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WALK checklist

BRIEF  Print brief from website or write it yourself
SHOE PHOTOSHOOT  Contact sheet of photos
 Annotation about your shoot: location, date, time, lighting,
equipment, layout/placement of shoes etc.
SHOE DRAWINGS  2 x continuous line drawings
 2 x non-dominant hand drawings
 2 x blind drawings
 2 x straight line drawings
 2 x ‘perfect’ drawings
PHOTOCOPYING  At least 8 monocolour, layered photocopied images exploring
EXPERIMENTATION colour and layering
SHOE/BRAND  Researching your shoe: history, year of release, marketing
RESEARCH images, colour palettes, mindmap
PHOTOGRAPHY  Nik Strangelove: Transience (info/images/analysis)
RESEARCH  Ben Eine: Graffiti Alphabet (info/images/analysis)
 Eric Tabuchi: Graffiti Truck (info/images/analysis)
MANCHESTER  Contact sheet(s)
PHOTOSHOOT  Annotation to explain what you were photographing, location,
date/time, equipment etc.
EDITED PHOTOS  6 x edited photos in the style of Strangelove
 (square crops of abstract graffiti, boosted contrast)
ALPHABETOGRAPHY  Response to Eine/Tabuchi:
 Whole alphabet made from graffiti
 Your shoe/brand in the graffiti alphabet
ALANNA CAVANAGH  Biographical info/images/write about her work
ARTIST RESEARCH  In-depth analysis of ‘Converse’
DRAWINGS  4 x drawings in response to Cavanagh
 Annotation to explain techniques/evaluate the work
 Layer the drawings over collaged colourful/patterned paper
DIGITAL PAINTINGS  4 x scanned drawings with digital painting
 Annotation/screenshots to explain technique
BILLIE J RESEARCH  Biographical info/images/write about their work
 Exploded analysis of ‘Vandal’
DOODLE DRAWINGS  Blue biro response to Billie J’s work: your chosen shoe
 Photocopied response with additional doodles around it
 More doodles on different papers/using different media
MR DOODLE RESEARCH  Biographical info/images/write about his work
DOODLE DRAWINGS  Black felt tip response to Mr Doodle’s work: doodles that link
to your shoe and/or create a narrative around it
ANDREEA ROBESCU double page spread on Andreea Robescu:
ARTIST RESEARCH  biographical information
 education/career path
 examples of their work
 annotation to note design basics: line, shape, colour,
method/process etc.
STEFAN SAGMEISTER double page spread on Stefan Sagmeister:
ARTIST RESEARCH  biographical information
 education/career path
 examples of their work
 annotation to note design basics: line, shape, colour,
method/process etc.

PAINTED TYPOGRAPHY  use a paintbrush to paint words (use your shoe brand and
associated words) onto plain paper
 use a paintbrush to paint words directly onto photos and
drawings (photocopies)
 annotate your work to explain techniques and evaluate

DRAWN TYPOGRAPHY  use a fineliner to draw typography onto plain paper

 use a fineliner to draw typography directly onto printed photos
and photocopies of drawings
 annotate your work to explain techniques and evaluate

LAYERED  Scan typography experiments to your email

TYPOGRAPHY/IMAGE  Layer typography over shoe/Manchester photos and drawings -
EXPERIMENTATION use digital (Photoshop) and manual (college) techniques.
Minimum 6 collages.

DIGITAL COLLAGES:  digital collages using

IMAGES/TEXT photos/illustrations/alphabets/typography. These will form the
basis of your final poster, so think them through! Minimum 6
further collages

CALLIGRAPHR  Hand drawn alphabet sheet

ALPHABET  Process shots of installing alphabet
 Shoe/brand/slogan written in your alphabet
TYPOGRAPHY/IMAGE  6 x layered photo/illustration/doodle/typography designs in
EXPERIMENTATION Photoshop/collage

PEER  Peer assessment sheet

REVIEW/ASSESSMENT  Developments/improvements from peer review
EXPERIMENTATION  6 x experimental designs that develop and refine your work
towards a final outcome
FINAL POSTER  Final Poster
 Annotation to explain your decisions
MOCK UPS  1 shop poster mock up
 1 exterior mockup
REPEAT PATTERN  3 x repeat patterns
DESIGNS  Shoe box mock up
 Bag mock up
 Physical packaging (photos of this)
MAGAZINE DESIGN  Magazine research – images and annotation
 Article on your shoe
 3 x magazine spread designs
 Final magazine spread

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