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Research Article

Advances in Mechanical Engineering

2021, Vol. 13(10) 1–14
Ó The Author(s) 2021
A third-order two-step numerical DOI: 10.1177/16878140211054983
scheme for heat and mass transfer of
chemically reactive radiative MHD
power-law fluid

Yasir Nawaz1, Kamaleldin Abodayeh2, Muhamamd Shoaib Arif1 and

Muhammad Usman Ashraf3

A two-stage third-order numerical scheme is proposed for solving ordinary differential equations. The scheme is explicit
and implicit type in two stages. First, the stability region of the scheme is found when it is applied to the linear equation.
Further, the stability conditions of the scheme are found using a linearized homogenous set of differential equations. This
set of equations is obtained by applying transformations on the governing equations of heat and mass transfer of incom-
pressible, laminar, steady, two-dimensional, and non-Newtonian power-law fluid flows over a stretching sheet with
effects of thermal radiations and chemical reaction. The proposed scheme with an iterative method is employed in two
different forms called linearized and non-linearized. But it is found that the non-linearized approach performs better than
the linearized one when residuals are compared through plots. Additionally, the proposed scheme is compared to the
second-order central finite difference method for second-order non-linear differential equations and the Keller-Box/
trapezoidal method for a linear differential equation. It is determined that the proposed scheme is more effective and
computationally less expensive than the standard/classical finite difference methods. Moreover, the impact of magnetic
parameter, radiation parameter, modified Prandtl and Schmidt numbers for power-law fluid, and chemical reaction rate
parameter on velocity, temperature, and concentration profiles are displayed through graphs and discussed. The power-
law fluid’s heat and mass transfer simulations are also carried out with varying flow behavior index, sheet velocity, and
mass diffusivity. We hoped that this effort would serve as a guide for investigators tasked with resolving unresolved
issues in the field of enclosures used in industry and engineering.

Third-order scheme, stability, power-law fluid, linearization, thermal radiations

Date received: 10 July 2021; accepted: 4 October 2021

Handling Editor: Chenhui Liang

Department of Mathematics, Air University Islamabad, Islamabad,
Introduction Pakistan
Department of Mathematics and General Sciences, Prince Sultan
Numerical methods are considered for solving espe- University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
cially those problems that cannot be solved exactly. The 3
Department of Sciences and Humanities, National University of
basic type of numerical methods can be classified into Computer and Emerging Sciences, Islamabad, Pakistan
two categories. One category is based on using consecu-
Corresponding author:
tive grid points for ordinary differential equations and Muhamamd Shoaib Arif, Department of Mathematics, Air University
consecutive time levels for partial differential equations Islamabad, PAF Complex E-9, Islamabad 44000, Pakistan.
for time discretizations. These methods can be Email:

Creative Commons CC BY: This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License
( which permits any use, reproduction and distribution of the work
without further permission provided the original work is attributed as specified on the SAGE and Open Access pages
2 Advances in Mechanical Engineering

constructed by using interpolation of polynomials in B series theory and rooted tree theory were proposed
either an explicit or implicit manner, which are called for deriving order conditions for the special two deriva-
multistep methods. The other category of numerical tive RK methods. For the effectiveness and accuracy of
methods is based on the use of different stages. The proposed methods, various test problems were given,
family of Runge-Kutta methods falls into this category. and also comparison was made to existing methods. In
These methods can either be constructed using Rainwater and Tokman,7 exponential propagation
Butcher’s tableau or the Taylor series are given in this iterative Runge-Kutta methods were extended to con-
work. In literature, some Runge-Kutta methods have struct split exponential propagation RK integrators for
been found which can be used to solve stiff equations. the system of ODEs. It was demonstrated that the deri-
In Kennedy and Carpenter,1 implicit-explicit fourth vation of order conditions for the proposed integrators
and fifth-order Runge-Kutta methods have been given, was followed from the bicolor trees-based B series. It
which used explicit, single diagonally implicit methods, was shown in Rainwater and Tokman7 that the specific
and embedded method was used to control error. Both scheme could be custom-built to improve the computa-
methods were tested for Van der Pol and Kaps’ prob- tional efficiency of the problem. For more numerical
lems, and the improvement over existing methods was methods, readers can see Chen et al.8, Figueroa et al.,9
shown. It was mentioned in Bouhamidi and Jbilou2 that Murua,10 Qin and Zhu,11 Simos,12 You and Chen,13
implicit Runge-Kutta methods are popular for solving and references therein.
stiff ordinary differential equations. Still, their main On the other hand, the literature has extensively dis-
drawback is the computation cost for integrating non- cussed flows over a stretching sheet with different kinds
linear systems in each stage. In Bouhamidi and Jbilou,2 of fluid. Not only Newtonian, some non-Newtonian,
the effort was made to reduce the computation cost by laminar incompressible fluid flows with heat transfer
transforming the linear system into Stein matrix equa- effects have also been explored in the existing literature.
tions, and this linear system arises in Newton’s method. In most cases, the governing equations of the heat and
In Cavaglieri and Bewley,3 it was pointed out that mass transfer in fluid flow have been expressed mathe-
implicit/explicit Runge-Kutta schemes were effective matically in partial differential equations and then fur-
for time marching ordinary differential equations hav- ther reduced into ordinary differential equations. Some
ing non-stiff and stiff parts. These problems were dis- shooting methods, homotopy analysis methods, and
cretized using implicit Runge-Kutta for the stiff part, Matlab solvers have been utilized to solve the boundary
which is often linear, and the use of the explicit RK value problems. The effect of magnetic field on forced
method for the non-stiff part is often non-linear. convective power-law fluid has been investigated in
In Cavaglieri and Bewley,3 eight implicit/explicit low Ahmed and Iqbal.14 This flow was studied in the annu-
storage Runge-Kutta schemes were developed and lar sector duct. The control volume approach solved
characterized with better stability than the existing only the reduced equations, and successive over-relaxation
low-storage implicit/explicit Runge-Kutta scheme. or strongly implicit procedures were adopted to solve
Based on the work of Kennedy and Carpenter,1 several resulting algebraic equations. The choice of the method
general-purpose, optimal diagonally implicit Runge- was based on the flow behavior index. Laminar, electri-
Kutta methods have been presented. All methods were cally conducting, incompressible non-Newtonian
L-stable and stiffly accurate. If there could be the possi- power-law fluid has been studied in Shamshuddin
bility, then many were internally L-stable on stages. An et al.15 over an exponentially stretching sheet, and
embedded method was also included for the facilitation power-law slip velocity was also considered. The spec-
of step size control. In Kennedy and Carpenter,4 five tral quasi-linearization method was adopted to solve
new single diagonally implicit RK methods were pre- the obtained set of non-linear ordinary differential
sented in an explicit first stage. It was claimed that the equations. It was found from the plot of obtained
presented sixth-order stage order two L stable 6(5) pair results that temperature de-escalated by enhancing Hall
explicit first stage, single diagonally implicit RK current. In Prasad et al.,16 viscous, incompressible
method was the first of its kind. An approach was steady state, electrically conducting MHD power-law
given in Kutniv et al.5 to construct high-order step fluid flow passing through vertically stretching sheet
numerical methods for solving initial value problems was considered. The transformed set of boundary value
on a finite domain. A transformation was given that problems were solved numerically using the Keller-Box
reduced the problem on semi-infinite interval and then method. The velocity and temperature profile behavior
used the finite irregular grid on a semi-infinite interval. was discussed for parameters involved in the trans-
Runge-Kutta methods and Taylor series were devel- formed set of non-linear ordinary differential equations.
oped. Special two-derivative Runge-Kutta type meth- The MHD electrically conducting mixed convective
ods have been introduced in Lee et al.6 for finding the fluid flow past a stretching surface has been studied17
solution of third-order ordinary differential equations, with heat absorption/generation effects. The set of ordi-
which involved the fourth derivative of the solution. nary differential equations has been tackled by the
Nawaz et al. 3

implicit finite-difference method for coupled non- 00 h2 000

y0i + 1 = y0i + hyi + y + O(h3 ) ð5Þ
similar flow. The solution depended on the magnetic 2 i
parameter, power-law fluid index, modified Richardson
Substituting equation (2) into equation (3) results
number, the generalized Prandtl number, and heat gen-
eration and radiation parameters. The analysis of h n 00
o i
power-law fluid flow over radially stretching sheets has yi + 1 = yi + h ay0i + 1 + b y0i + hyi + cy0i ð6Þ
been analyzed18 with heat transfer effects. The govern-
Substituting equations (4) and (5) into (6) gives
ing unsteady boundary layer equations in partial differ-
ential equations have been converted into non-linear
h2 00 h3 000
ordinary differential equations using new similarity yi + hy0i + yi + yi + . . . = yi
2 6
transformations. The system of equations was solved  n o 
0 00 h2 000 0 00 0
by the homotopy analysis method and shooting + h afyi + hyi + yi + . . .g + b yi + hyi + cyi
method. It was found that the thickness of the bound- 2
ary layer for velocity and temperature was a decaying ð7Þ
function of the unsteadiness parameter. More about 00 000
Comparing coefficients of hy0i , h2 yi and h3 yi on both
power-law fluid, readers can see Abd El-Aziz and
side of equation (7) gives
Saleem19, Prasad et al.20, Srinivasacharya and Swamy
Reddy21, and references therein. 1 = a + b + c, ð8Þ
This work aims to present a two-stage numerical
scheme for solving ordinary differential equations. The 1
= a + b, ð9Þ
first stage of the scheme is explicit. In contrast, the sec- 2
ond stage is implicit, and the scheme’s accuracy is 1 a
achieved by comparing coefficients in Taylor series = ð10Þ
6 2
expansions. First, the scheme’s stability region is found
when applied to the linear differential equation. Later Equations (8)–(10) are linear, containing three para-
on, the scheme is applied to non-linear boundary value meters a, b, and c. Solving these equations (8)–(10)
gives the values of unknown parameters as
problems obtained using transformations on the gov-
erning equations of heat and mass transfer of power- 1 1 1
law fluid flow over the sheet. Finally, since equations a= ,b= ,c= : ð11Þ
3 6 2
are non-linear and are linearized by finding the
Jacobian of the system and then using the Gauss-Seidel Thus, the second stage of the proposed scheme can be
iterative procedure, the whole set of equations are expressed as
solved and compared with the non-linear approach and  
existing standard finite difference methods. 1 1 1
yi + 1 = yi + h y0i + 1 + y0i + 1 + y0i ð12Þ
For the construction of the numerical scheme, con- 3 6 2
sider the following equation having the form
This stage (12) of the proposed scheme is implicit, and
0 since the terms of the Taylor series up to third order are
y = f ð yÞ ð1Þ
compared, the resulting scheme is third-order accurate.
The first stage of the scheme is expressed as Finally, the application of the scheme is given for two
yi + 1 = yi + hy0i ð2Þ
Example 1: Heat and mass transfer of power-law
Where h is the step size. This stage (2) is explicit, and
the implicit second stage can be expressed as fluid flow
  Consider a steady two-dimensional incompressible
yi + 1 = yi + h ay0i + 1 + by0i + 1 + cy0i ð3Þ non-Newtonian power-law laminar fluid flow over the
plate. Let the plate be placed in xz-plane, where x- axis
Stage (3) contains three unknown parameters a, b, and is considered to be horizontal, and y-axis is perpendicu-
c and values of these three unknown parameters are lar to the x-axis. The fluid is placed in space y.0. The
found by applying the Taylor series expansions. flow moves toward the positive x-axis when the plate is
Therefore expanding yi + 1 and y0i + 1 as stretched. Let the fluid be electrically conductive and a
magnetic field having the strength B0 is applied perpen-
h2 00 h3 000 dicular to the flow. The stretching velocity of the plate
yi + 1 = yi + hy0i + yi + yi + O(h4 ) ð4Þ
2 6 is Uw = ax. The geometry of the problem is shown in
Figure 1. By considering the effects of thermal
4 Advances in Mechanical Engineering

0 2n 00 00 n1 000
f 2
 ff = n f f  Mf 0 ð20Þ
2n 1 4
 f u0 = 1 + Rd u00 ð21Þ
n+1 NPr 3
2n 1 00
 f f0 = f  gf ð22Þ
n+1 NSc
Subject to the boundary conditions
f = 0, f 0 = 1, u = 1, f = 1 when h = 0
f 0 ! 0, u ! 0, f ! 0 when h ! ‘

Where M is the magnetic parameter, NPr is the modi-

Figure 1. Geometry of the problem. fied Prandtl number, NSc is the modified Schmidt num-
ber, and g be dimensionless reaction rate parameter
and these are defined as
radiations and chemical reaction, the governing equa-
tions of this phenomenon can be expressed as sB28 ax2 2 ax2 2
M= , NPr = ðRex Þn + 1 , NSc = ðRex Þn + 1 ,
ra a D
∂u ∂v k  3
4s T‘
+ =0 ð13Þ g = , Rd =
∂x ∂y a kk 
  a2n xn
∂u ∂u ∂ ∂u n sB20 where Rex = .
u + v = n  u ð14Þ n
∂x ∂y ∂y ∂y r The quantities of physical interest local Nusselt and
Sherwood numbers are defined as
∂T ∂T k ∂2 T 1 ∂qr
u +v = 2
 ð15Þ xqw
∂x ∂y rcp ∂y rcp ∂y Nux =
k ðT w  T ‘ Þ
∂C ∂C ∂2 C xqm
u +v = D 2  k1 (C  C‘ ) ð16Þ Shx =
∂x ∂y ∂y DðCw  C‘ Þ
Subject to the boundary conditions where qw and qm are called surface heat and mass fluxes,
 respectively, and for the considered problem, these are
u  Uw , v = 0, T = Tw , C = Cw when y = 0 defined as
y = 0, u ! 0, T ! T‘ , C ! C‘ when y ! ‘
∂T 16s T‘3 ∂T
In literature, the linearized Roseland flux can be qw = k 
∂y y=0 3k  ∂y y=0
expressed as
qm = D
16s T‘3 ∂T ∂y y=0
qr = ð18Þ
3k  ∂y
The non-dimensional forms of local Nusselt and
Following transformations are considered that can be Sherwood numbers are given as
used to reduce the set of partial differential (13)–(17) 
into a set of ordinary differential equations  1 4
Rex n + 1 Nux = 1 + Rd u0 ð0Þ ð24Þ
 2n 1=n + 1 >
a a >  1
u = axf , v = 0 >
½2nf  ðn  1Þhf  >
= Rex n + 1 Shx = [0 ð0Þ ð25Þ
xðn + 1Þ nx 2n
 2n 2 n +1 1 >
y a x T  T‘ C  C‘ >
h= ,u= ,f= ; Numerical solution
x n Tw  T‘ Cw  C‘
ð19Þ To solve equations (20)–(23), a proposed scheme
of order three is employed. For this reason, the
Substituting transformations (19) into equations (13)– system of second and third-order ODEs are reduced
(17) gives the set of ordinary differential equations into a system of first-order ODEs in the following
given as manner.
Nawaz et al. 5

Let evaluated at the previous grid point. The system of

equations (26)–(32) can be expressed as
f 0 = f1 ð26Þ
Y0 = F + J Y ð34Þ
Y = ½f , f1 , f2 , u, u1 , f, f1 t and
f10 = f2 ð27Þ 2 3
It implies 6 f2 7
6  7
6 1 2n 7
 6 2 7
1 2n 6 nðf Þn1 f1  n + 1 ff2 + Mf1 7
f20 = f12  ff2 + Mf1 ð28Þ 6 2 7
nðf2 Þn1 n+1 6 u1 7
F=6    7
3 2n 7
6 NPr  f u1 7
Also let 6 3 + 4Rd n+1 7
6 7
6 f1 7
6   7
u0 = u1 ð29Þ 4 2n 5
NSc  f f  gf
n+1 1

and the Jacobian is expressed as

2 3
0 1 0 0 0 0 0
6 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 7
6 7
6 2ðf2 Þ1n f2 ðf2 Þ1n (2f1 + M) 7
6 J3, 3 0 0 0 0 7
6 n+1 n 7
6 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 7
J =6
6 2nu1 2fn
6 0 0 0 0 0 7
6 ðn + 1Þd ðn + 1Þd 7
6 7
6 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 7
4 2nNSc f1 2nfNSC 5
0 0 0 0 gNSc
ðn + 1Þ ðn + 1Þ
n 2ff2 n
   2ðf2 Þ1n f ðf2 Þ (1n)(f12 +f1 M1+n )
3 2n Where J3,3 =  ,
u01 = NPr  f u1 ð30Þ n+1 n
3 + 4Rd n+1 1 4
and d= (1+ Rd ).
NPr 3
Let Applying the first stage of the proposed scheme on
(34) yields
f0 = f1 ð31Þ
  Yi + 1 = Yi + h(Fi + Ji Yi ) ð35Þ
f01 = NSc  f f + gf ð32Þ
n+1 1 and the second stage of the scheme is expressed as
Subject to the given and assumed initial conditions
Yi + 1 = Yi + h
f ð0Þ = 0, f1 ð0Þ = 1, f2 ð0Þ = x1 , 1 1 1
ð33Þ ðFi + Ji Yi + 1 Þ + ðFi + Ji Yi + 1 Þ + ðFi + Ji Yi Þ
uð0Þ = 1, u1 ð0Þ = x2 , fð0Þ = 1, f1 ð0Þ = x3 3 6 2
Where x1 , x2 , and x3 are unknowns, and later on, the
values of these unknowns will be found by shooting For j = 1, 2, . . . , 7 and 1 ł M ł 7, the m th component
approach using known boundary conditions. in equation (36) can be expressed as

Ym, i + 1 = Ym, i + hFm, i + h

1 m 1 X7 1 X7  1 X7 ð37Þ
ðm, jÞ, i j, i + = +
ðm, jÞ, i j, i + =
ðm, jÞ, i j, i + 1 + =
ðm, jÞ, i j, i
3 j 1 3 j m 1 6 j 1 2 j 1

where Jðm, jÞ, i represents j th entry of m th line of

Since equations (28), (30), and (32) are non-linear Jacobian evaluated at grid point i. Employing Gauss-
ODEs and these are linearized by finding the Jacobian Seidel iterative procedure on equation (37) results,
6 Advances in Mechanical Engineering

k +1 k +1 k +1
Ym, i + 1 = Ym, i + hFm, i + h
1 m k +1 k +1 1 X7 k +1 k 1 X7 k +1 k +1 1 X7 k +1 k +1
j = 1 ðm, jÞ, i j, i + 1
+ J Y
j = m + 1 ðm, jÞ, i j, i + 1
+ J Y
j = 1 ðm, jÞ, i j, i + 1
+ J Y
j = 1 ðm, jÞ, i j, i
3 3 6 2

and equation (38) can be expressed as

h X7 i
Ym, i + 1 = Ym,
k+1 k+1
i + h Fm, i + J k+1 k+1
Y ð39Þ
j=1 ðm, j Þ, i j, i And the amplification factor is expressed as

Ek + 1 c=3eIc
Stability analysis = 
Ek ð1  aÞeIc  1  3ehbIc  h6  h6 d  h2 d

The stability analysis of linear differential equations for

the scalar case can be found in Appendix. In this sec- The stability condition can be expressed as
tion, the stability of the homogeneous equation (34) is
given. The homogeneous equation is expressed as c=3eIc
ð1  aÞeIc  1  h3b eIc  h6  h6 d  h2 d
Y = JY ð40Þ
This implies
Applying the first stage of the proposed scheme using
the Gauss-Seidel iterative method yields equation (39)
k +1 hb Ic h h2  h 
with Fm, i = 0, 8m. Also, the second stage of the pro- c=3eIc \ ð1  aÞeIc  1  e   d d
posed scheme for equation (40) results from equation 3 6 6 2
k +1
(38) with Fm, i = 0, 8m. Here, it is assumed that all Using different step sizes by fixing a, b, c, and d with
components of the system behave similarly and so, c = cs = M1sp
8s = 0, 1, 2, . . . M  1 where M repre-
9 sents the number of grid points. The stability conditions
k +1 k + 1 ði + 1ÞIc k+1 k + 1 iIc >
Ym, i+1 = E e , Ym, i =E e = can be determined for particular cases. For detail of this
k k ði + 1ÞIc
Ym, i+1 = E e ð41Þ type of stability, readers can see Mazumder.22
k + 1 (i + 1)Ic >

Y m, i + 1 = E  e for 1 ł m ł 7
Where I = 1. Substituting transformation (41) into Results and discussions
k +1
equation (39) with Fm, i = 0 yields The proposed numerical scheme has been applied to
" # the linear ordinary differential equation given in the
first example. Also, it is applied for solving the problem
 k + 1 eði + 1ÞIc = Ek eði + 1ÞIc + h
E Jðkm,+jÞ,1 i Ek + 1 eiIc
j=1 of heat and mass transfer of boundary layer flow. The
X7 proposed numerical scheme for the non-linear problem
k + 1 iIc k + 1 iIf
=E e + hE e Jk +1
j = 1 ðm, jÞ, i
ð42Þ has been applied in two different directions. In one
direction, the system of non-linear differential equa-
Substituting transformations (41) into equation (38) tions is linearized by finding the Jacobian of the whole
k +1
with Fm, i = 08m results system of first-order differential equations. The
Jacobian is evaluated at the previous grid point. Then,
ð1  aÞEk + 1 eði + 1ÞIc = Ek + 1 eiIc + h
  the Gauss-Seidel iterative method is employed to solve
1 k + 1 ði + 1ÞIc  1 1  ði + 1ÞIc  1 the difference equation obtained by applying the pro-
E e b + Ek eði + 1ÞIcc + Ee d + Ek + 1 eiIc d
3 3 6 2
posed scheme. Because the proposed strategy applies to
ð43Þ first-order differential equations, the shooting method
P P7 is considered. Therefore, the scheme is based on three
Where a = h3 Jðkm,+m1Þ, i , b = m1 k +1
j = 1 Jðm, jÞ, i , 
c= j=m+1 different approaches. The proposed scheme performs
P7 k +1
J ,d=
ðm, jÞ, i J
j = 1 ðm, jÞ, i the discretization, then the Gauss-Seidel iterative
Substituting equation (42) into equation (43) and method is considered, and for finding missing initial
dividing both sides of the resulting equation by eiIc gives conditions, a shooting approach is considered. This
whole approach requires two sets of initial guesses to
ð1  aÞEk + 1 eIc = Ek + 1 + h get the solution of the required differential equations.
  The second approach is non-linearized instead of lin-
1 k + 1 Ic  1 k Ic 1  + 1 Ek + 1 d
E e b + E e c + (Ek + 1 + hEk + 1 d) earized. In this non-linearized approach, required dif-
3 3 6 2
 ferential equations are discretized using the proposed
hb h h h 
aÞeIc  1  eIc   d  d Ek + 1 = eIc Ek
ð1   scheme, and a modified iterative method is employed
3 6 6 2 3
to solve the resulting non-linear difference equations.
Nawaz et al. 7

Figure 2. Comparison of proposed scheme using iterative

Figure 3. Comparison of proposed scheme using iterative
procedures for the linearized and non-linearized system using
procedures for the linearized and non-linearized system over
n = 1, M = 0:7, Rd = 0:1, NPr = 2:7, NSc = 1:7, g = 0:1,
independent variable h using n = 1, M = 0:7, Rd = 0:1,
N = 90, L = 4.
NPr = 2:7, NSc = 1:7, g = 0:1, N = 90, L = 4.

This approach is more accurate than the linearized one,

which will be demonstrated in the residuals plots. Both
discretizations and iterative methods converged to the
accurate solution for the case of Newtonian fluid with
n = 1. Figure 2 show the comparison of linearized
(Figure 3, left) and non-linearized (Figure 3, right)
approaches by finding residuals over the iterations.
This Figure 2 shows the effectiveness of the non-linear
approach. All three residuals for three non-linear dif-
ferential equations are approaching zero approximately
when iterations are increased. But all the residuals in
the linearized approach do not tend to zero by increas-
ing the iterations. The residuals are found using the
procedure given in Nawaz and Shoaib.23
In this procedure, one extra numerical derivative is
found, and the final residual is computed. The maxi-
mum number of iterations consumed by linearized and
non-linearized approaches is the same. Figure 3 shows
the residuals plots over the independent variable h. Figure 4. Comparison of proposed and existing numerical
methods over iterations using n = 1, M = 0:7, Rd = 0:1,
This Figure 3 elucidates the comparison of linearized
NPr = 2:7, NSc = 1:7, g = 0, N = 90, L = 4.
and non-linearized approaches. By looking at this
Figure 3, it can be concluded that the non-linearized
approach did better than the linearized one. This is the second-order ordinary differential equations. The tra-
main advantage of the non-linear approach. But the lin- pezoidal/Keller-Box method is employed on first-order
earized approach provides the facility to perform some differential equations, and standard/classical second-
stability analysis. Figures 4 and 5 show the compari- order central difference formulas are employed to dis-
sons of the proposed scheme with the classical/standard cretize second-order differential equations. From this
second-order finite difference methods. The classical comparison given in Figures 4 and 5, it can be observed
standard finite difference method with the trapezoidal// that the proposed scheme performs better than the clas-
Keller-Box method is employed to discretize the non- sical finite difference method. The observation can be
linear ordinary differential equations. Afterward, an made from both types of comparisons, the one made
iterative method is employed to solve the resulting dif- on the consumption of the maximum number of itera-
ference equations. The third-order non-linear ordinary tions, and the other is made on the smaller maximum
differential equation is reduced to a system of first and residual. The huge difference between the consumption
8 Advances in Mechanical Engineering

Figure 5. Comparison of proposed and existing numerical Figure 7. Temperature profile with the variation of n using
methods over independent variable h using n = 1, M = 0:7, N = 60, M = 0:1, Rd = 0, NPr = 1.
Rd = 0:1, NPr = 2:7, NSc = 1:7, g = 0, N = 90, L = 4.

Figure 8. Concentration profile with the variation of n using

Figure 6. Velocity profile with the variation of n using N = 60, L = 7, M = 0:4, NSc = 5, g = 0:7.
M = 0, N = 60.

Rd on the temperature profile. Temperature escalates

of iterations from existing and proposed schemes can by enhancing the values of radiation parameters
be seen. Figures 6 to 8 show respectively velocity, tem- because radiations in the fluid enhance the amount of
perature, and concentration profiles with the variation energy, which is responsible for increasing the fluid’s
of parameter n. The behavior of the velocity profile is temperature. Figure 11 elucidates the impact of modi-
dual, whereas the temperature and concentration pro- fied Prandtl number NPr on temperature profile.
files de-escalate by enhancing parameter n. Figure 9 Temperature decays with rising values of modified
elucidates the impact of magnetic parameters on the Prandtl number NPr because growth in Prandtl number
velocity profile. Velocity de-escalates with rising values produces decay in thermal conductivity, which is
of magnetic parameter M. Since applying magnetic responsible for de-escalating the thermal conductivity,
force in the electrically conducting fluid generates so temperature decreases, the impact of modified
Lorentz force, this force resists the fluid’s velocity, Schmidt number on concentration profile is depicted in
which results in a de-escalation in the velocity profile. Figure 12. The concentration profile de-escalates by
Figure 10 deliberates the impact of radiation parameter enhancing the modified Schmidt number. It happens
Nawaz et al. 9

Figure 9. Velocity profile with the variation of magnetic Figure 11. Temperature profile with the variation of modified
parameter M using n = 1, N = 90. Prandtl number NPr using n = 1, N = 90, M = 0:5, Rd = 0:5.

Figure 10. Temperature profile with the variation of radiation Figure 12. Concentration profile with the variation of modified
parameter Rd using n = 1, N = 90, M = 0:5, NPr = 1. Schmidt number NSc using n = 1, N = 90, M = 0:5, g = 0:9.

because an increase in modified Schmidt number pro- of parameters depend on the convergence of the con-
duces decay in mass diffusivity. This decay means less structed Matlab code. Numerically any value of the
deriving force for diffusion applied on concentration by parameter can be considered on which the code satisfies
considering Fick’s law. The impact of reaction rate the given criteria of convergence. So, the code will be
parameter g on concentration profile can be seen in stopped if norms of differences for solutions of each
Figure 13. From this Figure 13, it can be observed that equation computed on two consecutive iterations are
the concentration profile de-escalates by increasing the less than the value near zero. After convergence of the
reaction rate parameter. Since the involvement of code, plots have been drawn. The stopping criteria for
chemical reaction results from the reaction in concen- each equation can be expressed as
tration profile that leads to breaking of chemical bonds  k+1 
in atoms which slows down the concentration profile. g  gk 2 \e
In most of the Figures 2 to 13, N denotes the maximum
number of grid points, and L denotes the length of the Where g is a vector of solution for any equation with
domain. The ranges of considered parameters depend dependent variables f , u, and [, k represents the itera-
on the physical situations but numerically, the ranges tion number, and e denotes the positive value near zero.
10 Advances in Mechanical Engineering

Table 1. List of numerical values for local Nusselt and local Sherwood numbers.
1 1
n M NPr Rd NSc g Rex n + 1 Nux Rex n + 1 Shx

0:3 0:1 1 0:1 3 0:1 0:3648 0:8934

0:7 0:5395 1:1652
1 0:5962 1:2739
0.4 0:5679 1:2498
4 1:4046 1:2498
0:4 1:5797 1:2498
5 1:5797 1:6733
0:7 1:5797 2:3962

The Matlab code ignored imaginary values.

Figure 13. Concentration profile with the variation of reaction

rate parameter g using n = 1, N = 90, M = 0:5, NSc = 1:7.

Table 1 shows numerical values for local Nusselt

and local Sherwood numbers with different contained
Figure 14. (a) Velocity surface, ðbÞ streamlines,
parameter values variations. For solving the considered ðcÞ temperature surface, ðdÞ isothermal contours using
model of non-Newtonian power-law fluid, the Matlab uw = 0:01, m = 0:01, n = 1:5.
code found complex values with small imaginary parts.
But code uses real parts of complex entries and ignored The impact of flow behavior index n on velocity and
the imaginary parts. These complex values are found temperature profiles can be seen in Figures 14 to 15.
for the non-Newtonian case when n 6¼ 1, but for Velocity and temperature escalate by enhancing the
Newtonian fluid, real values are found, but due to the value of the parameter n. The impact of wall velocity
use of shooting technique, an updated guess is provided uw on velocity and temperature profiles can be seen in
to Matlab built-in solver fsolve. Figures 16 to 17. From these Figures 16 and 17, it can
Figures 14 to 18 are drawn using software used for be observed that the velocity initially increases by
solving partial differential equations, and it uses the enhancing the wall velocity and leads to growth in the
finite element method to solve the required equations. temperature. The impact of mass diffusivity on concen-
This software is used for solving a model of heat and tration profile can be visualized in Figure 18. The
mass transfer of power-law fluid with effects of reaction thickness of the boundary layer grows by the rise of
in concentration. The variable viscosity for power-law mass diffusivity. The reaction coefficient used in Figure
fluid is used as 18 is Rc = 2.

m = mðg_ 1 Þn1 Conclusion

1h i
ffi A numerical scheme has been given that can be used to
g_ 1 = max D : D, g_ 1, min , D = ru + ðuÞT
2 solve first-order linear and non-linear ordinary
Nawaz et al. 11

Figure 15. (a) Velocity surface, ðbÞ streamlines, Figure 17. (a) Velocity surface, ðbÞ streamlines,
ðcÞ temperature surface, ðdÞ isothermal contours using ðcÞ temperature surface, ðdÞ isothermal contours using
uw = 0:01, m = 0:01, n = 0:5. uw = 0:4, m = 0:01, n = 0:5.

Figure 16. (a) Velocity surface, ðbÞ streamlines, Figure 18. Concentration surfaces using uw = 0:1,
ðcÞ temperature surface, ðdÞ isothermal contours using m = 0:01, n = 2 ðaÞ dc = 1 ðbÞ dc = 0:01 ðcÞ dc =
uw = 0:1, m = 0:01, n = 0:5. 0:0001 ðdÞ dc = 0:0000001.

differential equations. The scheme is third-order accu- reactive MHD non-Newtonian power-law fluid flow
rate, and by finding the stability function, a stability over a stretching sheet with effects of radiations has
region is plotted using software Mathematica. The been presented. Later on, these partial differential
mathematical model in the form of partial differential equations were converted into a set of non-linear ordi-
equations for heat and mass transfer of chemically nary differential equations using transformations. The
12 Advances in Mechanical Engineering

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The exact solution of equation (A1) is y = ekt . Applying
the first stage of the scheme to equation (A1) yields
yi + 1 = yi + h(kyi ) ðA3Þ
Example 2: Consider the linear differential equation of
the form The second stage of the proposed scheme is expressed
y0 = ky ðA1Þ
14 Advances in Mechanical Engineering

1 1 1 the stability region, the solution obtained by the for-
yi + 1 = yi + h y0i + 1 + y0i + 1 + y0i ðA4Þ
3 6 2 ward Euler method does not approach zero, and the
solution obtained by the proposed scheme does for the
step size h = 0:25. So, this is one of the advantages of
Stability finding the stability region for choosing the correct step
The stability of the scheme is found by finding the stabi-
lity function. For this reason, rewrite the equation (A4)
as Notations
  u horizontal component of velocity
1 1 hk 1 T temperature of fluid, K
yi + 1 = yi + kh yi + 1 + yi + yi + yi ðA5Þ
3 6 6 2 T‘ ambient temperature, K
Equation (A5) can be expressed as C concentration, mol=m3
r density, kg=m3
  n kinematic viscosity, m2 =s
z z z2 z
1 yi + 1 = 1 + + + yi s electrical conductivity, kg1 :m3 :s3 :A2
3 6 6 2
B0 strength of magnetic field, kg:s2 :A1
this yields k thermal conductivity, W =ðm:K Þ
M magnetic parameter
yi + 1 = fðzÞyi ðA6Þ Rd radiation parameter
1 + 2z3 + z6 g dimensionless reaction rate
where fð zÞ = and z = kh, fð zÞ is the stability
13z v vertical component of velocity
function, and the region for stability can be found as
Tw wall temperature, K
jf(z)j\1 ðA7Þ Cw concentration at the wall, mol=m3
C‘ ambient concentration, mol=m3
Figure A1 shows the stability region of the proposed cp specific heat capacity, J  kg1  K1
scheme for the considered linear ordinary differential s Stefan-Boltzmann constant, W :m2 :K 4
equation. If the value of k in equation (A1) is complex, k mean absorption coefficient, cm1
then the stability region is the same shown in Figure D mass diffusivity, m2 =s
A1, but if k is real, the stability region will be a straight k1 reaction rate, s1
line segment drawn on x-axis. NPr modified Prandtl number
Figure A2 shows the comparison of the proposed NSc modified Schmidt number
scheme with the existing forward Euler method. When qr Roseland radiative flux
the step size chosen for the Euler method falls outside

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