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CAE Summer Exam – Day Four

1: Warmup: Word formation on Page 40 of new document (Lucky Charms)

1: Repeatedly
2: Depending
3: Distinctive
4: Irrational
5: Probability
6: Skilled / Skillful
7: Commonly
8: Ultimately

2: Listening - 4.1 and 4.2 on Page 37

Section 3
1: Staves off (Stalls/stops)
2: Washes away/down
3: Dates back to (you can also use „goes back to”)
4: Tide her over (Keep her busy/satisfied)
5: Set you back (Cost)
6: Work up (develop)
7: Plied with (Give large amounts of food)
8: Passed up (rejected – similar to turned down) Passed on/up
9: Laid on (provided)
10: Rustle up (Make quickly)

Section 2

1: Comes from the Duchess of Bedford in the 1840s

2: Sweeter tea and snacks
3: Polish second breakfast / USA midnight breakfast (Fourthmeal)

Rumbling away – Growling

Hunger pangs – Noise your stomach makes when you're hungry
Indulging in
Scones – British cookie/biscuit that goes with tea
Dainty – Delicate (breaks very easily)
My mouth is watering – Salivating (I salivate over chocolate) – excited about it
Decadent (fancy/sophisticated/rich)

Buffet – buh-FAY
Brunch – Breakfast and lunch smashed together

3: Speaking – Page 43 in coursebook (Sections 3, 4 and 6)

I made some friends on the driving course – use either „at” or „during”

Guilty -
Use „guilty OF” when you're talking about doing something wrong (I'm guily of using my phone
too much)
use „guilty ABOUT” when you're talking about how you feel about something you did. (I feel
guilty about breaking my friend's golf clubs)
Another word for accomplish – achieve – uh-CHEEV

While everybody's asleep

sleeping - Both of these are okay.

I agree with you in 100% - NO preposition (I agree with you 100%)

Multitasking is something expected on employees – use OF, not on.

Mul-tee - both are okay.

Being on time is expected of everyone here.

4: Listening – Page 41

1: C 6: D
2: E 7: F
3: B 8: G
4: H 9: A
5: F 10: E

Swallow my pride – Admit that you were wrong and/or need help
Wander off the beaten track / path (Take the road less travelled)
She was taken ill – She became rather sick
Take note of – Pay attention to / Notice something and remember it
Disorientated – Losing your sense of direction (Getting lost)
Disoriented – Feeling dizzy/lightheaded/confused

HOMEWORK: Reading (Pages 38-39)

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