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Writing part 1

(Test 3 from the exams book)

Regardless of their physical shape, children should be encouraged to practice exercise

regularly, as this not only contributes to their health, but to their mental state as well. The habit
of exercising and being active must be acquired at a relatively young age, so that kids can
pursue this later in their lives.
Now, there are plenty of ways of motivating children to do exercise, one of them being
school programmes. Physical Education is part of the school programme from kindergarten to
12th grade. PE at school is great because they will certainly practice exercise, they can play team
sports games which develops their teamworking skills and they have loads of fun! But our aim
is to encourage them to have the initiative to do exercise, nor forcing them. The goal is to have
children and teens willingly playing sports or going for a run.
Another way of teaching them exercising habits is by parental example. Kids look up to
their parents and try as hard as they can to be more like them, so why not use this in the childs
advantage? By having a gym schedule and practicing exercise on a daily basis you let this idea
of well-being enter the kid’s brain. Even though this is great, a better option would be to
practice family sports and make a day out of it. By doing sports with your kids, they develop a
great image of sports and will want to keep practicing it.
Therefore, the best way of encouraging children to do exercise is by parental example.
Kids pick up a lot from their parents so by having little moments of family sports time, they
children will be eager to do regular exercise.

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