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Presentation Script

I. Introduction (Intro Slide)

a. Hook: “With great power comes great responsibility” and today we will see why

the great power of social media should be used responsibly.

b. Personal Story: I spend a lot of time on social media, and I always realize how

much time I waste

c. An article from the Sunday Mail states that, “According to experts, social media

has become essential to our lives, especially for children, as it provides a platform

to learn new things and interact with people worldwide.

d. With the research I’ve done using our school's library database, I can show you

(Change Slide)

i. How it affects your mental health,

ii. Alternatives to social media,

iii. and their Benefits

I. (II) Body (Change Slide)

1. Social Media Impact on Mental Health

A. In a survey amongst 1,500 people between the ages 14 to 24, here

is a chart ranking social media platforms and their negative impact on

mental health

B. To establish ranking factors like anxiety, depression, loneliness, as

well as self-image and harassment, were considered

(Change Slide)
C. An article from The Sunday Mail, speaks of the common problems

we face while using said apps

D. It speaks of problems like addiction, propaganda, Fear of Missing

out, Depression, sleeplessness, and cyber-attacks

(Change Slide)

E. And here is another chart based on a survey taken in January of

2020, finding that 41% of internet users had experienced severe forms of

online harassment like physical threats, sexual harassment, and stalking

a. With 36 % having stopped or reduced online activity

F. (Change Slide)

a. And when I see terms like “stopped” or “reduced” use after such

trauma, I think of those who were tragically led to suicide

b. Here is the story of 16-year-old Azaria White whose family says

cyberbullying led to her daughter's death (Show Video)

II. (2.) So please allow me to give some alternatives to protect your mental health from

social media along with their benefits (Change Slide)

a. Starting with moving your body

i. There are many physical and mental benefits when it comes to exercising.

ii. It increases metabolism, builds muscle improves sleeping habits, and

reduces risk of heart disease

iii. A quote made by “Dr. James H. O’Keefe, the director of preventative

cardiology at St. Lukes Mid America Heart Institute in Kansas City,”

states “going for something like a two-mile run a few times a week gets

you – the full benefit of running in terms of low morality”

iv. And if you are not an active person,(Change Slide) simply reading offers

valuable benefits like: Enriched vocabulary, promotes critical thinking,

and improves sleep habits

b. Now I’m not just a person who loves sleep,

i. “Studies show that when people spend too much time on social media,

they have trouble sleeping, leading to insomnia and other sleep disorders.”

c. So if you don’t like to exercise, and you doing like to read, another popular hobby

that we all love to do is (Change Slide) EAT!

i. So here are some benefits of cooking your own meals

1. An article on Eatingwell written by Lauren Wicks, talks about why

cooking is better for your health

a. Saying you have control over your ingredients, control of

portion size, weight management, and you get to explore a

variety of meals and combinations

I. (III) Conclusion (Change Slide)

a. Again, I am a social media user, and it does have its benefits like, portable access

to information, self-expression, and could help a business

i. However, that could lead to fake news generated by your own likes

(Cookies), opportunity to experience hate speech, and lower self-esteem

due to constantly comparing your success to others

b. Taking time from social media is challenging, so if this didn’t persuade you to

limit your time spent, allow me to leave you with the benefits of a digital detox

and methods Americans are using to limit their screen time (Change Slide)

Last Slide is Work Cited Slide

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