Identity and Questions Exercises

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ee eee SPEED SHRINKIN' A THREE-MINUTE CURE? JED New Yorcors are famous for spending more time wit their thorapists, or ‘shrinks than with thelr lends. Whether that's true is open to debate, but wth the aval of speed stinking, thoy’ find they rave more tme lat for heir personal fe, and more cash left in their pockets as well "You only have throe minutes to say your problem and get ‘advice,’ sad Andu Novac, the first person | spoke to when | arrived at my first speed shrinking evert, waste time going into detail’ TEI In the newest variant of a format that seems to be inspired by speed dating, participants have the opportunity to seek the advice of eight diferent therapists, each providing a three- minute session. Speed shrinking is the brainchild of Susan ‘Shapiro, a professor of journalism who has also written a book on the subject. Shapiro stumbled across the idea a few years ‘ago when she herself was looking for anew therapist, and found a way to try out several of them at minimal cost. This evening's event, held in a university lecture hall 's free ‘and has attracted a long queue of people hoping to fing a quick cure for their emotional quandaries. Many of those attending are unwilling to talk about their worries to anyone but the therapists, But problems seem to run the gamut from broken relationships, to anxiety about work and money, to general depression as well as a variety of phobias. Advice tends to be succinct and practical, as suits the format. i JE "'r realy unhappy in my job.’ Novae tells therapist Adrian “Jones. ‘I wh I'd become a painter, but now | feel stuck in this position | have at a bank.’ ‘Follow your dreams,’ Jones tells him. ‘You may end up poorer but you won't have the regret of not doing what you really want to do.’ Jones's advice hardly ‘seems original, but Novac says he is satisfied. liked his style he seemed to understand, and care,’ explains Novac.''m actually looking for anew therapist, and thisis a great way to try out eight of thom in a short time.” HEB That's actually why many therapists take part in the event, ‘Jones tells us. This isa great source of new clients. And it's a {good way for me to advertise my new book - | just have it on the table in front of me and refer to it during my sessions.” ‘Some of those seeking advice aren't entirely happy with the format. ‘People near me can hear what I'm telling the therapist, remarks Donna Bersch. 'I feel sef-conscious.’ But with the loud, bbuzzin the room that sometimes reaches the level of shouting, it's hard to imagine that anyone could actualy eavesdrop on another session. Sometimes. they're lucky to be able to hear the person sitting just opposite them! that's 80 you don’t, A. Read the headline and tick the best summary a), b) orc). Then read the article and check. @ a) It’s about aservice where overweight people can lose weight quickly b) It’s abour aservice where peopl can get advice froma therapist na shor time, It’s about aservice where people get help making their ives simpler. B Match the people 1~4 with the roles ad. | Nowe a) therapist 2 Shapiro by chent 3 Jones 6 founder 4 Bersch Arethe statements true (1) or flse (7? Underline the words/phrases in the ‘ticle that helped you. 1 New Yorkers prefer to spend more time swith their therapins than with tele frends. F 2. Shapiro teaches a university 3 Inspeed shrinking the therapist gets paidcaah 4. Alotof people don't want to tthe reporter what thelr problems are. 5 Nome thinks thatJones's adie is dsappoinangly worl {6 Many ofthe therapists participate in order to get more busines. Bersch doesn't ke how noisy k gets 8 People sometimes can'thear each other Decase tty tak too sft D_ Write words from the article that match the defnitions 1-10. | the way that somothing is organised or designed (paragraph 3) format 2 idea or plan thae ene person has thought of (paragraph 3) found by ehance (paragraph 3) 4. dificult situations where you cannot ‘decide what to do (paragraph 4) 5 strong unreasonable fears of particular things (paragraph 4) —— 6 clearly expressed ina few words (pargraph 4) 7. ajobin a particular organisation (pargraph 5) 8 secret listen to another person's conversation (paragraph 7) EXVIIGS direct and indirect questions 2 Make the therapist's questions with the prompts. 1 Why/ you / come / see / me / today? ‘A: Why have you come to ste me today? B: I ksep getting headacher, 2 What / these headiches / like? w B: Absolute terre, 3 What / cause / headaches, / think? & B: Minty thinking about money. 4 What / think / about / momant? & 8: That dock. 5 that dock / remind / you / anything? & B: Yes, money. 6 Why / that? A ee rae i y 'B Because Im paying by the minute! Lets stopnow. 7 OK./ How / lke / pay~/ cash / creditcard? w 3A Completetthe second sentence so that it has a similar ‘meaning to the frst. Use between two and five words, including the word given. 1 Coulé you itroduce us tothe director? WONDER "wonder if yeu could invoduce us tothe rector. 2. How much cid your camera cost? CAMERA De you ming me 3 Whatdo you do exactly! TELLING Would you mind exact?! 4 lee really werth upgrading to the new smartphone? WHETHER Fd tke to know: ‘worth upgrating to the new smariphone 5 Wien platform does the Eurostar train eave from? TRAIN Can you tell me which platiorm do ee ree 6 What will hedo when he discovers the mistake! bo Whatdo you —______when he discovers the mistake? 1B 111 Listen and check. Then listen and repeat, paying, attention to the polite intonation. 4A Correct the mistake in each phrase. 1 don't know why you say be's down-om -earth, 2. Iwas never particularly about what | eat 3. Fabio tends to keepin himself and goes tobed ver lat, 4 My coleague Bilis areal person person 5. He's agood laughter, but with money 4) fie tends tobe tighchanded and never aya. 'b) as he does his best work in the early times, when no ‘one's around €) so it’s odd that he doesn't really push his weight when ‘we work together. 4) I thinkhe’s a real computer gawk, and he's not very practical <) bur that’s changed since Ive started getting in cooking. B Match the sentence halves. WEESUNETN crc or accuracy 5A. Read the email and use the correction codeto ‘correct the mistakes. Cae Llst a quick oral to check travel arrangements. Can you let me krow exactly when are you arving *__? ye looked on the website and there are thee planes ‘rom Brasil on Thursday. ts work day for me, 80 unfortunately | can't come anc meet you atthe airport 90 | attach @___a website link toa map of my area. You've ‘akeady got the adress "| think “Tho best thing sto take the RER commuter ain to Paris, Gare du Nord. t's quicly “and rat too expensive: 5__From there you can either walk to my apartment or Cal into the office and give you the key. I'm sure you wi require Sa shower and a reat. Anyway, giveme a ‘Phone 7___as s00n 8s your plane lands. ‘See you so0n, tue B Correct the mistakes in the email. C Write reply email from Eduardo to Luc (120-150 \words). Include information about your fig, respond to

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