Smiles 3-The Rainbow

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Field: Language and communication Subject: Level: II Grade: III

Topic: Learning situation: Practicing
The Rainbow. A story from America learned structures through stories
Results of learning competences related to the topic: Key words:
Paint, paint brush, grass, river,
- Identify and read some of the objects in the textbook.
bird, rainbow, pretty, flowers,
- Listen to and read the story about the rainbow.
how, where? etc.
- Translate the text in Albanian language.
- Make sentences using new vocabulary
Sources: Relation to other fields or cross
curricular topics:
Textbook/ youtube Literature
Methodology or pupils activity: Brainstorming/ DRTA/Asking- answering
Relation to the previous topic:
Before starting to explain the new lesson I am going to ask students what they can see in the
pictures. Where do you think our characters are. I will also revise some of the colours they have
learnt by asking them different questions: ex: What colour is the hat?

Ndërtimi i njohurive të reja

Then I am going to play the video on youtube. I start reading the story aloud and stop time to
time to ask what will happen next. The students raise hands to answer. I explain the new
vocabulary to the students ex: paint - boje, paintbrush -furce, grass - bar, river -lumi, bird - zogu
Then students will try with my help to read the text again and mention some of the vocabulary
learnt. In this text students are going to learn about how the rainbow is formed and what colours
we use to create the rainbow. Here they will revise different colours like: yellow, blue, red,
brown, purple, green etc After reading it students will try to complete the missing letters in
exercise 2 ex: Green _________. How pretty.

Presentation and demonstration of achieved results:

In order to reflect on the words learnt today students are going to tell aloud some of the
vocabulary learnt like: river, grass, rainbow, bird, paint. I encourage the students to use the new
vocabulary in sentences.
Evaluation: I will assess students based on:
L2: Extracting simple information through listening
L3: Translating the text in Albanian language.
L4: Making sentences using new vocabulary
Home- work
Exercise 2 workbook

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