of literacy skills stimu- that there were between four and ten readers per
lated growth in nineteenth-century newspaper copy, although many readers read more than one
readerships. paper. Assuming five readers per copy, the total
The potential size of popular audiences was audience for French newspapers expanded from
increase in sales demonstrated by the Penny Magazine, launched perhaps 225,000 before the revolution to
in 1832 by the liberal philanthropic Society for 1,500,000 thereafter, or from under 1 percent to
the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge to educate the just over 5 percent of the population. The revival
working classes and wean them from radical pub- of censorship, state-orchestrated market consoli-
lications. Produced weekly, it soon achieved sales dation, and suppression of participatory political

1868 E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4

culture under Napoleon caused audiences to Late-eighteenth-century Germany, for exam-

decline by 75 percent. Thus, by 1810 newspaper ple, comprised a patchwork of states with varying
readership was only marginally higher than under censorship laws. Some were liberal in practice, if
the Old Regime. In contrast, in 1900 newspapers not theory, while others, such as Frederick II’s
reached the majority of French households. Prussia, had rigorous laws but chaotic enforce-
The growth of French newspaper audiences ment. This left loopholes for enterprising publish-
was probably near the middle of the European ers and editors to exploit. However, under the
range. In regions with large, well-educated urban Napoleonic occupation practices were standardized
readership greater populations, especially northern Germany, the and legal or de facto press freedoms extinguished.
in areas with large, After 1807 the only significant paper with any
Netherlands, England, and Scotland, the social
urban populations penetration of newspapers was already considerable degree of autonomy was Johann Friedrich Cotta’s
by 1800. Stamp duty records for 1801 show that Allegemeine Zeitung, but even it had to source
London newspapers (daily and otherwise) sold political news from Napoleon’s official Moniteur.
about 20,000 copies per day and provincial papers, Meanwhile, the Hamburgische Unpartheyische Cor-
which were mostly weeklies, a further 180,000 per respondent declined rapidly after Napoleon com-
week, suggesting total subscriptions numbered manded it to publish bilingually, thus halving its
marginally over 200,000 and readership about news coverage. Following the Vienna Settlement,
1,000,000, or 10 percent of the population. At hopes of a more liberal regime were scotched for
the other end of the spectrum lay Russia, where several decades by the draconian Carlsbad Decrees
newspaper readership was initially much lower and of 1819, which exacerbated the damage done by
still largely restricted to urban areas prior to 1905. Napoleon to the German press.
In Russia, the autocratic government main-
CENSORSHIP AND PRESS FREEDOM tained press controls until 1905. The press statute
Early-nineteenth-century rulers were fearful of of 1865 offered a whiff of liberty, but this was
newsprint and attempted both to limit newspaper neutralized by the simultaneous introduction of
revolutionary circulation and censor content. The case for tight
press provoked
an arbitrarily administered system of censorship,
censorship government supervision appeared to be confirmed warnings, and bans. A variety of sanctions existed
by the French Revolution of 1789, when budding for papers that displeased the authorities, including
politicians including Mirabeau; Jacques-Pierre the prohibition of street sales. After three warnings
Brissot de Warville; Camille Desmoulins; Jean-Paul a paper would be closed down. Despite these
Marat; and Maximilien Robespierre built power restrictions the Russian press blossomed in the late
bases through journalism. Through their news- imperial period: between 1870 and 1894 some
papers and new essay-style political journalism, 1,400 periodicals were launched there, almost
these self-styled ‘‘tribunes of the people’’ did more three times the total for the previous twenty-five
than shape opinion. They also defined the signifi- years. Freedom of expression and an advanced capi-
cance of events. Thus the fall of the Bastille was talist economy were not necessary preconditions
transformed from an attack on a royal powder for a flourishing commercial press.
depot into the symbolic triumph of liberty over
despotism. Jeremy Popkin has argued that the French censorship policy fluctuated wildly.
revolutionary press actually scripted the revolution, Before 1789 the French domestic press was tightly
by promoting the nexus of tensions, suspicions, and licensed and censored, and political news had to be
recriminations that shaped popular actions, and sourced from the official Gazette de France.
calling for direct action against ‘‘enemies of the Imported international gazettes, although freer,
people.’’ The prominence of journalists among circulated through the post under license and so
the European revolutionaries of 1830 and 1848 operated a rigorous self-censorship. The revolution
only reinforced elite fears of the press. It is hardly of 1789 resulted briefly in a free press, guaranteed
surprising that Russia, Spain, postrevolutionary by the Declaration of the Rights of Man. Aborted
France, and many Italian and German states by the Terror (1793–1794), press liberty was par-
employed censorship systems deep into the nine- tially revived under the Directorial regime
teenth century, with mixed success. (1795–1799), despite sporadic clampdowns on

E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4 1869

nation-states, where the press played a role in

nation-building. Liberals also argued for freedom
of expression on pragmatic grounds, insisting that
it would facilitate the generation and dissemination
of socially useful ideas. They also insisted that the
masses must be educated politically if experiments
in representative government were to succeed and
social revolution to be averted. Many contempo-
raries also linked Britain’s commercial success and
political stability to its constitution and free press.
There thus appeared to be strong practical grounds
for experimenting with press liberty. One such
experiment occurred in postunification Italy, where
liberal press freedoms introduced under the 1848
Piedmontese constitution were extended to the
entire peninsula in 1859–1860. Together with
Britain and France, late-nineteenth-century Italy
enjoyed one of Europe’s freest presses. At the same
period, the laws of the newly unified Germany and
of the Austrian Dual Monarchy allowed less
A Parricide. Cartoon from Le Charivari, 1850. French freedom, but were considerably more generous
statesman Adolphe Thiers, a former journalist, is criticized for
than earlier in the century. The least free press in
his advocacy of press censorship following the revolutions of
1848. BIBLIOTHÈQUE NATIONALE, PARIS, FRANCE/BRIDGEMAN ART LIBRARY/ Christian Europe was in Russia, and even there
ARCHIVES CHARMET some gains were made in 1865. In retrospect, the
emergence of a freer press might appear almost
inevitable, but such liberty was precarious and
easily overturned.
Jacobin and Royalist papers. Press freedom was
extinguished by Napoleon, who closed down most
Parisian newspapers in January 1800 and only per- THE NEW PUBLIC
mitted publication of political news that had Press freedom appeared more attractive as fears that
appeared in the Moniteur. The Constitutional democratization and a cheap popular press would
Charter of 1814 restored a liberal press regime, radicalize the lower orders subsided. Such concerns
but in 1830 infringements of that liberty by the declined for two main reasons. First, political
Polignac ministry precipitated a journalist-led democratization and progressive social legislation
rebellion and change of dynasty. In the next five met or undercut radical demands. Simultaneously,
years radical journalism revived both in Paris and falling newspaper prices promoted the growth of a
Lyon, where a vibrant workers’ press and proto- cheap, commercially driven, mass-circulation press
feminist journals prospered. Press liberty was aimed at working-class readers, and the concomi-
seriously curtailed again in 1835, reestablished tant rise of the ‘‘New Journalism.’’
following the revolution of 1848, and restricted
once more under the Second Empire (1851– After 1870, this ‘‘New Journalism,’’ developed
1870). Napoleon III’s press regime liberalized in in America, was exported to Europe. It catered for
the 1860s, but censorship still existed at his fall in the cultural tastes of a newly literate mass audience,
1870 and was not finally abolished until the Press entertaining them with easily digestible coverage
Law of 1881. The Third Republic was by then ten of sport, grisly crime, human interest stories, and
fiction. This was very different from the sophisti-
years old. Hence press liberty was not a necessary
cated political and didactic role European liberals
concomitant of democratic government.
had hoped the press would play. Under the influ-
move towards However, democracy and a freer press often ence of the ‘‘New Journalism,’’ the popular press
greater freedom
of press from
did go hand in hand, especially in Europe’s newer tended to promote stereotypes, racial prejudice (as
2nd half of 19th
1870 E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4

demonstrated in much European newspaper com- was blushing at the thought of being a gazetteer!
ment on the Dreyfus affair), and blinkered, jingoistic I would honor this calling and it would not dis-
honor me.
In contrast, a century later, George Gissing’s
By 1900, the ‘‘New Journalism,’’ industriali- New Grub Street (1891) portrays the editorship of a
zation, and commercialization had transformed newspaper or periodical as the ultimate prize for a
successful newspapers into vast capital-intensive literary hack. While Gissing’s hapless, unworldly
industries controlled by powerful capitalist interest novelist Reardon expires in poverty, his friend and
groups. This process was accompanied by the con- rival, the odious Jaspar Milvain, embraces the logic
solidation of the newspaper industry in the hands of the marketplace, secures the editorship of a per-
of a few powerful individuals or conglomerates. In iodical, makes his fortune, and marries Reardon’s
1910, two-thirds of British metropolitan morning socially ambitious widow. To a large extent this
daily circulation and over four-fifths of evening portrayal mirrored social reality by the 1880s, when
daily sales were controlled by Alfred Charles editors of large London dailies commanded salaries
William Harmsworth, Lord Northcliffe; Pearson; or of between one and two thousand pounds and
the Morning Leader Group. Lord Northcliffe’s large staffs of journalists, each with specialized
Daily Mail, Daily Mirror, Evening News, and The functions. They would include, for example, for-
Times alone sold over 1,500,000. eign correspondents. Such correspondents, first
employed sporadically by London papers during
THE PROFESSIONALIZATION the French revolution, became more common
OF JOURNALISM from the 1840s, as telegraph networks allowed
Alongside these developments, journalism emerged reports to be lodged in real time. Increasingly,
as a distinct profession with its own practices, too, journalists chased stories and wrote their own
career progression, established professional prac- copy, even when following up reports from news
tices, and codes of ethics. This change resulted agencies like Reuters or national press associations,
partly from an increase in editorial staff numbers such as Agence France Presse (founded 1851) and
and partly from greater journalistic contributions the Press Association (founded 1868).
to reportage. Eighteenth-century newspapers had With greater professionalism, better pay, sup-
tiny editorial staffs. Often a single editor-proprietor port from advertising, and mass audiences, journal-
compiled a newspaper by reproducing extracts ists began to break free from political subsidy and
from other papers, official publications, commercial articulate a set of professional standards. The later
correspondence, or other communications. Some nineteenth century saw the emergence of journal-
international gazettes and enterprising metropo- istic ethics based on a set of ideological and moral
litan papers also paid newsmongers in foreign cities claims, above all the assertion that newspapers
to supply regular newsletters. Comparison of dif- ‘‘represented’’ (rather than created) ‘‘public opin-
ferent gazettes suggests that such writers seldom ion’’ and ‘‘the public interest.’’ Ethical, that is reli-
worked exclusively for one paper, and often wrote able and hence superior, journalism rested on
under the supervision of local political authorities. ‘‘objective’’ reporting and the rejection of political
Thus, especially in continental Europe, many eight- favor and subsidy. Although ‘‘public opinion,’’
eenth-century ‘‘gazetteers’’ were compilers rather ‘‘the public interest,’’ and ‘‘objectivity’’ are ideo-
than true journalists. logical constructs, these ideals developed a power-
ful hold over the Western psyche. In the public
Consequently, newspaper journalism was con-
perception, public discourse, and some historical
sidered a lowly form of literary activity. Hence, in
writing, newspapers became synonymous with
August 1791, the French revolutionary politician
‘‘public opinion’’ throughout the twentieth cen-
Brissot felt obliged to justify having worked on the
tury and beyond, while the appearance of ‘‘objec-
Courier de l’Europe several years earlier:
tivity’’ supplied journalists with moral legitimacy,
A career as a gazetteer, submitting to the censor- and a theoretical yardstick for judging reporting.
ship, was repugnant to my principles; but it would
assure my independence . . . Bayle, I told myself, The practical improvement in journalistic
had been a teacher . . . Rousseau a lackey, and I ethics can be exaggerated. Early historians of

E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4 1871

the British press—some of them journalists them- linguistic homogeneity within state borders. More-
selves—offered a narrative in which corrupt, partisan, over, the yellow press seems to have contributed
party-subsidized eighteenth-century newspapers significantly to the development of a distinctively
evolved into heroic, impartial, organs of mid-nine- working-class culture, filling the lower orders’ leisure
teenth-century liberal public opinion. This Whig- reading with a diet of sport, scandal, crime, sensa-
gish view dominated British historiography as tion, and jingoistic nationalism.
late as Arthur Aspinall’s monumental survey of
Whiggish interpretations of newspaper history
Politics and the Press, c. 1780–1850 (1950). This
also suggest that the nineteenth-century liberal press
interpretation exaggerates the importance of poli-
played a key role in the emergence, formation, and
tical subsidy in late-eighteenth-century Britain.
leadership of public debate, although such claims are
Government subsidies were meager and given
contentious. In the most suggestive treatment of the
primarily to reward support on individual issues.
subject, Jürgen Habermas argues that the golden
By the 1780s newspapers derived the vast bulk of debate: whether
age of public debate was in fact the late eighteenth
revenues from advertisers and subscribers, and the 18th-
hence eschewed taking persistently unpopular and early nineteenth centuries. At that stage, an century or the
educated, enlightened middle-class public opinion 19th-century
editorial lines. Also, Whiggish newspaper history press played a
was developed before the emergence of the ‘‘New participated in genuine constructive rational-critical
key role in
Journalism’’ and yellow press, whose journalistic debate over issues of public policy in the print media enhancing the
and sociable institutions such as salons, coffee- quality of
practices fell short of the lofty ethics of the liberal public debate &
press. houses, clubs, and reading rooms. The pronounce- public sphere
ments of this autonomous limited ‘‘public’’ were
Moreover, especially in France, political sub- soon invested with considerable moral authority,
sidy continued for most of the nineteenth century. and hence able to influence state policy, even in
There were also serious financial scandals involving absolutist states. However, during the nineteenth
newspapers in late-nineteenth-century Italy and century, the twin processes of commercialization
France, where papers were bribed not to reveal and democratization undermined the quality of
the Panama Company’s precarious financial public debate, as the rational and informed judg-
position. Other corrupt practices, including brib- ments of the elite were supplanted by ill-informed
ing journalists to puff products, offering induce-
popular prejudice, largely shaped by the yellow
ments for endorsements, and hyping stocks for
personal gain undoubtedly continued, although
frowned on by more respectable papers. In France, Habermas’s claims have been influential,
the boulevard press continued time-honored cus- although it is unclear whether his account of the
toms such as blackmailing actresses, political fig- eighteenth-century press was intended as a descrip-
ures, and minor celebrities, and accepting bribes tion of reality or an ideal standard. Moreover,
from businesses to disparage rivals. critics point out that eighteenth-century public
debate was often partisan rather than consensual,
POLITICS AND THE PRESS especially after the French Revolution polarized
Contemporaries believed, and historians concur, Europeans ideologically. It was often characterized
that the political power of the press, increasingly by irrationality and appeals to emotion, prejudice, or
described as ‘‘the Fourth Estate,’’ grew across the religious faith. Also, the audience for eighteenth-
nineteenth century. Nevertheless, while there are century newspapers was less thoroughly ‘‘bourgeois’’
some spectacular examples of the pressure the press and the press generally less autonomous of gov-
placed on individuals or governments, above all the ernments than Habermas supposed. Nor did
1830 revolution in France, it is more difficult to newspapers provide an open forum for debate, or
discern newspapers’ day-to-day influence in shap- repository for opinion, save that of governments
ing cultural and political life. Yet this influence was or powerful corporate bodies. Lacking much edi-
extensive. The press was, for example, undoubtedly torial opinion and drawing their information from
instrumental in evoking ‘‘imagined national com- official publications and public manifestos, they
munities’’ based on a shared, media-mediated provided materials, rather than a forum, for poli-
experience and culture, and in promoting greater tical discussion.

1872 E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4

Fewer critics have concentrated on Habermas’s Habermas’s comparative treatment of the public
portrayal of the nineteenth-century decline of the spheres of Germany, France, and Britain ranks among
the most influential doctoral theses of all time and has
liberal public sphere, which is overpessimistic.
an enduring heuristic value.
Certainly the hold of powerful commercial interests
over the newspaper press was tightened, giving Lee, Alan J. The Origins of the Popular Press in England,
1855–1914. London, 1976. Still a valuable case study
them control over the vital agenda-setting function of the British context.
of the media, by which it determines what subjects
readers contemplate on a daily basis, if not how McReynolds, Louise. The News under Russia’s Old Regime:
The Development of a Mass-Circulation Press. Prince-
they actually think. However, the long nineteenth ton, N.J., 1991. Impressive scholarly study of the com-
century also witnessed counterdevelopments ing of Russia’s mass-circulation press covering 1855–
including, in many countries, the establishment of 1917.
constitutionally guaranteed freedom of expression; O’Boyle, Lenore. ‘‘The Image of the Journalist in France,
the spread of editorial content and a combative Germany and England, 1815–1848.’’ Comparative
journalism of opinion; and the adoption of letters Studies in History and Society 10 (1968): 290–317.
pages and columns that opened the range of politi- Despite dated overemphasis on class issues, this remains
a valuable and unique comparative essay.
cal opinions on offer, even in partisan papers. Even
yellow press journalism, which may be decried for Popkin, Jeremy D. Revolutionary News: The Press in France,
thwarting liberal dreams of a didactic press educat- 1789–1799. Durham, N.C., 1990. A thoughtful and
stimulating treatment of the revolutionary press and its
ing the working classes, also operated as a valuable
cultural significance.
social control, helping to steer them away from
violent social revolution. The press thus helped to Smith, Anthony. The Newspaper: An International History.
London, 1979. Bold and readable attempt at an inter-
smooth the transition to more representative forms national synthesis, although it draws heavily on English
of government in many states of Europe, even as and French examples. Aimed at a nonspecialist reader-
it nurtured the militaristic nationalisms that so exa- ship.
cerbated the cataclysm of 1914–1918. Stephens, Mitchell. A History of News from the Drum to the
See also Dickens, Charles; Jingoism; Literacy; Photo- Satellite. New York, 1988. Aimed at a popular audi-
graphy; Popular and Elite Culture; Trade and ence, but based on much fascinating material.
Economic Growth; Transportation and Communi-
cations; Zola, Émile.

Barker, Hannah. Newspapers, Politics, and English Society,
1695–1855. Harlow, U.K., 2000. PRIMITIVISM. During the first decade of
Barker, Hannah, and Simon Burrows, eds. Press, Politics,
the twentieth century, primitivism became a cul-
and the Public Sphere in Europe and North America, tural rage in Europe and influenced much of the
1760–1820. Cambridge,U.K., 2002. The first attempt avant-garde cultural production in the following
at an international survey of the press during this per- decades. Its genealogy goes back to the concept
iod in two hundred years. of the ‘‘noble savage,’’ which saw its first heyday
Brennan, James. The Reflection of the Dreyfus Affair in the during the eighteenth century when modernity and
European Press, 1897–1899. New York, 1998. An its antithesis evolved simultaneously. The concept
impressively wide-ranging comparative study, offering of primitivism evokes the notion of the inferior
useful, if uneven, summary background on the press in
primitive and savage, conveying both a sense of
five different states.
simplicity analogous to primitive lifestyle and tech-
Collins, Irene. The Government and the Newspaper Press in nology as well as a life based on instincts, irration-
France, 1814–1881. London, 1959. Still useful survey
of French government press policy from the Restora-
ality, and violence. But primitivism as a cultural
tion to the end of censorship under the Third Republic. construct conjures also the opposite: a belief in
the superiority of the trouble-free and enviable
Habermas, Jürgen. The Structural Transformation of the
Public Sphere: An Inquiry into a Category of Bourgeois primitive existence, a polar opposite to that under
Society. Translated by Thomas Burger. Cambridge, the corruption of modernity. It is this latter belief
Mass., 1989. First published in German in 1962, in the life of the ‘‘noble savage’’ that has made

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