Lecture Notes Week12

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Circuit Theory II
Week 12
Laplace Transform in Circuit Analysis
Asst. Prof. Fatih Küçüktezcan
Initial and Final Value Theorems
These theorems help determining the behavior of f(t) at 0 and ∞ from F(s).

The initial value theorem states that

The final value theorem states that

The final value theorem is useful only if f(∞) exists.

These theorems are true only if all the poles lie in the left half of the s plane
(except for a pole at the origin)
Initial and Final Value Theorems
The initial value theorem The final value theorem

Let’s apply these theorems to a function we used to illustrate partial fraction expansions

The initial value theorem gives

The final value theorem gives

Initial and Final Value Theorems
The initial-value theorem The final-value theorem

- We can test the s-domain expressions before working out the inverse transform.
- We can determine the t-domain behavior even if we are still in the s-domain.


We can check to see if V(s) predicts the correct values of v(0+) and v(∞)
v(∞) = 0 (the ideal inductor is a perfect short circuit across the dc current source)

v(0+) = 0 (no initial energy is stored in the circuit at the instant when the switch is opened)

Initial value theorem:

Final value theorem:

Initial and Final Value Theorems
The initial-value theorem The final-value theorem
Initial and Final Value Theorems
The initial-value theorem The final-value theorem
Initial and Final Value Theorems
The initial-value theorem The final-value theorem
Laplace Transform in Circuit Analysis
Circuit Elements in the s-Domain
A Resistor in the s Domain

From Ohm’s law

R is constant, thus the Laplace transform yields

An Inductor in the s Domain

The Laplace transform yields

Laplace Transform in Circuit Analysis
Circuit Elements in the s-Domain

Inductor in frequency domain

An impedance of sL ohms in series with an An impedance of sL ohms in parallel with an
independent voltage source of volt-seconds. independent current source of ampere-seconds.

If the initial current is zero,

sources will be removed.
Laplace Transform in Circuit Analysis
Circuit Elements in the s-Domain
A Capacitor in the s Domain

The Laplace transform yields

If the initial voltage is zero,

sources will be removed.
Laplace Transform in Circuit Analysis
Circuit Analysis in the s-Domain

If no energy is stored in the inductor or capacitor, the relationship between the

terminal voltage and current for each passive element takes the form
(Ohm’s law in the s-domain)
Z : s-domain impedance of the element

A resistor has an impedance of R ohms. A resistor has an admittance of 1/R siemens.

An inductor has an impedance of sL ohms. An inductor has an admittance of 1/sL siemens.
A capacitor has an impedance of 1/sC ohms. A capacitor has an admittance of sC siemens.

The rules for combining impedances and admittances are same for s-domain circuits.
(examples: series-parallel simplifications, Delta-Y conversions)

Kirchhoff’s current and voltage laws can be applied to s-domain currents and voltages.

Node voltages, mesh currents, source transformations, and Thévenin-Norton

equivalents are all valid techniques for the circuit Analysis in the s domain.
Laplace Transform in Circuit Analysis
Laplace Transform in Circuit Analysis
Applications / The Natural Response of an RC Circuit

The capacitor is initially charged to V0 volts.

Targets are i(t) and v(t).

Let’s start with i(t) and represent the circuit by using the series-equivalent circuit in s-domain.
(because series-equivalent results in a single mesh circuit in the frequency domain)

Summing the voltages around the mesh yields

(proper rational function of s)

When I is inverse transformed:

(distinct real roots)
Laplace Transform in Circuit Analysis
Applications / The Natural Response of an RC Circuit

Let’s find v(t) by using Ohm’s law:

Let’s find v(t) without finding i(t):

We need to transfer the circuit to the s domain using the parallel equivalent circuit for charged capacitor.
(because parallel equivalent circuit results in a single node circuit in the frequency domain)

According to the node-voltage equation,

When V is inverse transformed:

(distinct real roots)

Result: Choice of s-domain equivalent circuit is influenced by response signal is of interest.

Laplace Transform in Circuit Analysis
Laplace Transform in Circuit Analysis
Applications / The Step Response of a Parallel RLC Circuit
The initial energy stored in the circuit is zero.

Target is finding IL(t) after the current source

is switched across the parallel elements.

The independent source and passive components should be transformed to the s-domain.

Opening the switch results in a step change in the current applied to the circuit.

Thus, the s-domain current source is (table in the lecture_notes_week9_10, slide 17)

To find IL, we need to find V first and then use

To find V, let’s apply KCL for the top node

Laplace Transform in Circuit Analysis
Applications / The Step Response of a Parallel RLC Circuit

Substitute the numerical values of R, L, C and Idc

Let’s factor the quadratic term in the denominator

Let’s test the s-domain expression for IL by using final value theorem.

On the other hand, as t approaches to ∞, the inductor acts like a short circuit element and
all the source current (24 mA) will flow through the inductor (IL(∞) = 24 mA). Therefore,
our s-domain expression is correct.
Laplace Transform in Circuit Analysis
Applications / The Step Response of a Parallel RLC Circuit

After the partial fraction expansion,

(1distinct real root + 2 distinct complex roots)

Inverse transforming the resulting expression yields

To check the final expression, we may use the values of IL(0) and IL(∞).
Laplace Transform in Circuit Analysis
Laplace Transform in Circuit Analysis
Laplace Transform in Circuit Analysis
Applications / The Transient Response of a Parallel RLC Circuit
Let’s replace the dc current source in the previous example and find IL(t) after the current source
is switched.

(use the table for the conversion to the s-domain)

To find V, let’s apply KCL for the top node

Laplace Transform in Circuit Analysis
Applications / The Transient Response of a Parallel RLC Circuit

Substitute the numerical values of Im, w, R, L, and C

Write the denominator in factored form

Laplace Transform in Circuit Analysis
Applications / The Transient Response of a Parallel RLC Circuit
According to the roots and the K coefficients, the result will be

We may check the result by using the statements given in the question. For example, when t=0,
the inductor current should be zero since the initial energy is zero in the circuit.

In addition, steady state current of the inductor can be found as t approaches to infinity.
Laplace Transform in Circuit Analysis
Applications / The Step Response of a Multiple Mesh Circuit
We can analyze multiple-mesh circuits by using Laplace techniques. Targets are branch currents i1 and i2.

2 mesh current equations

We may use any method to find I1 and I2. In here, we use Cramer’s method.
Laplace Transform in Circuit Analysis
Applications / The Step Response of a Multiple Mesh Circuit

sum of partial fractions

Let’s apply inverse transformation to get the currents in t-domain

Let’s check the results by considering initial and final values of the currents.
1) Since no energy is stored in the circuit at the instant the switch is closed, initial currents should be zero.
The solutions agree with these initial values [ for t=0, i1(t)=0 and i2(t)=0 ].
2) After the switch has been closed for a long time, the two inductors appear as short circuits.
Thus, for t= ∞, i1(∞)=15 A and i2(∞)=7 A. The solutions agree with these values.
Laplace Transform in Circuit Analysis
Laplace Transform in Circuit Analysis
Applications / The Use of Thévenin’s Equivalent
Target is finding the capacitor current that results from closing the switch.
The energy stored in the circuit prior to closing is zero.

The Thévenin voltage is the open-circuit voltage across terminals a, b.

Under open-circuit conditions, there is no voltage across the resistor. Thus,

(Voltage division is used for VTH)

The Thévenin impedance seen from terminals a and b equals the resistor in
series with the parallel combination of the resistor and the 2 mH inductor.

(Voltage source is short circuited.)

Laplace Transform in Circuit Analysis
Applications / The Use of Thévenin’s Equivalent
The capacitor current equals the Thévenin
voltage divided by the total series impedance.

A partial fraction expansion yields

After the inverse transformation

Results can be tested by considering initial and final values

The initial inductor current is zero and the initial capacitor voltage is zero, so the initial capacitor current is or 6 A
The final value of the capacitor current is zero.

According to the ic equation, and

Thus, the result is correct.
Laplace Transform in Circuit Analysis

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