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Bordetella pertussis


Pediatric Infectious Diseases, CHOC Children’s, Orange, CA 92868;
Universitäts-Kinderspital beider Basel (UKBB), CH-4031 Basel, Switzerland

ABSTRACT Pertussis is a highly infectious vaccine-preventable continued on a cycle of every 2 or 3 to 5 years. In the
cough illness that continues to be a significant source of past several years, even countries with generally high
morbidity and mortality around the world. The majority of
immunization rates in early childhood have experienced
human illness is caused by Bordetella pertussis, and some
is caused by Bordetella parapertussis. Bordetella is a
a rise in pertussis cases. In 2014, the World Health
Gram-negative, pleomorphic, aerobic coccobacillus. In the past Organization (WHO) reported 139,786 cases of per-
several years, even countries with high immunization rates tussis in spite of an estimated global 86% diphtheria-
in early childhood have experienced rises in pertussis cases. tetanus-pertussis (DTP) vaccine coverage with three
Reasons for the resurgence of reported pertussis may include doses (4). In 2013 and 2014, there were 28,639 and
molecular changes in the organism and increased awareness 32,791, respectively yearly reported cases of pertussis
and diagnostic capabilities, as well as lessened vaccine efficacy in the United States, which makes pertussis the most
and waning immunity. The most morbidity and mortality with
prominent emerging vaccine-preventable disease in this
pertussis infection is seen in infants too young to benefit from
immunization. Severe infection requiring hospitalization, country. Of those cases involving patients 6 months
including in an intensive care setting, is mostly seen in those to 6 years of age, 42% had a DTaP vaccination history
under 3 months of age. As a result, research and public health of 3 or more doses, 6% had 1 or 2 doses, 8% had none,

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actions have been aimed at better understanding and reducing and 44% had an unknown vaccination status (5). In
the spread of Bordetella pertussis. Studies comparing the cost 2014, there were more than 10,000 reported cases of
benefit of cocooning strategies versus immunization of pregnant pertussis in California alone. The greatest morbidity and
women have been favorable towards immunizing pregnant
mortality associated with pertussis infection occur in
women. This strategy is expected to prevent a larger number of
pertussis cases, hospitalizations, and deaths in infants <1 year old
young infants, particularly those under 3 months of age,
while also being cost-effective. Studies have demonstrated that often requiring hospitalization in an intensive care set-
the source of infection in infants usually is a family member. ting (6, 7). With this upsurge in pertussis, much more has
Efforts to immunize children and adults, in particular pregnant been learned about the organism, the vaccines available,
women, need to remain strong. and the variability of illness presentation. This complex
disease has promoted many public health actions aimed

INTRODUCTION Received: 19 November 2015, Accepted: 23 November 2015,

Pertussis is a highly contagious acute respiratory illness Published: 3 June 2016
classically known as “whooping cough” because of its Editors: W. Michael Scheld, Department of Infectious Diseases,
University of Virginia Health System, Charlottesville, VA; James M.
characteristic cough. The majority of cases are caused Hughes, Division of Infectious Diseases, Department of Medicine,
by Bordetella pertussis, with some caused by B. para- Emory University School of Medicine, Atlanta, GA; Richard J. Whitley,
pertussis (1, 2). Pertussis is a vaccine-preventable dis- Department of Pediatrics, University of Alabama at Birmingham,
Birmingham, AL
ease that was a major cause of childhood morbidity Citation: Nieves DJ, Heininger U. 2016. Bordetella pertussis.
and mortality during the first half of the 20th century. Microbiol Spectrum 4(3):EI10-0008-2015. doi:10.1128
Following worldwide implementation of pertussis vac- /microbiolspec.EI10-0008-2015.
Correspondence: Delma J. Nieves, dnieves@CHOC.ORG
cination, cases declined significantly (3) (Fig. 1). How-
© 2016 American Society for Microbiology. All rights reserved.
ever, it was never fully eliminated, and epidemic peaks 1
Nieves and Heininger

FIGURE 1 Reported pertussis cases from the National Notifiable Disease Surveillance

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System, United States, 1922 to 2014. The inset show cases from 1990 to 2014. Data
for 1950 to 2013 were obtained from the Centers for Disease Control and Preven-
tion National Notifiable Diseases Surveillance System. Data for 1922 to 1949 were ob-
tained from passive reports to the U.S. Public Health Service. DTP, diphtheria and tetanus
toxoids combined with whole-cell pertussis vaccine; DTaP, diphtheria and tetanus
toxoids and acellular pertussis vaccine; Tdap, reduced-dose acellular pertussis vaccine
combined with tetanus and diphtheria toxoids. Figure adapted with permission from
reference 272.

at reducing the spread of Bordetella pertussis, specifi- whooping cough cases (2, 8–10). It is slow growing and
cally to the fragile neonate, at risk of much worse disease fastidious and infects only humans (2). B. parapertussis,
than older age groups and of high mortality. first isolated in the 1930s, has been recovered from
sheep as well as humans with usually a milder pertussis-
like illness than that caused by B. pertussis (11, 12).
THE ORGANISM B. bronchiseptica, identified in 1910, has rarely been
Bordetella is a Gram-negative, pleomorphic, aerobic isolated from humans with a pertussis-like cough ill-
coccobacillus. The genus Bordetella consists of nine ness but is normally enzootic in pigs (atrophic rhinitis),
species, four of which are known to cause human res- dogs (kennel cough), cats, rabbits (snuffles), rodents,
piratory illness (B. pertussis, B. parapertussis, B. bron- and other animals (13–20). B. holmesii, first isolated in
chiseptica, and B. holmesii). B. pertussis, first isolated in 1983, is an occasional cause of pertussis-like illness in
1906 by Bordet and Gengou, causes 86% to 95% of humans (21, 22).

Bordetella pertussis

Virulence Factors and Pathogenesis may result in obstruction of small pulmonary vessels and
B. pertussis contains ∼3,121 proteins, many of which lead to severe pulmonary hypertension (62). It is also
are antigenic or biologically active (2). Fimbriae (FIM) possible that the inhibition of G proteins in other organ
are protein projections on the surface of B. pertussis cells, such as of the lungs or heart, is the cause of death
which are highly immunogenic and appear to function (61, 63). Tracheal cytotoxin, dermonecrotic toxin, and
as adhesins (23–26). Antibody to FIM appears to be adenylate cyclase toxin all have been implicated in ani-
important in protection (27, 28). Filamentous hemag- mal experiments as contributors to local tissue damage
glutinin (FHA) is a component of the cell wall of all in the respiratory tract (31, 53, 55).
Bordetella spp. (2, 29–37). It is highly immunogenic and The cause of the hallmark paroxysmal cough of dis-
is the dominant attachment factor for Bordetella in ease caused by B. pertussis infection is unknown, but
animal model systems (2, 38, 39). FHA is a component bradykinin may play a role (64). During B. pertussis in-
of most diphtheria, tetanus, and acellular component fection, bradykinin production is increased, bradykinin
pertussis combination (DTaP and Tdap) vaccines; how- has a prolonged half-life in the airways, and respon-
ever, it is not clear if antibody to FHA offers protec- siveness to bradykinin reception activation is increased.
tion from disease (27, 28). Pertactin (PRN) is an outer Bradykinin activates sensory nerves implicated in cough.
membrane protein of B. pertussis that allows it to resist Various antibodies (agglutinins, hemagglutination-
neutrophil-mediated clearance (2, 30, 40–44). Some inhibiting antibodies, and bactericidal antibodies) de-
DTaP vaccines containing PRN in addition to pertussis velop after human infection with B. pertussis (1).
toxin (PT) and FHA were shown to be more effective Following infection, IgA, IgE, IgG, and IgM have been
than those without (2, 45–47). Anti-PRN antibodies shown by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA)
appear to help phagocytosis of B. pertussis by host im- to develop in the blood against many of the specific
mune cells (44). PT is a critical factor related to mortality proteins of B. pertussis (65–67). With the exception of
in young infants and is unique to B. pertussis. PT is IgA antibodies, these antibodies also develop in various
responsible for leukocytosis with lymphocytosis seen amounts after immunization. However, lifelong pro-
in B. pertussis infections in unimmunized individuals. tection does not occur with infection or immunization,
Leukocytosis is a major risk factor for severe disease in leaving the host susceptible for continued reinfection
unprotected infants (2, 31). with B. pertussis (68–83). The combination and con-
Adenylate cyclase toxin is an extracytoplasmic en- centrations of antibody needed to confer immunity are
zyme that impairs host immune cell function by enabling not well understood (84). In a nested household contact
B. pertussis to evade nitric oxide killing in macrophages study looking at the roles of IgG antibodies to PT, FHA,

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(37, 48–52). Dermonecrotic toxin is a cytoplasmic pro- PRN, and FIM 2 in children at the time of household
tein which causes skin necrosis in laboratory animals exposure to B. pertussis, it was shown that geometric
(53). Tracheal cytotoxin causes local damage to respi- mean values for antibody to PT, PRN, and FIM 2 were
ratory epithelium in hamster tracheal organ cultures and higher in uninfected persons than in infected persons;
in cultured hamster tracheal epithelial cells (54, 55). The however, in the classification tree and regression analy-
type III secretion system allows Bordetella to translocate ses, only antibodies against PRN contributed signi-
effector proteins directly into the plasma membrane or ficantly to protection (27). Similarly, a Swedish study
cytoplasm of host cells (56, 57). The lipopolysaccharide found that higher values for antibody to PRN and FIM
(LPS) of B. pertussis is similar to the endotoxins of other 2/3 correlated with protection (28). However, some
Gram-negative bacteria and may act as an adhesin (2, children get pertussis in spite of large amounts of anti-
31, 32, 58). It is a major cause of reactions to whole-cell body to either or both PRN and FIM (76, 85). Data from
pertussis vaccines (59). Antibody to LPS may lead to studies suggested that high values for antibody to PT
reduced colonization (60). may have a blocking effect on the protective effect of
The exact mechanism of pathogenesis in human dis- antibody to PRN and perhaps FIM (86, 87).
ease is not fully understood. Infection is initiated in Cell-mediated immune function is altered by B. per-
the respiratory tract by the attachment of B. pertussis tussis infection, sometimes depressed and at other times
organisms to the cilia of ciliated epithelial cells (26). PT augmented (88). Studies with humans demonstrate a
appears to be the major causative factor in deaths in cellular immune response shortly after natural infection
young infants (61–63). PT inhibits G proteins, leading to with B. pertussis, with PT, FHA, and PRN preferentially
leukocytosis with lymphocytosis. Extreme leukocytosis, inducing the synthesis of TH1 cells (89). Immunization
most commonly seen in young infants with pertussis, with a whole-cell pertussis vaccine resulted in a TH1 3
Nieves and Heininger

response, whereas the response to acellular vaccines is infection, while in those with classic pertussis symptoms,
more heterogeneous and involves both TH1 and TH2 such as paroxysmal cough, whoop, and posttussive
cells. Persistent memory T and B cells and anamnestic vomiting, the rate varies from 21 to 86% (2, 69, 71, 84,
antibody responses are important in long-term immu- 91–103). Nonpurulent coryza, lack of fever, and the
nity (90). lack of leukocytosis with lymphocytosis are often found.
Also important in pertussis in adults is the occurrence
of sweating episodes between paroxysms of coughing.
While complications of pertussis in adolescents and
CLINICAL SYNDROME adults are less common than in young children, hospi-
Bordetella pertussis Infections talization can be required and pneumonia and seizures
The typical presentation of pertussis is seen in unim- do occur (2). Increased intrathoracic pressure during
munized children (less frequently in adolescents and severe cough episodes can cause pneumothorax (4%),
adults) and is a three-stage illness: catarrhal, paroxys- epistaxis, subconjunctival hemorrhage, subdural he-
mal, and convalescent (91). The duration of illness is matoma, hernia, rectal prolapse, urinary incontinence
typically 6 to 12 weeks but sometimes longer. Symptoms (28%), rib fracture (4%), and cough syncope (6%)
develop after an average incubation period of 7 to 10 (104). In addition, herniated intervertebral disc, hearing
days (range, 5 to 28 days). The catarrhal phase of disease loss, angina attacks, carotid artery dissection, and en-
is a nonspecific, mild clinical syndrome which lasts from cephalopathy have been described (2, 69, 91, 92, 97).
1 to 2 weeks. Nasal congestion, rhinorrhea, lacrimation Pertussis in neonates and young infants is a unique
with conjunctival injection, malaise, mild sore throat, experience with much higher concern for associated
and mild cough similar to a common cold are seen. Fever morbidity and mortality risk (2, 91, 105). The spectrum
is not common and if present may suggest a secondary of clinical manifestations varies by age, immunization
infection. Pertussis is often not suspected during this status, and the presence or absence of transplacentally
early phase. It is then followed by worsening cough, and acquired antibody (106–111). A review of 6 clinical
the paroxysmal stage begins. The respiratory secretions studies looking at characteristics of pertussis in young
are most infectious during the catarrhal stage, but trans- infants mostly in the first 3 months of life which en-
mission is most efficient during the first 3 weeks after compassed over 250 hospitalized babies diagnosed with
the cough onset. The paroxysmal phase usually lasts 2 to pertussis found that cough (89 to 100%), apnea (49 to
6 weeks. The paroxysms are repetitive series of 5 to 58%), supplemental oxygen need (59 to 100%), me-
10 or more forceful coughs during a single expiration, chanical ventilation (27 to 100%), and pulmonary hy-

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followed by a sudden inspiratory effort leading to the pertension (11 to 39%) were notable (105). Most deaths
characteristic whoop. Posttussive vomiting is a common resulting from B. pertussis infection occur in neonates
phenomenon. Between attacks, the patient appears rel- and early infancy. The case fatality rate of pertussis in
atively well. As the illness progresses, episodes of cough neonates is 1 to 3% (61, 63, 106, 109, 112–122). From
paroxysms usually increase in frequency and severity, 1997 through 2000, 8,276 cases of pertussis were re-
particularly at night. The convalescent stage, which usu- ported to occur in infants in the United States, with 59%
ally lasts 1 to 12 weeks, is characterized by a decreasing leading to hospitalization (123). Eleven percent had
frequency and severity of coughing episodes, whooping, pneumonia, 1% had seizures, 0.2% had encephalopa-
and vomiting. During the recovery period, superim- thy, and 0.7% died. Eighty-seven percent of these in-
posed viral respiratory infections can trigger a recur- fant cases occurred before 6 months of age. Pertussis in
rence of paroxysms. Patients with classic pertussis infants less than 6 months of age can present with apnea
caused by primary infection have leukocytosis associat- without the typical cough (124). Seizures can be seen in
ed with lymphocytosis. association with apnea and is thought to be caused by
However, the clinical presentation in older children, the induced hypoxia. Severe pulmonary hypertension is
adolescents, and adults can be nonspecific, especially in a relatively common problem in pertussis, especially seen
immunized or partially immune hosts, and can include in the first 4 months of life (61, 62, 114, 125–132).
coryza and cough without the characteristic whoop, Disease severity and mortality correlate directly with the
making diagnosis and appropriate treatment quite chal- white blood cell (WBC) count and, in particular, the
lenging. Several studies have found that from 12% to number of lymphocytes (62, 106, 107, 109, 111, 117,
>30% of persons with acute illness with cough of at least 125, 127, 129, 132). WBC counts in the range of 30,000
1 to 2 weeks’ duration have evidence of B. pertussis to more than 100,000 cells/mm3 are common findings.

Bordetella pertussis

A California Department of Public Health study look- three percent of patients were under 3 months of age.
ing at 31 infants ≤90 days of age with pertussis who The median WBC counts were significantly higher in
were admitted to pediatric intensive care units has pro- those requiring mechanical ventilation (35,200/mm3
vided useful information relating to risk factors for versus 26,100/mm3), those with pulmonary hyperten-
pulmonary hypertension and death (61). Infants with sion (68,400/mm3 versus 25,100/mm3), and nonsurvi-
pulmonary hypertension or who died had higher WBC vors (66,300/mm3 versus 26,100/mm3).
counts (>30,000 cells/mm3), had more rapid pulse Sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) has been noted
(>170) and respiratory rates (>70), and were more likely in association with B. pertussis infection, but whether a
to have pneumonia than those who did not have pul- cause-and-effect relationship exists is not clear (116,
monary hypertension or die. Pulmonary hypertension 118, 146, 147). Using PCR, B. pertussis DNA was found
and death were associated with a rapidly rising WBC in nasopharyngeal specimens from 9 (18%) of 51 in-
count. fants who had sudden, unexpected deaths (116). In a
Coinfections with respiratory viruses (respiratory subsequent study, specimens were collected for PCR
syncytial virus, adenovirus, and influenza viruses) and from 254 infants who experienced sudden, unexplained
respiratory bacterial pathogens (Streptococcus pneumo- deaths and from 441 healthy matched controls (146).
niae and Haemophilus influenzae) are dependent on The rate of PCR-positive results in the sudden-death
local epidemiology and do not necessarily contribute to cases was 5.1%, and that in the controls was 5.3%. In
severity of pertussis (62, 106, 113, 120, 133–140). a careful follow-up histopathologic study with unique
A large multicenter study in Australia of defined pre- immunohistochemical staining of specimens from a sub-
dictors of disease severity in hospitalized children during set of these fatal cases, no evidence of specific B. per-
an epidemic indicated that an age of <2 months, fever tussis pulmonary infection or pathologic features were
of >37.5°C at presentation, history of premature birth, found (148).
and identified coinfection were independently associated Aside from prevention of disease, early detection
with severe disease as defined by a pertussis severity can make a difference in outcomes. However, early and/
score (141). Zamir et al. in Jerusalem also looked for risk or presenting symptoms in neonates are not often ob-
markers and vaccination among reported pertussis cases vious, especially since presenting symptoms of pertussis
in children under 1 year old (142). They found that low can overlap with symptoms of viral illness. So, the cli-
birth weight and high birth order (4th and above) were nician must have a high suspicion for testing for per-
independent risk markers. Male gender and low socio- tussis and perhaps a low threshold for treating once
economic status were more frequent among cases. The appropriate testing has been sent. A study comparing

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majority of hospitalized patients were under 4 months of hospitalized patients under 3 months of age with con-
age. However, Heininger and Burckhardt argued that firmed pertussis versus respiratory syncytial virus or
high rates of concomitant infections from these and influenza virus indicated several features that should
several other studies are probably explained by the fact alert clinicians to pertussis, including paroxysmal cough,
that they were detected during respiratory virus out- posttussive emesis, lack of congestion, and lack of fever
breaks and in specific patient groups, mainly young (139).
children (140).
Shojaei et al. performed a retrospective study to
compare clinical and laboratory findings between hos- OTHER BORDETELLA INFECTIONS
pitalized infants with confirmed versus clinical pertussis Bordetella parapertussis
disease and found that whoop and apnea as well as B. parapertussis infection in children can range from
leukocytosis (≥16,000 WBCs/mm3) and lymphocytosis atypical respiratory disease to mild or typical pertussis
(≥11,000 WBCs/mm3) were more frequently seen in con- (2). Studies comparing B. pertussis and B. parapertussis
firmed pertussis cases (143). Those with confirmed per- cough etiologies show that B. parapertussis infection can
tussis had longer hospital stays and were more likely to have a very significant cough illness with paroxysms but
require pediatric intensive care. Other studies also have usually is less severe in terms of apnea, cyanosis, whoop,
found that whoop is more common in culture-positive and posttussive emesis (9, 149). Concomitant infections
than in culture-negative cases (144). with B. pertussis and B. parapertussis may occur (150–
Berger et al. described 127 children hospitalized with 152).
critical pertussis and again found the worse severity of During the period from 2008 to 2010, clinical speci-
illness in patients under 3 months of age (145). Eighty- mens from 9 states in the United States were tested by 5
Nieves and Heininger

PCR for B. pertussis and B. parapertussis in a com- from 1976 to 1982. Then, from 1982 to 2012, the
mercial laboratory (10). Of the positive samples, 13.9% attack rate curve shifted modestly upward and reached
were identified as containing B. parapertussis. The 15.2 per 100,000 in 2012 (161). Pertussis epidemics in
B. parapertussis-positive samples had no seasonal peri- the prevaccine era occurred at 2- to 5-year intervals,
odicity, whereas the B. pertussis positives peaked be- and these cycles have continued in the vaccine era (162,
tween weeks 22 and 38 each year. 163).
In the prevaccine era, the majority of cases were seen
Bordetella bronchiseptica in 1- to 9-year-olds (<1 year, 7.5%; 1 to 4 years, 41.1%;
B. bronchiseptica causes respiratory infections in at least 5 to 9 years, 46.0%; 10 to 14 years, 4.1%; and 15 years
18 different mammals (32). Most notable are atrophic and older, 0.9%.) (91, 164). Following widespread
rhinitis in pigs, kennel cough (rhinotracheitis) in dogs, pediatric immunization in the United States, a marked
and bronchopneumonia in rabbits and other labora- reduction in reported cases of pertussis was seen, as
tory animals. Otherwise healthy children who became well as a major shift in the percentages by age category,
infected with B. bronchiseptica after being exposed to with the majority of illness from 1978 to 1981 being
farm animals or pets usually had pertussis-like illnesses seen in young children (<1 year, 53.5%; 1 to 4 years,
(2). 26.5%; 5 to 9 years, 8.2%; 10 to 14 years, 5.4%; and
Occasional infections in humans have been noted 15 years or older, 6.5%) (91). In contrast, U.S. data for
during the last 40 years, with the majority occurring 2010 revealed the following age proportions for cases:
in immunocompromised adults, including patients with younger than 1 year, 15%; 1 to 6 years, 22%; 7 to 10
AIDS (15, 153–155). Respiratory infections have ranged years, 18%; 10 to 19 years, 20%; and 20 years or older,
from mild upper respiratory illnesses to pneumonia. In 25%. Hence, pertussis in adolescents and adults is
patients with AIDS, the pneumonia frequently is cavi- comparatively frequent and thereby an important source
tary. Sinusitis and bronchitis also occur. of B. pertussis infection of unimmunized or partially
immunized children (165).
Bordetella holmesii Multiple studies have demonstrated that the source of
B. holmesii has been isolated from nasopharyngeal spe- infection in infants usually is a family member (84, 110,
cimens from patients with pertussis-like illnesses in 113, 166–168). In a study of 616 infant cases, the source
the United States, France, Canada, and the Netherlands was identified in 43% (167). A family member was the
(156–158). The incidence of pertussis-like illness due to source 75% of the time, and the mother was the most
B. holmesii is unknown. common source (32%). Of the source persons, 56%

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were adults and 20% were 10 to 19 years of age. In
studies of household contacts, asymptomatic infections
EPIDEMIOLOGY in family members are common occurrences (84, 169,
Transmission of bordetellae is thought to occur by res- 170). Deen et al. (84) found that 52 (46%) of 114
piratory droplets from a coughing patient that directly household contacts who remained well had laboratory
infect a susceptible host or contaminate surfaces that evidence of B. pertussis infection. In another study, 21 of
then act as fomites of disease to a host who autoinoc- 399 healthy infants who were controls in a study of SIDS
ulates infection (31). Transmissibility is greatest early in had PCR-positive nasopharyngeal samples (146). In a
the illness, that is, during the catarrhal and early par- study at one hospital during the California pertussis
oxysmal phases. epidemic of 2009-2010, 32 infants under 3 months of
B. pertussis is an extremely infectious organism, with age were hospitalized with pertussis, and household
an estimated 12 to 17 secondary cases produced by a coughing contacts were reported for 24 out of the 32
typical primary case in an entirely susceptible popula- patients with pertussis (75%); the patient’s mother was
tion (86, 159, 160). Attack rates in susceptible house- the primary contact for 10 patients (42%), and a sibling
hold contacts range from 70 to 100% (1, 31). In the was the contact for 11 patients (46%) (139). In recent
prevaccine era in the United States, the average attack years, a shift in the most common source of infant per-
rate of reported pertussis was 157 per 100,000 popu- tussis infection from mothers to siblings has been ob-
lation (1). With the introduction and widespread use served in the United States (171). Among 1,306 cases of
of whole-cell pertussis vaccines, the attack rate of re- pertussis in infants, a source of infection was identified in
ported pertussis in the United State fell dramatically, 569, and of these, 35.5% were siblings, 20.6% were
to a rate of between 0.5 and 1.0 per 100,000 population mothers, and 10.0% were fathers.

Bordetella pertussis

DIAGNOSIS prior antibiotic use (2). Natural infection with B. per-

Differential Diagnosis tussis is followed by a rise in serum concentrations
Other agents besides B. pertussis which can cause per- of IgA, IgG, and IgM antibodies to specific antigens
tussis-like symptoms include other Bordetella species, (anti-PT and anti-FHA) of the organism (66, 67, 99,
adenovirus, respiratory syncytial virus, bocavirus, other 193–197). Primary immunization induces mainly IgM
respiratory viruses, Mycoplasma pneumoniae, Chla- and IgG, but not IgA, antibodies. Serologic testing for
mydia pneumoniae, Mycobacterium tuberculosis, and B. pertussis infection in the clinical setting is not well
endemic fungi. In addition, sinusitis, gastroesophageal standardized but is widely available in Europe and
reflex, aspirated foreign body, asthma, bacterial pneu- North America (96). Demonstration of a significant
monia, and cystic fibrosis also should be considered increase in antibody values between acute-phase and
as differential diagnoses for a prolonged cough (2, convalescent-phase serum specimens serves as proof of
104). In typical pertussis, however, the clinical diagnosis acute infection. Alternatively, a single serum specimen
should be apparent based on the paroxysmal cough with can be used to demonstrate recent infection (71, 84, 99,
posttussive vomiting and whooping and lack of sig- 103, 198). B. parapertussis infection induces cross-
nificant fever. However, the cause of the illness can be reacting antibodies to B. pertussis FHA; therefore, use of
B. pertussis, B. parapertussis, B. holmesii, and perhaps this antigen alone cannot differentiate B. pertussis from
B. bronchiseptica. The presence of leukocytosis with B. parapertussis infection (196, 199). Not all infected
lymphocytosis in a child with a cough illness or the persons develop antibody responses to PT. In children,
presence of apnea in an infant is a strong indication that approximately 25% lack an adequate response, as do
the illness is caused by B. pertussis and not a different approximately 10% of adolescents and adults (196).
Bordetella sp. (9). Today in clinical practice, the laboratory diagnosis of
pertussis should be approached as follows. In all cases in
Specific Diagnosis which the cough illness is of less than 2 weeks’ duration
Growth of B. pertussis or other Bordetella spp. on ap- in adolescents and adults or 3 weeks’ duration in chil-
propriate culture media confirms the diagnosis. How- dren, a nasopharyngeal specimen should be obtained for
ever, by demonstrating the presence of specific antibodies culture or PCR. In adults who have had cough for more
and, more commonly, by PCR techniques, the diagnosis than 2 weeks’ duration, single-serum ELISA is the pre-
can also be reached. Bordetella spp. can be recovered ferred method provided they have not been immunized
from nasopharyngeal specimens, with the highest prob- against pertussis in the previous 12 months (96). This
ability of isolation within the first 3 weeks of cough (91, method also can be used for children if they have not

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144, 172). In classic disease in children, the culture will been immunized within a year. Serology plays no role in
be positive in approximately 80% of cases if the speci- diagnosing pertussis in infants <6 months of age due to
men is obtained within 2 weeks of the onset of cough and interfering maternal antibodies. At present, many com-
antibiotics have not been administered previously (67, mercial laboratories offer single-serum diagnostic tests
144). for B. pertussis, and almost all the offered tests lack
Since the late 1980s, numerous PCR assays with primers specificity. Any test that employs the whole organism
derived from many different chromosomal regions have is fraught with false-positive results. Tests that report
been developed for the diagnosis of B. pertussis, B. para- specific IgM antibodies also are unreliable. The greatest
pertussis, B. holmesii, and B. bronchiseptica infections, sensitivity and specificity for the serologic diagnosis
and they have been evaluated in multiple studies by com- of B. pertussis infection are achieved by ELISA or an
parison with culture and clinically typical pertussis (85, ELISA-like test with the measurement of IgG and IgA
96, 173–190). PCR has the advantage of having much antibodies to PT. Single high values of IgG or IgA
higher sensitivity than that of conventional culture. At antibodies to PT are indicative of infection (2).
present, the most commonly used primers for the diagnosis
of pertussis include IS481 and IS1001 (2, 10, 180, 188).
False-positive results are a potential problem with the use
of PCR for establishing the diagnosis of pertussis (191, TREATMENT
192). Antibiotics
Diagnosis of B. pertussis with the use of ELISA can Antibiotic therapy for confirmed cases and prophylaxis
be helpful in cases where culture or PCR detection is for close contacts is recommended (200). Early treat-
suboptimal, such as with illness duration of >3 weeks or ment of pertussis with recommended antimicrobials may 7
Nieves and Heininger

ameliorate the severity and reduce the duration of clin- mycin rather than erythromycin (205, 210). Trimetho-
ical symptoms, eliminate B. pertussis from the naso- prim-sulfamethoxazole can be used as an alternative
pharynx, shorten the period of infectivity, and thereby agent in those who cannot tolerate erythromycin (211).
reduce the risk of secondary spread to susceptible in- Table 1 shows the CDC’s published recommended
dividuals. Starting treatment after 3 weeks of paroxys- antimicrobial treatment and postexposure prophylaxis
mal cough does little to change the cough illness in the for pertussis by age group. Erythromycin resistance,
affected individual but accelerates time to culture nega- macrolide resistance, and fluoroquinolone resistance
tivity and decreases spread to others (201). have rarely been found (137, 212–215). No significant
Several antibiotics have in vitro efficacy against macrolide resistance is suspected at this time, but with
B. pertussis (202–205). The first choice for treatment fewer centers using culture methods for diagnosis, we
since the 1970s has been oral erythromycin; it amelio- may not identify emerging resistance patterns quickly
rates the symptoms if it is given early during the course any longer.
of the illness and eliminates the organism from the Patients infected with B. parapertussis and B. holmesii
nasopharynx within a few days, thereby shortening the also can be treated with macrolides, but B. bronchi-
period of contagiousness (203). The dose for children septica usually is resistant to erythromycin, so alterna-
is 40 to 50 mg/kg (of body weight)/day given every 6 tive therapy is necessary (2). B. bronchiseptica strains
(to 8) h for 14 days. A 7-day course of erythromycin usually are sensitive to aminoglycosides, extended-
estolate was shown in a large study in Canada to be as spectrum penicillins, tetracyclines, quinolones, and tri-
efficacious as 14 days of treatment (206). methoprim-sulfamethoxazole.
The newer macrolides azithromycin (10 mg/kg on day
1 and 5 mg/kg on days 2 to 5 as a single dose for 5 days Supportive Care
for children) and clarithromycin (15 to 20 mg/kg/day In addition to antibiotic therapy, supportive care is a
in two divided doses for 7 days for children) also can mainstay of pertussis management, especially in hos-
be expected to be effective (200, 205). Although rare, pitalized patients. This includes proper hydration and
the use of erythromycin in young infants is associated nutrition as well as avoidance of factors that provoke
with hypertrophic pyloric stenosis, so parents need to be coughing attacks. In the hospital, gentle suction to remove
educated about the symptoms of this potential risk secretions and well-humidified oxygen may be required,
(207–209). Because of this risk, the Centers for Disease particularly for infants with pneumonia and significant
Control and Prevention (CDC) and several European respiratory distress. In severe infections, assisted ventila-
authorities recommend treating neonates with azithro- tion may be necessary.

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TABLE 1 Recommended antimicrobial treatment and postexposure prophylaxis for pertussis, by age group

Primary agents
Alternate agent,
Age group Azithromycin Erythromycin Clarithromycin TMP-SMZa
<1 mo Recommended agent. 10 mg/kg Not preferred. Associated Not recommended (safety Contraindications for infants
per day in a single dose for with infantile hypertrophic data unavailable) ages <2 mo (risk for
5 days (limited safety data pyloric stenosis. Use if kernicterus)
available) azithromycin is unavailable;
40–50 mg/kg per day in 4
divided doses for 14 days
1–5 mo 10 mg/kg per day in a single 40–50 mg/kg per day in 4 15 mg/kg per day in 2 divided Contraindicated at age <2 mo.
dose for 5 days divided doses for 14 days doses for 7 days For infants aged >2 mo, TMP
at 8 mg/kg per day and SMZ
at 40 mg/kg per day in 2
divided doses for 14 days
Infants (aged 10 mg/kg in a single dose on 40–50 mg/kg per day 15 mg/kg per day in 2 divided TMP at 8 mg/kg per day and
>6 mo) and day 1 and then 5 mg/kg per day (maximum: 2 g per day) in doses (maximum: 1 g per day) SMZ at 40 mg/kg per day in
children (maximum: 500 mg) on days 4 divided doses for 14 days for 7 days 2 divided doses for 14 days
Adults 500 mg in a single dose on day 1 2 g per day in 4 divided doses 1 g per day in 2 divided doses TMP at 320 mg per day and
then 250 mg per day on days for 14 days for 7 days SMZ at 1,600 mg per day in
2–5 2 divided doses for 14 days
aTrimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole (TMP-SMZ) can be used as an alternate to macrolides in patients aged ≥2 months who are allergic to macrolides, who cannot tolerate

macrolides, or who are infected with a rare macrolide-resistant strain of Bordetella pertussis.

Bordetella pertussis

Infants who develop severe pulmonary hypertension PREVENTION

and develop respiratory and cardiovascular failure re- Immunization
spond poorly to vasodilators and frequently require
Whole-cell vaccines (DTwP)
extracorporeal membrane oxygenation. Data suggest
The first pertussis vaccines were developed in the 1920s,
that refractory pulmonary hypertension results from
and effective vaccines have enjoyed worldwide use
the extreme leukocytosis with lymphocytosis; hence,
since the late 1940s (1, 2, 31). From 1943 to 1976, a 150-
WBC-reducing measures such as exchange transfusion
fold reduction in the pertussis attack rate was noted in
(ET) could be life-saving (61, 127, 129, 216–218). ET
association with widespread childhood pertussis immu-
may be better than leukofiltration because it poten-
nization in the United States. However, concerns for as-
tially also removes circulating PT, which inhibits other
sociation with SIDS and “vaccine encephalopathy” led to
G proteins that might also contribute to cardiac or
avoidance of a whole-cell pertussis component in diph-
pulmonary failure, in addition to reducing the WBC
theria-tetanus- pertussis combination vaccines (DTwP) in
many countries. The connection with SIDS or “vaccine
However, data on the effectiveness of ET are lacking.
encephalopathy” with DTwP has been refuted since (2,
A retrospective analysis of 10 young infants in Cali-
91, 226). However, DTwP immunization is associated
fornia (2005 to 2011) indicated that 5 died and 5 sur-
with many local and systemic side effects (redness and
vived (218). All infants had WBC counts of ≥62,000
induration at the injection site, fever, drowsiness, fret-
cells/mm3, and all were intubated. Nine of the 10 had
fulness, vomiting, anorexia, and persistent crying), high-
pneumonia. The median WBC count among fatal cases
pitched unusual crying in 0.1%, convulsions in 0.06%,
was 76,000/mm3, and it was 82,000/mm3 among cases
and hypotonic-hyporesponsive episodes in 0.06% (59).
with survivors. All five infants who died had pulmo-
nary hypertension, shock/hypotension, and pneumonia;
four of five had organ failure; three of five received Acellular Vaccines (DTaP and Tdap)
extracorporeal membrane oxygenation; and none had The adverse reactions associated with whole-cell per-
seizures. tussis component vaccines led to the development of
A literature review revealed limited further data acellular pertussis component combination (DTaP) vac-
on ET, but the conclusion was that WBC reduction cines, which were less frequently associated with adverse
was most successful when done early in the course of events but were also associated with reduced effective-
a complicated illness, as in patients already suffering ness. Research in the 1970s showed that three B. per-
significant complications, presumably very little could tussis antigens (PT, FHA, and LPS) were liberated into

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change the course of illness. In our opinion, ET for the medium during culture and that these antigens could
management of very severe pertussis in young infants be concentrated and separated by density gradient cen-
is a biologically sound procedure and the decision for trifugation (31, 227, 228). This finding allowed for the
ET should be based on the early appearance of pneu- development and production of acellular vaccines with
monia, the presence of pulmonary hypertension, and minimal or no LPS and different amounts of PT, FHA,
the rapidity in the rise of the WBC count (145, 218, FIM 2, and PRN (228–231). Efficacy trials showed that
219). three- and four-component vaccines (containing PRN
The use of corticosteroids in the treatment of pertussis and FIM as well as PT and FHA) had greater efficacy
has received attention (220, 221). Cortisone treatment in than PT or PT-FHA vaccines (2, 91, 232). Currently,
the murine model of pertussis increased the mortality two vaccines are routinely used in the United States and
rate (222). In a study by Roberts and associates (223), throughout much of the world. Because DTaP vaccines
dexamethasone treatment did not shorten the course do not contain LPS, they are less reactogenic than DTwP
of hospitalization compared with that for untreated vaccines. Temporally related persistent crying, hypo-
controls. tonic-hyporesponsive episodes, and seizures were rare
The use of salbutamol has also been suggested as events after receipt of immunization with DTaP vaccines
having some value, but no benefit was noted in three in the efficacy trials (91, 232, 233).
studies reviewed by Bettiol and coworkers (220, 224). In ∼2005, two acellular pertussis component, diph-
Pillay and Swingler (225) reviewed the symptomatic theria, and tetanus toxoid vaccines (Tdap vaccines) be-
treatment of pertussis and found no statistically signifi- came available for use in adolescents and adults (234–
cant benefit for the use of diphenhydramine, dexa- 239). Both vaccines elicit vigorous antibody responses to
methasone, or salbutamol. the antigens that they contain after a single dose. 9
Nieves and Heininger

DTaP vaccines were adopted for routine use in infants studies, maternal anti-pertussis antibodies are short lived,
and young children in many countries in the late 1990s, repeat vaccines are safe and well tolerated, and vacci-
and the use of DTwP vaccines was discontinued. In nating during the third trimester (optimally at weeks 30
many of the same countries, Tdap vaccines have been to 32 of pregnancy) would provide the highest antibody
put into routine use in preadolescents and adolescents transfer and protection to the newborn (252–259).
and are selectively used in adults. Moreover, one recent study showed lower median
cord blood PT, FHA, and PRN IgG antibody values
Immunization schedules, recommendations, in 20 infants with PCR-confirmed pertussis before
and contraindications 6 months of age than for 80 age-matched control in-
Although there are many different schedules in use fants (10.5 versus 13.5 IU/ml for anti-PT, 14.5 versus
throughout the world for both DTaP and DTP vaccines, 18.0 IU/ml for anti-FHA, and 6.0 versus 9.0 IU/ml for
the most frequently used schedules in infants are a pri- anti-PRN). These findings support the concept of in-
mary series at 6, 10, and 14 weeks (expanded program fant protection by maternal antibodies and the strategy
on immunization by the WHO) and 2, 4, and 6 months. of pertussis booster immunization in pregnant women
In the United States and some other countries, booster (253). A case-control study in England and Wales be-
doses of DTaP are given during the first half of the sec- tween October 2012 and July 2013 evaluating infants
ond year of life and at 4 to 6 years of age. Other primary <8 weeks of age at onset with pertussis infection found
schedules used in some countries rely on 2 doses in the that the mothers of 10 infected infants (17%) and 39
first year of life (given at 2 and 4 or 3 and 5 months of controls (71%) had received pertussis vaccine in preg-
age) followed by a third dose at 11 or 12 months of age. nancy, giving an unadjusted vaccine effectiveness of
Tdap schedules vary considerably throughout the 91% and an adjusted effectiveness of 93% (260). In
world and are also changing. The most common recom- their study of 33 pregnant women who received Tdap
mendation is for universal immunization of preadolescents between 30 and 32 weeks, Munoz et al. found no Tdap-
and adolescents and the selective immunization of adults. associated serious adverse events in women or infants,
Various “cocooning” programs have been or are being and growth and development were similar in the treat-
established (240–247). These programs include immuni- ment and placebo infant groups (249). Injection site
zation of mothers-to-be during the 2nd or 3rd trimester of and systemic reactogenicity rates in pregnant women
pregnancy, postpartum immunization of the mother who were not significantly different from those observed
was not immunized during pregnancy, and immunization among postpartum or nonpregnant women. In a large
of the father, grandparents, and siblings (cocooning California retrospective observational cohort study of

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strategy). women with singleton pregnancies that ended in live
In July 2010, the California Department of Public birth, Tdap during pregnancy was not associated with
Health recommended use of Tdap vaccine in pregnant increased risk of hypertensive disorders of pregnancy
women (248). In June 2011, the Advisory Committee or preterm or small-for-gestational-age birth, although
on Immunization Practices (ACIP) recommended Tdap a small but statistically significant increased risk of
vaccine after 20 weeks of pregnancy for those who pre- chorioamnionitis was observed (adjusted relative ratio,
viously had not received Tdap (240). Pregnant women 1.19) (261). Another large single-center retrospective
were immunized after delivery, prior to discharge from study comparing pregnancy outcomes between those
the hospital. Munoz et al. showed that maternal vacci- who accepted or declined Tdap at 32 weeks of gestation
nation during pregnancy is associated with significantly found no increase in chorioamnionitis in vaccinated
higher levels of pertussis antibodies (including antibody women (262). There was also no difference in stillbirths,
to PT) at birth and at 2 months, both in mothers and in major malformations, 5-min Apgar score, cord blood
infants (249). Antibody to PT prevents all but mild ill- pH, or neonatal complications, including ventilation
ness in children (250). Antibody to the A subunit of PT requirements, sepsis, intraventricular hemorrhage, or
in the sera of young infants born to pregnant women death. Morgan et al. also compared women who re-
vaccinated during pregnancy prevents severe leukocy- ceived Tdap vaccination during the current and a prior
tosis with lymphocytosis in these infants (2). pregnancy in the past 5 years compared with multi-
Due to waning antibody, current recommendations parous women who received Tdap only in the current
are to immunize again with each subsequent pregnancy. pregnancy, and no difference in neonatal outcomes was
In 2012, the ACIP voted to recommend use of Tdap noted, pointing to the safety of repeated Tdap adminis-
during every pregnancy (251). Based on antibody kinetic tration with subsequent pregnancies (262).

Bordetella pertussis

There is concern regarding maternal Tdap immuniza- WHY THE RESURGENCE OF PERTUSSIS?
tion and the blunting of the immune response of the infant There have been several possible reasons postulated for
to the primary immunization series. This was addressed the resurgence of reported pertussis. These include mo-
in a recent study by Hardy-Fairbanks et al. (258). They lecular changes in the organism and increased awareness
reported that in the critical period of susceptibility from and diagnostic capabilities, as well as lessened vaccine
birth to 2 months of age, the pertussis antibody in infants efficacy and waning immunity (74, 272). Of these, evi-
of mothers vaccinated with Tdap during pregnancy dence of waning immunity with current vaccines and
remained higher than those of control infants (3.2- to schedules (273) and targeted immunization to protect
22.8-fold greater). Even though antibody to pertussis susceptible and fragile populations have been the main
antigens was lower in the Tdap group after the primary public health challenges.
series, there was not a notable difference before and after There is evidence that the switch from whole-cell
the booster DTaP at 12 to 18 months. Hence, maternal pertussis vaccines to acellular products has led to more
Tdap immunization offered infants protection during the rapidly waning immunity and, as a result, an upsurge in
most vulnerable period, when morbidity and mortality pertussis cases. A recent study after the 2012 Washington
associated with infant pertussis is the greatest. state pertussis epidemic looked at Tdap vaccine efficacy
Another approach is to immunize infants at birth, and duration of protection. It was a matched case-control
followed by an accelerated schedule; this should provide study which included adolescents 11 to 19 years of
some early protection and prevent deaths. However, age with suspected, probable, and confirmed pertussis.
there is also concern that immunization at birth blunts Among adolescents who received all-acellular vaccines,
the subsequent immune response of the infant following the investigators concluded that overall, Tdap vaccine
the routine schedule at 2, 4, and 6 months (263–267). effectiveness was 73% at 1 year and declined to 34% at
This approach has not been adopted. Tiwari et al. ana- 2 to 4 years (274). In Wisconsin’s 2012 pertussis out-
lyzed fatal and nonfatal pertussis cases in infants and break, a similar study was done also looking at vaccine
found that the first pertussis vaccine dose and antibiotic effectiveness of Tdap for preventing pertussis among
treatment protect against death, hospitalization, and adolescents during a statewide outbreak of pertussis. The
pneumonia (268). Compared with no vaccine doses, investigators found that Tdap effectiveness in preventing
the receipt of a ≥1 pertussis vaccine doses was strongly laboratory-confirmed pertussis during the 2012 state-
protective against fatal pertussis (odds ratio, 0.17; 95% wide outbreak decreased rapidly with increasing time
confidence interval, 0.08 to 0.6). since Tdap receipt, with values of 75.3%, 68.2%,
Over the years, pertussis vaccine recommendations 34.5%, and 11.9% among those who received Tdap

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have undergone many changes. In the United States, during 2012, 2011, 2010, and 2009/2008, respectively
the most recent recommendations of the Committee on (275). Both studies revealed waning protection, indicat-
Infectious Diseases of the American Academy of Pedi- ing that it is likely is a major contributor to increasing
atrics and the ACIP generally should be followed (200, pertussis incidence in this age group. A recent meta-
269). Contraindications to pertussis vaccine include se- analysis of studies that contained a measure of long-term
vere allergic reaction after a previous dose or to a vac- immunity to pertussis after 3 or 5 doses of DTaP found
cine component or encephalopathy not attributable to evidence of waning immunity and estimated that the
another cause within 7 days of vaccination. Precautions average duration of vaccine protection from DTaP is ap-
include moderate or severe illness with or without fever, proximately 3 years, assuming 85% vaccine efficacy
Guillain-Barré syndrome within 6 weeks of a prior dose (276).
of vaccine, Arthus-type reaction, progressive or unstable Factors thought to be most important relating to
neurologic disorder, uncontrolled seizures, or prog- DTaP vaccine failure are the decay of antibody over time;
ressive encephalopathy until a treatment regimen has a TH1/TH2 response (those who were primed by DTaP)
been established and the condition stabilized (270). Pre- versus a TH1, TH17 cellular response (those who were
cautions specifically listed for either whole-cell DTP primed in infancy by infection or DTP); incomplete an-
or DTaP include temperature of ≥105°F within 48 h not tigen package; incorrect balance of antigens in the vac-
attributable to another identifiable cause, collapse, or cine; linked-epitope suppression; and the occurrence of
shock-like state (hypotonic hyporesponsive episode) pertactin-deficient Bordetella pertussis strains (73, 76,
within 48 h, persistent crying lasting greater than or 277–279).
equal to 3 h occurring within 48 h, and convulsions with To protect those at greatest risk from this disease,
or without fever within 3 days (271). several strategies have been put into place. Cocooning 11
Nieves and Heininger

by immunizing those around unimmunized babies was of age was 25.9% in 2012, despite widely known re-
recommended. Teenagers were boosted with Tdap after commendations for household contact immunization
the rise of teens as a source of pertussis was seen. Many (284).
adults (pregnant mothers and those who live with or In 2010, there were 10 infant deaths for the 9,120
care for young children) got a dose of Tdap. How- cases of pertussis reported in the United States. In 2014,
ever, there are still no recommendations of repeat or only 3 infant deaths were reported despite >10,000 no-
booster vaccines for adults who recently got a Tdap tified cases of pertussis. This may be in part due to the
vaccination, despite evidence that antibody wanes after ACIP recommendation in 2011, when Tdap during
2 to 3 years. Natural infection also does not result in pregnancy was recommended in an effort to protect
lasting immunity. pregnant women and their infants (240, 285).
Since 2006, the ACIP has recommended targeted With now ample evidence of the safety and immu-
immunization of postpartum women and close contacts nogenicity of Tdap during pregnancy, pertussis immu-
of infants (104). However, Tdap immunization of post- nization rates during pregnancy are <20%, despite the
partum women alone was shown to not be sufficient to strong recommendation by the ACIP for maternal im-
reduce pertussis illness in infants ≤6 months of age (242). munization (286, 287). In a study by the CDC in 16
Pertussis contacts are often siblings and other household states and New York City participating in the Pregnancy
members. With this in mind, various cocooning pro- Risk Assessment Monitoring System supplemental data
grams have been or are being established (240–247). collection, the median proportions of women with live
However, successful comprehensive immunization is births from September to December 2011 who reported
difficult to achieve. These programs include postpartum receiving Tdap vaccination before pregnancy, during
immunization of the mother, the father, grandparents, pregnancy, and after delivery were 13.9%, 9.8% and
and siblings and immunization of mothers-to-be during 30.9%, respectively (288). They also found that vac-
the 2nd or 3rd trimester of pregnancy. A California cination coverage was lower for non-Hispanic black
study where Tdap vaccine was offered during visiting women, those with Medicaid health care coverage for
hours to contacts 7 years of age and older and to post- prenatal care, and those starting prenatal care after
partum patients who had not received Tdap during the first trimester of pregnancy. Implementing prenatal
pregnancy later estimated on the basis of retrospective vaccination in the United States has been difficult due
phone interviews that 84.8% of all family members re- to financial concerns such as cost of vaccine, vaccine
ceived Tdap and 76% of households reported a com- storage and maintenance, and inadequate reimburse-
plete cocoon, while for the control group, only 52.2% ment (286, 289). A study in Wisconsin showed that a

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and 29.3%, respectively, were immunized (280). How- health care provider recommendation and offer of vac-
ever, cocooning strategies require significant financial cination are among the strongest predictors of whether
and human resources and are difficult to implement; a woman will be vaccinated during pregnancy. After
therefore, many programs have not reported such suc- the February 2013 ACIP recommendation, Tdap vacci-
cess (281). nation of pregnant women in Wisconsin steadily in-
A study in the greater Houston metropolitan area creased. The percentage of women who received Tdap
expanding access to free Tdap vaccine to contacts (aside during pregnancy increased from 13.8% of women de-
from mothers) of young infants did not show reduced livering during January 2013 (63.1% of whom received
severe pertussis in infants (282). In fact, the investigators Tdap 2 to 13 weeks before delivery) to 51.0% of women
found that the age at diagnosis of pertussis actually de- delivering during March 2014 (90.9% of whom received
creased after maternal postpartum immunization and Tdap 2 to 13 weeks before delivery) (290). During
cocooning were introduced, and more infants were ad- the 2014 California epidemic, of 211 infants aged <4
mitted to the intensive care unit, possibly reflecting the months whose mothers’ Tdap immunization histories
increased awareness about the need for close monitoring were available, only 17% had mothers who reported
for pertussis complications. A Washington state study receiving Tdap at 27 to 36 weeks’ gestation during the
looking at the impact of the 2012 pertussis epidemic most recent pregnancy (7).
on infant vaccination did not find a difference in state- Studies comparing the cost benefit of cocooning strat-
wide up-to-date status between time points preepidemic, egies versus immunization of pregnant women have
during the epidemic, or postepidemic (283). National been favorable towards immunizing pregnant women.
pertussis immunization coverage for adults 19 to 64 This strategy is felt to prevent a larger number of per-
years of age who reported living with an infant <1 year tussis cases, hospitalizations, and deaths in infants

Bordetella pertussis

<1 year old while also being more cost-effective (291, 7. Winter K, Glaser C, Watt J, Harriman K, Centers for Disease Control
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ACKNOWLEDGMENTS tracheobronchitis: effects of an intranasal live canine parainfluenza-
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UH is a member of The Global Pertussis Initiative (GPI) which
bronchitis (kennel cough). Am J Vet Res 42:1694–1698.
is supported by Sanofi Pasteur SA. The views and opinions

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