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Fall 2022F
Programming Fundamentals (SWE-102)
Assignment # 1

Semester: I Batch:2022F

Max. Marks 10

• Attempt all questions

• Do not copy or cheat from anyone, make your own effort. If any assignment found copied it will
straight away be rejected.
• Take the help from internet or any other online sources is allowed. If the data has been taken from
any online source, then please organize it properly, do not copy and paste exactly.
• There is no maximum page limit.
• Assignment should be handwritten.
• Mention your full name and roll number on the first / front page. The page numbers must be
mentioned at the right bottom corner in the whole assignment.
• Last date of submission of assignment is: 03-Jan-2023 [Tuesday]

Question 1
(a) Differentiate between a compiler and an interpreter. (1)
(b) Differentiate between AND operator and OR operator with example. (1)

Question 2
(a) What are the rules required to be followed while naming a variable in Python. (1)
(b) Differentiate between Integer and Float datatypes with example. (1)

Question 3
What are the different paradigms of programming languages? List some advantages and disadvantages (2)
of Procedural Programming Languages and Object-Oriented Programming Language

Question 4
(a) What are the parameters of print() function explain with example (1)
(b) (1+3) ^ 2 −2(4−7) + (4*2) ^ 2 *(16/4) solve it according to the operator precedence. (1)

Question 5
Write a python program which take two numbers as an input from the user and perform multiplication, (2)
division, addition, subtraction and also print their square and floor division.

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