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Aliza Al Nadeem

Fri, 14 October 2022

2666 Word Count.

Kemper's Essay
Draft 1

Endeavouring to achieve the highest ranking amidst all the robust oppositions, could leave you
profoundly cherishing it once it suddenly vanishes due to nepotism. Awakening the ensuing
suffering within you due to an immense lack of power and authority, particularly when it is
seized from you under the most or the least disastrous situations. Gearing your mind into two
very deviating and differentiating streams: oppression or repression. It, for certain, abandons
and withers away all possible opportunities and makes us oblivious to the fact that achieving
the highest or the most superior position was never out of league. Despairing, grieving and
striving to overlook might or might never be in command depending on your cognitive
constraining limits but the agony brewing in you due to suppression, of any kind resulting
majorly due to injustice, unemployment, illiteracy, poverty, and economic marginalization, will
have a plethora of negative internal influences, most importantly — revenge. Ranging from
emotional, social, and perceiving alterations that sever your ties. Not only with others around
you but they can be extremely far-reaching. Periodically, to such an extent that they hinder the
association with dispositions and capabilities, subsequently, laying the foundations of profound
desire, therefore, avarice , lust for the constant upgradation of power and influence over others
and finally another suppressed generation. This is basically how, on such a wide scale, the
erosion of human rights has introduced substantial changes to everyone's life and left behind
trails of transfixed mobs which are on the verge of escalating to the extreme.

Incentivized by human desire as the stimulus for human struggle, the distinguished words of
William Irvine tells that the internal animation of human psychology is obtained through desire.
'¹Banish desire from the world and you get a world of frozen beings who have no reason to live
and no reason to die.' One of the most essential personal aspects of human life is desire. It is a
desire which energizes us, incentivizes us and even paves our path for enmity and the initial
scarcity of power adds in, driving us to turbulent conflicts and violation of human rights
consequently, propelling us to cause tremendous havoc. The worst examples of transgressions
have been carried out by countries that think of themselves as 'developed' or superior to every
other nation and the underdeveloped ones are on the fringe of collapsing, primarily in their
economies affecting themselves monetarily and devastating thousands of livelihoods

According to Amnesty International’s 2018 report, indicated political regression across the
globe:“Leaders have pushed hate, fought against rights, ignored crimes against humanity and
blithely let inequality and suffering spin out of control,” Amnesty's campaign group said in its
yearly audit of human rights as it assessed human rights violations in 159 countries in 2017. It
claimed a broad clampdown on human rights had created a “more dangerous” world ² and since
then exacerbation in all ways is still raging uprisings - even during the twenty-first century.

In the year 2017, the world witnessed an alarming degeneration of human rights. An explicit
example would be The Rohingya Refugee Crisis that began in late August when Myanmar
stepped up attacks against the Rohingya, a mostly Muslim ethnic minority in Buddhist-majority
Myanmar. The United Nations commissioner called this the “textbook example of ethnic
cleansing” that resulted in more than 600,000 Rohingya refugees fleeing across the border into
neighbouring Bangladesh, leading to a humanitarian crisis in the country.³

The delinquency to observe and administer the dispensing of meticulous basic rights to humans
that includes all the fundamentals i.e the liberty of expressing yourself, your ideology etc, is a
concern not solely prevalent nationally, but globally. Human rights are the articulation of the
foremost innately derived privileges majorly for attaining justice on certain platforms: the
tolerance that overcomes animosity, xenophobia and even racism; mutual respect, and human
dignity in all of our activity. But extremely rarely has the world observed a state that hasn't
practised encroachment upon the human body by molestation, slavery, genocidal injustice,
forceful interrogations and sexual violations. These are just a few of the gravest of sins, which
should be legally punished by a noose to the throat in the Court of Justice yet, they are
abandoned unaddressed, locally or internationally. Consequently, giving rise to a vulnerable
nation which has psychologically and physically experienced severe torture in some way or the
other. Prior annihilation of a person's dignity, humiliation and prolonged agony strengthens the
route to an unstable generation that endorses a few of its drastic principles which leads to
escalating disputes and surging tensions even amongst the very influential nations.

The holocaust, an extremely heart-wrenching event in the history of humankind during which
the Nazis, slaughtered many millions of Poles, Russians, Roma, Sinti, Serbs, Czechs,
homosexuals, and political opponents, while only the Jews were slated for total annihilation⁴ had
exceedingly adverse influences over the nation. It undeniably produced results that have
developed psychopathic symptoms, PTSD, and varying disorders due to exposure to such
atrocities. The Holocaust illustrates the perils of prejudice, discrimination, antisemitism, and
dehumanization which minorly highlights the significance of Zachor — the duty of remembrance
and the future implementation of strengthened enforcement itself. According to the facts, the six
million Jewish victims of the Shoah — defamed and demonized as preface or rationale for
genocide — we have to be familiar that the mass murder of six million Jews and millions of non-
Jews is not a matter of abstract statistics⁴ but each numeric sustained a once-living soul which
held its own identity. Another enduring derivation is that the genocide of European Jewry
prevailed not only incessant eruption of massacres and suppression but also principally due to
the state-sanctioned doctrine of hatred primarily based on caste, creed or religion. This teaching
of malice, this demonizing of the other, is the originis. A hatred that escalated to such profound
depths. As the Canadian courts asserted in upholding the constitutionality of anti-hate
legislation, “the Holocaust did not begin in the gas chambers — it began with words”⁴. These
are the catastrophic effects of racism that ensued from the xenophobic sentiments resulting
from religious extremism.

One of the most tragic occurrences, the Israeli-Palestinian dispute, stems back to the end of
the nineteenth century. In 1947, the adoption of Partition Plan 181 by the British, aimed at the
division of the British Mandate of Palestine into Arab and Jewish states. On May 14, 1948, the
Israeli State was founded, spurring the foremost Arab-Israeli War which ended in 1949 with
Israel’s victory, but 750,000 Palestinians were displaced⁵. Almost 54 years later , Israel's martial
mission persists as a primary obstruction to avail the accessibility and quality of medical
services for Palestinians in the West Bank, particularly Gaza, and East Jerusalem. Millions of
civilians are unable to access their necessities due to widespread freedom constraint of
movement because of governmental checkpoints, the partitioning wall, a constructive authority
of consents, and the closure of Gaza. The integral medical equipment and medical trainers
seeking to improve their skills are observed as a risk to Israel's security; therefore, are restricted
by the militias. Continuous living under this procures immediate threats to health for the 4.8
million residents of the oPt, comprising vicious raids of Israeli settlers, casualties and injuries at
revolts, and the continual demolition of infrastructure. This chronic insecurity and the protracted
spirit of the crisis threaten to deplete the already vulnerable resilience of communities. The
United Nations (UN) identified more than 1.45 million Palestinians across the oPt requiring
health-related humanitarian assistance in 2021 — two-thirds of them in Gaza and one-third in
the West Bank⁶. The atrocities majorly erupt from several religious factors pertinent to Islam,
Judaism and ethnic cleansing. It includes the sanctity of holy sites and the apocalyptic
narratives of both religions, playing a detrimental role in a lasting peace between the two sides.
Radical religious Zionists in Israel increasingly observed themselves as definers of how the
Jewish state functions when it comes to privileges to the Arabs. Simultaneously, Islamist groups
in Palestine and elsewhere in the Islamic world endorse the haste of extricating their “holy”
territories and sites for religious reasons and preach violence and hatred against Israel and the
Jews. Although remarkably defending their beliefs, they unknowingly invite religious upheavals
that spark conflicts and bloodshed. Furthermore, religion-based rumours propagated by radicals
in the media about the confidential religious agendas intensify these tensions. A very
exacerbated example of this included the “Jewish Plan” to destroy al Aqsa mosque and rebuild
the 3rd Jewish temple on its remnants, while rumours that Muslims hold the annihilation of Jews
at the core of their belief⁷. The contribution of worsening socio-economic conditions in the
Islamic world amplifies the growth of religious radicalism, incentivizing a larger percentage of
youth towards fanaticism and religion-inspired politics. This points at nothing but internal conflict
and not being compatible with innumerable people belonging to distinct backgrounds or
religions. This emphasizes our need for social justice and the lack of social tolerance that is
prevalent among all.

Similarly, In February 2022, Russia launched a full-scale invasion of Ukraine aiming to topple
the Western-aligned government of Volodymyr Zelenskyy. With expanding Western aid, Ukraine
has managed to frustrate many aspects of Russia’s attack, but many of its cities were
pulverized and one-fourth of its citizens have held refugees and casualties exceeded 6000. It
remains ambiguous if and how a diplomatic resolution emerged. Ukraine’s place in the world,
including its future alignment with institutions such as the European Union (EU) and North
Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), hung in the balance while President Vladimir Putin
repeatedly clarified that he considered Ukraine's place to be under Russia's thumb. In recent
years, successive Ukrainian governments have faced wars by Putin who means to settle the
direction of the Ukrainian future by asserting his authority over the vulnerable ones. Another
explicit example of an authoritarian regime in annihilating others' prosperity and expansion
primarily due to the self-exertion of power⁸.

Pakistan, once the land of pure people, is no exception to such kinds of ruthless devastations.
The economy staggers on the verge of demise for various political and humanitarian
transgressions. It rolls towards an unpredictable future, dominated by utterly flippant authorities
incompetent to clasp the enormity of the challenges confronting the nation.

Principally, India’s sole Muslim-majority state has survived in a surreal state of nonexistence.
Since a presidential declaration was abolished on 5th of August 2019 the state overruled its
autonomy and partitioned it into two federally administered territories. More than 8 million faced
full communication blackout and severe restrictions on freedom of movement and peaceful
assembly. Soon Modi’s abrupt seizure of Kashmir was a culmination of a protracted ideological
yearning to make a predominantly Muslim population surrender to his vision of a homogeneous
Hindu nation. This also portrayed that no one was exempted from the Hindu power paradise he
aimed to build. For us, Kashmir is both a threat and a template: Any state that contradicts his
vision could be brought under Delhi’s thumb in the name of superficial “unity.”

Even after being boycotted by the European Union due to the humanitarian crises he caused,
he expanded and solidified his appeal among India’s Hindus. Using sadism as Hindu radicals
could indulge a dormant bloodlust and schadenfreude, an exultation in the torment of
defenceless minorities to eradicate the civilians' peace. The authorities did release many of the
detainees and restored the internet, but even intensified their crackdown on media and civil
society groups, including through frequent use of counterterrorism and public safety laws.

“Three years after the government revoked Jammu and Kashmir’s constitutional status, the
Indian authorities appear to be more concerned with projecting an image of normalcy than
ensuring rights and accountability,” said Meenakshi Ganguly, South Asia director at Human
Rights Watch. “The government needs to end the assault on fundamental freedoms and act to
protect minority groups at risk.”³

More than 118 people were executed and in 2021, the authorities arrested a prominent Kashmiri
human rights activist, Khurram Parvez, upon politically motivated charges under the abusive
counterterrorism law, the Unlawful Activities Prevention Act (UAPA) for which the United
Nations Human Rights experts expressed remorse. Also, journalists in Kashmir face intensifying
harassment by security forces, including raids and arbitrary arrests on terrorism charges.
Recently, in 2022, the authorities rearrested Fahad Shah, Aasif Sultan, and Sajad Gul under the
Public Safety Act after they had been granted bail separately in other cases filed against them in
retaliation for their journalism while they slaughtered a few civilians. Unfortunately, there's no
accountability for these recent alleged extrajudicial killings and abuses by security forces in part
because of the Armed Forces Act (AFSPA), which gives members of the armed forces effective
immunity from prosecution. This is all utter injustice and incivility against the innocent. And
should be prevented at any cost! Feelings of disenfranchisement are aggravated in Indian-
administered Kashmir by high unemployment and complaints of human rights abuses by
security forces battling street protesters and violent insurgents⁹.

Self-governance requires both regional territorial integrity, as was agreed in the Manmohan-
Musharraf deal, and special status, both of which the August decision had undone; therefore,
demilitarization of Kashmir, the second main point of the 2004–07 deal can sufficiently work.
Although it requires stability in Kashmir at several socio-political and militant levels plus
Pakistan will have to clamp down on terror groups to stop infiltration into Kashmir. Another
element of the formula is making borders irrelevant in Kashmir, which means allowing the free
movement of people and trade between India, Pakistan, and the two Kashmirs similar to the
period when the backchannel was active, India and Pakistan decided to initiate several
specific confidence-building measures.
Lastly, another element of the Kashmir formula is the creation of mechanisms managed
by the two sides to supervise certain less sensitive sectors, including the atmosphere, on both
sides of divided Kashmir. Gradually, progress toward the goal of making borders irrelevant, the
movement toward the objective is also possible if there is political will on both sides and
xenophobic, militant or religious extremism are put aside. Simultaneously, lessening animosity
will curb humanitarian transgressions, stifling the mistreatments of millions, subsequently,
limiting the revolts.

Excluding the Kashmir Conflict, after the 9\11 incident, Pakistan is deeply indulged in ethnic,
religious and gender-based transgressions and extremism. Women, religious minorities and
transgenders continue to face severe discrimination and persecution with authorities failing to
provide adequate protection or hold perpetrators to account. The government persists with a
lack of law enforcement implementations and fails to hold agencies accountable for torture and
other serious abuses. Islamist militant attacks, notably the Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan, targeted
law enforcement officials and religious minorities slaying hundreds. Likewise, a climate of fear
impedes media coverage through PEMRA, abuses and e-trolling by both government security
forces and militant groups and misogyny—including rape, acid attacks murder (exceeding
1000), domestic violence, and forced marriages—that is endemic throughout Pakistan is not
thoroughly portrayed on media. In 2011 the government enacted the Acid Control and Acid
Crime Prevention Act¹⁰ and although perpetrators of such crimes can be punished for anywhere
from 14 years to life imprisonment, there are no provisions for financial compensation, lifelong
care and rehabilitation of victims. Nor are there any limitations on the sale of acids freely
available from retail outlets. Therefore , these illegal exchanges of acids should be curbed, and
the establishment of rehabilitation centres and life-long imprisonment should be implemented for
the misogynists.

The heightened intolerance, lust for power and uncoordinated compatibility embellished within
generations encompasses hostile acts of public policy that violate the country’s traditional
strengths of exposure, hospitality and liberality. Therefore, religious and militant extremism,
xenophobia, racism, gender-based discrimination as well as misogyny should be dealt with a
firm hand to prevent the erosion of human rights. According to Musharraf Zaidi, “Whilst the rest
of the world gets older, and struggles to maintain productivity and consumption, Pakistan is, by
the force of its young population, destined to grow for decades to come¹¹.” This is uncertain yet
true, and in order to prosper, people must unite before the hatred that is surging in their souls
threatens to tear the diversity apart.








⁸ 9

Ukraine: Conflict at the Crossroads of Europe and Russia | Council on Foreign Relations

Why Did Russia Invade Ukraine? Understanding the Roots of the War - Bloomberg


Indian Kashmir: Freedom in the World 2022 Country Report | Freedom House

Toward a Kashmir Endgame? How India and Pakistan Could Negotiate a Lasting Solution |
United States Institute of Peace

¹⁰ World Report 2022: Pakistan | Human Rights Watch

Ending violence against women in Pakistan - Policy Forum

¹¹ Musharraf Zaidi, The Path of Xenophobia.

¹² Human rights first, Practical Ways to Address Xenophobic Violence Article consulted:
Religious Militant Extremism in Pakistan: Security Threat to South Asian Region and Challenges
By Dr. S. Krishnan

¹³ Musharraf's 'Four Point Formula' The Best Way Of Resolving Kashmir Dispute: Washington

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