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Locking Mechanisms in Java

November 18, 2023

Explain me @lock annotation in springboot data jpa neatly with examples

The @Lock annotation in Spring Data JPA allows you to apply pessimistic locking to entities when performing database operations.
Pessimistic locking prevents other transactions from modifying or reading the locked entity until the lock is released.
Here's a breakdown of how @Lock works with examples:

Example 1: Applying @Lock in a Spring Data JPA Repository Method

Let's assume you have an entity called Product:
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public class Product {
@GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)
private Long id;

private String name;

private double price;

// getters and setters


And a Spring Data JPA repository for this entity:

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public interface ProductRepository extends JpaRepository<Product, Long> {

@Query("SELECT p FROM Product p WHERE = :id")
Optional<Product> findByIdForUpdate(@Param("id") Long id);

• @Lock(LockModeType.PESSIMISTIC_WRITE) applied to the method findByIdForUpdate ensures that when this method is

invoked, a pessimistic write lock is placed on the Product entity being retrieved. This prevents other transactions from modifying this
entity until the lock is released.
• @Query("SELECT p FROM Product p WHERE = :id") defines the custom query to retrieve the Product by its ID.

Example 2: Using @Lock in a Service or Controller

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public class ProductService {

private final ProductRepository productRepository;

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public ProductService(ProductRepository productRepository) {
this.productRepository = productRepository;

public void updateProductPrice(Long productId, double newPrice) {

Optional<Product> optionalProduct = productRepository.findByIdForUpdate(productId);

optionalProduct.ifPresent(product -> {

• In the updateProductPrice method, productRepository.findByIdForUpdate(productId) retrieves the Product with the

specified ID while applying a pessimistic write lock.

• Upon successfully finding the product, it updates the price and saves the changes using

The lock will be released when the transaction commits or rolls back.

• @Lock in Spring Data JPA allows you to control concurrency by applying locks to entities during database operations.
• LockModeType.PESSIMISTIC_WRITE is one of the lock modes available, which acquires a write lock, preventing other transactions

from writing to the locked entity until the lock is released.

Remember, the use of pessimistic locks should be carefully considered as they can impact system performance and scalability due to
potential contention. They are generally used in scenarios where data integrity is crucial and conflicts need to be avoided at all costs.

what if i dont write this :
optionalProduct.ifPresent(product -> {

Will the lock still be there forever ?

What if i want to only fetch , Lock will not be usefl annotation is it ?

If you acquire a lock without performing any modifications or operations on the locked entity, the lock will typically be released once
the transaction is committed or rolled back. However, it's essential to understand that holding a lock for an extended period without
performing any actions can impact the system's performance and concurrency.
In the scenario you described, where you only want to fetch an entity with a lock and do not intend to modify it, the @Lock annotation
might not serve a significant purpose, especially if you're not leveraging the locked entity within the transaction for updates or further
If you only need to read the entity without modifying it, you can use the @Lock annotation with
LockModeType.PESSIMISTIC_READ. This mode allows you to acquire a pessimistic lock for reading, indicating that other
transactions can also read the locked entity but won't be able to obtain a write lock until the read lock is released.
Here's an example of how you might modify the repository method to fetch an entity with a pessimistic read lock:
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public interface ProductRepository extends JpaRepository<Product, Long> {

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@Query("SELECT p FROM Product p WHERE = :id")
Optional<Product> findByIdWithReadLock(@Param("id") Long id);

Then in your service or wherever you use this method:

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public class ProductService {

private final ProductRepository productRepository;

public ProductService(ProductRepository productRepository) {

this.productRepository = productRepository;

public Product getProductByIdWithReadLock(Long productId) {

return productRepository.findByIdWithReadLock(productId)
.orElse(null); // or throw an exception if needed

In this case, acquiring a pessimistic read lock ensures that while you are reading the entity, other transactions won't be able to obtain a
write lock on it until the read lock is released.
Remember, using locks should be done judiciously. Acquiring locks for too long or unnecessarily can lead to decreased concurrency
and potential performance issues in highly concurrent systems.

rephrase my question neatly and understabndable way :

what if i dont write this :

optionalProduct.ifPresent(product -> {

Will the lock still be there forever ?

What if i want to only fetch , Lock will not be usefl annotation is it ?

If I omit this part:
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optionalProduct.ifPresent(product -> {

Will the lock remain indefinitely? Also, if I solely aim to fetch data without any modifications, would the Lock annotation serve any
purpose in this context?


Types of lockmode ?

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In Spring Data JPA, there are several types of lock modes you can use with the @Lock annotation to control concurrent access to
. LockModeType.NONE: This is the default behavior where no lock is applied. It doesn't acquire any locks on the entity.
. LockModeType.OPTIMISTIC: This mode uses optimistic locking, where the locking mechanism relies on versioning of entities. It's
suitable for scenarios where conflicts are less likely to occur, and it prevents concurrent updates by checking the entity's version.
. LockModeType.OPTIMISTIC_FORCE_INCREMENT: Similar to optimistic locking, but when using this mode, every read operation on an
entity increments its version number, even if no modification is made to the entity.
. LockModeType.PESSIMISTIC_READ: This mode acquires a pessimistic read lock on the entity. It allows multiple transactions to read
the entity simultaneously but prevents any transaction from obtaining a write lock until the read lock is released.
. LockModeType.PESSIMISTIC_WRITE: This mode acquires a pessimistic write lock on the entity, preventing any other transactions
from acquiring both read and write locks until the lock is released.
. LockModeType.PESSIMISTIC_FORCE_INCREMENT: This is similar to PESSIMISTIC_WRITE, but it also increments the version of the
locked entity, even if no changes are made within the transaction.
These lock modes provide varying levels of control over concurrent access to entities, allowing developers to choose the appropriate
mode based on the concurrency requirements and the likelihood of conflicts occurring in a given scenario.

Give me the take away notes neatly on @Lock in springboot data jpa please ?

Absolutely, here are the key points to remember about @Lock in Spring Boot Data JPA:
. Concurrency Control: @Lock helps manage concurrent access to entities in the database, preventing conflicts when multiple
transactions attempt to modify the same data simultaneously.
. Lock Modes: Different LockModeType options are available:
• PESSIMISTIC_READ: Allows multiple transactions to read an entity but prevents write locks.
• PESSIMISTIC_WRITE: Acquires a write lock, preventing both read and write operations by other transactions.
• OPTIMISTIC and OPTIMISTIC_FORCE_INCREMENT: Use versioning for optimistic locking, ensuring consistency during updates.
• NONE: Default behavior, no locks applied.

. Pessimistic vs. Optimistic Locking: Pessimistic locking immediately locks the entity, potentially impacting concurrency. Optimistic
locking uses versioning and checks during update operations to prevent conflicts.
. Usage Considerations:
• Apply locks judiciously based on the specific concurrency requirements.
• Pessimistic locks should be used cautiously as they can affect system scalability and performance.
• Consider the necessity of a lock based on the type of operation (read or write) you intend to perform.

. Transactional Context: Locks acquired through @Lock are typically released upon the transaction's commit or rollback, ensuring the
controlled access doesn’t persist beyond the transaction boundaries.
. Custom Queries: @Lock can be combined with custom queries in Spring Data JPA repositories to specify which entities and operations
should be locked.
. Performance Impact: Applying locks can impact system performance, especially in highly concurrent environments. Use them only
when necessary to maintain data consistency.
Remember, understanding the different lock modes and their implications on data access and concurrency is crucial for effectively
managing data integrity in concurrent systems.

Explain me Auditing in springboot data jpa neatly with examples

Auditing in Spring Data JPA allows automatic capture and management of entity metadata, such as creation date, modification date,
and the user responsible for these actions. This is incredibly useful for tracking changes, monitoring, and maintaining data integrity.

Enabling Auditing:

To enable auditing in Spring Data JPA, you typically follow these steps:

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. Entity Configuration:
• Add auditing metadata fields to your entities using annotations like @CreatedDate, @LastModifiedDate, and @CreatedBy,

. Configuration Setup:
• Enable auditing features in your Spring Boot application by annotating a configuration class with @EnableJpaAuditing.

Let's create an entity Product with auditing metadata:
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@Table(name = "products")
@EntityListeners(AuditingEntityListener.class) // Enable auditing
public class Product {

@GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)
private Long id;

private String name;

private LocalDateTime createdAt;

private LocalDateTime updatedAt;

private String createdBy;

private String updatedBy;

// getters and setters


Enable auditing in your Spring Boot application by creating a configuration class:
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public class AuditingConfig {
// Additional auditing configuration if needed

How it works:
• When a Product entity is created, @CreatedDate populates the createdAt field automatically with the current timestamp.
• Upon updates, @LastModifiedDate updates the updatedAt field automatically.

• @CreatedBy and @LastModifiedBy populate user information. To achieve this, you might implement AuditorAware<T> to

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provide the current user's details.

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public class ProductService {

private final ProductRepository productRepository;

public ProductService(ProductRepository productRepository) {

this.productRepository = productRepository;

public Product createProduct(Product product, String createdBy) {


// Other methods for updates, retrieval, etc.


• Auditing in Spring Data JPA automates the tracking of entity metadata, such as creation/modification dates and responsible users.

• Annotations like @CreatedDate, @LastModifiedDate, @CreatedBy, and @LastModifiedBy help capture this metadata in your

• Enabling auditing involves annotating a configuration class with @EnableJpaAuditing and potentially implementing

AuditorAware<T> to provide user information.

This feature simplifies the management of entity metadata, making it easier to track changes and maintain data integrity in your

did not understand this :
To achieve this, you might implement AuditorAware<T> to provide the current user's details.

Certainly! Implementing AuditorAware<T> allows you to customize how Spring Data JPA retrieves the current user's information for
auditing purposes.
Here's how you might do it:
. Create AuditorAware Implementation:
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import java.util.Optional;


public class CustomAuditorAware implements AuditorAware<String> {

public Optional<String> getCurrentAuditor() {

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Authentication authentication = SecurityContextHolder.getContext().getAuthentication();

if (authentication == null || !authentication.isAuthenticated()) {

return Optional.empty(); // Return empty if no authenticated user

return Optional.of(authentication.getName());

. Register AuditorAware Implementation:

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import org.springframework.context.annotation.Bean;
import org.springframework.context.annotation.Configuration;

public class AuditingConfig {

public AuditorAware<String> auditorProvider() {
return new CustomAuditorAware();

In this example:
• CustomAuditorAware implements AuditorAware<String> where String represents the type of the auditing field (createdBy,

updatedBy, etc.).
• getCurrentAuditor() retrieves the current user's information from the security context, assuming you're using Spring Security. It

returns an Optional containing the username or an empty Optional if no user is authenticated.

• AuditingConfig is a configuration class where auditorProvider() creates an instance of CustomAuditorAware and registers

it as the auditor provider for Spring Data JPA.

This setup allows Spring Data JPA to use the CustomAuditorAware implementation to fetch the current user's details whenever an
entity is being created or modified. Adjust the logic in getCurrentAuditor() according to how user details are stored and
accessed in your application's security context.

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