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The Technological Table

by Gabor Lux

% Technological Instruments Price Some of the older weapon stocks are

01-05 Laser pistol 2000 close to malfunctioning. On a natural 1,
06-08 Laser rifle 3000 they deplete all energy in a miss.
09-11 Laser sword 1500 Automated lasers are typically found in
12-14 Laser spear 1500 ancient underground installations, and
15-16 Chrome glove 2000 should be treated as stationary 2+2 HD
opponents with AC 3.
17-19 Electro-whip 2500
20-25 Cartridges 400
Laser pistols have a capacity for 30 shots,
26-27 AG box 4500 but those found in the field usually have
28-29 AG belt 3000 2d10+10 charges remaining. The larger,
30-37 Aquastel 150 bulkier laser rifles, slung over the shoulder
38-45 Antitoxin 700 on a belt, consume charges at a x1.5 rate.
46-47 Argent 1800 Cartridges are small cylinders holding 15
48-52 Diambroid 500 shots worth of energy, and may not be
53-55 Doctrinator 800 refilled, nor are they manufactured at any
56-63 Galtan’s Precise Skullcap 600 known location on Fomalhaut.
64 Hypno-box 6000 Tri-lasers can fire three shots within a fan-
65-70 Integrator 2000 shaped area. They are immobile (although
71 God-box 3000 they can turn up to 180 degrees), and are
72-75 Comm device 1000 usually found mounted at strategic locations.
76-81 Chromathrope 600 Laser swords and laser spears are melee
82 Polymorphic base 1500 weapons. Their full capacity is 15 units (one
83-87 Raptogen 250 cartridge). They have the penetration of
regular lasers, but after depleting their
88-90 Reversal 800
charges, they inflict damage one dice under
91 The dark eye 6000
their normal equivalent. One charge
92-00 Stim 50 functions for 5 rounds, expended by
Futuristic weapons: laser weapons have pressing a switch in the grip.
an infinite penetration capacity, but require Chrome gloves are chrome-plated gauntlets
precise aiming. Accordingly, armour, of a cobalt alloy worn over the hands, and
shields and natural defences are useless essentially function as laser pistols.
against them, while Dexterity and magical Flamethrowers, also heavy mounted
protection still apply. weaponry, have a short range but generous
A character concentrating fully on area of effect, and are equipped with 6 units
moving unpredictably (foregoing other of napalm. A save is applicable for ½
actions) can avoid rays with a successful damage. Almost all of them are found
saving throw, granting protection against behind protective shielding, as
one opponent. If the character is under fire concentrated heat (e.g. a laser hit)
by multiple foes, the second save receives detonates them as a fireball (3d6 damage
a -3 penalty, the third -3, etc. and 10’ radius for every remaining charge).
On maximum damage (e.g. 0 on one of Electro-whips are employed by elite
the d10s), roll another dice and add to the enforcer units. On the basic setting, they
total. There is no theoretical upper limit to cause nonlethal damage, but they can be
laser damage. set to kill if necessary. In the first case, 10
Characters who are untrained in the use rounds of use consume one charge; in the
of lasers do not develop a precise aim until second, the rate is doubled. Their full
they participate in at least three raygun capacity is 15 units (one cartridge).
battles. Roll 1d6 after each attack roll; if the
result is odd, subtract it from the total.

Futuristic weapons Price* Damage Critical** Range (feet)
Laser pistol 2000 gp 2d10+ *3 100’
Laser rifle 3000 gp 3d10+ *3 100’
Tri-laser 6000 gp 3*2d10+ *3 100’
Laser sword 1500 gp 2d6+ 18-20/*2 -
Laser spear 1500 gp 1d12+ *2 20’
Chrome glove 2000 gp 2d10+ *3 100’
Flamethrower 2500 gp 6d6 - 20’x60’ area
Electro-whip 1200 gp 3d4+ spec *2
Cartridge 400 gp
* Approximate value; typically less valuable in original environment. Price is for a fully charged
specimen (i.e. a depleted laser pistol would be worth 1200 gp).
** For the Sword&Magic rules.

AG box (4500 gp): a 5’ cube which is not the chosen surface. Whatever the device’s
subject to gravity or friction, and turns the former purpose, the vivid colours will create
objects placed therein weightless. Due to a permanent marking. On human skin, this
its nature, it is not always easy to control. is a painful process, and there is 20%
AG belt (3000 gp): this anti-gravity device probability the radiation results in the
uses the same cartridges as futuristic permanent loss of 1 Constitution.
weapons, with a capacity of 15 units. One Chromathrope can be used 12 times.
unit allows vertical levitation like the spell; Comm device (1000 gp): tiny, flat metal
three flight with free movement, with disks and earplugs can transmit everything
respective durations of 1 hour and 1 hour + louder than a faint whisper to everyone
1d6*10 minutes. On every use, there is a wearing similar devices within a 10 Stadion
cumulative 2% of malfunction. range. Strong electromagnetic fields and
Aquastel (150 gp): a liquid that resembles thick metal walls can muffle or neutralise
water, but has ten times the weight. Mixed the signal, while receivers owned by hostile
into liquids, it efficiently reduces them to parties can easily pick it up.
their components, layering them over each The dark eye (6000 gp): in the ancient era,
other by their density. This neutralises the use of this device was strictly prohibited.
potions, toxins and most other compounds, The round black device is an artificial eye
which cannot be remixed. 1d6 doses found. equipped with a darkly glinting lens.
Antitoxin (700 gp): a small dermal patch Touched to the forehead, it sinks within the
which removes all toxins from the body skull to embed itself, allowing perfect vision
upon application. 1d3 are found. even in total darkness. The eye’s energy
Argent (1800 gp): a liquid stored in shiny can be charged by sapping the life force of
metal canisters, which develops into a others, by emitting a grey-black light beam
silvery 20’ radius gas cloud upon contact draining 3d6+3 Hp from the subject. Victims
with air. The gas is a strong nerve poison permanently lose 1d3 Hp, which the owner
(two saves at -3). Initial effect reduces gains temporarily. At 0 Hp, the eye drains all
subjects to a vegetative, easy-to remaining life energy, transferring it to the
manipulate zombie state; secondary effect owner and killing the subject. Although there
2d3 hours later kills subjects after terrible are no theoretical upper limits to the life
convulsions. Argent leaves behind silvery drain effect, the human organism cannot
traces, but this residue is harmless. always cope with the excess energy.
Chromathrope (600 gp): a cylinder However, if the eye receives insufficient
containing prisms and lenses, emitting nourishment, it will devour the user’s brain –
rainbow-coloured light through one end. warning signs include a feeling of pressure
This light burns permanent, random within the forehead.
patterns of a colourful, crystalline nature into

Diambroid (500 gp): explosives typically precise and appropriately worded questions
stored in flat tin canisters; damage is 6d6 are indispensable to receive useful and
Hp per dose, radius 20’ per dose. It is set relevant answers.
off by strong impact, electrical discharge, Hypno-box (6000 gp): a heavy box made
and 1:6 also by electro-magnetic fields. It of glossy black alloy. The box allows for the
can be found in its basic form, as well as control and manipulation of enormous
with suction cups allowing easy placement, crowds, similar to the combination of enthral
timers, remote control, etc. and rainbow pattern. The effects can be
Doctrinator (800 gp): a metal slug that sustained over a very long period, although
sinks into the skull when pressed against they become progressively less reliable.
the temple. It encourages the subject to act Integrator (200 gp): single-use sticks
according to a pre-set doctrine. If it detects made of black metal, storing incredible
deviation or inadequate eagerness, it may amounts of concentrated heat in the tip.
administer disciplinary measures in the The sticks can be used for welding, cutting
form of excruciating pain (a save allows the up thick metal sheets, and similar tasks.
character to act despite the torments). They cause 8d6 damage, but at -4 to hit
Certain models are also equipped with a due to the small size of their contact area.
detonator and miniature explosive charge. Polymorphic base (1500 gp): dough-like
Galtan’s Precise Skullcap (600 gp): mass stored in cylindrical, self-refrigerated
perhaps the most common technological metal tanks. The material of the
instrument; left to the current era in polymorphic base can be shaped into
prodigious quantities. It is a headpiece humans, animals or other creatures, and
made of a firm, coppery alloy and engraved depending on the skill of the creator, from
with curious patterns, often sheathed in the primitive to the most intricate
comfortable cloth or hidden within a turban. organisms. One cylinder is sufficient for
The device is in constant contact with the one human-scale being, defaults to LVL 3.
array of geostationary satellites above Precision instruments and a laboratory
planet surface, and allows the wearer to allow for much more efficient work.
telepathically request his position by sector Raptogen (250 gp): crystalline purple-
(map region) and coordinates (hex black salts which sublimate into a gas
number) according to Solon’s standard causing immediate loss of consciousness
system. It does not operate in enclosed (save at -3 avoids).
spaces, and its service can be unreliable Reversal (800 gp): once, mere ownership
due to the increasingly erratic behaviour of of this agent could be grounds for
the ancient satellites. termination. Reversal is usually found in
God-box (3000 gp): a communication link to self-contained syringes, initiating a reverse
a (hopefully intact) subterranean databank. evolutionary process upon injection (save
The box answers questions put to it, although at -3 to avoid). The subject usually declines
its terminology, wording and reference points one or two stages on the evolutionary
may not be perfectly clear for men of the ladder, resulting in physical and mental
current era. The databank may have its degeneration. The effects are irreversible.
limitations and it may be malfunctioning in Stim (50 gp): essentially a first aid patch;
both obvious or subtle ways. Finally, there is used immediately after sustaining injuries,
no intelligent actor behind the responses: it restores 1d4 Hp.

Legal Appendix

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2. The License: This License applies to any Open Game Content Williams, based on original material by E. Gary Gygax and
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only be Used under and in terms of this License. You must affix such
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Kard és Mágia © Copyright 2008 by Gabor Lux.
added to or subtracted from this License except as described by the Kard és Mágia: Szörnyek és Kincsek © Copyright 2008
License itself. No other terms or conditions may be applied to any by Gabor Lux.
Open Game Content distributed using this License. The Technological Table © Copyright 2016 by Gabor Lux.

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