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Evaluation Guidelines

Group : 3 to 5 Students. Same division. No exceptions. Submission + Presentation

Submission will happen on google classroom followed by your presentation on the
same day.
1. Industry Chosen:
Students must select an industry that aligns with 21st-century business models,
such as SaaS, Web 3.0, Cloud Kitchens, Blockchain, D2C, and others. The industry
should have relevance to current market demands and the potential for future
2. Growth Justification of the Chosen Industry:
Articulate the reasons for the industry's expansion, supported by current data and
trends. Evaluate the industry's trajectory, considering economic, technological,
social, and regulatory factors.
3. Key Trends Observed in the Industry:
Examine and present the significant trends shaping the industry. This includes
technological innovations, consumer behavior changes, market expansions, and
shifts in the regulatory landscape.
4. Proposed Startup Concept:
Propose an innovative startup idea that addresses a gap or opportunity within the
selected industry. The concept should be original, feasible, and have a clear
business model.
5. Rationale Behind the Startup:
Provide a compelling justification for why this startup is needed in the market.
Highlight the problem it solves or the demand it meets.
6. Timing Appropriateness for the Startup:
Justify why the current time is optimal for launching the startup. Consider market
readiness, technological advancements, consumer trends, and other time-sensitive
7. Industry Changes Beneficial to the Startup:
Identify and analyze recent or anticipated changes in the industry that could
positively impact the startup's success.
8. Innovation of the Offering:
Elucidate what makes the startup's offering innovative. Compare with existing
industry offerings to underscore the unique value proposition.
Evaluation Guidelines:
Total Marks : 50
1. Industry and Market Analysis (20%): Depth of research on industry growth,
trends, and key changes.
2. Innovation and Originality (20%): Novelty of the startup idea and its
differentiation from existing solutions.
3. Strategic Timing (20%): Analysis of the timing and why now is the best time
to launch.
4. Startup Viability and Business Model (20%): Feasibility of the startup,
including financial prospects and business model soundness.
5. Communication and Presentation Skills (10%): Clarity, organization, and
persuasiveness of the presentation.
6. Team Collaboration (10%): Effectiveness in working as a team to deliver a
cohesive proposal.

Tips for Higher Marks:

Conduct thorough industry research using credible sources.
Demonstrate innovative thinking with a clear, unique startup proposition.
Substantiate the timing with current data and trend analysis.
Exhibit financial acumen by presenting a solid business model.
Practice the presentation to ensure clarity and confidence.
Collaborate seamlessly, showing evidence of equal participation.

Academic Code of Integrity:

Uphold the highest standards of academic integrity in all aspects of the project.
Any form of plagiarism will result in disqualification and disciplinary action.
All sources of information must be cited in APA or Harvard style.
Collaborative work should reflect the contributions of each group member.
Ethical considerations should be addressed in the startup proposal.
Presentation Outline:
Title Slide:
Startup Name
Team Members’ Names (3 to 5 per group)
Course Title
Presentation Date

Skincare D2C

Slide 1: Introduction to the Industry (30 seconds)

Quick overview of the chosen industry
(D2C Skincare)
Significance in the 21st-century business landscape

Slide 2: Industry Growth Factors (30 seconds)

Highlight key statistics or trends substantiating the industry's growth
Present factors contributing to this growth

Slide 3: Key Industry Trends (30 seconds)

Identify and briefly explain the major trends impacting the industry

Slide 4: Problem and Opportunity Identification (30 seconds)

State the problem or market gap the startup aims to address
(frame it in such a way that it highlights Multani mitti as well as when sold
expensive in the international markets)

Why this presents an opportunity (text)

Slide 5: Startup Concept Overview (30 seconds)

Concise pitch of the startup idea
Core product or service offering

Slide 6: Market Fit and Timing Justification (30 seconds)

Explanation of market demand
(stats on Multani mitti)
Timing relevance and why now is opportune for entry
(because of growing demand on e-commerce and skincare awareness)

Slide 7: Innovation and Competitive Edge (30 seconds)

Outline what sets the startup apart in terms of innovation – Price , Packaging ,
Branding , women employment,

Brief comparison with existing solutions

Slide 8: Financial and Business Model Snapshot (30 seconds)

Quick glance at the business model
E-commerce Platform, DTC website, Subscription box service (Testers included),
Partner with Global retailers and wholesalers, Affiliate Market, B2B Business,
Customisation and Personalisation.

Key financial highlights indicating viability

Slide 9: Conclusion (30 seconds)

Recap of the startup’s value proposition and potential impact
Future aspirations for the startup
Final Slide: Q&A Invitation (15 seconds)
Invite questions from the evaluators

Guidelines for Presentations:

 Clarity and Conciseness: Given the 5-minute time constraint, each group
should present their ideas clearly and succinctly. Practice to ensure that
the presentation does not exceed this time limit.

 Visuals and Graphics: Use relevant visuals and graphics to support your
data and statements. This will make your presentation more engaging and
easier to understand at a glance.

 Division of Labor: Each group member should have a speaking role,

demonstrating teamwork and a balanced contribution. The content should
be distributed evenly to fit within the time allocation for each slide.

 Rehearsal: Rehearse the presentation to ensure smooth transitions

between speakers and slides. Aim for a seamless flow of information.

 Engagement: Aim to engage the audience with a compelling narrative.

Begin with a hook and close with a strong, memorable point.

 Professionalism: Maintain a professional demeanor throughout the

presentation. Dress appropriately and speak respectfully.

 Timing: Each slide should be allocated a specific time to keep the

presentation within the 5-minute window. Be mindful of this during
practice sessions.

 Technical Readiness: Ensure that all technical aspects, such as the slide
clicker and any embedded media, are working correctly before the
presentation begins.

 Q&A Preparedness: Be prepared for the Q&A session by anticipating

possible questions and discussing potential answers as a group.

Academic Integrity:
 Students must work within their groups and credit any external
contributions or consultations.
 All factual information and data must be properly cited in the presentation.
 Plagiarism of any kind will not be tolerated and will be subject to academic

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