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Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research

University Ferhat Abbas, Sétif

Computer sciences departement

Project Progress Report

Project title: conception and development blood donation website

Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement

for the award of the Bachelor's diploma

Academic year: 2022 -2023

By the students: Hachemi Manar

Mezghiche Bouthaina

Under the esteemed Guidance of:

Mr. boulekhiout Youcef

This work is submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements of an academic

degree in computer in faculty of Sciences University of Ferhat Abbas setif 1,
This project aimed the conception, design and realization of blood donation
website that facilitate the collect and the distribution of blood and offers to users
necessary services

Table des matières
1 Expression of requirement 5
1.1 Introduction 5
1.2 Presentation of the field of study 5
1.2.1 Websites 5
1.2.2 Medical websites 5
1.3 Blood donation 6
1.4 Presentation of similar project: 7
1.5 Conclusion 7

2 Conception 8
2.1 Introduction 8
2.2 Goals 8
2.3 User requirement 8
2.4 Specification of system requirement 8
2.4.1 Functional requirement 9
2.4.2 Non-functional requirement 9
2.5 UML language 10
2.6 System module diagram 10
2.7 Functional model: Use Case diagram 10
2.7.1 Use case diagram 11
2.8 Dynamic model: Sequence diagram 11
2.8.1 Definition 11
2.8.2 Sequence Diagram 12
2.9 Static model: Class diagram 13
2.9.1 Definition 13
2.9.2 Class diagram 14
2.10 Conclusion 14

3 implementation 15
3.1 Introduction 15
3.2 Tools and technology 15
3.2.1 Language 15
3.2.2 Framework 16
3.2.3 Tools 16
3.3 Screenshots of some interfaces 17
3.3.1 Home page 17
3.3.2 Sign up 18
3.3.3 Admin 18
3.3.4 Make request 19
3.3.5 List of Patients 20
3.4 Conclusion 20

General Introduction
It’s the twenty-first century, the century of technology, internet, fast messaging
and websites; we’re living a virtual life with apps organize your life, websites
control your future plans and that one which could save your life
Websites provide us with a variety of online services, platforms to
communicate and interact with everyone and everything you can imagine, and it
?could literally be the best way to save someone’s life but how
We see an example on this subject the medical websites that cover many
different health related topics for the specific people as doctors and for the
general public too; it provides a modern healthcare, faster and less expensive,
!also it could reach the big goal that we dream of: save your life on one click
That’s what we’re trying to achieve on our website, a platform which
combines the healthcare, humanity and development
It’s worth mentioning that our country, Algeria suffers of massive problem
with the management of the blood bank donation which causes a thousand of
deaths every year
So, about this subject, our objective is trying to achieve a perfect website that
facilitate the collect and the distribution of blood, it provides to recipients finding
the appropriate donors with a very easy way that helps all members of society
Our website provides users with necessary services and features by each donor,
.or patient
One click, one drop of blood, a life saved!
People live when people give; we share everything on the internet so why we
don’t share blood!
Our project presents the essential of the steps that we had followed to develop
our website
In particular, our project is consisting of three chapters:

First of all, in our first chapter, we have determined the field of the study
(medical websites) which is the project’s subject (blood donation website); also
about the goals we want to reach, the targeted people and the functional need
The second chapter, we’re interesting about the website’s analyses and the
conception so we use the modulization language UML
The third chapter and the last one, we summarize the realization details of our
.website and present the different interfaces

1 Expression of
1.1 Introduction
Within the first chapter, we provided a succinct overview of the
circumstances surrounding the inception and evolution of the application. This
was achieved by elucidating the fundamental requirements essential for its

1.2 Presentation of the field of study

One of the essential parts of the internet is websites that are used in many
sectors. In this section, we are interested in the medical field, specifically blood
donation, in particular the proper management of blood donations and the
facilitation of the operations of the various actors.

1.2.1 Websites
A website can be described as a collection of web pages that are accessed
through the internet. These web pages contain different types of content as text,
images, videos adv ..., Those websites are created using web programming
languages such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript and PHP, and are hosted on web
servers that make it available on internet.

1.2.2 Medical websites

A medical website is an online platform that provides information related to
health and medicine. These websites can be designed for a different objectives
and functionalities,
Some medical websites are created by public organizations like hospitals and
clinics, while others by non-profit organizations and or private companies.

There is a beautiful example of this kind: wateen website which is so
completable of those

It's so important to ensure that the website is reliable and trustable while
searching for medical information online or trying to give actions into these
Some points about medical website’s objectives:
• Improved communication with healthcare providers:
Many medical websites allow patients to communicate with them healthcare
• Access to medical information
• Convenient access: Medical websites are available 24/7, so people can
access information at any time from the comfort of their own home.
One of the most important medical websites is blood donation website which
this project talk’s about.

1.3 Blood donation

Blood donation is a valuable and life-saving gift that can help save the
lives of people in need.

Blood donation is a process of voluntarily giving blood to be used for

transfusions or medical research, either whole blood or specific blood
components, for transfusion to another person, and it saves the lives of patient
and victims who have lost blood due to injury or illness and also for the people
with certain medical conditions as anemia, hemophilia, and cancer. Blood
components, such as red blood cells, plasma, and platelets, can also be used
separately for specific medical treatments.
Blood donors must be careful before donate to provide that their blood is safe
for transfusions. they must ensure information about their medical history and
their blood is tested for infectious diseases such as HIV, hepatitis B and C, and
syphilis. Blood donation procedure is safe and painless but with a lot condition
• Age: Donors must be at least 17 or 18 years old, depending on the country
or region.

• Weight: Donors must typically weigh at least or 50
• Health: Donors must be in good health, free from
infections or illnesses that can be transmitted through
blood transfusion.

also, donors are usually able to donate blood every 8 to 12 weeks,

depending on the type of donation and the conditions of the donors.

1.4 Presentation of similar project:

'Australian Red Cross Lifeblood':

Life blood is an Australian website, it makes a connection between donors and

recipient, book an appointment track donation history and receive notifications
on blood donation emergencies.

1.5 Conclusion
In this chapter, we’re introducing the general context of our project, we had
presented the field of study, the goals, the targeted users, then s specification of
needs (functional and non-functional).

2 Conception
2.1 Introduction
Blood transfusion centers play an essential role in the healthcare system. They collect
blood from donors who meet certain eligibility standard, such as have good health, minimum
age requirements, and meeting weight and another medical standard. In Algeria, blood
transfusion centers are suffering from lack blood, which could have serious consequences,
because it is often necessary to save lives or treat certain conditions.
Actually, a blood transfusion centers may benefits having a blood management website, in
order to be the donor as close as possible to the blood transfusion center
In this project we have developed a web platform that could be a very useful for managing
blood donations, and connecting with donors and patient.
2.2 Goals
The objective of this project is the development of a web platform for the blood
transfusion center of Sétif. This website allows the proper management of blood donation
and facilitates the operations of the various actors (Doctor, donor, patient, etc.), increase
blood donations and encourage donors to donate regularly.

2.3 User requirement

Our website is for people who are eligible to donate blood, and first-time donors that
our website provide them with information about the donation process and the benefits of
donation blood.

2.4 Specification of system requirement

This section describes the first step in developing a website, which is to identify the
needs. there are two types of requirement, functional requirement and non-functional
requirement which they are important because they help define the functionality and
characteristics of a system.

2.4.1 Functional requirement
Functional requirement is what the site has to do, in this project,

our website fulfills, mainly, these functionalities:

Administrator can:

- authenticate.

- Manage donor and recipients accounts (activation of

registrations, deletion, modifications, updates, etc..).

- Blood bank management.

- See the history of donations, recipients.

- Find and contact donors.

Donor can:

- Authentication.

- See the history of their donations.

- donate blood

Recipient can:

- Authentication;

- Make a call and request for blood donations

- See the history of their requests.

The guest can:

- see information

2.4.2 Non-functional requirement

The non-functional requirement characterizes the system. In our case, the
following non-functional requirement are:

-The website must be in two languages: Arabic and English.

-The website must be secure.

- The access to the website should be on les then 10 min.

2.5 UML language

UML :(Unified Modeling Language)

2.6 System module diagram

A system module diagram is a type of UML (Unified Modeling Language) diagram
that shows the different modules or components of a system. It provides a high-level view of
the system architecture and the different modules or components that make up the system.

2.7 Functional model: Use Case diagram

The functional view of an information system presents the requirements of the
application without specifying the way of realization by the objects of the application.

2.7.1 Use case diagram

This figure represents our website’s use case diagram which resume the principle
functional requirements

2.8 Dynamic model: Sequence diagram

2.8.1 Definition

Sequence diagrams show the sequence of object interactions from a temporal

perspective. This diagram is used to represent the scenarios of a use case .

2.8.2 Sequence Diagram

12 Sign up Book an appointement

13 Request for blood

2.9 Static model: Class diagram

A static model in UML (Unified Modeling Language) is a that shows the static
aspects of a system. It represents the system's structure and the relationships between its

2.9.1 Definition
A class diagram in UML (Unified Modeling Language) is a static diagram that
represents the structure of a system by showing its classes, attributes, methods, and the
relationships. Class diagrams are static because they represent the structure of the system and
the relationships between its components, but do not show the dynamics of the system during
its interactions.

2.9.2 Class diagram

2.10 Conclusion

In this chapter, we presented modeling and its different sides. We presented the
analysis and specification of the requirements of our website by detailing the functional and
non-functional requirements. Then, we have seen the different UML diagrams which are: the
use case diagram, the class diagram and the sequence diagram.

3 implementation
3.1 Introduction

After the previous phases of design and modeling we arrive in the phase which
displays the results.

In this last chapter, we present the technologies, tools and programming languages used as
well as the screenshots of some pages of our website.

3.2 Tools and technology

In this part, we will discuss the technology and tools used:

3.2.1 Language

-HTML: (Hypertext Markup Language) is the most basic building block of the Web. It
defines the meaning and structure of web content. Other technologies besides HTML are
generally used to describe a web page's appearance/presentation (CSS) or
functionality/behavior (JavaScript).[1]

-CSS: Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) is a stylesheet language used to describe the
presentation of a document written in HTML or XML (including XML dialects such
as SVG, MathML or XHTML). CSS describes how elements should be rendered on screen,
on paper, in speech, or on other media.[2]

-JAVASCRIPT: is a lightweight, interpreted, or just-in-time compiled programming

language with first-class functions. While it is most well-known as the scripting language for
Web pages, many non-browser environments also use it, such as Node.js, Apache
CouchDB and Adobe Acrobat. JavaScript is a prototype-based, multi-paradigm, single-
threaded, dynamic language, supporting object-oriented, imperative, and declarative (e.g.
functional programming) styles.[3]

-PHP: PHP (officially, this acronym is a recursive acronym for PHP Hypertext
Preprocessor) is a general script and Open Source scripting language, specially designed for
the development of web applications. It can be integrated easily into HTML. [4]

3.2.2 Framework

-Bootstrap: is a framework for designing and developing the front end of websites. Using
Bootstrap's preset HTML, CSS, and JavaScript components, a web designer can
create responsive, mobile-first websites that are compatible with a wide array of browsers
and devices.[5]

3.2.3 Tools

-SQL server: SQL Server is a relational database management system, or RDBMS,

developed and marketed by Microsoft.

Similar to other RDBMS software, SQL Server is built on top of SQL, a standard
programming language for interacting with relational databases. SQL Server is tied to
Transact-SQL, or T-SQL, the Microsoft’s implementation of SQL that adds a set of
proprietary programming constructs.[6]

-Visual Studio Code: a development environment for developing websites, web

applications, web services and mobile applications.

-Staruml: is software for creating diagrams.

3.3 Screenshots of some interfaces

3.3.1 Home page

3.3.2 Sign up

3.3.3 Admin

3.3.4 Make request

3.3.5 List of Patients

3.4 Conclusion
Within this chapter, we have introduced the various tools and
methodologies employed in the creation of our interactive website. We have
meticulously expounded upon the intricate design elements and functionalities of
our platform.

General Conclusion

Blood Is the Most Precious Gift That Anyone Can Give to Another
Person the Gift of Life. A Decision to Donate Your Blood Can Save a Life, Or
Even Several If Your Blood Is Separated into Its Components Red Cells,
Platelets and Plasma Which Can Be Used Individually for Patients with Specific
First of all, within the first chapter, we provided a succinct overview of the
circumstances surrounding the inception and evolution of the application. This
was achieved by elucidating the fundamental requirements essential for its
Moving on to the second chapter, we delved into the realm of modeling, an
endeavor dedicated to crafting a comprehensive blueprint. We explored the
methodologies and diverse diagrams employed in this modeling process, drawing
upon the principles of UML modeling as our foundation.
Within this chapter, we introduced the tools and technologies employed in the
development of our website. We expounded upon the intricate design elements
and functionalities of our platform
Finally, we hope that our humble work will be a source of motivation for anyone
who wants to be in this field, especially the field of web development.
We hope it touches on all aspects discussed and simulates the real environment.


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