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I. Introduction :

Hardness characterizes the resistance to deformation that a material opposes to the penetration of a
hard body.
The hardness test, which is generally carried out on testing machines called durometers, aims to
determine the hardness of materials. It is a means of non-destructive testing used in production to rapid
control of the quality of finished products because it makes it possible to evaluate the properties of a
material such as its tensile strength, ductility and wear resistance. According to standards, hardness is
expressed as a dimensionless number. The most common tests are Brinell, Vickers and Rockwell
hardness tests.

II. Objective:
 Highlight the hardness test.
 Know how to operate and use the durometer to measure the hardness of different materials
 Characterize a material based on the hardness test.


 The typical hardness test involves pressing a specifically sized object (penetrator) with a given load
into the surface of the material to be tested. Hardness is determined by measuring the penetration
depth of the indenter or by measuring the size of the indentation it leaves.

Fig 1: Hardness testing machine

III. Hardness Test Methods:

III.1 Brinell hardness (HB):

 The Brinell hardness test is used for large samples with a coarse or non-homogeneous grain
structure. This page describes Brinell hardness testing in detail and gives you practical application
 Hardness is expressed by the ratio of the load F to the surface S of the spherical cap printed in the

HB= S or S=¿ ¿

HB= 2¿ F¿

Fig2: Principle of Brinell hardness

III.2 Rockwell hardness test (HR):

Is a standardized method used to measure the hardness of materials. It involves the application of
an initial load followed by a main load using a specific indenter, such as a steel ball or diamond cone.
The resulting penetration depth is measured to determine the hardness of the material. This method is
widely used in industry to evaluate the resistance of metals, plastics and other materials to plastic

Fig3: Principle of Rockwell hardness

III.3 Hardness Knoop:
The Knoop hardness test is a method of measuring the hardness of materials, mainly used for fragile
or thin materials. It was developed by Friedrich Knoop. In this test, a diamond-shaped indenter with a
pyramid tip is used to create a small indentation on the surface of the material. The diagonal length of
the indentation is measured to calculate the Knoop hardness.

Fig4 : Principle hardnesse Knoop

III.4 Vickers hardness test :
 The Vickers hardness test is a versatile testing method used for both macrohardness and
microhardness. It is suitable for a wide range of loads and is suitable for a wide range of
applications and materials.
 The Vickers hardness test is often considered easier to use than other hardness tests: the
process can be performed on a universal microhardness testing apparatus.

136 °
2 F∗sin ⁡( )
HV= 2
g∗d ²

Fig5:Principle of vickers hardnesss

Fig6: indenter geometry Fig7:

1.1Steps for Measuring Vickers Hardness (HV) Using a Hardness Tester:

 Tester setting:
 Applying the load:
 Measurement of diagonals:
 Calculation of hardness:

1.1Reasons to follow these steps:

 Consistency of Results: By following these steps, you ensure a consistent procedure that
minimizes variation and ensures reliable results.
 Accuracy: Proper sample preparation and correct tester setup contribute to accurate hardness
 Comparability: By following standard steps, results can be compared with established standards
or other hardness tests, making it easier to analyse material properties.
 Avoid errors: Following these steps reduces the risk of experimental errors and ensures that the
test is performed in a reproducible manner.

2. calculate the average of three measurements on a table:

1st piece 2nd piece 3nd piece

Aluminium alloy Spheroidal steel

d d1 d2 daverage/70 d1 d2 daverage/70 d1 d2 daverage/70

1st 51 52 0.7357 34 34 0.4857 30 31 0.4371

essaye mm mm mm
2nd 55 55 0.7857 35 35 0.5 31 31 0.4428
essaye mm mm mm
3nd 53 53 0.7514 34 34 0.4857 31 32 0.45
essaye mm mm mm
d average 0.7576 mm 0.4904 mm 1.3299 mm

HV 73.43 Mpa 113.43 Mpa 41.83 Mpa

136 °
2 F∗sin ⁡( )
HV= 2 avec

F= 30kgf =294.1995N ; 1kgf=9.80662N

g=9.806652 m/s²
3. take several measurements in Vickers test:

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