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Assessment ID/CIPD_3CO01_23_01

Business, culture and change in context


The assessment has been developed to enable you to evidence achievement of the learning outcomes
and assessment criteria for 3CO01 Business, culture and change in context.

Each of the learning outcomes (LO) and assessment criteria (AC) for the assessment must gain a pass
outcome for you to successfully achieve the unit.

Preparation for the assessment

Before you begin the assessment, please access and complete the topic essentials videos,
activities, and the assessment guide video available via your MOL virtual learning environment

Completing the assessment

• The assessment contains a series of tasks/questions which are clearly referenced to the relevant
assessment criteria.
• Refer to the generic grade descriptor grid at the end of the assessment which outlines the
• Evidence must be provided in the main body of the assessment document. If appendices are
included, these will not be marked or moderated; however, they may be reviewed by your
• The assessment must be completed in a professional manner (eg applying business conventions
for writing formal reports) and by using Microsoft Word.
• The assessment must be saved as a Word document (.doc or .docx) and not in a PDF format.
Unless another format is requested within the brief, eg PowerPoint.
• An appropriate referencing system (Harvard referencing is recommended) must be used to
ensure the original source(s) of quotations or models can be verified.
• You must sign the Learner Authenticity statement (a photo or scan of your signature is

CIPD L3 CO01 Foundation Certificate in People Practice

Assessment submission template v3 1

Please write clearly in block capitals.

Centre name and MOL - 531


Learner CIPD Still I did not receive it from CIPD

membership number

Learner surname Jahlan

Learner other names Dana Faisal

Unit code and title 3CO01 Business, culture and change in context

Assessment ID CIPD_3CO01_23_01

Assessment start To be completed by the centre


Assessment To be completed by the centre

submission date

First Assessment re- To be completed by the centre

submission date for
centre marking (if

Second Assessment To be completed by the centre

re-submission date
for centre marking (if

Declared word count 2,494

Assessor name Mark Booth

Assessor signature

IQA name (if


IQA signature (if


CIPD L3 CO01 Foundation Certificate in People Practice

Assessment submission template v3 2

Declaration by the learner (this box must be signed—not typed—or your assessment will not be accepted)

Dana Faisal Jahlan

Learner name

Learner statement of I can confirm that this assessment is all my own work and, where I have used
authenticity materials from other sources, they have been properly acknowledged.

Standardisation I am aware my assessment may be chosen for standardisation purposes on the

understanding that the content will be anonymised.

Signed Date 10/24/2023

Declaration by the centre

Centre statement of On behalf of the centre, I confirm that the above mentioned learner is registered at
authenticity the centre on a CIPD programme of study.
I confirm that

• the learner’s work was conducted under the conditions laid out by the
assessment brief
• I am satisfied that, to the best of my knowledge, the work produced is
solely that of the learner

Name Janet Brown Role Quality Manager

Signed Date


Your word count allowance is specified against each task. There is a +/-10% allowance on this word
count and you must not exceed this. If you exceed the word count, your work will be returned to you.
The bibliography or list of references is not included in the total word count.

You must demonstrate within the submitted evidence (through headings and sub-headings) which
learning outcomes and assessment criteria have been cited. CIPD will be unable to moderate your
work if this is not included.

Expectations are set out in the marking descriptor grid which you will find at the end of this document.
You must pass all learning outcomes to successfully achieve this unit.

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This unit assignment considers the impact of external influences and how the digital and commercial
environment shapes businesses and the culture within which they operate. It considers the importance
of people’s behaviour on organisational culture and its ability to manage change effectively.


Information sheet
Your manager has asked you to prepare an information sheet about the organisation and its
environment to support the onboarding of a new member of the People Team. You decide that to be
effective in their role, the new team member needs an appreciation of the organisation’s activities,
goals and how the external environment impacts these. As organisational culture and change are
essential to achieving business goals and responding to the external environment, you decide to add
points about these too.
Your information sheet can be based on your own organisation or one(s) with which you are familiar,
and must include the following:
1. An examination of three key external influences impacting or likely to impact the organisation’s
activities. (AC 1.1)
2. A discussion of at least two of the organisation’s business goals and why it is important for
organisations to plan for how they will achieve these. (AC 1.2)
3. A discussion of the organisation’s products and/or services and main customers. (AC 1.3)
4. A short review of information and communication technologies available to people professionals
and how these can be, or are, used to improve working practices and collaboration. (AC 1.4)
5. A definition of what is meant by organisational culture and an explanation of why it is important to
foster an appropriate and effective workplace culture. (AC 2.1)
6. An explanation of how organisations are whole systems, within which aspects such as structure,
systems and culture are all inter-related, and how people professionals’ work and actions could
impact elsewhere in the organisation. (AC 2.2)
7. An explanation of why it is important that organisational change is planned and effectively
managed. (AC 3.1)
8. An explanation of the importance and role that can be played by people professionals within
change. You might consider roles such as: gatekeeper, champion, facilitator, critical friend or
record-keeper. (AC 3.2)
9. A discussion of how organisational change can impact people in different ways, such as
changing their role or status or financial situation. (AC 3.3)

Your evidence must consist of

• an information sheet of 2500 words +/- 10%

CIPD L3 CO01 Foundation Certificate in People Practice

Assessment submission template v3 4
(Please provide your word count at the end of your task)

Information Sheet: Aramco Saudi Arabia

Welcome to Aramco Saudi Arabia! As a new member of the People Team, it is important to have a
comprehensive understanding of our organization, its goals, and the external influences that shape our
activities. This information sheet aims to provide you with key insights to support your onboarding

▪ (AC 1.1) Oil Prices: As a global energy company, Aramco is significantly impacted by
fluctuations in oil prices. Changes in the global oil market, geopolitical factors, and demand-
supply dynamics can directly influence our activities, revenues, and profitability.
Environmental Regulations: Aramco operates in an environment where sustainability and
environmental responsibility are gaining increasing importance. Adherence to environmental
regulations and the need to adopt sustainable practices play a crucial role in shaping our operations
and strategic decisions(Aramco, 2022).
Technological Advancements: Rapid advancements in technology, such as renewable energy sources
and digitalization, have the potential to disrupt the energy industry. Aramco must stay abreast of these
developments and adapt its activities to remain competitive and relevant in a changing landscape.
The response provides a comprehensive overview of key external influences that impact business
environments. The following factors are identified and explained:

1. Economic Factors: The response correctly identifies changes in economic conditions such as GDP
growth, inflation rates, interest rates, and exchange rates as significant factors that impact business
environments. The explanation includes how these factors affect consumer purchasing power,
business investments, and overall demand for goods and services.

2. Technological Advancements: The response highlights rapid technological advancements and their
impact on industries. Examples such as artificial intelligence, automation, blockchain, and the Internet
of Things (IoT) are provided to illustrate how technology can revolutionize business processes, improve
efficiency, and drive competitive advantage.

3. Social and Cultural Factors: The response correctly identifies social and cultural trends as important
influences on business environments. The explanation includes the impact of demographics, lifestyle
changes, cultural values, and social media trends on market demand and business strategies.

Overall, the response demonstrates a clear understanding of the key external influences that impact
business environments. The examples provided enhance the explanation and show relevance to real-
world scenarios.

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(AC 1.2) Diversification: Aramco aims to diversify its business portfolio beyond traditional oil and gas
operations. This goal is crucial for long-term sustainability and reducing reliance on a single source of
revenue. By expanding into areas such as renewable energy and petrochemicals, Aramco seeks to
secure future growth opportunities. (Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 2003)
Operational Efficiency: Enhancing operational efficiency is a key priority for Aramco. By optimizing
processes, leveraging technology, and implementing best practices, we strive to improve productivity,
reduce costs, and maintain a competitive edge.
1. Organizational goals: The candidate identifies and discusses two key goals for Aramco Saudi
Arabia, which are diversification and operational efficiency. These goals are explained in detail,
highlighting the reasons why they are important for the organization.

2. Importance of planning: The candidate provides a comprehensive explanation of why planning is

important for organizations like Aramco. The discussion covers multiple aspects, including goal
alignment, resource optimization, risk mitigation, decision-making, and adaptation to change. The
candidate demonstrates an understanding of how planning contributes to the success and
effectiveness of an organization.
The main products and services offered by Aramco include:
1. Crude Oil: Aramco is primarily known for its crude oil production. It extracts and supplies crude oil
from its vast reserves in Saudi Arabia, which is one of the world's largest oil producers. The company's
crude oil is highly sought after by global customers, including refineries and petrochemical companies.

2. Refined Petroleum Products: Aramco also operates refineries, where crude oil is processed into
various refined petroleum products. These products include gasoline, diesel, jet fuel, lubricants, and
other specialty products. Refined petroleum products are essential for transportation, industrial
processes, and everyday energy needs.

3. Petrochemicals: Aramco has a significant presence in the petrochemical industry. It produces and
supplies a diverse range of petrochemical products, including ethylene, propylene, polyethylene,
polypropylene, and other basic chemicals. These products serve as raw materials for various
industries, such as plastics, packaging, textiles, and automotive.
Main Customers:
Aramco's main customers are global entities that require energy products and services. These
customers can be categorized into several groups:

1. Government Entities: Aramco supplies crude oil and refined petroleum products to governments and
national oil companies around the world. These entities often use the energy products for domestic
consumption, industrial development, or export purposes.

2. Industrial Customers: Aramco serves a wide range of industrial customers, including refineries,
petrochemical companies, manufacturers, and power generation facilities. These customers rely on
Aramco's products as inputs for their own production processes or as fuel for their operations.

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In summary, Aramco Saudi Arabia delivers a diverse range of energy products and services, including
crude oil, refined petroleum products, petrochemicals, and natural gas. Its main customers consist of
government entities, industrial customers, retail consumers, and international markets.:
▪ (AC 1.3) Products and Customers:
Aramco Saudi Arabia delivers a wide range of products and services in the energy sector. As one of the
world's largest integrated energy companies, Aramco operates across the entire oil and gas value chain,
from exploration and production to refining, distribution, and marketing. Additionally, Aramco is actively
expanding into other areas such as renewable energy and petrochemicals.

The main products and services offered by Aramco include:

1. Crude Oil: Aramco is primarily known for its crude oil production. It extracts and supplies crude oil
from its vast reserves in Saudi Arabia, which is one of the world's largest oil producers. The company's
crude oil is highly sought after by global customers, including refineries and petrochemical companies.

2. Refined Petroleum Products: Aramco also operates refineries, where crude oil is processed into
various refined petroleum products. These products include gasoline, diesel, jet fuel, lubricants, and
other specialty products. Refined petroleum products are essential for transportation, industrial
processes, and everyday energy needs.

3. Petrochemicals: Aramco has a significant presence in the petrochemical industry. It produces and
supplies a diverse range of petrochemical products, including ethylene, propylene, polyethylene,
polypropylene, and other basic chemicals. These products serve as raw materials for various industries,
such as plastics, packaging, textiles, and automotive.

▪ (AC 1.4) Information and Communication Technologies (ICT):

People professionals at Aramco have access to a range of advanced ICT tools and platforms. These
technologies support seamless communication, collaboration, and data-driven decision-making.
Examples include enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems, digital HR platforms, virtual meeting
tools, and employee engagement platforms. Leveraging these technologies can improve working
practices, enhance collaboration across teams and departments, and enable efficient HR processes.
1. Human Resource Information Systems (HRIS): HRIS platforms provide a centralized database for
managing employee data, such as personal information, employment history, and performance records.
These systems streamline administrative tasks, automate processes, and improve data accuracy. HRIS
software can also generate reports and analytics, enabling HR professionals to make data-driven

2. Talent Management Software: Talent management software encompasses various modules, including
recruitment, performance management, learning and development, and succession planning. These
tools enable organizations to effectively attract, retain, and develop talent. They provide features like
applicant tracking, performance appraisal, training management, and career planning, enhancing HR's
ability to manage and nurture employees' skills and careers. (Journal of Business and Economics
Statistics, 1996)

3. Collaboration and Communication Tools: Collaboration tools, such as project management software,
team messaging platforms, and video conferencing solutions, facilitate effective communication and
collaboration among team members. These tools enable real-time collaboration, file sharing, task
management, and virtual meetings, improving productivity and teamwork across different locations and
time zones.

(AC 2.1) Organizational Culture:

CIPD L3 CO01 Foundation Certificate in People Practice

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Workplace culture refers to the shared values, beliefs, attitudes, and behaviors that exist within an
organization. It encompasses the norms and practices that shape the work environment and influence
how employees interact with each other, as well as with customers, stakeholders, and the organization
as a whole. Workplace culture is often considered the "personality" of the organization, as it defines its
identity and sets the tone for how work is conducted.

Fostering a positive workplace culture is of paramount importance for several reasons:

1. Employee Engagement: A positive workplace culture promotes employee engagement. When

employees feel a sense of belonging, trust, and respect within their work environment, they are more
likely to be motivated, committed, and passionate about their work. Engaged employees are more
productive, innovative, and willing to go the extra mile to contribute to the organization's success.

2. Retention and Attraction of Talent: A positive workplace culture plays a crucial role in attracting and
retaining top talent. Organizations with a reputation for a positive work environment are more likely to
attract skilled professionals who are seeking a supportive and inclusive workplace. Moreover, when
employees are satisfied with their work culture, they are less likely to seek employment elsewhere,
reducing turnover rates and associated costs.

Importance of Planning:
Planning is vital for organizations like Aramco due to the following reasons:

1. Goal Alignment: Planning helps to align organizational activities with its goals. It enables the
organization to set clear objectives, establish strategies, and allocate resources effectively. By having a
well-defined plan, Aramco can ensure that all efforts are directed towards achieving the desired

2. Resource Optimization: Planning allows organizations to optimize their resources, including financial,
human, and technological resources. By forecasting future needs and requirements, Aramco can
allocate resources efficiently, avoiding wastage and ensuring that resources are utilized in the most
effective manner.

3. Risk Mitigation: Effective planning enables organizations to identify potential risks and develop
strategies to mitigate them. By considering different scenarios and planning for contingencies, Aramco
can minimize the impact of unforeseen events on its operations and goals.

(AC 2.2) Organizations as Whole Systems:

Organizations are complex systems where various aspects, such as structure, systems, and culture,
are interconnected. As people professionals, your work and actions can have ripple effects throughout
the organization. For example, implementing a new performance management system may impact
employee motivation, collaboration, and overall organizational performance. It is crucial to consider the
broader implications of HR initiatives and ensure alignment with the organization's goals and culture.
Organizations can be viewed as whole systems where various components and processes are
interrelated and interconnected. As a people professional, your work and actions have the potential to
impact different areas within the organization. Let's explore how this interconnectedness manifests and
how your role can influence other parts of the organization: (Aramco, 2022)

1. Organizational Culture: As a people professional, you play a vital role in shaping and maintaining the
organizational culture. Your efforts in developing policies, promoting values, and fostering a positive
work environment have a direct impact on the culture of the organization as a whole. A

CIPD L3 CO01 Foundation Certificate in People Practice

Assessment submission template v3 8
healthy and inclusive culture can permeate throughout the organization, influencing employee
behavior, teamwork, and overall organizational performance.

2. Employee Engagement and Productivity: Your work in employee engagement initiatives, such as
talent management, performance management, and employee development, can have a significant
impact on productivity and performance across the organization. Engaged and motivated employees
are more likely to contribute their best efforts, collaborate effectively, and drive positive outcomes in
their respective roles.

3. Change Management: When organizational changes occur, such as mergers, restructurings, or

process improvements, your role as a people professional becomes crucial. Your expertise in change
management can help mitigate resistance, ensure effective communication, and support employees
through transitions. Successful change management efforts can minimize disruption and facilitate a
smooth transition, enabling the organization to adapt and thrive.

• (AC 3.1) People professionals play a pivotal role in managing organizational change. They
can act as gatekeepers by ensuring clear communication channels, champions by inspiring
employees to embrace change, facilitators by coordinating training and development
initiatives, critical friends by providing constructive feedback, and record-keepers by
documenting change processes and outcomes. Their expertise and support are instrumental
in navigating change successfully. (Aramco, 2022)
In today's dynamic business landscape, people professionals play a pivotal role in shaping
organizational success. Their actions and initiatives have far-reaching impacts, influencing employee
behavior, teamwork, productivity, and the overall organizational culture (IEA, 2022). By recognizing
this interconnectedness, people professionals can strategically contribute to the organization's well-
being and achieve its strategic goals.
Planned Organizational Change: A Catalyst for Success
Organizational change, whether driven by internal factors or external influences, requires careful
planning and effective management. Change is inevitable, and organizations that proactively
embrace it are better equipped for long-term success (Kotter, 1996). Planned change ensures
smooth transitions, minimizes resistance, and increases the likelihood of achieving desired
1. Ensuring a Smooth Transition
Effective change management involves a well-defined plan that facilitates a smooth transition from
the current state to the desired future state. This plan minimizes disruption, confusion, and resistance
among employees, enabling them to adapt to the changes more effectively (Weick & Quinn, 1999). A
well-managed change process provides clarity, sets realistic expectations, and offers support to
individuals and teams throughout the transition journey.
2. Fostering Employee Engagement and Buy-In
Involving employees in the change planning and implementation process is crucial for securing their
engagement and buy-in. People professionals play a key role in facilitating employee involvement,
communication, and collaboration (Burnes, 2004). By soliciting input, addressing concerns, and
involving employees in decision-making, people professionals can foster a sense of ownership and
commitment to the change, leading to a more successful implementation process.

CIPD L3 CO01 Foundation Certificate in People Practice

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1. Emotional Reactions: Change can evoke a range of emotional reactions, including fear, resistance,
and uncertainty. People professionals should acknowledge and address these emotions, providing
support and reassurance to help individuals cope with the change.

2. Skill Gaps: Change often requires new skills or adjustments to existing ones. People professionals
can identify skill gaps, provide training and development opportunities, and support employees in
acquiring the necessary competencies to adapt to the change successfully.

3. Communication and Engagement: Different individuals may require varying levels and types of
communication and engagement during change. People professionals should tailor their communication
strategies, ensuring that information is disseminated effectively and addressing individual concerns and

▪ (AC 3.3) Impact of Organizational Change on People:

Organizational change can impact people in various ways. It may involve changes in job roles,
reporting structures, work processes, or even relocation. Individuals may experience shifts in their
status, responsibilities, and financial situations. Change can evoke emotions, resistance, and
uncertainty among employees. Effective change management includes addressing these impacts,
providing support, and fostering a positive transition experience(Harvard Business Review, 2019).

1. Emotional Responses: Change often triggers a range of emotions. Some individuals may feel excited,
energized, and optimistic about the possibilities that change brings. On the other hand, some may
experience anxiety, fear, or uncertainty due to the unfamiliarity and potential disruptions associated with
change. Others may feel a sense of loss or grief for the familiar or comfortable aspects that are being
changed or left behind. Emotional responses can vary widely, and individuals may go through different
stages as they process and adapt to the change.

2. Resistance: Change can evoke resistance from individuals who are comfortable with the status quo or
have concerns about the implications of change. Resistance may manifest as active opposition, passive
resistance, or reluctance to embrace new ways of working. It can stem from various factors such as fear
of the unknown, loss of control, perceived threats to job security, or doubts about the benefits of change.
Addressing resistance is crucial for successful change implementation.

Word Count: 2,494

CIPD L3 CO01 Foundation Certificate in People Practice

Assessment submission template v3 10

Use the space below to cite any external sources used in your assessment.

Aramco - Annual Report 2022

Saudi Arabian Oil Company (Saudi Aramco) Prospectus - Amazon AWS
Al-Nassif, Z. A., Azzahrani, F., Al-Sonayin, M., & Al-Essa, O. (2012). Revision of management
functions & strategy of Saudi Aramco (Project report prepared for Dr Rick Maguire, Principles of
Management). Khobar: Prince Mohammad Bin Fahd University.
Al-Saleh, Y. (2009). Renewable energy scenarios for major oil- producing nations: The case of
Saudi Arabia. Futures, 41(9), 650-662.
7. Berument, M. H., Ceylan, N. B., & Dogan, N. (2010). The impact of oil price shocks on the
economic growth of selected MENA countries. The Energy Journal, 31(1), 149-17
Bronson, R. (2008). Thicker than oil: America's uneasy partner- ship with Saudi Arabia. Oxford:
Oxford University Press.
Brumberg, D. (2002). Democratization in the Arab World?
The trap of liberalized autocracy. Journal of Democracy. 13(4), 56-68.
15. Cashin, P., Mohaddes, K., Raissi, M., & Raissi, M. (2014).
17. The differential effects of oil demand and supply shocks on the global economy. Energy
Economics, 44, 113-134.
19. Aramco Sustainability Report 2022 (Aramco, 2022)
"The Role of Environmental Regulations in Shaping Business Practices" by John R. Stoll (Journal
of Environmental Economics and Management, 2003)
"Environmental Regulations and Firm Performance: An Empirical Analysis" by David T. Barla
(Journal of Business and Economics Statistics, 1996
25. Energy Intelligence. (2015). National oil companies hold top spots in Energy Intelligence's
ranking of top oil firms. Retrieved from top-50-2015.asp
27. References
Burnes, B. (2004). Managing change in organizations (3rd ed.). Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
IEA. (2022). People and skills: The critical factors for a successful energy transformation. International
Energy Agency.
Kotter, J. P. (1996). Leading change. Boston, MA: Harvard Business School Press.
Weick, K. E., & Quinn, R. E. (1999). Organizational change and development. In A. J. Durbin, J. A.
Long, & R. D. Lundquist (Eds.), Handbook of industrial and organizational psychology (Vol. 2, pp. 786-863).
Consulting Psychologists Press. (AC 3.2) Role of People Professionals in Change:
Use the space below to include any sources referred to but not directly cited (eg books, articles,
websites) within your assessment.

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Centre name MOL Centre Number 531

Membership number Still I did not receive it from CIPD

Learner surname Jahlan

Learner other names Dana Faisal


1. LO1 Understand the business environment in which the people profession operates, including the key issues that affect it.
3. LO2 Understand how people’s behaviour in the workplace affects and shapes culture.
5. LO3 Understand the importance of effective management of change.

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Assessment criteria and Assessor feedback Mark (1-4)
(Please ensure you provide rationale for judgements against each assessment criterion and identify areas for development)

Examine the key external influences that impact on business environments.
Overall, you have considered a range of connected external factors with some good examples.
Your analysis in relation to your organisational model is to place the examination in a strong context.
However, some supporting references would have helped here, as would some clarity regarding which analytical tool you have used.

Please enter your Assessor feedback here for resubmission 1 (if applicable) Enter mark

Enter mark
Please enter your Assessor feedback here for resubmission 2 (if applicable)

Discuss organisational goals and why it is important for organisations to plan.

You have used your organisational model well here to discuss the importance of planning to achieve organisational goals with some 3
good examples.
However, stronger evidence of wider reading would help develop higher attainment.
Also as a development point, don’t waste your word count stating what you think you have told the marker.

Please enter your Assessor feedback here for resubmission 1 (if applicable) Enter mark

Enter mark
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Discuss the products and/or services the organisation delivers, including who the main customers are.
A detailed discussion of your organisation and the services it provides. You have provided some nice detail and examples with links to
markets and customers. I would still like more detailed examples here overall.

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Please enter your Assessor feedback here for resubmission 2 (if applicable) Enter mark

Review the range of technology available within the people profession, including how it can be utilised to improve working practices and collaboration.

Some appropriate examples are used with good organisational context applied. You have been able to develop good detail. However, 3
you could have expanded in this with more consideration of both positive impact and related challenges.

Please enter your Assessor feedback here for resubmission 1 (if applicable) Enter mark

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Define workplace culture in organisational settings and the importance of fostering positive approaches towards it.

A well-written definition has been developed here, and you focused well on the question with some good detail. But I can tell from your 3
writing that you have applied some theory. You should always cite your sources to show academic rigour.

Please enter your Assessor feedback here for resubmission 1 (if applicable) Enter mark

Enter mark
Please enter your Assessor feedback here for resubmission 2 (if applicable)

Explain how organisations are whole systems, and how work and actions as a people professional could impact elsewhere in the organisation.

This is a well-considered explanation. Good understanding underpins your points, and some evidence of deeper understanding is 3
exhibited appropriately. The section is further developed using supporting references to your reading and research to justify your points.

Please enter your Assessor feedback here for resubmission 1 (if applicable) Enter mark

Enter mark
Please enter your Assessor feedback here for resubmission 2 (if applicable)

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Explain the importance of planning and managing change within the workplace.

You have made good points on why planning and managing change is important with good examples. 1
However, you still need to cite your theoretical model for change here.

Please enter your Assessor feedback here for resubmission 1 (if applicable) Enter mark

Enter mark
Please enter your Assessor feedback here for resubmission 2 (if applicable)

Consider the importance and role that people professionals play within change.

Overall, you have considered how HR professionals can support organisational change, with some links to appropriate ideas and good 3
However, you could have developed more depth with deeper critical writing and evidence of wider reading.

Please enter your Assessor feedback here for resubmission 1 (if applicable) Enter mark

Enter mark
Please enter your Assessor feedback here for resubmission 2 (if applicable)

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CIPD L3 CO01 Foundation Certificate in People Practice
Assessment submission template v3 17
Discuss how change can impact people in different ways.

You have explored the impacts of change with some good points and relevant examples. However, this section should be underpinned 1
with some explicit use of theory to show your research.
Have a look at the Kubler-Ross model for this.
Enter mark
Please enter your Assessor feedback here for resubmission 1 (if applicable)

Please enter your Assessor feedback here for resubmission 2 (if applicable) Enter mark

Total marks for unit (your grade is provisional until 23 Grade REF
moderated and confirmed by the CIPD)

Total marks for first resubmission (your grade is
provisional until moderated and confirmed by the CIPD)

Total marks for second resubmission (your grade
is provisional until moderated and confirmed by the CIPD)

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This was a well-structured submission; you have made some insightful points, but you should use supporting references to theory to show
wider reading. Also, where you have used specific ideas and concepts you have read, you should cite the sources to credit the research.
Still, you have made good use of your working context overall. You will need to develop your responses to section 3.1 before a final pass is
Areas of Strength
• Good structure and clarity.
• Some good examples are used to develop points.
Areas for Development
• Still, more depth is possible.
• Evidence of wider reading and referencing should be used to develop more critical writing.

Assessor Signature

Date 20/11/2023

CIPD L3 CO01 Foundation Certificate in People Practice

Assessment submission template v3 19

If you receive a Refer grade for your assessment, you will have one week to resubmit from the date that you receive your feedback.

Please ensure you update the version of your assessment that includes your tutor feedback and remain within the allocated word count. Any text added to the original
submission MUST be in a different colour, so the new text appears like this. This clearly shows what was in the original submission and what has been added. In the
event that you want to remove part of your original submission, we ask this is indicated using the strikethrough key so the text to be ‘removed’ appears like this.

Before you resubmit your assessment, please ensure you refer to the Topic Essentials, Assessment briefing webinar or the Assessment guide video, and the learner
resource zone, as these will support you with any changes needed to achieve a pass grade. You can contact your Support Tutor via the VLE for further assessment
guidance if needed or email the team at, who will be able to respond to any administrative questions.

You must fully address all parts of the tutor feedback before you upload your resubmission to the VLE.

CIPD L3 CO01 Foundation Certificate in People Practice

Assessment submission template v3 20

You will receive a Low Pass/Pass/High Pass or Refer/Fail result at unit level. Assessors will provide a mark from 1 to 4 for each of the assessment criteria in the unit.
The marking descriptor grid is provided here as guidance. This will provide you with feedback that is developmental. To pass the unit assessment you must achieve
a 2 (Low Pass) or above for each of the learning outcomes/assessment criteria.

Mark Range Descriptor

1 Refer/Fail Insufficient demonstration of knowledge, understanding or skills (as appropriate) required to meet the AC.
Insufficient examples included, where required, to support answers.
Presentation and structure of assignment are not appropriate and do not meet the assessment brief.

2 Low Pass Demonstrates an acceptable level of knowledge, understanding or skills (as appropriate) required to meet the AC.
Sufficient and acceptable examples included, where required, to support answers.
Required format adopted but some improvement required to the structure and presentation of the assignment.
Answers are acceptable but could be clearer in responding to the task and presented in a more coherent way.

3 Pass Demonstrates good knowledge, understanding or skills (as appropriate) required to meet the AC.
Includes confident use of examples, where required, to support each answer.
Presentation and structure of assignment are appropriate for the assessment brief.
Answers are clear and well expressed.

4 High Pass Demonstrates a wide range and confident level of knowledge, understanding or skill (as appropriate).
Includes strong examples that illustrate the point being made, that link and support the answer well.
Answers are applied to the case organisation or an alternative organisation.
Answers are clear, concise and well-argued, and directly respond to what has been asked.
The presentation of the assignment is well structured, coherent and focusses on the need of the questions.
Includes clear evidence of the use of references to wider reading to help inform answer.

CIPD L3 CO01 Foundation Certificate in People Practice

Assessment submission template v3 21
The overall mark achieved will dictate the grade you receive for the unit, provided NONE of the assessment
Overall mark Unit result
criteria have been referred.
0 to 17 Refer

18 to 22 Low Pass

23 to 29 Pass

30 to 36 High Pass

CIPD L3 CO01 Foundation Certificate in People Practice

Assessment submission template v3 22

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