Javascript Notes

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JavaScript - Page 1

JavaScript - The language of the web:

- An essential web technology, alongside HTML and CSS, with which you can create

interactive web pages.

- Supports object-oriented, imperative, and functional programming styles.

- It's a high-level, interpreted scripting language so it's understood by web browsers without the

need for compilation.

JavaScript - Page 2

JavaScript in Web Development:

- Manipulates the content of a web page by modifying the Document Object Model (DOM).

- Responds to user interactions like clicks, form submissions, and keyboard input.

- Sends requests to remote servers and processes responses, often using AJAX.
JavaScript - Page 3

JavaScript Frameworks and Libraries:

- Node.js: A JavaScript runtime for server-side programming.

- React: A library for building user interfaces.

- Angular: A framework for building web applications.

- Vue.js: A progressive framework for building user interfaces.

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